№ 3 (221), 20 june 2019
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457
Алексей Александрович Бодалёв (1923–2014), российский ученый, доктор психологических наук, профессор, академик Российской академии
образования, специалист в области психологии личности, социальной психологии, психологии общения и акмеологии, крупный организатор отечественной
психологической науки. Бодалёвым впервые в отечественной психологии систематически изучены закономерности и механизмы формирования первого
впечатления о другом человеке. Одним из первых раскрыл предмет акмеологии. Основные работы: «Восприятие человека человеком», «Формирование понятия о личности другого человека», «Личность и общение», «Основы психодиагностики», «Психология о личности», «Психология общения», «О предмете акмеологии» и другие.
Aptikieva L.R. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ADOLESCENTS OF THE “RISK GROUP” AND TYPICAL ADOLESCENTS: THE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTThe danger of transition of asocial manifestations of adolescents into stable, recurrent actions necessitates timely preventive and corrective psychological and pedagogical assistance, the effectiveness of which is determined by taking into account the psychological characteristics of adolescents of the “risk group”. Adolescence itself (a controversial, acute period) is a source of increased risk of formation of antisocial behavior. Objective: to compare typical adolescents and adolescents of the “risk group”, to identify differences in the manifestation of personality traits. Experimentally, we compared 30 typical adolescents and 30 adolescents of the “risk group” with standard interrogation techniques. It was established that adolescents of the “risk group” are distinguished by their desire for risk, a high level of aggressiveness, hostility, a high degree of severity of character accentuations, and their type. Statistically significant differences were revealed by the Student criterion in the severity of reactions. Indirect aggression, negativity, suspicion, guilt got a significance level of 0.01, resentment — a significance level of 0.1. The formation of antisocial behavior is influenced by objective factors of social risk: crisis phenomena in the family, exclusion from school, etc. and subjective — psychophysiological and psychobiological premises. The organization of effective, targeted preventive, correctional and developmental activities requires clarification of the psychological characteristics of typical adolescents and adolescents of the “risk group”.Key words: adolescents, typical adolescents, adolescents of the “risk group”, period of ontogenesis, age period, accentuation, aggressiveness, hostility, risk appetite, prevention, correction, asocial behavior.
Bеrоeva E.A. MODERN PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES IMPLEMENTATION IN THE TEACHER PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT IN THE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMThe socio-economic realities of modern society naturally put forward the need to update the education system. A teacher is required to be able to find new ways to improve training and education, purposefully achieve productive results in the profession. The implementation of modern pedagogical technologies in the system of advanced training provides for the construction of an individual educational trajectory of the teacher’s professional self-development. The aim of the study was to determine the educational effectiveness of the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies in the development of professional competence of a teacher. As a result of a theoretical study of scientific and pedagogical literature, it was revealed that the pedagogical potential of modern technologies is not sufficiently disclosed in the continuing education system. I understand the professional competence of the teacher as an integrative, continuously improving professional and personal quality, ensuring the productive implementation of labor activity, expressed in the constant desire to master personal-significant professional knowledge and skills, and to master the new educational work in the professional sphere. A characteristic feature of modern pedagogical technologies is the active cognitive activity that stimulates the development of motivation for self-improvement. They have features: focus on the development of those knowledge, skills that correspond to the educational needs and professional deficiencies of the student; ensuring active cognitive activity of subjects of education; motivation for self-development. As a result of the pedagogical experiment, I established a positive dynamics in the level of development of professional competence of students who were trained under the continuing education program using modern pedagogical technologies. The implementation of modern pedagogical technologies contributes to the development of professional competence of a teacher in a continuing education system.Key words: modern pedagogical technologies, professional competence of teachers, advanced training system.
Gladkih V.G. TARGET DOMINANT OF INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING BACHELOR PRACTICAL READINESS FORMATIONThe modern system of vocational education is focused on the needs of a potential employer in skilled workers. The specified qualification of the bachelor predetermines his professional mission of the teacher of College which is also the supposed object of employment. The need of the employer is characterized by the formed practical readiness of the future teacher to carry out high-quality education of students, and its target dominants are the skills that provide productive results of mastering the profession in interactive learning. With regard to the specifics of the practical readiness of the future teacher at the College among the priority activities, regardless of the content of the disciplines studied is considered educational and methodical. That is why the practical readiness of the bachelor of vocational training is associated with the ability to develop evaluation tools for training, to design their instrumental and technological efficiency and productivity in the implementation of diagnosis and measurement of the quality of education of students in College. The formation of these skills is carried out in the study of specific disciplines, respectively, the real prerequisites of the set of target dominants are created. The most expedient and effective way to achieve this goal is the widespread use of active and interactive forms and methods of pedagogical interaction, the inclusion of students in productive activities, which are essentially necessary elements of interactive learning technology. The target dominants of its application in the formation of practical readiness are communicative interaction of students, intensively and purposefully managing and directing the development of evaluation tools.Key words: target dominants, interactive technologies, practical readiness, bachelor of professional training.
