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№ 10 2010


Kuznetsova E.G. PERSONAL VALUES: CONCEPT, APPROACHES TO THE CLASSIFICATIONThe author examined approaches to the determination of concept of personal values, approaches to their classification, and also the problem of the transformation of general human values into the personal.Key words: value, value orientations, personal values, moral values, general human values, the value consciousness.
Myasnikova T.I. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE MEDIA PREFERENCES OF RUSSIAN AND GERMAN STUDENTS: AXIOLOGICAL FORESHORTENINGThe author examined the media preferences of young people as one of the indices of value orientations. The comparative analysis of the media preferences of German and Russian students gives grounds for the development of the pedagogical conditions for the development of media competence of the Russian students of university. The represented diagnostic study made it possible to designate the axiological characteristics of media space. Key words: media competence, value orientations, media preferences, media critics, the living space of young people.
Suerbaev A.X. THE POSSIBILITIES OF THE ESTABLISHMENTS OF ADDITIONAL EDUCATION ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH SKILLS OF STUDENTS IN PHYSICS SHOWING STRONG INTEREST IN THE OBJECTThe author revealed and examined the possibilities of the establishments of additional formation on the development of the experimental-research skills of students in physics. Key words: additional formation, training process, experimental-research skills in physics.
Bufetov D.V. TO THE QUESTION OF RESEARCH WORK LOGIC AND ORGANIZATION AT FORMING OF COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS OF STUDENTS FROM GENERAL-EDUCATIONAL-SCHOOLS WITH PROBLEMS IN THE INTELLECTUAL SPHEREThe author of the article proves the choice of research group, reveals common conception of research work, presents methods of studying and comparative analysis of peculiarities and skills of communication in situations of conformism and joint actions of students with and without the problems in the intellectual sphere.Key words: communicative skills, situation of conformism, situation of joint action, group pressure, steadiness of behavior, problems in the intellectual sphere, setting, setting optimization.

Historical sciences

Dmitrieva O.V. "HONEST LAMBARD" AND "GERMANISTIC" CONCEPT OF ANCIENT PARLIAMENTThe author examined one of the concepts of the origin of English parliament, which was formed in the epoch of the administration of Elizabeth I Tudor (1558–1603) and been reflected in the works of the bright representative of the Tudor historical thought William Lambard, a lawyer, expert of the anglo-saxon sources, on the basis analysis of which it formulates the theory of the German people's roots of British political-law system.Key words: parliament, Tudor historical thought, lawyer, anglo-saxon legislative monuments, parliamentary statutes, witenagemot, royal council, the doctrine of the mixed monarchy.

Humanitarian sciences

Mukhamedzhanova N.M. THE PRINCIPLE OF MULTICULTURALISM IN THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONThe author examined the problem of multiculturalism in the contemporary western societies, its possible negative consequences and marks. The author analyzed the historical experience of the formation of cultural unity in the poly-ethnic Russian society, which, to the view of the author, can be useful today for the western countries, which survive "the testing by culture". Key words: multiculturalism, homogeneity, universalization, ethnic revival, migration.

Social sciences

Ivanova Z.I., Kofanov A.B. THE CAREER EXPECTATIONS OF THE GRADUATE OF VUZ OF 2010 AS A FACTOR AMPLIFYING PRESSURE ON THE RUSSIAN LABOR MARKETIn the basis of article there are the materials of concrete sociological studies of career expectations and demands, connected with after graduate job-searching of the graduates of the Moscow State Construction University of 2010. The authors focused attention, that under the conditions of financial crisis the demands of future young specialists to obtain highly-paid and prestigious work with the profession became obsolete and over some period of time can negatively influence the market behavior for labor, especially in the office segment. Key words: subcritical consciousness, career expectations, the market behavior for labor, youth unemployment, professional demands, the stereotypes of thinking, job-searching of the graduate.

Philosophical sciences

Cherkozyanova T.V. THE TENDENCIES OF THE KARMA CONDITIONALITY OF THE FATE PHENOMENON IN VEDANTIZM In the ancient Indian mythology the concept of fate is absent, it is not added, also, to the development of philosophical systems. At the same time, here actively is postulated its analog — karma (action, the matter, lot). Karma — one of the central concepts of Indian mythology, religion and philosophy, that explain the doctrine of regeneration and sansara (flow of life, the stream of consciousness). Formation of this concept historically goes back to the pre-brakhman-veda period and it enters practically into all philosophical systems of Hinduism, with exception of adzhivika and lokayata. The author examined the value of this concept in the context of the conceptualization of fate. Key words: The Hinduism, vedantizm, Vivekananda, fate, dkharma, mukti, moksha.
Belyaev I.A. CREATION AS THE FORM OF THE FORMATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL INTEGRITY OF A PERSONThe article is dedicated to a study of creation in the context of ideas about the man as natural-social-spiritual essence. The author shows that the creation is such form of the formation of the individual integrity of man, which serves as the expression of the spiritual content of this process.Key words: man, integrity, the formation, spiritual, creation.
Gryzova U.I. THE CONCEPT OF SOCIO-CULTURAL VALUE MEASUREMENTThe article is dedicated to the concept-creating analysis of concept "socio cultural value measurement". Investigating phenomena and processes, conceived in the concepts, integrated by the analyzed concept, the author refines and orders his content.Key words: sociocultural reality, value, measurement, sociocultural-value measurement.
Karpova E.V. ONTOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF SOCIAL AND CULTURAL PERCEPTION OF SPACEThe article investigates the ontological foundation of social and cultural perception of space. Socio-cultural perceptions of space is considered to be the kind of perceptual process of perception, the act of human existence, the event of his life, realizing a specific individual's relationship with the environment, human with the world, having an independent ontological status.Key words: perception, perception of space socio-cultural perception of space, event, perceptual process.
Pisarchik T.P. AESTHETICAL CONCEPT OF A.A. GRIGORYEVThe author examined aesthetical views of A.A. Grigorev. Main attention is paid to the special features of the understanding by the thinker of skill and creation, his role in the life of man and society, and also to the development by Grigoryev of the bases "organic criticism". Key words: skill, ideal, creation, organic theory, national character, spiritual tradition, romanticism, realism.

Philological sciences

Shesterkina L.P. THE SPECIFIC OF AUTHOR'S MANNER OF STUDENTS-JOURNALISTS IN MAKING PROGRAMS ON UNIVERSITY RADIOIn the article there are investigated texts of student radio programs from the point of view of philological knowledge, the theory of journalism and the specific of radio broadcasting on the base of the unique in Russia university TV and radio company SUSU-TV in Chelyabinsk city. The system of ways and methods of making media text by students of journalistic faculty is defined as the tool of an evaluation of professional development and reflection of achievements of trainees in the field of philological and humanitarian preparation.Key words: text, journalism, style, radio broadcasting, mass media, author-student, TV and radio company SUSU-TV.

Economic sciences

Lapaev S.P. STRATEGY FORMATION INNOVATIVE REGIONAL SYSTEMSThe article deals with the essence, the direction of the formation, purpose, functions and objectives of the regional innovation system. Particular attention is given to features, factors and principles of the formation of regional innovation system in the primary regions, the structure of the regional innovation system and given its characteristics, identified hierarchical levels, the analysis of functional and providing sub-regional innovation system.Key words: regional innovation system, national innovation system, regional innovation cluster, regional technological competence, behavioral strategies, regional innovation policy, innovation infrastructure, hierarchical levels and structure of the regional innovation system.


Ostrikov A.N., Vertyakov F.N., Trushechkin A.V. THE ESTIMATION OF CHANGES IN THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE INITIAL AND CONCENTRATED MULTICOMPONENT VEGETABLE PUREEThe authors investigated a change in the chemical composition of the initial and concentrated multicomponent vegetable puree. They found out that the concentrated vegetable puree possesses the increased food nourishment value and good consumer properties. The increased content of amino acids is its distinctive special feature. Key words: chemical composition, change, multicomponent vegetable puree, amino-acid composition, the indices of safety.
Baitelova A.I., Zinyukhin G.B., Ermolaeva A.A. THE EVALUATION OF THE ACTION OF PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS ON THE QUALITY OF THE SOIL COVER OF THE TERRITORY, WHICH IS ADJACENT TO THE PRIVATELY HELD COMPANY "POULTRY PROCESSING FACILITY ORENBURG"The authors carried out the evaluation of the action of production activity privately held company "Poultry processing facility Orenburg" on the quality of the soil cover of town Young of the Orenburg district of Orenburg region. In the soil of the territory being investigated are determined the number of pathogenic microorganisms into 1 g the soils, if-caption, quantity of staphylococci and Salmonella. The authors carried out the ranking of the territory, which is adjacent to the privately held company "Poultry processing facility Orenburg", on the ecological prosperity on the basis of the obtained values of the number of pathogenic microorganisms in 1 g of soil, if-caption, quantity of staphylococci and Salmonella. Key words: Privately held company "Poultry processing facility Orenburg", ecological prosperity, the number of pathogenic microorganisms into 1 g of soil, if-caption, quantity of staphylococci and Salmonella.
Vishnevskaya T.Ya., Abramova L.L. THE SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE SPLEEN OF SHEEP OF SOUTH URAL The authors presented results to the morphological characteristic of the spleen of the sheep of south Ural species. They acquired data according to the topography, the blood supply, the structure and the morphometric indices of capsule, red and white pulps of spleen. In the lymphoid knots are revealed the morphofunctional relationships of per arterial, mantle, and marginal zones, which indicate the functioning of organ for the depositing and mixed type.Key words: morphology, spleen, red and white pulp, capsule, sheep, blood vessels, topography.
Vishnevskiy S.N. THE SYSTEM ANALYSIS OF THE COMPONENTS OF THE BLOOD OF HEIFERS OF ABERDEEN-ANGUSS SPECIES WITH THE DISTANT INBREEDINGThe author described system approach to the estimation of the organism of heifers of Aberdeen-Anguss species of the distant degree of the relationship through the components of the blood, which made it possible to establish new laws governing the increase, development of animals.Key words: Aberdeen-Anguss species, heifer, the distant inbreeding, systems analysis, system-forming, system-destructive, the component of the blood, synergetics.
Kleymenova I.E. THE ECOLOGICAL-GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISION INTO DISTRICTS OF KARAKALPAK USTYURTOn the basis of the complex analysis of the contemporary state of depths and natural environment and evaluation of the ecological stability of territory ecological-geographical division into districts is executed. Key words: natural environment, landscapes, ground water, soil, vegetation, animal peace, ecological stability, the division into districts of territory.
Mustafina D.R. THE DETERMINATION OF THE QUALITATIVE PAIRED CONDITIONALITIES OF THE POLLUTION OF THE ATMOSPHERE BY SUBDIVISIONS OF NOSTA For determining all forms of the conditionalities of the pollution of the atmosphere by subdivisions of NOSTA the matrix of experiment was built. For determining the qualitative paired conditionalities the correlation analysis on all parameters of a study was realized. According to correlation analysis with the values of the coefficient of pair correlation on the modules large 0,75 we obtained the strong linear connection between two parameters of a study. With the values of the coefficient of pair correlation on the modules greater 0,5 and less than 0,75 — average linear connection between two parameters of a study. And with the values of the coefficient of pair correlation on the modules of less than 0,5 — weak linear connection between two parameters of a study.Key words: correlation analysis, the parameter of a study, correlation coefficient, pair correlation.

