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2010, № 10

Dmitrieva O.V. "HONEST LAMBARD" AND "GERMANISTIC" CONCEPT OF ANCIENT PARLIAMENTThe author examined one of the concepts of the origin of English parliament, which was formed in the epoch of the administration of Elizabeth I Tudor (1558–1603) and been reflected in the works of the bright representative of the Tudor historical thought William Lambard, a lawyer, expert of the anglo-saxon sources, on the basis analysis of which it formulates the theory of the German people's roots of British political-law system.Key words: parliament, Tudor historical thought, lawyer, anglo-saxon legislative monuments, parliamentary statutes, witenagemot, royal council, the doctrine of the mixed monarchy.


1. O.V. Dmitrieva "A Zealous Antiquary" John Hooker and the birth of "Anglo-Saxon Parliament"// Dialogue with Time. Intellectual History Review №27. M. 2009.

2. Lambarde M. The Lambarde Diary // Miscellanea Genealogia et Heraldica. Vol.II. L., 1876.

3. Dunkel W. William Lambarde, Elizabethan jurist, 1536–1601. New Brunswick. 1965.

4. Warnicke R. M. William Lambarde, Elizabethan antiquary, 1536–1601. L. — Chichester. 1973.

5. The House of Commons. 3 vols. /Ed. by P. W. Hasler. L., 1981. Vol. II.

6. Kelley D.R. History, English Law and the Renaissance // Past & Present. Vol.65. 1974.

7. Ferguson A.B. Clio Unbound. . Perception of the Social and Cultural Past in Renaissance England. Durham (North Carolina). 1979.

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9. Evans J. A History of the Society of Antiquaries. Oxford. 1956.

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12. Putnam B.H. Early Treatises on the Practice of the Justices of the Peace in the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Oxford, 1926.

13. Aslop J.D., Stevens W.M. William Lambarde and the Elizabethan Polity // Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History.

14. Aslop J. D. Reinterpreting the Elizabethan Commons: the parliamentary session of 1566 // Journal of British Studies. Vol. 29. 1990. Pp. 216–40.

15. Lambarde W. A Perambulation of Kent. Bath. 1970.

16. Camden W. Britannia. L., 1806. Vol. I.

17. Harleian Miscellany.12 vols. L., 1808-1811. Vol. IV. L., 1809.

18. Ward P.L. (Ed.) William Lambarde"s Notes on the Procedures and Privileges of the House of Commons (1584). L., 1977.

19. Archeion, or A Discovrse Vpon the High Courts of Ivstice in England. Composed by William Lambard, of Lincolnes Inne, Gent. L., 1635.

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21. Heltzel V.B. Notes: Sir Thomas Egerton and William Lambard // The Huntington Library Quarterly. Vol. XI. 1948.

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23. Acts of the Privy Council of England / Ed. by Dasent J.R. L., 1890-1907. Vol. XII.

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About this article

Author: Dmitrieva O.V.

Year: 2010

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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