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№ 2 (163), 2014


Anokhina S.A. THE AXIOLOGICAL ADAPTATION BACHELORS IN UNIVERSITY ENVIRONMENTThe article concerns the adaptation of students to the axiological paradigm that extends the meaning of the term and allows you to enter the notion of axiological adaptation in pedagogy. Correlating it with pedagogical constructs they must be operationalized, applied in theory and practice, the factors of university environment, influencing the adaptation of Bachelors in education.Key words: social adaptation, axiology, axiological, stress resistance, adaptation of the higher education environment.
Arhipov A.A., Valetov M.R. PRESERVING AND STRENGTHENING THE PHYSICAL HEALTH OF CHILDREN MIDDLE SCHOOL AGE IN PRACTICE PHYSICAL EDUCATIONIn the modern context of the school education intensification and the health deterioration of the school children, it is necessary to implant in the educational process special methods for the physical health maintenance with the elements of the non-traditional kinds of the sporting activities, focused on the complex somato therapeutic methods, purposefully influencing on the formation of the basic index of the school children physical health. Key words: social personality disadaptation, method for the health maintenance in the practice of physical education, phenomenon of the physical activity, unspecific stimulation of the school child's personality, non-traditional kinds of the sporting activities, somato therapeutic influence.
Ahmedyanova G.F. THE AGENT-BASED COORDINATION OF CREATIVE AND TECHNOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS OF LEARNINGThe analysis of process of training from the point of view of opportunities represented by modeling it on a basis the agent — the focused approach is carried out. Questions of allocation of pedagogical system, detection of the general rules of behavior, qualities of agents, the teacher, properties of a method of training, distribution of complexity of a taught material on the training period are discussed. As criterion of depth of assimilation of a material of discipline extent of lag of agents in the course of advance on the training period is accepted.Key words: the agent — the focused modeling (AOM), training process, pedagogical technologies, creative methods of training.
Bobryashova O.V., Mosienko L.V. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF RUSSIAN AND FOREIGN EXPERIENCE DEVELOPMENT OF DESIGN EDUCATIONIn the article the authors analyze the definition of "design", highlighting the semantic dominant, define the modern trends of the Russian and foreign design education shall provide a comparative analysis of pedagogical dominant design education (Russian and foreign experience).Key words: design, design education, pedagogical dominant.
Vanshina E.A. SLIDE-TECHNOLOGY BASED UPON 3D-MODELLING IN TEACHING GRAPHICAL AND GEOMETRICAL SUBJECTSThe article deals with the results of how to create electronic slides by means of 3D-modelling computer-generated graphics for teaching graphical and geometrical subjects on the example of the topic Images: types, aspects and sections of the subject Engineering graphics.Key words: slide, technology, model, modeling, 3D computer-generated graphics, images, engineering graphics.
Volobaeva L.A., Gilazieva S.R. PROFESSIONAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPETENCE OF ADULT POPULATION IN THE SYSTEM OF CONTINUOUS EDUCATIONIn the article the theoretical and methodological factors are determined and the formedness of components of professional physical education competence of specialists except physical education teachers in physical education practice is identified, as means object perfect person in tie with preparation and participation in concrete professional activity.Key words: health, professional formation of specialists, physical development, professional physical education competence.
Gabidullin I.F. FORMATION OF JUSTICE CIVIL YOUTH: STATUS AND TRENDSThe results of research aimed at studying the "legal conscience" notion, its content and formation in Russia are quoted in the article. The analysis of the state of youth legal conscience shows the topicality of a problem at issue up to date. A special attention is paid to transformation in education in the context of "Education for Sustainability", having a direct impact on modern development tendencies of youth legal conscience.Key words: conscience, legal conscience, civil conscience, civil society, legal state, ecology, ecological conscience, education, sustainable development.
Gavrilova O.V. CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF BACHELORS TRAINING OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN HIGHER SCHOOLThe article considers the problems of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic higher educational institutions related to educational and methodological resources, the organization of educational process; author offers a new concept of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic institute on the basis of evidence-based reform of curricula, programmes, technologies and conditions of teaching foreign languages in the preparation of bachelors.Key words: teaching foreign languages, non-linguistic institute, bachelor's degree, a new concept.
Garayeva E.A., Kuznetsov V.V. NEGATIVE TENDENCIES OVERCOMING OF CHILDREN'S INVASION ON SPECIAL PROTECTION AGAINST DRUG CONSUMPTION The article considers the drug consumption problem by teenagers. The statistic data of mortality rates and disease incidence at drug addiction by children and teenagers during the last years in Russia are cited in the article. The authors present the main documents regulating the activity in the sphere of drug addiction and drug consumption prevention among children and teenagers. Key words: drugs, psychoactive substances, drug consumption by teenagers, pedagogical measures of antinarcotic prevention in educational sphere.
Gerasimenko S.A., Gamova N.A., Zubova I.K., Ostraya O.V. ON THE DIRECTIONS OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY IN HIGH SCHOOL (ON AN EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITY)The article reflects the experience of teachers in the Faculty of Mathematics and organizing educational activities, presents the structure, functions, principles and the role of educational activity in the formation of socially mature personality.Key words: education, educational activity, person, subject-subject interaction, values, Mathematics, Department of Mathematics.
Gilazieva S.R. ADULT POPULATION ATTITUDE TO PHYSICAL EDUCATION TRAININGSIn the article the problem of adult population attitude to physical education trainings on self-dependent basis and eliciting of the knowledge level as well as competence in physical education issues are considered. In result conduct investigation discover definite tie between occupation of physical culture and active participation in social life. Key words: sociologic survey, physical education and sport, knowledge level professwional education system.
Gladkikh V.G., Denisova O.V. TO THEPROBLEM OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF A FUTURE MECHANIC ENGINEER IN PROJECT TRAININGIn this article the pedagogical essence of a process of professional self-development of a future mechanic engineer is being analyzed, the project approach in technical training of a future mechanic engineer is contemplated. The data of empirical research of a problem of professional self-development of a future mechanic engineer in project training in college are given.Key words: personal self-development, professional self-development of a future mechanic engineer, project, project approach, project training.
Golovina S.V. AXIOLOGICAL COMPONENT OF HUMANITARIAN CULTURE OF STUDENT'S PERSONALITYAbility of allocation of valuable category of dignity as axiological dominant of forming humanitarian culture of student — future specialist, which is valuably concretizing pedagogical instrumentation of developing process is being proved in the article. Key words: humanitarian culture, humanitarian values, labour, mastery, dignity.
Gorshkova V.V. ONTOLOGY OF CONTINUING HUMAN EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF A NEW TYPE OF SOCIAL REALITY The article explores the idea of the ontologization of continuing education in today's social reality. Particular attention is paid to the integrative nature of continuing education and its segments dominated by informal education.Key words: continuing education, social-androgogic paradigm, modernization of education, principles of continuing education.
Gunkov V.V. ON THE ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS' SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH CAPACITY AND THE EFFICIENCY OF EDUCATION IN THE STUDY OF PHYSICS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF STUDENTS OF THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FACULTY, ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITY)The development of the scientific and industrial spheres in modern society is considered. The lag between educational standards and the objective requirements of modern society is revealed. The conclusion is drawn to shift the focus of the educational process on the forming of university students' scientific research potential (SRP). The experience in using the projects method as a tool of development and diagnostics of the students' SRP is described.Key words: scientific research capacity, efficiency of education.
Gusakova V.O. DISCIPLINE IS THE TRADITIONS OF THE STRUCTURE OF MILITARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. TO A QUESTION ABOUT MOLDING OF THE SPIRITUAL– MORAL QUALITIES OF THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEFENDER OF THE FATHERLANDIn the article the optimum sociocultural educational models, characteristic for the military educational institutions are examined; are compared concepts "of obedience" and "disciplines", characteristic for ancient Russia and Russia new time, are analyzed — "patriotism" and "self-sacrifice", are differentiated — "civil" and "military duty".Key words: discipline, structure, one-man management, tradition, the association, identity.
Eremina A.I. HISTORICAL — PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE BIRSCO TATAR– BASHKIR TEACHER EDUCATION SCHOOL IN 1920 — 1930 "S.The article, based on archival materials, reveals the history of formation and functioning of the Birsk Tatar– Bashkir school teacher in the 1920-1930 "s. Conducted historical and pedagogical analysis of the educational institution, shows the extensive positive experience in the training of future specialists.Key words: Birsk Tatar-Bashkir-parameter pedagogical school, vocational education, history, pedagogy.
Zaritskaya L.A., Sakharova N.S. PEDAGOGICAL ENTITY OF PROFESSIONAL LINGUISTIC DEVELOPMENTThe article deals with the pedagogical entity of professional linguistic development. The main aim of the article is brief review of specific peculiarities of development.Key words: higher professional education, professional linguistic development, linguistic education.
Kargapoltseva N.A., Golovina S.V. COMPETENCE CHANGES OF HUMANITARIAN CULTURE OF STUDENT'S PERSONALITYCompetence changes of humanitarian culture of student's personality assume the formation of conditions for highest possible manifestation and development of individuality of future specialist, realization of his necessity in spiritual, social and professional formation as a factor of successful socialization in modern society. Key words: humanitarian culture, competence, socialization.