Natural sciences

Yukhin I.P., Khabirov I.K., Pozhidaev E.V., Osipov V.N., Halilov R.KH. THE BASIC AND PRESOWING WORKING OF SOIL FOR THE SUGAR BEET IN THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTANThe authors presented the results of studies on the study of effectiveness in the basic and presowing processing of soil for the sugar beet in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The authors gave three year experimental data (2006-2008 yr.) on the influence of different methods to the basic and presowing processings of soil by the domestic and imported soil-treating instruments. They noted that by the optimum method of the basic working of soil is the ploughing at the depth of 28-30 cm dump reverse plow, and by the best method of the presowing preparation of soil is its cultivation to the depth of 5-6 cm the cultivators "Kompaktor", KPPSH-6 and KPSH-9 as the ensured obtaining greatest productivity of root-crops. Key words: sugar beet, soil, working, cultivation, fine soil, productivity, sugar content.

Technical sciences

Belousov M.D., Shestakov A.L. THE ESTIMATION OF THE STATES OF THERMOELECTRIC CONVERTERS IN THE WORK PROCESS The authors examined the conventional scheme of thermoelectric converter, and offered the scheme of thermoelectric converter with two thermocouples and the algorithm of the presence of temperature with the help of this diagram, the algorithms of the estimation of the state of thermoelectric converters in the process of work for the data of diagrams with the help of partial derivative thermal EDS according to the temperature of joints, on the basis of the parameter of metrological state d.Key words: thermoelectric converters, thermocouple, the derivatives of thermal EDS according to the temperature, the estimation of state, the parameter of metrological state.
Bogodukhov S.I., Kilov A.S., Kozik E.S., Shein E.A., Sheynin B.M., Khaybullin R.R. INCREASING THE DURABILITY OF FUSION T5K10The authors investigated the influence of structural changes to the properties of hard fusion T5K10 during thermal treatment. They established the possibility of changing the value of durability of hard fusion by the variation of the regimes of thermal treatment. Key words: Hard fusion, thermal treatment, property, structure.
Nesterenko Y.M., Bondarenko I.I., Nesterenko M.Y., Vlatsky V.V. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF SURFACE RUNOFF AND ITS SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATIONThe mathematic model and the program for calculating water runoff, taking into account the surface topography are developed. The mathematic model based on partition of the surface of the elementary area, runoff modeling on all elementary areas and calculating of integral water runoff parameters.Key words: spring water runoff, surface runoff, mathematical modeling of runoff, forecasting water runoff, surface runoff calculating.
Ivanova A. P., Mezhueva L.V., Gunko V.V., Getmanova N.B., PiskarevaT.I. ENGINEERING GEOMETRY IN THE DESIGN OF MIXERSThe authors carried out the complex of studies, which makes it possible to increase the qualitative output of ready-made production due to the optimization of the structural-geometric elements of the geometric simulation of the working surfaces of mixers. Key words: technological process, optimization, mixer, technical result.
Rassokha V.I., Isaychev V.T. IMPROVEMENT OF THE OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SYSTEM OF CONTINUOUS CONTROL OF THE CONVERGENCE OF THE CONTROLLED WHEELS OF MOTOR TRANSPORT MEANS IN MOTION. INCREASING THE ACCURACY OF REGULATIONThe authors got the expressions, which consider the inertness of the elements of the system of continuous control of the convergence of the controlled wheels of motor transport means in the process of motion, which use with tuning of system makes it possible to increase the accuracy of regulation. Key words: motor transport means; the convergence of the controlled wheels; control system; accuracy; inertness.
Kozik E.S., Churnosov D.I. THE THERMAL TREATMENT OF LOW-ALLOY POWDER STEELS WITH THE USE OF INDUCTION HEATINGThere are the results of studies of thermal treatment with the use of high-frequency heating of the powder iron-carbide low-alloy steels. The effect of temperature of heating under quenching, heat time under quenching and rates of cooling to the physicomechanical properties of the powder iron-carbide low-alloy steels is studied.Key words: powder metallurgy, heat working, hardening, high-frequency heating.
Kolina T.P., Tarasov A.N., Bryukhanov V.V. THE INFLUENCE OF COMPOSITION, STRUCTURE AND SURFACE CONDITION ON THE STRUCTURE AND THE PROPERTIES OF DIFFUSION LAYERS DURING THE HIGH-TEMPERATURE NITRO CEMENTATION OF STEELS IN THE ACTIVATED CHARCOAL MIXTURESThe authors carried out studies and generalized the experience of the selection of the optimum conditions for the preparation of small tool, rigging and structural components made of steels of ferrite, martensite and carbide classes for the high-temperature cementation in the new activated charcoal compositions. They established the real flow charts of working, which make it possible to form wear-resistant carbide diffusion layers with the thermochemical treatment in the compositions on basis of charcoal with the introduction of the nitrogen-bearing components of carbamide and trilon-B.Key words: nitro cementation, steel of carbide class, carbomide, diffusion layers, branchy and globular carbides.
Kushnarenko V.M., Repyakh V.S., Chirkov E.Yu. THE ANALYSIS OF FAILURE CAUSES OF EQUIPMENT AND CONDUITSThe authors examined the cases of the destruction of the equipment of bore holes, steel framework, conduits and components of conduits. They represented the basic reasons for the failures of equipment and conduits of the hydrogen sulfide-containing oil and gas condensate layers.Key words: equipment, demolition, plumbing, reason, fittings, tension.
Pripadchev A.D. THE METHODOLOGY OF CALCULATION OF THE OPERATING COSTS OF AIR VESSELThe authors examined the structure of operating costs and their classification. They represented the structure of change and the determination of price of aviation kerosene, taking into account the tendencies of market, and also the specific character of the remuneration for the labor of flight personnel. Key words: transport system, air vessel, operating costs, amortization and maintenance.
Polishchuk B.YU., Sagitov R.F., Rekun K.O., Fedorov E.A. THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE PROCESS OF THE EXTRUSION OF THE HIGHLY FILLED PLASTICSThe authors examined the mathematical model of the process of the extrusion of the highly filled plastics with the use of methods of mathematical simulation, determined five parameters of the effect of process — productivity of press-extruder, power of the forces of useful resistance, effort, which acts on the operating units, pulse of the comprehensive compressive voltages, efficiencies of the single-screw pressing mechanism, making it possible to adequately estimate process extrusions.Key words: worm conveyor, shearing rate, the coefficient of consistency, shear stress, the productivity of press-extruder, the power of the forces of useful resistance, the effort, which acts on the operating units, the pulse of the comprehensive compressive voltages, the efficiency of the single-screw pressing mechanism.
Tretyak L.N. THE AUTOMATION OF CONTROL OF THE PROCESS OF THE PRODUCTION OF BEER WITH THE ASSIGNED PROPERTIESThe author represented the fundamentally new diagram of control of the biotechnological process of brewing on the base of the improvement of the principle of net "neuron control", of the including introduction in the structure neuron of feedback loop. The proposed principle of control makes it possible to consecutively draw near the quality of half-finished product, step by step ensuring its approximation to the parameters of the quality of end product, assigned by model. Key words: formal neuron; the intellectual neuron networks of control of technological process; the standard of quality and safety of beer; the technical regulations of the production of beer with the assigned taste and aroma properties and the lowered toxicological characteristics.
Yalaletdinova D.I., Sidorenko G.A., Popov V.P. COMPLEX INDEXES OF QUALITY DETERMINATION OF CORN BREAD WITH ELECTROCONTACT TYPE OF BAKINGThe method of production of corn bread with using of electrocontact baking is presented in this article. The authors offer complex indexes of organoleptic and physical-chemical features and complex indexes of this product

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
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