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April 2016, № 4 (192)

Arakelov A.V., Arakelovа Yu.A., Aliyeva M.F. TRAINING OF THE MODERN TEACHER IN THE CONDITIONS OF REALIZATION OF NOT PEDAGOGICAL DIRECTIONS OF TRAINING OF THE BACHELOR IN CLASSICAL HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONAt present educational institutions raise a question of staffing educational process since there are acute problems in system of training of the contemporary highly professional teacher. This is explained by many factors, including transformation and reorganization of specialized higher education institutions to classical universities in Russia, decrease in prestige of a teacher's profession, presentation of new modern requirements to the teacher, transition from a specialist program to two-level system of the higher education — a bachelor degree and magistracy, conditions of the organization of educational process in higher education institution according to Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education and Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education, the approval of the Professional Standard "The Pedagogue (Pedagogical Activity in Preschool, Primary General, Main General, Secondary General Education) (the Tutor, the Teacher)". In modern conditions of education modernization, there is a need for training of a teacher of new school in classical higher education institution, in the conditions of implementation of Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education in non-pedagogical directions of the bachelor training. In particular, to prepare the bachelor in non-pedagogical direction Physics for pedagogical and educational kinds of activity, we should change the contents and fill the main educational bachelor degree program by disciplines of methodical and psychology-pedagogical cycles, as well as to implement an educational program of complementary professional retraining in the field of pedagogical activity (with the obligatory organization of student teaching practice and introduction of the following disciplines: the organization of a modern lesson, the equipment of physical laboratory, innovative methods of training and modern pedagogical technologies in education, electronic educational resources in professional activity of the teacher, standard legal base of the educational environment, etc.). Implementation of the proposed solution (training of students in two integrated plans: training of the bachelor of the non-pedagogical direction connected with basic learning a subject, as well as with complementary professional retraining in the field of pedagogical activity) will allow creation of a system of preparation of pedagogical staff for modern school in the classical university.Key words: pedagogical activity, educational activity, modernization of education, bachelor training, pedagogue training, teacher training, modern school, modern teacher, educational process, education, professional standard, pedagogical education.


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About this article

Authors: Alieva M.F., Arakelova Yu.A., Arakelov A.V.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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