№ 2 (138), 2012
Gladkih V.G., Zheltikova I.A. A PROBLEM OF CREATIVE SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF VOCATIONAL SCHOOL INSTRUCTORThis article characterizes the role of an individual potential as an important source for the professional schools development. The pedagogical essence of the teacher's self-identity and the interaction of creativity and activity self-development is analyzed in this work.Key words: creativity, self-development, vocational training instructor.
Kolosova T.A. COPING AS A FACTOR IN THE SUCCESSFUL ADAPTATION MENTALLY RETARDED TEENAGERSIn article the problem of adaptable potential of teenagers with intellectual backwardness is considered. As one of factors of successful adaptation the effective coping-behavior is resulted. Formation of effective strategy coping-behavior in many respects depends on character of children-parental relations.Key words: Intellectual backwardness, adaptation, strategy coping-behavior, children-parental relations.
Moroz V.V. CREATIVITY AS HUMAN SCIENCES INTERDISCIPLINARY PHENOMENON The article reveals the importance of creativity, though it has not been thoroughly defined yet. The key feature of creativity is the ability to transform. Values, emotions and motivation are considered to be the factors influencing creativity.Key words: creativity, emotions, values, motivation.
Pyryev E.A. EMOTIONS IN THE SYSTEM OF A PSYCHIC REFLECTION AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOTIVATIONIn the article based on large theoretical and experimental volume of information, the prior role of emotions during psychological reality reflection is proved. New imagination of theprior role of emotions allows to evaluate it as the motivational base of humans' behavior. The incentive function of emotions is showed as alternative of the cognitive reflection and motivation.Key words: motivation, psychic reflection, emotion, thinking.
Humanitarian sciences
Antonova O.V. INTERSUBJECT COMMUNICATION IN THE INTONATION AND SPEECH CULTURE DEVELOPMENT FOR THE STUDENTS IN LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGEThe potential of subjects and disciplines to their interdisciplinary communication is looked up in this article. Interdisciplinary communications are implemented in various forms of organization of educational and extracurricular activities. Intersubject communication is established between foreign languages, sociology, philosophy, and Russian.Key words: interdisciplinary communication, the potential learning activities, intonation and speech culture.
Ariutkina S.V. FORMATION OF GENERALIZED TECHNIQUE OF PRIORITY KINDS OF MATHEMATICAL ACTIVITY IN PUPILS OF SPECIALIST CLASSES AND SCHOOLSThis article describes the process of formation of generalized technique of priority kinds of mathematical activity in pupils of specialist classes and schools which are determined in accordance of teaching mathematics pupils of classes and schools of three main profile divections (humane, applied and mathematical).Key words: mathematical activity of pupils, generalized technique of mathematical activity, profiling education.
Ahmedyanova G.F. FORMING PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE ON THE BASIS OF PEDAGOGIC PLANNING (DESIGNING) AND ORGANIZING ACADEMIC ACTIVITYThe article presents the investigation of pedagogic planning (designing) phenomenon. Its role is gaining more and more importance with the increase of a competence approach. The process of planning (designing) the modular strategy of teaching on the basis of coordinating technological and creative components of academic activity is considered as a specific application. Key words: competence, pedagogic planning(designing), pedagogic technology, creativity, strategy of teaching, metasystem approach.
Baranov. V.V., Belonovskaja I.D., Chepasov V.I. THE FACTORIAL ANALYSIS AS TOOLKIT OF PEDAGOGICAL KNOWLEDGE OF PROCESSES OF SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF THE STUDENT UNIVERSITY COMPLEXThe resulted productive quantitative and qualitative methods of research of processes of self-development. The correctness and applicability of the factorial analysis as toolkit of pedagogical knowledge of self-development processes is confirmed. As research materials materials of questioning of students of a university complex acted. On the basis of the factorial analysis minimization of the text of questionnaires is spent and the laws defining base factors of process of self-development of students are revealed. Key words: self-development, the factorial analysis, the correlation analysis, toolkit of pedagogical knowledge, questioning, students of a university complex.
