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April 2016, № 4 (192)

Kucherenko M.A. DEVELOPMENT OF INDEPENDENT WORK IN PHYSICS ON THE BASIS OF THE SEMANTIC STRATEGIES OF READING Such competences as "the learning and self-education capacity" and "the ability to search, process and analyse information received from various sources" are formed in extracurricular and individual independent work of a student in Physics. In terms of the analysis methods of operating results, a questionnaire survey and self-reporting the following things are identified and analysed: the methods and forms of implementation by a student of such academic objective as "self-study section of the discipline "Physics" on the basis of ready strategies in the work with training information"; the quality of learning outcomes and their correlation with a set of methods and means of performing the academic objective; motivational, operational and emotional-axiological components of the educational activity; the psychological readiness of a student to work independently. The result is that the dominant motive of independent work is achieving results and its improvement, while the motives of intellectual-cognitive plan are not important factors in its effectiveness for a student-future engineer. It is obtained that the arsenal of techniques and tools to work with the learning information is limited to the notes of the training material without any conversion and interpretation of educational texts, and without identifying implicit information, linking and mapping of thematic material from different sources, without filling the "semantic wells", formulation of findings, conclusions and generalizations. It is concluded that students have difficulties in classification, comparison and synthesis of knowledge which is important for the implementation of elementary-systemic concepts in their further professional activities. The stable correlation between the teaching strategies and results of the final and current control in Physics is identified. The problem of improving independent work in Physics is addressed through application of the arsenal of hermeneutic tools aimed at organizing the process of understanding the educational information in the self-organized, diverse in character text activity based on the methods of phenomenology, psychology, psycholinguistics, semantics and semiotics. The model of organization of self-educational activity of a student is implemented through the development of the workshop "Independent Work with the Educational Text in Physics", which is focused on all the components of the content of education at the university and provides an extension of the subjective experience of a student in the process of applying strategies of the semantic reading for self-development of the sections in the discipline "Physics".Key words: general cultural competence, general professional competence, independent work of a student in Physics, personal-activity approach, hermeneutic-phenomenological approach, semantic reading, strategies of the semantic reading.


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About this article

Author: Kucherenko M.A.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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