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June 2019, № 3 (221), pages 6-14

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-221-6

Aptikieva L.R. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ADOLESCENTS OF THE “RISK GROUP” AND TYPICAL ADOLESCENTS: THE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTThe danger of transition of asocial manifestations of adolescents into stable, recurrent actions necessitates timely preventive and corrective psychological and pedagogical assistance, the effectiveness of which is determined by taking into account the psychological characteristics of adolescents of the “risk group”. Adolescence itself (a controversial, acute period) is a source of increased risk of formation of antisocial behavior. Objective: to compare typical adolescents and adolescents of the “risk group”, to identify differences in the manifestation of personality traits.
Experimentally, we compared 30 typical adolescents and 30 adolescents of the “risk group” with standard interrogation techniques. It was established that adolescents of the “risk group” are distinguished by their desire for risk, a high level of aggressiveness, hostility, a high degree of severity of character accentuations, and their type. Statistically significant differences were revealed by the Student criterion in the severity of reactions. Indirect aggression, negativity, suspicion, guilt got a significance level of 0.01, resentment — a significance level of 0.1.
The formation of antisocial behavior is influenced by objective factors of social risk: crisis phenomena in the family, exclusion from school, etc. and subjective — psychophysiological and psychobiological premises. The organization of effective, targeted preventive, correctional and developmental activities requires clarification of the psychological characteristics of typical adolescents and adolescents of the “risk group”.
Key words: adolescents, typical adolescents, adolescents of the “risk group”, period of ontogenesis, age period, accentuation, aggressiveness, hostility, risk appetite, prevention, correction, asocial behavior.


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About this article

Author: Aptikieva L.R.

Year: 2019

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-221-6

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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