Kobseva N.I. DIAGNOSIS AND CORRECTION OF THE TRAINING POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEST CONTROLThe modern realities of socio-economic development are creating new requirements for the quality of higher education, updating intellectual resources and guidelines for preparing a modern highly qualified specialist capable of moving from education “for life” to education “throughout life” in order to achieve the level of competitive professional demand in the job market. Universities are directly confronted with the question: “How to increase student learning?”, “What are the most effective methods of organizing the educational process?”, “What determines student learning?”, “How to increase the level of teaching potential of educational technologies?”. The experience of numerous practices and observations made it possible to simulate situations as a result of which the use of test control significantly increases the emotive-value side of the learning process, the interest of students, not only the level of formation of competencies, but specific difficulties, knowledge gaps and mistakes of students are revealed, which leads to their timely correction. It should be noted that high-quality diagnostic control always has a distinct educational character, that is, it has educational potential. Summarizing the views of domestic and foreign scientists on this issue, I found that the introduction of a systematic, high-quality test control in the learning process becomes an effective way to increase student learning. Test control is one of the most modern, objective and gentle tools for obtaining information about the process of assimilation of knowledge. Summarizing the results of the study, I came to the conclusion that the training potential of test control, its development can be represented as a synthesis of cognitive, value, practical indicators and level criteria (higher, middle, lower), the analysis and application of which allows the diagnosis and correction of its development. They are developed in the context of the students’ main areas of activity, taking into account their age and socio-psychological characteristics: the sensitive period of development, computer addiction, the desire for collective interaction, critical thinking, professional self-determination, development “I-concept”, value orientations, life guidelines.Key words: learning potential, test control, learning ability, development, student, education, value orientations, indicator, diagnostics.
Litvinenko N.V., Sharycheva M.E. DEVELOPMENT AMPLIFICATION OF THE PRESCHOOL AGE CHILDRENTHROUGH MODERN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIESOne of the fundamental principles of modern preschool education is the principle of amplification (enrichment) of child development. However, its effective implementation requires taking into account the current trends in the development of preschool children such as reduced cognitive activity, thinking indicators, fine hand motor skills, arbitrariness, communicative competence, an increase, on the one hand, the number of children with disabilities, and on the other hand, the number of gifted children. They should be taken into account by each teacher in their activities aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with age and individual inclinations, development of abilities and potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world. On the basis of a complex of methods (analysis of scientific literature, comparison, synthesis, synthesis and expert evaluation), we identified opportunities in enriching the children’s development of such modern pedagogical technologies as the technology of project activities; research technology; portfolio; health-saving technologies; student-centered technology; information and communication technology; gaming technology; characterizes scientific approaches to the concepts of “technology”, “pedagogical technology”, outlines the main methodological requirements for pedagogical technologies (conceptual, systematic, manageable and reproducing a system of actions), defines their structure, including the conceptual basis, the content component and the procedural part. Analysis of the scientific literature and practice of modern preschool education suggests that the success of a preschool organization teacher in amplifying child development is determined by the implementation of a set of pedagogical technologies that ensure the variability and diversity of organizational forms of preschool education, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health status of children.Key words: preschool age, preschool organization, pedagogical technology, preschool education system.
