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2012, № 2 (138)

Podgornykh E.M. TO THE QUESTION ON THE PARITY OF INTELLECTUAL AND INTUITIVE ACTIVITY OF THE FUTURE TEACHERS In article the problem of perfection of vocational training of the future teachers is considered, the special role is taken away to creative development of the person. The parity of logic and intuitive thinking, how unity of two opposite components reveals and compared — intellectual and affective. Accessible methods of stimulation of intellectual and intuitive activity of the future teacher in its professional work are stated. Key words: a parity of logic and intuitive thinking, is evident-shaped perception, the concept of pedagogical intuition, creative process, pedagogical improvisation.


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2. Brojl, L. Po to tracks sciences / Lui-de-Brojl; the lane with fr. S.N. Simakovoj. — М.: Atomizdat, 1962. — 160 p.

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6. Granovskaja, R.M. Intuitsija and an artificial intellect / R.M. Granovskaja, I.J. Bereznaja. — L.: Book publishing house, 1991. — 272 p.

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8. Kedrov, B.М. About creativity in a science and the technician / B.M. Cedars. — М.: Young guards, 1987. — 191 p.

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10. Poincare, A. About a science / Platon. — М.: the Science, 1983. — 267 p.

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About this article

Author: Podgornyh E.M.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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