Buharova G.D., Starikova L.D., Bulynskij N.N. PEDAGOGICAL REFERENCE POINTS THE NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL INITIATIVE "OUR NEW SCHOOL" In article pedagogical aspects of realization of the educational initiative "Our new school" are considered. Treatments of principles of training and education in a competence channel the approach defined as methodological in given project are presented. Problems of the educational initiative and the basic measures under their successful decision in the conditions of the Russian validity are concretized. Key words: the educational initiative, training, education, the competence, school.
Gabidullin I.F., Yamaletdinova C.Sh. FROM EXPERIENCE TRAINING IN QUALITY MANAGEMENT TRAINING TO CITIZENSHIP STUDENTS UB OSUThe problem of ensuring the quality of education in developed countries. An example of the basic educational program in the specialty "Quality Management" at the Ufa branch of the Orenburg State University. As an example of the results release in 2011.Key words: education, a quality management system model.
Gilazieva S.R. FIGURES FROM PROFESSIONAL-PHYSICAL COMPETITION ADULT POPULATIONReconsideration of the purpose and physical training problems in system of continuous formation and on manufacture. It is necessary to place in a new fashion accents in curriculums on physical training, having reconsidered those their parts, which are focused on sports formation, that is increase in volume of knowledge, comprehension of essence of culture, understanding value of interrelation of requirements and activity in all-round and harmonious development of the person. Key words: health, improvement of society, physical development, optimization of a functional condition.
Gorokhov P.A., Keidiy K.Z. SOME ASPECTS OF THE HISTORY OF THE "SELF"-PROBLEM IN THE PHILOSOPHICAL CONTEXT OF IDENTITYThis article extends the author's concept of rotation, which occurred in the understanding of the problem of "self" in the transition from Antic times and the medieval philosophy to modern times. The "self" is treated as a coordinated regulation of ontogenetic development of self-consciousness, but also as a symbol of the principle of personal development.Key words: Self, identity, existence, existence, category of "I" and "not-I", self-indentation.
Ishakova E.N., Medvedeva M.V. MODEL OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES BACHELORS AND MASTERS IN THE FIELD OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERINGIn article the technology of construction of model of development competencies bachelors and masters in the field of software engineering through vocational training is presented.Key words: development model competencies, a matrix competencies, software engineering.
Kabisheva M.I. TECHNOIOGIES OF MAINTENANCE OF PROFESSIONAL CONDITIONED DESTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS OF ECONOMIC SPECIALITIESThe demand of working out of technology of preventive maintenance professional destructions is defined. The directions of preventive maintenance realized in high school are presented. Scientific positions offered in work have interdisciplinary character that allows to use them in the field of vocational training for students of economics specialities in the various educational institutions of an economic profile having chairs of physical training, pedagogics, psychology, preventive medicine.Key words: professional competency, professional destructions, technologies of maintenance.
Kargapoltseva N.A. PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTS OF SOCIALIZING ENVIRONMENT OF HUMANITARIAN TRANSFORMATIONSSome sides of educational humanitarian environment of personality's social growing up, which are practiced in the process of directed pedagogical realization of personality developing potential of humanitarian approach are described in the article.Key words: humanitarization, personality's socialization educational environment, understanding, tolerance, forgiveness.
Kayasova T.A. THE STUDY OF THE CONCEPT "WORLD OF CHILDHOOD. FRIENDSHIP" IN INTEGRATED CLASSES AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOLIn this article the teacher talks about the necessity of learning the concepts in primary school. Integrative lessons of Humanities help to create an all-round personality, to form the vocabulary of pupils. Using the entity topic forms the row of concepts, which will help to unite the lessons of literature and the Russian language.Key words: concepts, integrative lessons, all-round personality.
Klimova T.V. WORLD PRACTICES OF CRITICAL THINKING FORMING The paper describes practices of critical thinking development and practical tasks that can be used to create the ability to assess knowledge and realize the difference between knowing terms and understanding their meaning.Key words: critical thinking, technology, techniques.
Komarova I.V. THE INTERACTIVE EDUCATIONAL INTERACTION OF THE TEENAGERS IN THE PROCESS OF TEACHINGThe essential characteristics of the teenagers' interactive educational interaction in the process of teaching are observed in the article. Such notions as "interaction", "interactivity", "interaction's ability", "interactive techniques as a complex of interactive forms, methods and means of education" are analysed in order to sum up the existing knowledge on the subject matter.Key words: innovation, interaction, interactivity, interaction's ability, interactive learning, interactive educational interaction.
Kostrukov A.V. GRAPHIC CULTURE AS A MEAN TO DEVELOP STUDENTS' EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIESThe article describes teaching methodologies for graphical disciplines. The technologies aim at forming students' readiness for self-instruction when having continuous studies of graphical disciplines.Key words: engineering graphics, graphic culture.
Kuznetsov V.V. EMOTIONAL AND MORAL EDUCATION OF FUTURE WORKERS IN THE SYSTEM OF PRIMARY AND HIGH EDUCATIONThe article deals with our modern scientists principles of future workers emotional and moral education condition in vocational schools, lyceums and colleges.Key words: Emotional education, moral education, vocational school, vocational lyceum, methodology of professional education, professional and educational activity.
Kuznetsova E.G. ON THE FORMATION OF VALUE ORIENTATIONS IN ADOLESCENTSThe article deals with the formation of value orientations of adolescents, the results of investigations of value orientations of teenagers; review of the components, mechanisms and models of value formation.Key words: value orientation, the components of value orientations, the mechanism of value orientations, value-regulatory model of the formation of value orientations.
Matveikina V.P. MODEL OF FORMING OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDENT MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCEThe author reveals the actuality of the problem of the university students mathematical competence forming, defines the concept "mathematical competence" and its structure, gives model of forming of the university students mathematical competence.Key words: mathematical competence, model of mathematical competence forming.
Matushkin S.E., Kirjakova A.V. ACTIVITY OF DISSERTATIONAL COUNCIL AS THE FACTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY POTENTIAL The basic results of activity of dissertational council D 212.181.01 are presented at the Orenburg state pedagogical university from the moment of its creation (1999г.) on the present. Actual directions of the researches spent by schools of thought and creative collectives are defined. The scientific results received by scientific and pedagogical community OGU at studying of problems of an axiology of formation, development the approach in the conditions of a university complex, education and socialization of the person, vocational training modernization are concretized. Criteria of examination of dissertational researches in aspect of their conformity are given requirements of new position about Council about protection of dissertations.Key words: dissertational council, examination of dissertational research, actual scientific and pedagogical researches.
Mahrova E.I. PSIHOLOGO-PEDAGOGICAL FEATURES OF APPLICATION OF INTERNET RESOURCES IN UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONArticle is devoted research to questions psychology– to pedagogical aspects of use the Internet — resources in university education. Global information has in many respects affected educational process, and one of ways of influence is the global network the Internet. Information assumes considerable changes in the maintenance, methods and organizational forms of higher education.Key words: internet–resources, students, the information, higher education, information technology, educational resources.
Melekesov G.A. PRIORITIES AND INNOVATIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A REGIONAL UNIVERSITY IN THE ADOPTION OF THE FEDERAL STATE EDUCATIONAL STANDARDIn this article the principal directions of the activity of a regional university in the adoption of tier training is considered. The need of the implementation of the strategy of the main university in the solution for educational and professional objectives is noted.Key words: tier education, education centre, student, innovative development of university.
Mesheryakov V.A. CHOICE AS A SCIENTIFIC CATEGORYAccording to the theory analysis and generalization initial research points of the category of choice are represented. Main characteristics and kinds of choice as a scientific category are described. Key words: choice, freedom, responsibility, value orientations.
Mikhailova N.V. FEATURES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN AN ELECTRONIC ENVIRONMENTThe article considers the problems of synchronous and asynchronous e-learning. Having studied foreign and Russian pedagogical literature, the author defines specific features, purposes, benefits and limitations of asynchronous method of e-learning. Key words: synchronous and asynchronous learning, e-learning environment, e-learning environment interactivity, individualized learning style.
Nazarova O.V. ORGANIZATION OF MODULAR TEACHING FOR THE STAFF OF A BIG INDUSTRIAL COMPANYThe article describes and analyses innovative practices of adapting, training and upskilling workers within the framework of the corporate training scheme of the RUSAL Company, one of world leaders in the production of aluminum. The transition to an innovative training scheme has been conditioned by the growing dissatisfaction with the traditional system with its long periods of lectures and theoretical training. The new approaches are based on modular competence-based technologies that allow to integrate theory and practice and favors learning by doing predominantly at the workplace.Key words: competence, upskilling, corporate training system, motivation, enhancement of quality and efficiency, learning by doing.