Kiryakova A.V., Olkhovaya T.A. DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS AXIOLOGICAL POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT The article presents a comprehensive analysis of axiological bases research results of university teachers' professional activity, including value-ideals, value traits of personality and behavior values. The authors identified the main trends and contradictions of teaching activity development, marked the models of axiological potential development of the university teachers' personality.Key words: axiological potential of the personality, axiological determinants of university teacher's professional activity, models of axiological potential development of the university teacher's personality.
Kiselyova Zh.I., Koltyreva L.Y., Shlyapnikova V.V. FEATURES OF ESTIMATION OF PHYSICAL READINESS BEING TRAINED SPECIAL MEDICAL GROUP IN THE COURSE OF OCCUPATIONS OF AN IMPROVING ORIENTATIONAt estimation of physical readiness visually impaired being trained specialmedical groups need of continuity of secondary general and higher education is defined. Mental and physical features of this category of children and youth are opened. The offered control exercises (tests) developed taking into account indications and contraindications for people of having violation of sight, have advisory nature.Key words: estimation of the physical readiness, special medical group, sight violations.
Kolobov A.N., Zubkova T.M. ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES AND MATHEMATICAL MODELLING IN EDUCATION BACHELORSMathematical models are an effective method of management, forecasting and cognition of the surrounding reality and allow you to more clearly understand the essence of the studied phenomena. Gained in the study of one range of tasks potential modeling, applicable to use in solving other problems. In connection with this study and the acquisition of knowledge in computer technologies and mathematical modelling in any sphere of activity the main objective of any student of the University, and the development of new methods of application and use of these technologies in teaching, is the main for the dacha at their training.Key words: computer technologies, mathematical modelling, education, information.
Kuznetsov V.V. PREVENTIVE PEDAGOGY: THEORY AND PRACTICEThe article deals with scientific principles, the author's position on preventive pedagogy, its specificity, the relationship of preventive pedagogy and psychology, sociology, medicine, law. In the paper, the main objective of preventive pedagogy — to find ways and means to counter the negative social influences, goals, objectives, content preventive pedagogy.Key words: basics of preventive pedagogy, teaching, prevention, prevention of educational content, methods and techniques of teaching prevention, preventive pedagogy.
Matushkin S.E. COMPETENCE CONTEXTS OF DILIGENCEContext-essential aspects of upbringing of love for work as the most important moral-spiritual category of human's being and determining professional value of competence education are examined in the article.Key words: competence, work, interest, inclination, creative activity, diligence, upbringing.
Mikheyev T.M., Holodova G.B. MEMORY AND ATTENTION CORRECTION ON THE INITIAL STAGE OF TRAINING OF STUDENTS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONIn article the problem of adaptation of first-year students to process to training at university is considered. Ways of correction of memory and attention with application of means of aerobics of the section "Bodifleks" are offered.Key words: adaptation, memory, attention, "Bodifleks".
Moiseewa I.Y., Putilina L.V. MASTER'S PROGRAM "LANGUAGE THEORY" IN THE CONTEXT OF HIGH EDUCATION REFORMThe given article deals with the structural and conceptual analysis of master's program "Language theory" features in the context of modern high education reform in Russia. The paper also reveals implementation peculiarity of fundamentalisation, humanitarisation and integration by academic subjects of this master's program. The types of interdisciplinary relations are defined here which provide the formation of the common cultural and professional competences of masters.Key words: language theory, language, fundamentalisation, humanitarisation, integration, interdisciplinary relations, competences.
Nazarov N.V., Kulish N.V. EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES AS A BASIS OF STUDENTS' COMPETENCEVarious types of the competence conflict aspects were considered in this article: personal or active. Given types of learning tasks that allow students to gain experience of learning activity and create the basis of competence as a quality individual. Key words: competence, experience, training activities, evaluation activities.
Naseykina L.F. REFERENCE COMPETENCE MODEL SPECIALIST IN NETWORK INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYThe problem of determining the appropriate levels of training in the field of network information technology requirements of employers in the IT-services market. Developed a reference model that allows estimation of formation based on certain professional and general cultural competence to provide assistance in the selection of the head of the relevant vacancy IT-department. Key words: reference competence model, professional and general cultural competence, professional and relevant personal qualities.
Nefedova V.Y. LEARNING OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN THE SYSTEM OF ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONThis work describes the theoretical conditions for the implementation of the educational process and the formation of groups of pupils that learn the object-oriented programming in the system of additional education.Key words: object-oriented programming, additional education.
