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2012, № 2 (138)

Cheremushnikova I.I., Petrosienko E.S., Vitun E.V. SYSTEMS ANALYSIS OF LEVELS OF PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT AND PHYSICAL READINESS OF STUDENTS AT OSU AS A FUNCTION OF AGGRESSION AND HEMISPHERE DOMINANCEReflect the level of physical development and physical fitness, as well as the level of aggression in a multi-university students (n = 562) with different signs of hemispheric dominance. Сomplex tests is used as a physiological tool to determine physical capabilities. The results confirm the importance of structures of domination in the brain implement the adaptive capacities of man.Key words: physical development, physical readiness, hemispheric asymmetry, aggression, deviant behavior, stress, individual differences.


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6. Cheremushnikova I.I., Vitun E.V., Notova S.V., Petrosienko E.S. Possibilit of test Lushera (a 8-colour variant) in diagnostics features of character and behavioural features of students with various level of physical preparation // The Bulletin of Orenburg State University. — 2010. — №12 (118). — P. 108–110.

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About this article

Authors: Cheremushnikova I.I., Petrosienko E.S., Vitun E.V.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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