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April 2016, № 4 (192)

Egoshina T.L., Luginina E.A., Kirillov D.V. MEDICINAL PLANTS AND FUNGI IN FOLK MEDICINE OF KIROV REGION: USAGE PECULIARITIES AND RESOURCESThe study of plants used by local population in different regions is an effective, efficient and promising way of search of new substances for obtaining new medications and safe preventive remedies. Revealing of species composition, use of plants by population, and study of plant resources aiming estimation of economical use and criteria of rational use, are especially relevant in Russia where more than 70 % of population uses herbs for treatment and collects plant raw material. Data were collected in Kirov region in 1981—2005 with use of in-depth interviews, personal interviews of the locals and questionnaire survey analyses. Analyses of data on plants and fungi used in folk medicine of Kirov region allowed defining 93 species of plants from 41 families and 11 fungi species from 7 families. The largest number of the used species belong to families Asteraceae — 11.5 %; Ranunculaceae — 8.3 %; Lamiaceae — 6.2 %; Caryophyllaceae — 5.2 % from total number of species. Both officinal plants (for instance, species from genus Hypericum, Filipendula ulmaria, and Paeonia anomala) and species not included in official medicine are used in regional folk medicine. The most popular folk medicinal plants are: Campanula glomerata, Carlina biebersteinii, Centaurea sumensis, Chimaphila umbellata, Equisetum fluviatile, Mentha arvensis, Moneses uniflora, Potentilla argenthea, Polygala comosa, and Hylotelephium maximum. These species can be offered for primary studies. The investigation showed that the use of majority of species (55.9 %) in Kirov region is a bit more limited than marked in literature but, in general, it corresponds with the experience of other folk medicines. There are some peculiarities in use of some species (19.4 %) which therapeutical effect has not been marked previously by literature data. 3 species of plants are marked as medicinal for the first time: Campanula latifolia, Centaurea sumensis, and Dryopteris austriaca. Key words: medicinal plants, fungi, folk medicine, usage, resources, protection.


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About this article

Authors: Egoshina T.L., Luginina E.A., Kirillov D.V.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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