Osiyanova O.M., Temkina V.L., Osiyanova A.V. PEDAGOGICAL MEANS OF SUBJECTIVE-ORIENTED MARKER-TECHNOLOGY IN STUDENT'S LINGVO-COMMUNICATIVE CULTURE FORMATIONThe article touches upon the innovation pedagogical technology as a means of student's lingvo-communicative culture. The system of the axiological markers is its instrumental basis. The pedagogical means of the technology are revealed on didactic, developing and personal levels.Key words: lingvo-communicative culture, axiological, subjective-oriented technology, subject position.
Perekhodko I.V. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CROSS-CULTURAL SKILLS AS THE CONDITION OF STUDENTS' MULTICULTURAL PERCEPTION FORMATIONThe article touches upon the urgency of student's multicultural perception research. The methods and techniques of cross-cultural skills are analyzed. Special emphasis is paid to modelling the situations of cross-cultural communication. Key words: multicultural perception, cross-cultural skills, modelling the situations of cross-cultural communication.
Portnova O.А. SPECIFICS OF CIVIL EDUCATION AT THE HISTORY LESSONSThe article focuses on the specifics of civic education of students in history class. The author examines the various forms of organization of education in the classroom, focusing on the formation of citizenship.Key words: citizenship, moral values, types of lessons, education.
Shatunovskiy V.L., Shatunovskaya Е.A. REMOTE AND REMOTE-FULL-TIME FORMS OF TRAINING IS THE WAY TO BUILDING EFFECTIVE TEACHING PROCESSThe article is devoted to the problems of the modern education system. Considers the questions of improving the efficiency of training, by activating the cognitive activity of the student through the use of distance learning. Classification of the content of educational material. Describes the actions of the teacher on distance learning. Formulated stages of work each student over the mastery of the learning material.Key words: activation of cognitive activity, individualization of education, information and activities of the educational process, the independent activity of the student.
Yuzhaninova E.R. THE USING OF THE POTENTIAL OF THE CREATIVE WORLD'S AXIOSPHERE BY M.A. BULGAKOV IN THE TEACHING OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE HIGH SCHOOLThe article explains the relevance of the creative potential's use of such thinker and writer as M.A. Bulgakov to form a humanistic value system of the modern student. The term "axiosphere creative world of the writer" is first introduced. The axiosphere base in the creativity of M.A. Bulgakov is the worth of the human personality. The humanistic elements of the writer's axiosphere were identified: family, home, books, happy childhood, creativity, harmony, evolutionary social development, world culture .Key words: axiosphere, value, value system, writer, philosophy, student, teaching.


Aptikieva L.R., Bursakova M.S. DIAGNOSIS CRIMINOGENIC PERSONALITY ORIENTATION TEENAGERArticle based on a theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature devoted to the problem of crime diagnostic orientation of the individual adolescent, the notion of orientation of the individual adolescent crime in the aspect of its components (crime set of qualities, antisocial motives), the complex of diagnostic tools for the detection of crime focus.Key words: crime oriented, crime complex personality traits, antisocial motives, the parameters of criminal orientation.
Boldyreva T.A. PERSONALITY DEFORMATION: AN ATTEMPT TO SYSTEMATIZE THE MODERN PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACHES IN INDIVIDUALITY CONCEPT LINEThe article represents an attempt to systematize the approaches of modern psychology literature, connected with understanding of professional deformations and personality destructions based on the theory of individuality positions.Key words: personality professional deformations, personality professional destructions, individuality structure, the activity paradigm, personal-dynamic paradigm, environmental paradigm.
Pyryev Y.A. EMOTIONAL MOTIVATION: PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTIn this article, analysis of the psychophysiological basics of the emotional motivation is given. The leading role in the motivation of the limbic system and the medulla oblongata in general over the bark of the big hemispheres, is being proved. Motivation is derived from the dominant emotional background, peculiar to a specific person. In turn, the emotional background has neurophysiological, physiological and psychological origins, which makes this a phenomenon of the universal motivational dominant in human psychology.Key words: emotional motivation, the limbic system, the neocortex, the dominant emotional background, the central nervous system.

Philosophical sciences

Belyaev I.А. "INTEGRITY OF A MAN" AND "WHOLENESS OF A MAN":VALUE CONCEPTSThe article covers differentiation between notions of integrity and wholeness in respect to specificity of a human being. Integrity of a man is interpreted as existence and unity of all its constituents, wholeness — as its functional and structural feature, indicator of its existing goal.Key words: human being, integrity, types of human integrity, wholeness, goal, expedience, purposefulness.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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