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№ 9 2007

Humanitarian sciences

Kashin V.V. COSMIC PHILOSOPHY OF KONSTANTIN TSIOLKOVSKY At 17 (29) September it will be 150 years from the date of birth of Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935), who was the Russian genius thinker and scientist, founder of theoretical cosmonautics and rocket technology. Being original thinker, K.E. Tsiolkovsky was in sources of "The Russian cosmism", which was philosophical trend, expressed in the beginning in conceptions of "conciliarism", "solidarity", "common case", "sophism", "God-manhood", and then in philosophical-scientific works of D.I. Mendeleev, A.A. Bogdanov, V.I. Vernadsky, A.L. Chizhevsky and other scientists.
Lyubichankovsky V.A., Lyubichankovsky A.V. QUESTIONNAIRE POLL AS AN ELUCIDATION METHOD OF TRADITIONAL CULTURE INFLUENCE ON AN ECOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF A PERSON FROM RURAL AREAWorking determination of traditional culture of ethnos is given in this article and also the questionnaire allowing revealing the influence of traditional culture on ecological behavior of a person is suggested here.
Mikhailova E.N. SYNERGETIC PARADIGM AT THE RESEARCH OF BALLET GENRE DEVELOPMENTThis article shows the problems of processes of ballet theatre development and origination from the point of view of synergetic paradigm. Cyclicity of historical periods of prosperity and extinction at the genre development is analyzed through the prism of categories "order - chaos", which are universals in synergetics – the science of spontaneous systems.
Stepanidina E.A. DIALOGIC RELATIONS OF VOCAL AND PIANO PARTS IN LOVE SONGS OF NATIVE COMPOSERS OF THE MIDDLE OF XX CENTURY This article is devoted to the regarding of chamber-vocal music of the middle of XX century as a dialogic system. At the first time different levels of dialogic relations in frames of note text are traced here and the general attention is given to interaction between vocal and piano parts. At the first time the correlation of vocal-piano and instrumental episodes foreshortened of dialogic relations in chamber-vocal lyrics is analyzed in this article.
Gilmanova G.Kh. REGIONAL PECULIARITIES OF FEMALE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIAN SOCIETY The peculiarities of female business development in conditions of Russian regions specified with level of urbanization, demographic and ethnoconfessional structure of population, specialization of economic development, which create special models of female business development, are shown in this article. It is noted, that female business is a special phenomenon of social-economic activity under other than male conditions for business realization and also it is differed with specific set of motivated conceptions for business realization.
Faizullin T.F., Faizullina A.I. ESSENCE OF INSTITUTIONALIZM AND ITS MEANING AT RESEARCH OF SOCIAL-ECONOMIC PHENOMENA The research of process of different social-economic phenomena institutionalization becomes more important in conditions of qualitative changes. In this article the institutionalization is regarded as the process of forming, working, consummation of new laws, formal and informal rules, mechanisms of conflicts solution, and also execution to realization of their directions by all members of common activity in frames of forming system, directed on satisfaction of population needs.
Baimbetov V.A. INTEGRATION AND DISINTEGRATION IN CIS AT THE POSTSOVIET PERIOD In this article the author analyzes the interaction of Ukraine and Russia in frames of CIS and under its borders, reveals all pluses and minuses of integration and disintegration for both countries, determines the degree of Western countries interference into matters of countries of Commonwealth of Independent States, including Russia and Ukraine. The author also reveals negative effect of disintegrative processes between the countries of Commonwealth on concrete examples.
Oskina N.V. MANAGEMENT MODERNIZATION OF REGIONAL SYSTEM OF POPULATION SOCIAL PROTECTION The problem of effectiveness increase of social protection management bodies’ activity becomes more important on the stage of social policy reforming in Russia. Perfection of regional system of population social protection allows reaching effective level of management with social services. At modernization of management system in the region it is important to account all existed objective and subjective factors and to know regional peculiarities of concrete territory.
Porozova A.D. CORRELATION OF FOLK AND STATE MEDICINE IN THE SYSTEM OF POPULATION LIFE SUPPORT OF ULIYANOVSK POVOLZHIEThe role and place of traditional folk medicine in modern public health and ethnos life are regarded in this article. The questionnaires analysis of households inquiries of Uliyanovsk region villages population is given here, where correlation of folk and state medicine role is founded out. Also the tables’ analysis which shows the attitude per cent of different age and sex groups of population to means of folk medicine and which also confirms its importance at the present time, is given in this work.
Puzanov V.D. V.N. TATISHCHEV AND FIGHT FOR COMMUNICATIONS OF ORENBURG EXPEDITION ON THE URAL IN 1735-1736 The research of role of the Great Russian historian V.N. Tatishchev during the first two years of Orenburg expedition activity and Bashkir rising 1735-1736 is shown in this article. The Ural plied the important role at the food delivery for Orenburg construction at that time. Bashkir rising in 1735 created serious threat to town’s communications.
Ivanova V.M. MODEL OF STUDENT’S PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT AS A BASE OF ACTIVITY DIFFERENT TYPES SELECTIONIn this article the model of student’s personality development from the point of view of axiological approach is regarded as peculiar mechanism which indicates possible method of these ideas using at studying activity and leads to self- actualization. The questions of organizational-system aspect of activity types selection for the process of students’ self-actualization at studying activity are revealed in this work.