Naseykina L.F. THE ORGANIZATION OF INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS OF HIGH SCHOOL MEANS OF ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL EDITIONS AND RESOURCESIn article the problem of the organization of independent work of students in the conditions of transition to two-level system of preparation is considered. As means for the organization of independent work of students introduction in educational process of high school of electronic educational editions and the resources placed on sites of chairs in a network the Internet is offered.Key words: Independent work of students, electronic educational editions and resources, network the Internet, chair site.
Nemirova G.I., Rozhkova J.V., Pyanzina V.A, Popov V.V. ADAPTATION OF FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS OF A SPECIALITY "CUSTOMS BUSINESS" TO EDUCATIONAL PROCESSProblems of adaptation of first-year students of a speciality "Customs business" to educational process are stated. Result of the analysis of researches on a problem was the substantiation of ways of increase of progress and motivation to training to educational process.Key words: progress of students, adaptation of students, higher education, qualifying requirements, the expert of customs business.
Nicolaeva L.P. THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF FUTURE RAILWAY WORKERS IN EDUCATIONAL SPACE OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT COLLEGEThe author considers the phenomenon of educational space dealing with establishment of secondary professional education, opens the possibilities of its application in the development of social responsibilities of future railway workers.Key words: a social responsibility of future railway workers; educational space of railway transport college.
Nosenko M.A. STUDYING OF A CONDITION OF MENTAL READINESS OF YOUNG ATHLETES AT A STAGE OF INITIAL SPORTS SPECIALIZATION The concept and structure of mental readiness are defined, level of mental readiness at young athletes is analysed. The received results confirm low level of readiness of young athletes, and as necessity of the further work for this direction.Key words: mental readiness, knowledge in the field of sports preparation, motivation, valuable orientations, an orientation of the person in sports.
Osiyanova A.V. TECHNOLOGY OF UNIVERSITY STUDENT'S LINGVO-COMMUNICATIVE CULTURE The technology of student's lingvo-communicative culture which consists of the unity of methods, forms and aids and a system of person's actions of the united pedagogical process, directed to the their lingvo-communicative culture's development.Key words: Key words: lingvo-communicative culture, pedagogical technology, lingvo-communicative culture's technology, person-to-person relation.
Osiyanova O.M. MODERN TENDENCIES IN COMMUNICATIVE TRAINING OF STUDENTS AND PECULIARITIES OF THEIR REALIZATION IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESSThe article presents the innovation system of teaching verbal communication culture, ensuring communicative training of students in the context of their personal and professional development. It considers peculiarities of realization the system within the educational process, their appropriateness is proved by the results of experimental teaching. Key words: communicative training, verbal communication culture, personally oriented system of teaching, points of orientation, person-to-person relations.
Perevozkin V.M. SOFTWARE AND CONTENT SUPPORT OF DEVELOPMENT EMOTIONAL AND VOLITIONAL AS A STUDENT AT HIGHER EDUCATIONAL PROCESSThe article describes some aspects of the software development process to ensure meaningful emotional and volitional qualities of a student based on the integration of basic and variable forms of realization of the values of physical culture in the educational process of higher education.Key words: emotional and volitional qualities, emotional and volitional training, emotional and volitional regulation psychoregulation elements of personality.
Perekhodko I.V. ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDENTS' MULTICULTURAL CONSCIOUSNESS CATEGORYThe article deals with the essence of multicultural consciousness category through the correlation analysis of notions consciousness, language and culture. Influence of foreign languages on the studying subject consciousness is considered as well. Key words: awareness, language, culture, language consciousness, communicative consciousness, multicultural consciousness.
Platova E.D. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF STUDENTS' INTERACTION EXPERIENCEThis article concerns phenomenon of students' interaction experience; it describes its content, structure and possibilities of its formation in the educational process of high school.Key words: interaction, experience, students' interaction experience; systemic-subjectiv-orientational approach, system of orientation.