Miroshnichenko I.V., Lutsay E.D., Klimushkin A.V., Volodin A.V., Kalinina E.A., Boev V.A. MODERN APPROACHES TO THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS ORGANIZATION FOR THE FORMATION OF CANCER ALERTNESS AMONG MEDICAL WORKERSAnnual and steady increase of the population oncological morbidity is observed. In particular, for the population of the Orenburg region, the issues of malignant neoplasms early diagnosis are very relevant. In 2018, the growth rate was 4,4 %, compared with 2016. The detection rate of malignant neoplasms during preventive medical examinations amounted to 41,0 %. This indicator is higher than the Russian average. Among the number of actively detected malignant neoplasms, on the average, more than 60 % in the region was detected at the stage I — II of the disease, but there were areas where this indicator is less than 40,0 %. The Institute of Professional Education of the Orenburg State Medical University developed the pilot project on inclusion of all categories of medical workers of the Orenburg region state medical organizations in the continuing medical education system to update knowledge on cancer alertness. During the pilot project, we tested primary healthcare workers: therapists, general practitioners, obstetricians-gynecologists of women’s consultations. Initial level of knowledge and choice of the most preferred professional development course from the proposed ones were defined. Additional professional programs developed by the professorial and teaching staff of the University together with leading experts of the Ministry of Health of the region had the required components: distance learning, availability of simulation training. At the end of the courses, medical workers expressed general opinion about the need for such form of education organization. It allowed them to increase the level of professional competencies without leaving their workplaces. For medical workers, an important motivation factor for choosing an education trajectory became the results of the knowledge screening on cancer alertness issues.Key words: professional development programs, cancer alertness, medical workers.
Lyskova G.T. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ESSENCE AND DETERMINANTS OF SOCIALIZATION OF YOUNGER SCHOOLCHILDREN IN AN INCLUSIVE CLASSROOMThe integration of children with disabilities at comprehensive school is aimed primarily at socializing them in the society. The conflict of relationship and acceptance of disabled children within their age group lies in the personal characteristics of elementary schoolchildren. This research of communicative skills of elementary students in the conditions of an inclusive class was conducted with the application of method of sociometric status of a child in a class to study the degree of students’ preferences of children with disabilities as potential communicative partners. The survey results in the inclusive class showed that the healthy children do not want to communicate with the disabled children. There are several reasons for that: fear, negative assessment, prejudice, a willingness to make friends only with the successful students. The children with disabilities are actually outcasts in the class. To fulfill complete integration of children with disabilities in a class, the teacher’s work needs to be focused on their social adaptation. It is necessary to form communicative interaction of students. In my opinion, communicative interaction is a determining factor for creating good students’ relationships, everyone’s acceptance within a group, friendship, psychological well-being and improving the life quality of children with disabilities.Key words: inclusive education, adaptation, socialization, communicative interaction, friendship, students with disabilities.
Novak M.A. SOCIAL SUCCESS FORMATION OF A TEENAGERThe analysis of definition of social success of the teenager helped me to reveal steady interest of teachers and psychologists to insufficiently studied phenomenon, in relation to those risks of teenagers generation Z (centenials) living in the digital environment and overcoming paradoxes of socialization, acutely experiencing the success or failure in the real and virtual worlds. In my opinion, the experience of failure pushes teenagers to extremes and escapism as a form of withdrawal into gaming and social networks. I believe that it is important to offer teenagers a sample of success in the activities of the children’s international center. For me, the “grains” of the meanings of many aspects of the concept and as a process, result, state of personality, the totality of objective properties, features and personal qualities became obvious. I see social success as an integrative characteristic of the individual, reflecting a systematic knowledge of the approved norms and attitudes of society to gain experience of socially significant and successful activities. I propose to distinguish the following components in the structure of the concept: axeological (emotional-value attitude to success), epistemological (summarized knowledge about success) and prognostic (focus on productive social interaction that ensures success). The value of formation of social success of the teenager is confirmed in our practice of the children’s international center in the author’s project “Good school” filled with socially oriented practices and creative activity. Shaping the social success of the individual in adolescence, we see that it is important to start the mechanism of personal self-improvement in the development of resources of time and space of their own life. All this is possible in the environment of professionally competent Tutors who help to prioritize the development of key qualities of a socially successful person.Key words: social success of the teenager, phenomenality of adolescence, generation Z, socially oriented practices, creativity, children‘s international center.
