June 2019, № 3 (221), pages 79-86doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-221-79
Cherkashina T.T., Chernova I.V., Novikova N.S. SOCIOCULTURAL CRASHING MENTAL ATTITUDES: AXIOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATION OF HUMANITARIAN EDUCATIONIn modern Russia, ideological attitudes in the education system, which are “as if” canceled, implicitly form in the minds of the younger generation a picture of the world, which today is called by many “inverted”. In this regard, the key task of humanitarian education at the state level is the education of patriotically-minded young people with independent thinking, having a creative outlook, professional knowledge, demonstrating a high culture. The article discusses sociocultural problems that are reflected in the linguistic consciousness of the younger generation of Russians; analyzes the key ideological attitudes of humanistic education, compares the concept of patriotic education of young people as anti-crisis measures to preserve the security of the country; with linguistic sociocultural approaches, worldview pluralism is considered and its consequences are discussed — the “inverted” consciousness of students, which postulates the need for “vaccination” of patriotism. Language transformations at the level of lexical substitutions lead to serious cognitive changes in the linguistic consciousness and, as a result, to mental disruptions. The crisis of axiological values that baffled not only the younger generation, but also adults, the search for an answer to the question of what is true, what is good and what is bad, actualizes the solution of a number of questions for the teacher. The teacher should act as the organizer of the study of a specific situation, inviting all students to jointly search for the truth. Ideally, the dialogue with the student should be a dialogue with the person, and not with the average object of study. The main task of education as the most complex social institution becomes the revival of humanistic traditions peculiar to the Russian mentality. Anti-crisis measures to inoculate morality and patriotism are today the social order of modern education.Key words: education, value transformations, socio-cultural experience.
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About this article
Authors: Cherkashina T.T., Chernova Yu.V., Novikova N.S.
Year: 2019
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-221-79
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |