№ 5 2011
Sorokin V.M. THE MATTER AND DYNAMICS OF PARENT RESPONSES TO THEIR BABIES WHO WERE BORN WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIESThe article deals with factors that contribute to a certain type of responses and the dynamics of attitude to the child with developmental disabilities.Key words: children with developmental disabilities, psychological reaction, denial, anger, guilt, emotional adaptation, expectations.
Humanitarian sciences
Erofeeva N.E. SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CONFERENCE AS A MEANS OF UPBRINGING AND EDUCATION OF FUTURE TEACHER OF LITERATURE (EXPERIENCE OF AXIOLOGICAL APPROACH AT UNIVERSITY)The article addresses pedagogical foundations of traditional forms — scientific-practical conference, which forms the axiological potential of future teacher of literature.Key words: axiological potential, conference, student, educational space.
Pakhomova O.I. READINESS OF THE FUTURE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER TO SOLVE PROFESSIONAL PROBLEMS AS A PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEMThe article addresses the definition of "readiness for professional activities", formulates the definition of "readiness to solve professional challenges of future Construction Engineers", proposes structural components and levels of preparedness.Key words: professional readiness, professional activity, professional task, a willingness to solve professional problems, readiness components.
Serebrovskaya T.B. TUTORING IN THE CONTEXT OF HIGHER EDUCATION MODERNIZATIONThe article deals with the development of tutor activity in the context of higher education, the transition to a new generation of educational standards and the relevance of tutor support in connection with the requirements of the FGOS VPO to create individual educational trajectories of students.Key words: tutor, tutor support, individualization, individual educational trajectory, open education.
Vasilyeva L.A. FEATURES OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT BY FUTURE LINE MEDICAL PROFESSIONALSToday, preparing professionally competent expert on intellectual labor market is particularly relevant. Specifics of medical activity justifies introducing such a concept as "the professional competence of a line medical professional". Successful formation of this professional requires awareness and, most importantly, the development of basic personality traits, which should have every line medical worker, while of great importance is the orientation on another person as an equal participant of the activity process.Key words: professional competence, professional competence of line medical professional, desire for self-learning, self-development and self-actualization.
Zavadskaya A.V. FEATURES OF FUNCTIONING OCCASIONAL VOCABULARY IN THE ADVERTISEMENT TEXTS The article analyzes the advertising texts containing occasional vocabulary. Taking a look at functioning occasional vocabulary in the advertisement texts the author concludes that this lexical layer contributes to the occurrence of epatage.Key words: advertising text, outrageous advertising, epatage, outrageous effect, occasional vocabulary
Futoryansky L.I. ORENBURG COSSACKS TO DEFEND THE FATHERLAND (HISTORICAL REVIEW)Since its inception by the decree of Empress Elizabeth Cossacks defended their homeland against the nomads. It was not only in XVIII, but in the XIX-XX centuries, during the Russian-Turkish war, Russian-Japanese War. The article refers to the financial position of various categories of the Cossacks. During the civil war in 1919, the bulk of the Cossacks sided with the Soviet government. They served in the ranks of the First Cavalry. During the Great Patriotic War, the vast majority of the Cossacks acted to defend the homeland. The overwhelming number of Cossack units was awarded the title of the Guard. The process of revival of the Orenburg Cossacks, as in the whole country, is held in accordance with the concept of public policy of the Russian Federation concerning the Russian Cossacks.Key words: Orenburg Cossack army, military chief, an irregular corps, complained malozhalovannye, Cavalry Regiment, World War II.
Vagina L.S. THE THEORETICAL BASIS FOR STUDY OF POLITICAL PARTIES AS THE SUBJECT OF POLITICS IN MODERN RUSSIAThe study of political parties as political-legal phenomenon, category, and institute is one of the most important and promising areas of contemporary social science. The theory of political parties (partology) is an interdisciplinary area of scientific knowledge that addresses general patterns of occurrence, development, operation and organizational structure of political parties. This article explores the theoretical foundations of political parties, revealing the essence of political parties, the attributes that distinguish them from other social organizations, and functional features of parties in the political system of society.Key words: political parties, civil society, state, organization, political system, society.
Selivanov V.M. ONTOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR POSTMODERNISMThis paper presents an analysis of postmodernism. It offers the author's original version of correlation between the discrete and the universal in Man. From the historical and philosophical perspective, the paper, on the examples of the ideas from philosophical schools, illustrates the ratio of the settled and the new in the life of community — tradition and modernity. The emphasis is made on non-traditional understanding of postmodernism. The author provides his own reading of the present state of civilization, makes conclusion about the deep ontological foundation for postmodernism. The author introduces also the new concept "ontological entropy".Key words: the discrete, the universal, modern, postmodern, postmodernism, the immanent, correlation, ontological, epistemological, structuralism, post-structuralism, deconstruction, ontological entropy.
Economic sciences
Korabeynikov I.N., Ermakova J.A., Sinyukov A.A. STUDY PROBLEMS OF PRODUCTION OF NEW KNOWLEDGEThe article examined the relationship of "knowledge — scientific and technical progress". Marked with distinctive signs that identify the information as a resource for scientific and technological activities and knowledge as its product. Shows the function of production of new knowledge, and produced its analysis. Identified the role and place information in the production of new knowledge. The notion of "scientific progress" by clarifying the nature of the circuit of information and knowledge in economic development.Key words: information, knowledge, scientific and technical progress, activities, development and function.
Lapaev S.P. SECTORAL SPECIFICITY OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT IN ORENBURG REGIONThe article deals with specific innovative development of various branches in Orenburg Region, demonstrates the costs of technological innovation by activity type determined for the high-tech industries. A conclusion was made that manufacturing and mining industries stand out among the high technological industries. Proposals were made to differentiate approach to management of innovative industry leaders and industry outsiders.Key words: innovative development, sectoral specific, technology trajectories, innovation, research intensity.
Soldatkina O.V. THE RESULTS OF MARKETING RESEARCH IN CONSUMER PREFERENCES IN THE MARKET OF BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTS IN ORENBURGThe article addresses consumer preferences in the market of bread, bakery and confectionery products in Orenburg and provides recommendations to improve the effectiveness of company-producers.Key words: market, marketing research, questionnaire, consumer preferences, bread, bakery products, confectionery products.
Zelenina T.A. OPTIMIZATION OF LENDING AND INSURANCE PARAMETERS CONSIDERING THE INTERESTS OF ALL MEMBERS OF SYSTEM "LENDER — BORROWER — INSURER"The article addresses the problem of multicriteria optimization in the choice of lending and insurance parameters, providing a compromise between the interests of lenders, borrowers and insurers.Key words: accounts payable, insurance, multicriteria optimization.
Sheshukova T.G., Razuvaeva K.V. ON THE APPLICATION OF THE CONCEPTS "BUDGETARY ACCOUNTING" AND "BUSINESS ACCOUNTING" IN BUDGETARY INSTITUTIONSThe article substantiates the equivalence of the word combinations "business accounting in budgetary institutions" and "budgetary accounting in budgetary institutions" based on studies of key aspects of the accounting and budgetary accounting. It clarifies the definition "budget accounting" which exists today in the Russian legislation.Key words: business accounting, budgetary accounting, chart of accounts, a synthetic account, an analytical account, budget classification, budget process.
Natural sciences
Shein E.V., Rusanov A.M., Demchenko E.V. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND AMPHIPHILIC COMPONENTS OF ORGANIC MATTER IN SOILS OF THE BOROVSK IRRIGATION SYSTEM DURING THE POST IRRIGATION PERIODAfter nearly 15 years of irrigation cessation on Borovsk irrigation system due to scaled soil salinization during the post irrigation period desalinization of the upper 40-centimeter soil occurred on relatively elevated areas while cortical solonets were formed in the meso- and micro depressions. When physical and physicochemical properties of humus in the meadow-chernozem soils are relatively favorable a noticeable increase in the proportion of hydrophobic components is observed with relative hydrophilization and general decline of humus content in the cortical solonetz.Key words: soil, drainage, microrelief.
Hadyev I.R., Yukhin I.P., Sereda N.A. EFFECT OF ORGANIC AND MINERAL FERTILIZERS ON SUGAR BEET PRODUCTIVITYWe studied the effects of organic and mineral fertilizers which were generated based on brown coal deposits of the Kumertau field, Bashkortostan, on the productivity of sugar beet. It was found that the use of organic and mineral fertilizers increases the productivity by 3.5–6.3 ton / ha, and sugar content on 0.1–0.2%.Key words: crop rotation, sugar beet, productivity, sugar contents, fertilizer.
Mudarisov M. M, USE OF GROUND RESOURCES IN REPUBLIC BASHKORTOSTANEfficiency of use of the earth in large commodity and small-scale manufacture is studied. Ground resources and quality standard of the earths on Republic Bashkortostan zones are considered, the analysis of dependence of productivity of grain crops from quality of an arable land is carried out. It is defined that the exit of gross output from unit of agricultural grounds is in direct dependence on arable land quality standard.
Zeleev D.F. SOURCES OF AIR POLLUTION AND AIR QUALITY CONTROL IN THE ULYANOVSK REGIONThe study provides the analysis results on pollutant emissions from stationary sources of enterprises in a number of districts of the Ulyanovsk Region. It represents a comparison between estimated values of emissions and actual air quality measurements. It also outlines a tentative priority list of substances subject to control for Novoulyanovsk and Barysh. Key words: environmental protection, air pollution, air pollution sources.
Tarasov V.V. DISTRIBUTION OF THE LITTLE OWL IN WESTERN SIBERIAThis report summarizes the latest records of the Little Owl Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769) in Western Siberia. The current northern breeding boundary in the region is shown to be at 600-700 km further than indicated in the available account on this species. The study explores ways for the species range increase over the past 50 years. It is supposed that the change in the range boundaries went in longitudinal direction rather than in latitudinal one, and Western Siberia was settled by nominative subspecies of A. n. noctua from European Russia rather than deserted subspecies of A. n. bactriana from Central Kazakhstan. To clarify this question the author appeals to colleagues working in Western Siberia to participate in collecting the Little Owl individuals found in the region.Key words: Little Owl, distribution, Western Siberia.
Lepilina I.N., Safaraliev I.A., Konopleva I.V. THE DISTRIBUTION AND STRUCTURE OF STURGEONS IN THE CASPIAN SEA AND THE STATE OF THEIR MESONEPHROSThe paper shows the distribution of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea in different seasons. On the light-optical level we studied morphological and functional state of sturgeon mesonephros. The study revealed various changes in the elements of nephrons in fish mesonephros.Key words: sturgeon, distribution, migration, morphological and biological parameters, nephron.
Gorelik V.V., Malinin Yu.E. ADAPTATION PARAMETERS OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM IN SCHOOLCHILDREN INVOLVED IN PHYSICAL EDUCATIONIn conditions of high school educational process we estimated indicators of the cardio respiratory system in students through pulseoxymetry device ELOKS-01S2 which uses an optical finger sensor (in the form of clips) and recorded pulse wave from one of the student's fingers before and after the Physical Culture lesson. In the main study group, students were offered an extra two hours on the program "Sports Choice", including volleyball, basketball, handball, athletic gymnastics. In the comparison group students were engaged in the regular curriculum.Key words: cardiovascular system, cardio respiratory parameters, functional characteristics, duration cardio interval, sympathetic and parasympathetic sections of autonomic nervous system.
Mikhailov A.N., Mikhailov S.N. SWEAT CRYSTALLOGRAM ESTIMATION IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS LIVING WITHIN A COPPER SMELTING ENTERPRISE AREAWe estimated qualitative and quantitative indicators of sweat crystallogram in children and adolescents living within a copper smelting enterprise area.Key words: qualitative, quantitative indicators of sweat crystallogram.
Fesyun A.D. THE ESTIMATION OF THE ELEMENT STATUS OF MILITARY MEN OF INVOLUNTARY SERVICE OF INTERNAL TROPS AND ITS ALIMENTARY REGENERATIVE CORRECTIONIn the present work the estimation of the element status of military men of involuntary service and studying of influence on it to a mine-ralno-vitamin of a drink "Maral", and also preparations L-arginina and zinc in the conditions of raised physical and psycho-emotional loads have been spent. The studied means of correction have made positive impact on recovery of the element status of an organism, leading to normalization a concentration macro- and microelements in blood whey.Key words: the regenerative medicine, the raised loadings, correction, arginin, zinc, blood whey.
Torshin V.I., Sveshnikov D.S., Smirnov V.M., Yurasova I.A. VAGAL MOTOR RESPONCES OF GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT ENHANCED BY THE SEROTONINOREACTIVE STRUCTURESThe mechanical activity of the stomach, duodenum and ascending colon were recorded in acute experiments in 29 rabbits. The distal part of the vagus nerve was electrically stimulated in intact animals and on the serotonin adipate background. It was shown that serotonin enhances motor vagal reactions, increasing both intensity and in some cases the duration. Concluded that between serotoninergic structures that regulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and parasympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous systemthe functional interaction exists.Key words: serotoninergic structures, stomach, duodenum, ascending colon, the vagus nerve.
Shayakhmetov V.V., Saitov R.I., Askarov A.M., Abdeev E.R. THIS IS PROBLEM OF DECISION OF STEELTIECE INTEGRAL FOR RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF TECHNICAL SYSTEMSWe present the analytic method of decision where we achieve extremes in the form of graded functions of distribution (FD) with limited number of points of increase. We examine special functions for finding FD and extremes in the sphere of parameters modifications. These values can be used in the analysis of technical systems reliability with different purposeful destination according to the limited information a priori.
Technical sciences
Ponomareva G.A., Pankratyev P.V. THE DISTRIBUTION OF PRECIOUS METALS IN THE OIL OF THE WESTERN ORENBURG REGIONIn 2008–2010, we studied the content of precious metals in the oil fields of the western Orenburg Region. As a result, data were obtained for concentrations of platinum, palladium, gold, nickel and cobalt. The distribution of precious metals such as platinum, palladium, gold and nickel and cobalt were studied, and their relationship to physicochemical properties of Orenburg oil deposits. We found certain patterns of element distribution in the studied areas. The possibility was indicated to use data on the microelement composition for stratigraphic correlation of oil-saturated reservoirs.Key words: precious metals, distribution patterns, physical and chemical properties of oil, stratigraphic correlation.
Silvashko S.A., Bulatov V.N. THE SYNTHESIS OF TEST SIGNALS SPECTRA PROPERTIES FOR DIAGNOSIS OF STATOR WINDINGS IN ELECTRICAL MACHINESThe paper presents a solution for synthesis of the spectra properties of pulse-modulated signals with high metrological characteristics in certain frequency ranges. This class of pulse-modulated signals is intended for the diagnosis of stator windings in three-phase alternating current compact electrical machines at the stage of semi-product (without anchors).Key words: spectrum, harmonic component, stator winding, pulse-amplitude modulation, spectrum synthesis, coherence.
Vlatskaya I.V., Nesterenko M.Yu., Polezhayev P.N. DEVELOPMENT OF SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR DECISION-MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTY BASED ON THE GAMING SIMULATIONIn this work, we carried out a comparative analysis of existing approaches to decision making under uncertainty, developed a conceptual model of decision making in conflict situations, as well as proposed the support system for decision-making under uncertainty based on the gaming simulation.Key words: decision-making support system, uncertainty, game theory, non-cooperative games, statistics, cooperative games, stochastic games.
Gavrilov A.A., Kudina, L.I., Kucha G.V., Morozov N.A. THE INFLUENCE OF SECTION GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS ON THE FREQUENCIES OF FREE FLEXURAL VIBRATIONS OF THIN STRAIGHT BARSWe studied the frequency and the main forms of free flexural vibrations of thin rods based on the theory that takes into account secondary shifts and rotational inertia of the sections. We used the boundary element method and determined the influence of the bar section characteristics as relative values on the frequencies of free oscillations. The comparison of calculation results with existing theories is provided.Key words: bending, thin-wall bar, oscillations.
Chernousova A.M., Galina L.V. RAPID ASSESSMENT OF PRODUCT RANGE ON CRITERIA EFFICIENCY OF INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENTThe article deals with a rapid assessment of the effectiveness of the use of highly automated production equipment. The developed method-ka based on the data of manufactured products and the parameters of the production environment. The results of software implementation of automated procedures for decision-making on the issue of products in the form of subsystem CAM. Key words: effectiveness evaluation, production equipment, product range, subsystem CAM.
Kalimullin R.F., Коvalenko S.Y., Тsibizov S.B. FUNCTIONAL DIAGNOSIS OF THE CRANKSHAFT BEARINGS IN AUTOMOBILE ENGINESThe article provides the results to improve the diagnostic maintenance of the crankshaft bearings in automobile engines in operation. The new aspect is the use of the "degree of bearing functional disability" as a diagnostic parameter for evaluating the functional abilities of the bearings.Key words: crankshaft bearings, diagnosis, functional ability, lubrication process.
Bogoduhov S.I., Kilov A.S., Shein E.A., Yasakov A.S., Haibullin R.R. INCREASE OF OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HARD ALLOYS BY HEAT TREATMENTInfluence of thermal processing on structure and property of firm alloys is investigated. Possibility of reduction of size of deterioration of the cutting tool by a variation of modes of thermal processing is established.
Guryeva V.A. ACTIVATION OF SINTERING PROCESS FOR MAGNESIA- ALUMINA CERAMIC MASSESChemical activation of sintering process for magnesia-alumina ceramic masses was studied. We found inadvisable to introduce nepheline concentrate into mixture makeup which is used in high-speed mode firing, specially harvested and subjected to enrichment of alkaline materials such as pegmatite. We found also the possibility to significantly reduce the cullet.Key words: Construction ceramics, technogenic magnesia raw materials, mineral composition, firing, alkaline additives, crystalline phases.
Chepasov V.I., Kolesnik A.N., Mustafina D.R. DETERMINISTIC AND STATISTICAL METHODS FOR PREDICTING THE NATURAL PROCESSESWe consider the prediction of gender time based on the tidal changes of gravity. The results are given for the prediction models build on the matrix without shift and with shift of time frame for tidal changes in gravity.Key words: model, approximation, error, shift, prediction.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |