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April 2016, № 4 (192)

Slizkova E.V., Derecha I.I. BACHELORS TO ORGANIZE SUMMER TEACHING PRACTICE IN SUMMER CAMPSImplementation of the state order to reform the higher education system in Russia involves the implementation of innovative approaches to organization of educational process, including manufacturing practices, among which a significant place is a summer psycho-pedagogical practice in children's recreation camps. Children's leisure is another area that has received particular attention in the Concept of the Federal target program of education development for 2016—2020, the approved order of the Government of the Russian Federation from December 29, 2014 No. 2765-R. the complexity of the situation is that still not found the answer to the question: how to improve the quality of training of bachelors to the organization of the summer psychological-pedagogical practice in children's recreation camps. With this purpose on the basis of Ishim pedagogical Institute P.P. Ershov (branch), Tyumen state University, realized the author's model of staged bachelor experimentally proven, through discipline: "Instructive-methodological camp" and "preparing for the summer pedagogical practice, curriculum directions and profiles of training (44.03.01 "Teacher education", 44.03.02 "Psycho-pedagogical education"), developed in accordance with GEF. The authors prove that the performance of the model that includes the stages: organizational and informational, practical and outcome, is determined by the implementation of axiological and system-activity approaches, using the method of immersion using interactive technologies in the context of networking, the solution of practice-oriented case studies. The experimental work allows, firstly, to raise the level of quality of preparation of bachelors in the conditions of the University, and secondly, bachelors successfully organize the educational process in child's health camp with use of the project activity, advanced technology education, thirdly, the author's model can be adapted to the specific conditions of the higher school taking into account the peculiarities of preparation of bachelors at the University.Key words: pedagogical practice, children's health camp, educational process, educational work, forms of education.


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About this article

Authors: Slizkova E.V., Derecha I.I.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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