Economic sciences

Kucherova E.N. MODERN APPROACH TO THE STABLE DEVELOPMENT OF AN ENTERPRISE The questions of stable development of an enterprise from the position of system approach are regarded in this article. Characteristics of enterprise features as a system are given here, types of stability of enterprise activity are distinguished, indexes of enterprise stability are determined and systematization of conceptual apparatus of enterprise stable development are given in this work.
Kryukova N.M. DEVELOPMENT OF TERMINOLOGY OF AN ENTERPRISE RESTRUCTURING The established terminology absence of processes of enterprise activity cardinal changes often leads to improper using of the term “restructuring” or unreasonable changing by its synonyms which causes varied understanding of transformations’ aim and content. The concept of restructuring differed from existing with unify approach to its content is formed as a result of analysis of determinations given in works of Russian and foreign authors.
Renner A.G., Vasyanina V.I. ANALYSIS OF FOREIGN LABOR MIGRATION STRYCTURE IN OERENBURG REGION Labor migration is more dynamic and most probably the greatest migration stream in CIS stimulated with hard economic situation and destruction of former employment sphere. Dynamics of foreign workers structure in Orenburg region at countries of origin and at general branches of economy is researched in this article.
Zhichkin K.A., Lipatova N.N. AGRICULTURE OF SAMARA REGION AT 2000-2005The analysis of structure of agricultural products production in Samara region, production of general types of crop production and cattle raising products at all categories of economy, population of cattle different types is given in this article.
Shatalova T.N., Davletbaeva L.F. MARKETING COMPLEX: COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTIC OF CONCEPTIONS "4P" AND "4C"This article is devoted to the analysis of marketing complex from the position of seller-producer (model “4P”) and from position of consumer (model “4C”). Determination of marketing complex, aim of marketing complex, necessity of its quantitative appraisal are given in this work, the example of subelements interaction is given and also communication of marketing components with external environment is given here too.
Skobeleva E.V. FINANCIAL FLOWS OF HOLDING COMPANY: MANAGEMENT OBJECTFinancial flows as an object of financial management in a holding company are regarded in this article, also their classification and accounting methodic of incoming and outgoing internal and external holding financial flows are suggested and necessity of their optimization with aim of financial management effectiveness increase in holding companies is proved here.
Ilysheva N.N., Ilmenskaya A.V., Getke O.V. REFLECTION OF RISKS, CONNECTED WITH ACTIVITY OF BANK (CONSOLIDATED) GROUPS IN CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTING The problems of reflection of risks connected with activity of bank groups in consolidated accounting are regarded in this article. The authors analyze general clauses of normative documents, concerning to questions of bank groups consolidated accounting composition, conduct critical view of literature of regarded theme and suggest variants of these problems solution.

Natural sciences

Kozminykh V.O., Goncharov V.I., Kozminykh E.N., Mukovoz P.P. CONDENSATION OF ETHERS OF METHYLENACTIVE CARBOXYLIC ACIDS WITH DIALKILOXALATES (REVIEW)Literary data is generalized and new information of getting, structure, features and biologically active ethers of 2-oxacarboxylic acids and their annular analogs generated as a result of compound ether condensation of methylenderivative carboxylic acids with dialkiloxalates are given in this article. New terms of thin organic synthesis: "oxalilacetated systems", "oxalilacetated synthesis" are suggested here.
Kurbanov R.A., Abramova Z.I., Tuaeva N.O., Tsibulkina V.N., Addison D. EXTRACELLULAR DNA OF BLOOD SERUM OF CHILDREN WITH ATOPIC BRONCHIAL ASTHMAInterconnection of extracellular DNA (extrDNA) concentration of blood serum of children with atopic bronchial asthma (ABA) with age, sex, degree of ABA severity, seasonality and level of autoantibody (AAB) consent to native DNA (nDNA) is researched in this article. Revealed statistically significant connection between extrDNA concentration and AAB consent to nDNA increasing in measures of ABA progressing indicates on DNA-dependent character of immune response at ABA.
Glazunova E.V. CONDITION OF DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY OF PATIENTS WITH EXTRASYSTOLIC ARRHYTHMIA It is established that at examination of 223 patients with extrasystolic arrhythmia of different etiology with using of scales for depression and anxiety revealing that sex of examined patients and also type of heart rate disorder do not influence on intensity of depressive and anxious disorders. It is also established that diseases etiology influences on depression and anxiety revealing of patients with extrasystole. The author establishes that depressive and anxious disorders are more expressed at ischemic cardiac disease and myocarditis than at neurocirculatory dystonia. It is distinguished that we are to regard depressive and anxious disorders and cardiovascular diseases as dependant from each other, parallel existed pathologic conditions, they have interaction and interference between each other. Of course if depressive and anxious disorders are revealed at a patient with extrasystolic arrhythmiait is necessary to add antidepressants besides antiarrhythmic preparation in a complex of conducted therapy.
Kalmykov O.G. HEALTH CONDITIONS AND PSYCHOPHYSICAL STATUS OF COLLAGE STUDENTS FROM SOUTHERN-WESTERN REGIONS OF BRYANSK REGIONThe analysis of indexes of health and psychophysical status of collage students from regions with different degree of radioactive pollution is given in this article. The percent of practically health girls is decreased in groups of students from regions with higher degree of radioactive pollution, prevalence of endocrine system diseases is increased, indexes of physical development and cognitive functions are decreased, and level of anxiety is increased in comparison with girls of the same age from radioactive pure regions, with comparable level of microelement deficiency (at iodine, fluorine and selenium).
Sotskova V.A., Kamilov F.Kh. INDEXES OF FREE-RADICAL OXIDATION AND ANTIOXIDANT DEFENSE AS MARKERS OF ADAPTATIVE REACTION OF CHILDREN AT ACTION OF CHEMICAL POLLUTANTS OF ATMOSPHERIC AIR Correlation of processes of free-radical oxidation and antioxidant defense of children under age of 7-11 years old, living at 3 kilometers zone of chemical, oil-chemical enterprises and heat stations influence is regarded in this article. It is shown that more than one third of children remain in condition of chronic oxidative stress and tension of adaptative processes.
Zholnin A.V., Gushchina G.V. HONEY FEATURES GOT WITH USING OF LUCEVIT FOOD ADDITIVE AND ITS INFLUENCE ON ADAPTATIVE SYNDROME OF ANXIETY Honey got with using of lucevit food additive is recommended as an adaptogen of soft action at stress situations. Its addition to ration of feeding decreases level of anxiety.
Aglyulina A.R., Leutsky V.L. AGE AND SEASONAL VARIABILITY OF NONSPECIFIC DEFENSE FACTORS OF BULL CALVES’ ORGANISM WHICH ARE FROM ECOLOGICALLY HETEROGENEOUS AREAS OF ORENBURG REGIONThe influence of seasons, and also different ecological conditions on variability of factors of nonspecific defense of bull calves’ organism of different age groups (from birth till six-month) in comparison with control group from farms of Orenburg region.
Ashinov Yu.N., Zubkov T.A. SOIL GRADE AS AN APPRAISAL OF SOIL COVER QUALITYGrade appraisal of soil cover quality allowing estimating connection of soil with different parameters of social condition of society is suggested in this article. Perceptiveness of such approach is shown on the example of Adygeya and defined connections of soil quality and atmosphere pollution, population settlement, level of industry and others are revealed in this work.
Veisberg E.I. ANALYSIS OF HYDROPHILIC VASCULAR FLORA OF LAKES OF FOREST ZONE IN CHELYABINSK REGION Taxonomical, ecological, biomorphological, geographical analysis of vascular hydrophilic flora of lakes of forest zone in Chelyabinsk region was conducted on the base of own data and literary materials. It was revealed that this flora in its base connected with water ecotopes. At geographical attitude this flora was presented essentially with types of wide areals but it had zonal-geographical peculiarities of regional flora integrally.
Suleimanov R.R. SOIL RESEARCHES OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONUMENT IN THE VALLEY OF THE RIVER STERLYAThe results of soil researches on the territory of archaeological monument "Nikolaev’s burial mounds" situated in the valley of the River Sterlya (Republic of Bashkortostan) are given in this article. Morphological and some chemical properties of soil cover of burial mounds in comparison with modern background soil (typical carbonate chernozem) are studied here.
Polkunov Yu.G., Spiridonova E.V. MODELING OF WEDGE CRACK DEVELOPMENT IN DEFECTIVE MATERIAL This article is devoted to working out of criteria of wedge cracks development in plane. Dependences of the first type tensions intension coefficient to physical-mechanical features of material, loading length and distance till inclined crack are determined in this article. Adequacy of modeling results is proved with analytical researches.

Technical sciences

Nazarov V.V. RHEOSEPARATORS OF SMALL PRODUCTIVITY FOR BIOSOLUTIONSDescription of centrifugal separators and centrifuges intended for separation and cleaning of biological liquids is given in this article. Their constructive peculiarities and technological possibilities in comparison with machines produced serially are analyzed here. The questions of terminology and classification of pheoseparators of small productivity are regarded in this work. The author suggests new rheocentrifuge-cleaner with regulated worked backlash created softer and sparer mode for working of structural biosolutions.
Chepasov V.I., Sinyugin V.A. METHODOLOGY OF CONDITIONALITY APPRAISAL IN MULTIVARIATE RESEARCHES The using of correlated, factor and regressive analysis for determination of qualitative and quantitative conditionality of number of emergency calling at mortality and strokes with tidal changes of gravity force are described in this article.
Iskhakov M.M., Rassokha V.I. COMPLEX RESEARCH OF BUS-STOPS OF CITY PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION IN ORENBURG CITYThe results of complex research of bus-stops’ conditions in Orenburg city and work of rolling stock of city passenger transportation on them are given in this article. Revealed damages in technology of work and organization of traffic show the necessity in measures which help to unload street-traffic system on the city and increase the safety of road traffic.
Popov A.V., Babin V.N. OPTIMAL PROJECTING OF UNITS FOR MILK PRIMARY COOLINGOptimal parameters of units for milk primary cooling, at which the minimum of aim functions – market analog of reduced costs function is reached, are determined on the base of mathematical modeling, thermodynamic analysis and technical-economic optimization.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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