Sakharova N.S., Moroz V.V., Tomin V.V. METHODS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENTIn the era of globalization with the development of modern information tools, the communicative skills of students, the ability to clearly express their thoughts both in writing and verbally, gain priority. The development of the student’s value attitude to the process of learning a foreign language largely depends on the teacher’s ability to create an emotionally motivating atmosphere and on the choice of strategies, their successful value interaction with the student. During the pedagogical experiment, methodological support for the development of students’ foreign language competence was tested. Methodological support is represented by a set of organizational forms and methods, such as educational dialogue, educational text, intensification of foreign language material, projective assessment methods. The experiment involved more than two hundred students. We have found that during the educational dialogue at all stages of the development of foreign language competence, an axiologically significant professionally oriented environment is formed in the educational process. In this environment a valuable interaction occurs between students and the teacher, which contributes to the development of foreign language competence. Creative tasks activate students’ cognitive value-oriented activities, and the Internet and modern information and communication technologies significantly expand the foreign-language dialogue space. The effectiveness of the axiological environment was determined using comparative analysis in synchrony and diachrony. This study allowed distinguishing two stages of the educational process, built on the basis of value-semantic intensity, and focused on the development of foreign language competence. It was determined that the activation of the system-value communicative goal-setting mechanism is manifested in the development of student’s value orientations, motivation of professionally significant foreign-language activity. Axiologization of linguistic education and the use of creative value-oriented forms and teaching methods are pedagogical conditions for the development of students’ foreign language competence. Key words: foreign language competence, university students, axiologically significant professionally oriented environment, value interaction.
Utkina T.I. QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN GENERAL AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONEnsuring the quality of all levels of General and vocational education meets the changing needs of the population and the long-term objectives of the development of Russian society and the economy is relevant in modern conditions. The scientific research “Management of quality in General and vocational education”, which passed the state registration in the all-Russian scientific and technical information center (№ 012011519), is devoted to the solution of this problem. The concept of the study is to develop and substantiate the theoretical and practical foundations of the formation and development of internal systems of quality assurance of educational institutions of General and vocational education and their subsystems. As part of this research, I have implemented eight innovative educational and research programs on the basis of educational institutions of General, secondary professional and higher education in Orsk and Novotroitsk : “Quality assurance of educational processes in vocational education”; “Quality management of the educational process in the conditions of implementation of the FSES of General education”; “Development of educational and research activities of students as a factor in ensuring the quality of high school education”; “Formation and development of the school system of quality of the educational process”; “Formation of universal educational actions as a factor in ensuring the quality of training of students in the conditions of the implementation of the FSES CO”; “Formation of key competencies of students as a factor in ensuring the quality of education in a secondary school; “Three-tissues and their applications”; “Quality management of the educational process in the Lyceum of industrial and technological profile”. The results of the implementation of these innovative educational and research programs allowed me to draw a conclusion about the feasibility of using the methodology of international standards ISO 9000 in quality management in General and vocational education at the level of educational organization through the creation of internal quality assurance systems. Key words: management, general and professional education, quality, internal quality assurance system of educational organization, graduate modal, technology.
Cherkashina T.T., Chernova I.V., Novikova N.S. SOCIOCULTURAL CRASHING MENTAL ATTITUDES: AXIOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATION OF HUMANITARIAN EDUCATIONIn modern Russia, ideological attitudes in the education system, which are “as if” canceled, implicitly form in the minds of the younger generation a picture of the world, which today is called by many “inverted”. In this regard, the key task of humanitarian education at the state level is the education of patriotically-minded young people with independent thinking, having a creative outlook, professional knowledge, demonstrating a high culture. The article discusses sociocultural problems that are reflected in the linguistic consciousness of the younger generation of Russians; analyzes the key ideological attitudes of humanistic education, compares the concept of patriotic education of young people as anti-crisis measures to preserve the security of the country; with linguistic sociocultural approaches, worldview pluralism is considered and its consequences are discussed — the “inverted” consciousness of students, which postulates the need for “vaccination” of patriotism. Language transformations at the level of lexical substitutions lead to serious cognitive changes in the linguistic consciousness and, as a result, to mental disruptions. The crisis of axiological values that baffled not only the younger generation, but also adults, the search for an answer to the question of what is true, what is good and what is bad, actualizes the solution of a number of questions for the teacher. The teacher should act as the organizer of the study of a specific situation, inviting all students to jointly search for the truth. Ideally, the dialogue with the student should be a dialogue with the person, and not with the average object of study. The main task of education as the most complex social institution becomes the revival of humanistic traditions peculiar to the Russian mentality. Anti-crisis measures to inoculate morality and patriotism are today the social order of modern education.Key words: education, value transformations, socio-cultural experience.
Yakusheva S.D. DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL ABILITY OF THE TEACHER-MANAGERIN THE SYSTEM OF PROFESSIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ENGINEERINGThe vector of the new century is the transformation of the goals, meanings and values of the education system. The activity of modern educational organizations (complexes) of the capital region is that progressive sphere where the educational space of the complex is changing qualitatively, the professional skills of the teacher-manager are being developed in the system of professional and pedagogical engineering, system design of educational process models is being implemented. In this regard, educational organizations (complexes) providing the preparation and dissemination of advanced pedagogical practices serve as starting “reference” points for the development of science and teacher education. Each teacher needs a personal and professional habilitation to make adjustments to their activities or to develop a fundamentally new individual trajectory. Today’s imperative is a professional activity that allows you to adapt to the changing realities of society, thereby developing the professional skills of a teacher-manager. The education system not only transfers information to subsequent generations, forming a professional teacher who is adequate to the requirements of society, but is also an important factor in the formation and development of the personality itself in its unique diversity.Key words: professional and pedagogical engineering, teacher-manager, teacher’s professiogram, professional ability.
Lapina A.S. REQUIREMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHINGIN MODERN RUSSIAN EDUCATIONAL PRACTICEThe relevance of the question of the requirements for the professional activity of a teacher or educator in modern Russia consists in almost daily and sometimes contradictory appeals of government officials, parents, children, and education workers themselves to this topic. In order get in it deeper, the article analyzes the professional activities of a teacher in modern Russian educational practice, for which the definitions of pedagogical activity are considered. It is shown that the dominant ideas are the triune result of pedagogical activity, the main forms, means and methods of implementing this process, its uniqueness due to the focus on the formation of independence of students. Further in the work, the functions of the teacher are highlighted from the point of view of various researchers and normative documents, which was possible due to the synthesis of the ideas above and the definitions of pedagogical activity into categories, which were named as a result of the translational, optimization and projective functions of the teacher. Due to the appearance of obvious requirements for the teacher in the functions given to him by the profession, the next stage of the study was to analyze the concept of professional teacher competence. The various authors’ view on it was supported by information on the qualifications of teachers and on their competencies from the federal state educational standard (GEF). The presented results of the comparison of these positions are given in conjunction with qualitative explanations regarding the presence of several points of contact between components of qualification, basic competencies and highlighted components of competence (intellectual-pedagogical, informational, communicative, regulatory). Based on the findings, an attempt was made to formulate the professional tasks of the teacher on the basis of his functions and competencies as necessary for the implementation of actions in the daily work of the teacher, named: tasks of a methodological orientation, tasks of information and tasks of a regulatory and communicative nature.Key words: pedagogical activity, teacher’s functions, competencies of a teacher, professional standard of a teacher, GEF, requirements for a teacher.
Mel’nikova A.Ya., Kirillova I.K., Mel’nikov D.D. COMPLEX OF ENGINEERING GAMES IN THE FORMATION INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL OF THE FUTURE BACHELORWe research a complex of engineering games in the study of the discipline “Material Science and Technology of Structural Materials” and its impact on the formation of innovative potential for future bachelors of the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology in the Bashkir State University. At the beginning of the article, we note that in the last decade the demand for qualified specialists of the innovative type has grown. In this regard, we introduce the concept of professional and personal quality of a bachelor — innovative potential, which includes a combination of innovative knowledge, skills and relationships. In the higher school, the relevance of the innovative potential of modern engineers is recognized and research to form their competencies are being conducted, but effective methods for its formation have not been identified. We found that an effective methodology for the formation of innovative potential within the subject “Materials Science and Technology of Construction Materials” is a complex of engineering games, including a cycle of didactic, role-playing and business games. Also, we give an example of the development of a complex of engineering games, a description of business games in the conditions of enterprises and obtaining the result. Our engineering games are based on an innovative task, the integration of educational and quasi-professional activities, the simulation of significant conditions for making innovative decisions, the using of elements of the industrial environment of basic departments, scientific and methodological support, and include means of assessing the innovative potential of future bachelors. On this basis, we conclude that the complex of engineering games is effectively used to form the innovative potential of future bachelors.Key words: innovative potential, a complex of engineering games, a set of didactic games, a set of role-playing games, a set of business games, basic departments.
Ushakov Yu.A., Shukhman A.E., Parfenov D.I., Polezhaev P.N., Ushakova M.V. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF USING THE VIDEOCONFERENCING PLATFORM IN THE CONTINUING EDUCATION SYSTEMAll major browsers began to support WebRTC technology, many video conferencing systems switched to WebRTC as the main technology. But there still remain problems of controlling the quality of voice and video, especially in multi-point conferences, where there is no time to control each participant and there is no way to quickly reconnect some of the participants. The work is devoted to the possibility of automatic objective quality control of perception on the client side for both audio and video streams for the operational solution of WebRTC transmission problems.Key words: WebRTC, professional education, multi-point video communication, individual training.
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