Podgornykh E.M. TO THE QUESTION ON THE PARITY OF INTELLECTUAL AND INTUITIVE ACTIVITY OF THE FUTURE TEACHERS In article the problem of perfection of vocational training of the future teachers is considered, the special role is taken away to creative development of the person. The parity of logic and intuitive thinking, how unity of two opposite components reveals and compared — intellectual and affective. Accessible methods of stimulation of intellectual and intuitive activity of the future teacher in its professional work are stated. Key words: a parity of logic and intuitive thinking, is evident-shaped perception, the concept of pedagogical intuition, creative process, pedagogical improvisation.
Pfeifer S.A. DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMPETITIVE ABILITY OF THE PERSONALITY. THE PEDOGOGICAL BASES OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THE PROBLEMIn this article are discussed the development of the competitive personality: the pedagogical bases this problem. The author considers the development of the competitive personality as a one of the most important result of the professional education and the personal-professional rise.Key words: competitive ability, competence, personal-professional rise.
Reunova M.A. AXIOLOGICAL ASPECT OF STUDENT'S TIME-MANAGEMENTThe article discloses the notion of student's time-management. The article points out student's abilities and talents for time-management, its functions, as well as advantages of time managing system. The article depicts educational aspect of time orientation connected with student's values as well as complex of teaching and organizing conditions, contributing to effective development of time managing abilities.Key words: self-management, value, the students, time-management.
Sablin D.A. ABOUT FORMATION OF READINESS OF THE FUTURE LAWYERS TO EDUCATIONAL WORK WITH MINOR CRIMINALS This article reflects results of skilled-experimental work on readiness formation of the future lawyers for the educational work with minor criminals; possible variants of effective ways of perfection of investigated process are offered. Key words: professional training of the lawyer, readiness, professional readiness, educational work of the lawyer, the minor criminal, educational work with minor criminals.
Samoylova Y.V. PEDAGOGICAL CONSTANTS OF PERSON'S SPIRITUALITY AND MORALSIn the article the phenomena of spirituality and morals were analyzed, their philosophical, religious, psychological and educational meanings were exposed. The division of main characteristics of spirituality and morals of person were substantiated on the basis of active and absolute love to other persons. Key words: spirit, temper, spirituality, morals, formation and education of spirituality and morals, absolute love.
Sapugoltseva M.A. THE DESIGN PROJECT AS SOCIALIZATION MEANS PERSONS OF THE STUDENT OF UNIVERSITYIn article pedagogical possibilities of design designing as means of socialization of the person of the student of university are presented. In this aspect the interconnected processes of is professional-labor socialization, carrying over of professional design abilities to socialization sphere, and also influences of design prognostic activity on advancing socialization are allocated. Results of pedagogical experiment are analyzed according to efficiency of design designing on the basis of criterion of the reached level of socialization.Key words: designing, the design project, the student of university, socialization, the professional socialization, advancing socialization.
Sakharova N.S. ORGANIZATION AND METHODS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENTThe article deals with the problem of foreign language competence of university students. The author defines organization process and methods of foreign language competence development. Key words: methods, foreign language competence, speech activities, speech activities principles.
Starikov S.A. PRECONDITIONS OF FORMATION OF SOCIAL COMPUTER SCIENCESuch area of computer science as social computer science recently develops. Creation of social computer science is connected with occurrence of Russia in open information field. In the maintenance of article the author analyzes and opens essence of the given concept and results directions of development of social computer science. Key words: computer science, information technology, social computer science, social conditions of information, artificial intelligence.
Trushnikov D.Y. CLUSTER APPROACH IN THE TRAINING OF ENGINEERS AS A BASIS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE WEST SIBERIAN OIL AND GAS REGIONThe article presents the results of studies on the nature of the cluster approach and the applicability of its use in the design of educational sistem.Privodyatsya arguments in favor of the cluster approach in the implementation of educational policies of universities, training staff of highly qualified industrial environmental management. Describes the system of education of engineering personnel in the structure of the educational cluster.Key words: cluster, engineering education, sustainable development.
Utyamisheva T.Yu. SOCIAL EXPERIENCE OF PERSONALITY AS RELATION: PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTS OF FORMATIONThe social experience of personality is interpreted in intentional-notional context of the category of "relation" is under the review in the article; interrelations with the process of competence development of personality in dialogical sphere of educational interaction are also examined in it.Key words: social experience, relation, social competences, education, dialogue.
Khamedova G.N. ТО THE PROBLEM OF MOTIVATION FORMATION FOR LEARNING ENGLISH IN NONE LINGUISTIC ENVIRONMENTThe article is devoted to the problem of quality enhancing in foreign language training of future specialists in higher educational process. The peculiarities of students' motivation formation for learning English in the case of motivation conversion from extrinsic into intrinsic are considered in the article.Key words: motivation, academic motivation, academic motives motivation for learning English, intrinsic and extrinsic motives.
Cheremushnikova I.I., Petrosienko E.S., Vitun E.V. SYSTEMS ANALYSIS OF LEVELS OF PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT AND PHYSICAL READINESS OF STUDENTS AT OSU AS A FUNCTION OF AGGRESSION AND HEMISPHERE DOMINANCEReflect the level of physical development and physical fitness, as well as the level of aggression in a multi-university students (n = 562) with different signs of hemispheric dominance. Сomplex tests is used as a physiological tool to determine physical capabilities. The results confirm the importance of structures of domination in the brain implement the adaptive capacities of man.Key words: physical development, physical readiness, hemispheric asymmetry, aggression, deviant behavior, stress, individual differences.
Sharypin A.V. THE STUDENTS' SELF-GOVERNMENT MODELING IN THE PEDAGOGICAL SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTThere are examined the socio-pedagogical and legal bases of collective students' self-organization in this article, especially there are discovered students' self-government as a form of social activity and direction of pedagogical work at the university. The concept of modeling is developed and the model of organization of students' government is presented as an example of pedagogical high school on base of analyses of education forms and social interaction, as well as models of teaching and management activity.Key words: Key words: students' government, forms of education, self-government models, pedagogical support, collective self-organization, modeling of the educational system.
Economic sciences
Gerasimenko T.I., Lapaeva M.G. FORMATION TRANS-BORDER REGIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF HISTORICAL-GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES OF THE INTERACTIONThe article shows the role of the regional development in historical-geographical aspects in the era of globalization. Global and regional development is two sides of single process. Aggravation of global problems stressed the actuality and importance of regional studies. The offset and blur the boundaries are global trend in the era of globalization. The result of trans-border interaction is formation of trans-border regions as parts of multi-layer system. Ethno-cultural space is one of the important subsystems of system. Key words: Trans-border interaction; globalization; ethnocultural-geographical development; ethno-cultural trans-border region.
Kajdashova A.K., Chertykovtsev V.K. TO THE QUESTION ON FEATURES OF MARKETING IN SPHERE OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF THE HIGHER SCHOOLIn the scientific article the systematized classification of definitions of concept "educational service" in a cut of the economic, tehniko-technological, marketing and sociopolitical characteristic is offered. On the basis of the characteristic of educational service the author defines the purpose and problems of marketing of educational services of the higher school and formulates the maintenance of elements of a complex of the marketing, providing their achievement.Key words: educational services of the higher school, marketing of educational services, the higher vocational training, a consumer demand.
Konichev V.A. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE MANAGER — THE SUCCESS OF THE ENTERPRISECurrent problem is considered in this paper concerns the formation of an integrated system of labor organization personnel manager on the effectiveness of which curled success of any enterprise.Key words: personal effectiveness of managers and managerial work, professionally important qualities of a manager, a successful leader, an effective leader, self-awareness, Self-management, the criteria for effective management.
Pasechnikova L.V., Pankova S.V., Afanasjev V.N. THE STATE OF THE MARKET OF PLASTIC WINDOWS AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF FIRMS OF THE EAST OF ORENBURG REGIONThe market of plastic Windows refers to a dynamically developing and sufficiently capacious markets. It attracts numerous competitors and strengthens the competitive confrontation firms. The article presents the results of research of the market of the East of Orenburg region. On the basis of the author's model positioned services provided recommendations on the formation of competitive advantages of firms in the market of plastic Windows.Key words: market of plastic Windows, marketing model позиционируемой services, competitive advantages.
Shepel V.N. PROCEDURE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SAMPLING ANALOG OF DENSITY FUNCTIONIn paper we consider increasing the degree of formalization of the process of determining the distribution law for a sample of the population. The procedure of determining the empirical density function is given f(n)(x).Key words: procedure, general population, sample, empirical density function, testing statistical hypotheses.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |