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№ 12 (161), 2013


Manina V.A. PSYCHOLOGICAL-PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS FOR OVERCOMING THE PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIER THE STUDENTSThe article deals with the psychological and pedagogical conditions of overcoming psychological barriers of activity. Based on the analysis of the basic concepts derived its own conditions and presented as a single scheme which includes a number of subsystems, which are activated by a collision with a psychological barrier.Key words: psychological barrier, psycho-pedagogical conditions, to overcome, learning activity.

Humanitarian sciences

Akimov A.I., Мelnikov V.S. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF FORMATION PEDAGOGICAL CULTURE OF HEADS OF SPORTS COLLECTIVESIn article the main conditions of formation of pedagogical culture of heads of sports collectives in system of increase of professional qualification are considered. Starting position is that realization of pedagogical conditions provides formation of pedagogical culture of the head of sports collective at a certain level.Key words: collective, pedagogical culture, conditions, components, model.
Belonovsky I.D., Kostryukov A.V., Manakova O.S. COMPETENCES OF RESOURCE-SAVING AND THEIR FORMATION IN ENGINEERING PREPARATION In article actual competences of students of the engineering directions the preparations providing the solution of problems of economy and rational use of resources of the region and production are analyzed. Pedagogical experiment on formation of competences of the resource-saving, made on the basis of the Orenburg state university and its branch is described. The questionnaires providing diagnostics of formation of competences of resource-saving of students are developed. Tools and pedagogical means of formation of competences — a complex of informattsionno-training materials, cases and problems of resource-saving, and also discipline at a choice and special courses in engineering preparation of future bachelors and masters are presented. Increase of level of economic culture and level of formation of competences of resource-saving of students to the solution of problems of resource-saving became result of use of a complex in educational process of higher education institution. Key words: future engineers, competences and problems of resource-saving, region, questioning
Voronov I.I. THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE IN THE EPOCH OF NICHOLAS THE FIRST (1837-1856 .)The article is devoted to the establishment and activity of the Department of agriculture which has become the Department of state property in the epoch of Nicholas the First. The new department was established by the Emperor to prepare the reform of state village and to create conditions of liberation of the peasants from serfdom. The reforms held by the Department in the society were appreciated ambiguously; however it has done a great deal of work to prepare the abolition of serfdom and the development of agriculture. Key words: Nicholas the First, N.S. Mordvinov, P.D. Kiselyov, Vth department of his personal imperial majesty chancellery, the Department of state property.
Zhumabekova D.J. HONOURED WORKER OF ARTS OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN, PROFESSOR ARAL BAJSAKALOVThe article deals with the performing arts of famous Kazakh violinist, the honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the рrofessor of the Aral Baysakalova. In the "Golden Fund" of the Kazakh radio and television kept more than 100 audio and video recordings of works of European and Kazakh violin classics as interpreted by А. Baysakalova.Key words: fiddle, performer, music, music.
Ziambetov V.Y., Ziambetov Vl.Y. HISTORICAL FENCING AS EN EFFECTIV MEANS PHYSICAL AND PATRIOTIC EDUCATIONIn the paper, the efficiency of the exercise of historical fencing to improve the physical fitness of students. Identified ways of harmonious combination of physical and patriotic education of youth. Also disclosed is the role and importance of this work for the preparation of young men for military service, the formation of civic responsibility.Key words: historical fencing, physical education, physical exercise, patriotic education, military service.
Kurmeeva N.K. MODEL OF EXTRACURRICULAR MUSICAL AESTHETIC EDUCATION OF THE STUDENT OF THE PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGEThe article presents a structural and functional model of extracurricular musical and aesthetic education of the student of the Teacher-Training College. There are structural components of the model, including the approaches, principles, goals and objectives, resources, teaching conditions, the components of a productive unit.Key words: model, the structural elements of the model, extracurricular musical and aesthetic education.
Lyubichankovskiy S.V., Lyubichankovskiy А.V. MONASTIC COMMUNITIES OF THE MIDDLE OF THE XIX CENTURY AS THE BASIS OF FORMATION OF MONASTERIES IN THE ORENBURG REGION (1844-1866)In the paper a process of creation of a series of monastic communities in the territory of the Orenburg region in the middle of the XIX century is reconstructed. The analysis of their number, administrative board, economic situation is given. It is shown that all monastic communities which have arisen at this time received subsequently the monastery status.Key words: monastic community, Orenburg region, Russian Orthodox Church.
Moroz V.V., Belaya G.V. CREATIVE-VALUE INTERACTION "TEACHER-STUDENT" IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE BY STUDENTS OF NONLINGUISTIC SPECIALTIESThe example of creative-value interaction "Teacher-Student" is based on the supplementary educational program "Translator in the sphere of professional communication". Creativity is viewed as the key function of modern education and knowledge economy. Self-expression values play a significant role in education modernization.Key words: creative-value interaction, value orientations, creativity, foreign languages learning.
Nazarov N.V., Matushkin S.E., Ivanov V.M. PARADIGMATIC UNCERTAINTY OF METHODOLOGICAL DIRECTIVES IN PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCHThe article considers the questions of pedagogical researches' actual status, which are oriented on methodological directives under conditions of paradigm indeterminacy. Here is developing the situation of paradigm indeterminacy, its consequences, the capabilities to pass and opportunities to come to a single paradigm of axiological self-determination of education subject.Key words: paradigm, paradigm indeterminacy, methodological directive.
Petukhova T.P., Myasnikova T.I. PRACTICE-ORIENTED VOCATIONAL TRAINING OF EXPERTS IN GERMANYThe main aspects of the practice-oriented vocational training of experts in Germany are considered in the article. The dual system of vocational training, the participation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Germany lands in the course of training are represented in details, legal and regulatory framework of educational activity and the afforded grounds for realization of the academic mobility are described. Key words: vocational training of experts in Germany, dual system of the vocational training, practice-oriented vocational training, academic mobility.
Popova E.A., Bulynsky N.N. SMART-TECHNOLOGIES AS THE ACTUAL COMPONENT OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING OF EMPLOYEES OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES IN EDUCATIONAL CORPORATIONIn article specifics of development of professional competence of law enforcement officers is analyzed. Specifics of researches in legal pedagogic — methodology of competence-based approach is defined. New tendencies in legal pedagogic which are connected with introduction the SMART-technologies in professional practice of police and preparation of law enforcement officers are revealed. The importance of SMART-technologies in development of partnership of police officers with the population that strategizes development their information and communicative competences is established. Possibilities of educational resources of corporation for realization of modern technologies of training are established.Key words: law enforcement officers, educational corporation, SMART-technologies.
Semenov V.G. 15 ORENBURG COSSACK REGIMENT IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR. Article restored the battle path 15 of the Orenburg Cossack regiment during the First world war and peculiarities of use of the regiments of the third phase of the Orenburg Cossack army, one of the numerous Cossack troops of the Russian Empire. Key words: Cossack regiment, Orenburg Cossack army, the First world war, the commanders of the regiment.
Kholodova G.B., Mikheeva T.M. EDUCATION OF THE GENERAL ENDURANCE DURING PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDENTSThe article examines the influence of General endurance on the performance of students. Reveals the importance of health run in raising the level of functional state of organism of the student. Determined by the effective methods of health run in the education of your total stamina.Key words: efficiency, total endurance, jogging.

Economic sciences

Belkin V.N., Belkina NA, Luzin N.A. INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY OF ENTERPRISES — GENERAL TERMS OF MODERNIZATION OF RUSSIAN ECONOMYThe article deals with topical issues of modernization of the Russian economy. Argues that "modernization from above", but the state is not possible, it is necessary to participate in this historic process but the state still business and labor organizations. However, depicts a large government role in providing incentives for upgrading business and labor, to overcome the monopoly in the economy. Only competition can force the Russian organization "chase" for innovation. Along with this article shows the role of the state in encouraging businesses to invest in staff organizations, and to the involvement of employees on ownership and control. In this regard, the experience of some developed countries. Special attention is paid to the choice of the path of economic modernization in Russia. States that "Westernization" — a dead-end road of modernization, which is promising for a modernization of the national model for the example of a number of Eastern countries. The paper also shows the feasibility of the modernization of labor relations in the example of "Uralelectromed."Key words: Modernization, westernization, a national model of modernization, investment in human labor potential, staff participation in ownership, innovation activity within the organization, the social forces of economic modernization.
Kalachikhin P.A. THE ECONOMIC-MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE ASSESSMENT OF INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL OF RESULTS OF INTELLECTUAL ACTIVITYThe problem of an assessment of the innovative potential of the results of the intellectual activity is considered in the article. The method of an assessment of the innovative potential on the basis of the fuzzy coefficients which is intended for the search of the value of the innovative potential in the conditions of the undeterminacy of the basic data is developed. Key words: innovations, results of intellectual activity, innovative potential, economic-mathematical model, fuzzy sets.
Lyndin D.I. ALGORITHMS OF MANAGEMENT OF A COMMODITY POLICY OF THE ENTERPRISE (ON AN EXAMPLE OF THE ORGANIZATIONS OF MANUFACTURE AND REALIZATION OF FURNITURE)Algorithms of management by a commodity policy of the enterprise within the limits of manufacture and realization of furniture are developed. Algorithms of strategic and operative management by a commodity policy of the enterprise on manufacture and are offered to realization of furniture and the goods accompanying it and services.Key words: the commodity policy, algorithms of management, furniture.
Mukhsinova L.Kh. PRIORITIES FOR SUSTAINABLE GLOBAL ENERGY SECTOR DEVELOPMENTThe priorities for the sustainable development of the global energy sector have been developed. The principles and objectives of sustainable development of the global energy sector have been identified. The following elements have been theoretically justified: the need for innovative oil and gas production development; increasing the efficiency of energy consumption; reduction of energy costs in the product costs; involvement of local energy resources in use; construction of power plants based on alternative energy sources being an integral component of the global energy security.Key words: primary energy, biofuels, energy intensity, energy efficiency, energy security.
Nurumov A.A. RESULTS OF REFORMING OF THE TAX SYSTEM OF KAZAKHSTAN AND TASKS OF ITS FURTHER IMPROVEMENTIn the article main results of reforming of the tax system of Kazakhstan is investigated, it is analyzed the tax income to state budget since 2010 to 2013, it was marked the variety shortcomings in tax system of Kazakhstan and tasks of its further improvement.Key words: taxes, tax codes, tax system, rate, benefit, efficiency.
Saydulaev D.D., Kurbanov S.A. THE ROLE OF THE TAX ON PERSONAL INCOME IN BUDGET FORMATION OF THE CHECHEN REPUBLICThe article considers the theoretical aspects of the tax on personal income and personal income tax in the order of application in Russia, as well as the role and importance of the tax on personal income in the formation of the state budget.The paper presents actual data on the revenues of the personal income taxes to the budget of the Chechen Republic and identifiesactual problems associated with an increase in tax revenues to the budget.Key words: budget, tax on personal income, tax agent, income.
Smirnova E.V.,Tsiganova I.Y. PROBLEMS OF FORMATION AND THE DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION BY SEGMENT IN THE STRAEGIC REPORTINGThe problems of formation and the disclosure of information by business segment in strategic accounts organization is represented in the article: segmentation; application of management approach that is new for Russian practice; the absence of internal standards regulating the form and content of the strategic reporting.Key words: segment organization, strategic business units, strategic reporting, management approach.
Sharipov T.F. PRECONDITIONS AND THE DIRECTIONS OF MODERNIZATION OF THE MECHANISM OF PLANNING IN THE MACHINE-BUILDING CLUSTER (ON THE EXAMPLE OF "DOLINA")In article preconditions of modernization of the mechanism of planning at the enterprises forming a cluster are defined. Three directions of modernization are allocated: A — active, B — neutral, С — passive. For implementation of a choice the technique, allowing to automate calculations is offered and to increase their reliability. The technique was approved in practical activities of Dolina. This technique allows to optimize decision-making process, to choose the most optimum direction of modernization and to adapt activity of divisions of the enterprise for competitive conditions.Key words: mechanism, planning, cluster, modernization, direction, process, mechanical engineering, technique "VNMP".

Natural sciences

Ermolaeva A.А., Setko A.G., Zinullin Y.Z. ASSESSMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC HEALTHIn this paper we consider the problem of environmental pollution poultry industry abroad sanitary protection zone, which by their function is a protective barrier that provides a sufficient level of safety. To solve the problem, we used a complex of modern hygiene, laboratory and instrumental and statistical methods. The paper used data from the regional system of social-hygienic and environmental monitoring. The study provided data characterizing the poultry industry as a source of environmental pollution and health impacts outside the SPZ of the enterprise, which is a violation of sanitary– epidemiological laws.Key words: the poultry industry, the sanitary protection zone, the risk of non-carcinogenic effects.
Matchin A.A., Setko N.P., Nefedova E.S. DENTAL HEALTHH OF CHILDREN IN AREAS OF VARIOUS ANTHROPOGENIC POLLUTIONThe article provides an assessment of dental diseases and intensity as well as heavy metals concentration levels in dental hard tissue of 12 years old children in Orenburg city (Russia) depending on the levels of anthropogenic environmental contamination in their residential areas.Key words: dental diseases, heavy metals concentration, children, environment.
Мikhaylova N.R., Kalinina T.N., Vyulcin S.V., Аniceev А.А. TUBERCULOSIS AS A CAUSE OF DEATH FOR PRISONERS WITH HIV IN CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES IN ORENBURGIn order to perform comparative analysis of cause of death for patients infected with HIV along with TB and for patients infected with TB only 38 clinical records of patients died in tuberculosis dispensaries in correctional facilities in Orenburg were reviewed. For patients with combined infection (HIV along with TB) the main cause of death was TB developed subsequent to marked immunosuppression, whereas the patients with TB only the main cause of death was pulmonary tuberculosis.Key words: Кey words: HIV infection, tuberculosis, causes of death, immunosuppressive, prisoners.
Mihailovskiy A.M. SUPERVISION OF PNEUMOCYSTOSIS AT PATTIENTS OF COMBINED COINFECTION (HIV/TUBERCULOSIS) ACCORDING TO PATOMORFOLOGICAL RESEARCHESArticle is devoted the analysis of clinical supervision of a combination of a tuberculosis and pneumocystis pneumonia at patients at late stages of a HIV-infection. We describe clinic, radiological and patomorfological picture of the pneumonia caused Pneumocystis jirovecii at three patients with a combination of a HIV-infection and tuberculosis with plural localization, passing treatment and died in the Orenburg region tuberculosis clynic.Key words: pneumocystosis, tuberculosis, HIV-infection, combined coinfection HIV-tuberculosis.
Notova S.V., Timasheva A.B., Lebedev S.V., Sizovа E.A.,Miroschnikov S.V. ELEMENT STATUS AND BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BLOOD LABORATORY ANIMALS WHEN ADMINISTERED INTRAMUSCULARLY ASPARGINATA AND COPPER NANOPARTICLESThe paper presents the results of a study of the element status and biochemical composition of the blood of laboratory animals when copper in various forms. It was revealed that the performance of mineral metabolism depend on the physical and chemical form of the metal. Since the introduction of copper aspartate accompanied by significant increase in concentration of Co, Cu, Ca, P, Sr against decrease I, Se, Pb. At the same time the introduction of copper nanoparticles increases the concentration of Cu, Ca, P, Al, Sr, against reduction Pb and I. when introduced into the body of copper in nanoform, biochemical blood indices have lower values than in a asparginata.Key words: copper nanopowder , asparginat copper rat experiment, essential trace elements, blood biochemistry.
Panchenko L.F., Bochenkov A.A., Chermyanin S.V., Suin P.A., Fesyun A.D. FUNCTIONAL STATE OF THE ANALYZING SYSTEMS THE INTERNAL ARMY MILITARY AVIATION OF RUSSIAN MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS' FLIGHT PERSONNEL DURING RECOVERY PERIODThe rating of the functional state restoration dynamics of the acoustic, vestibular, visual and vibrating tactile analyzers during postflight period the flight personnel of the Internal Army military transport aviation of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs gets after night flights in difficult meteorological conditions, is appraised in the research paper. The paper reveals that the night flights lead to a decrease in the vestibular analyzer's function for the recovery of which up to 36 hours of postflight recreation is necessary in flight volume. The received data indicates that two night flights in difficult meteorological conditions during a flying turn with 1,5 hours duration each are a sufficient physiological limit for the flight load.Key words: flight personnel, analyzing systems, functional state, postflight recreation, night flights, Internal Army aviation of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Sipaylova O.Yu., Nesterov D.V. ANTIMICROBIAL LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT PEPTIDES — FACTORS OF NONSPECIFIC PROTECTION ANIMAL ORGANISMThis paper presents a literature review on the presence in the blood of animals and humans peptides with broad antimicrobial spectrum of activity against gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and fungi that influence the persistence characteristics of microorganisms, making them attractive for the creation of new antimicrobial agents. Key words: cationic antimicrobic peptides, trombodefensins, beef cattle,bacteria, persistence, biological film-formation.
Tinkov A.A., Nikonorov A.A. INFLUENCE OF IRON AND COPPER CONSUMPTION ON ADIPOGENESIS AND ATHEROGENESIS INITIATION IN WISTAR RATSThe aim of the current study was investigation of the iron and copper consumption of the adipogenic effect of the high-fat diet and development of atherogenic changes of the lipoprotein profile in Wistar rats. It has been shown that Fe2+ and Cu2+ consumption potentiates the adipogenic effect of the high-fat diet as assessed by absolute and relative adipose tissue content in the rats' organism. It has been estimated that ecologically-relevant doses of iron and copper induce atherogenic changes in the serum lipoprotein spectra in the experimental animals.Key words: iron, copper, high-fat diet, atherogenesis, adipogenesis.
Turbina I.N., Gorban M.V., Kravchenko I.V, Vdovkin R.S. COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENTS CONTENTS OF SOME GREENHOUSE PLANTS UNDER VARIOUS CONDITIONS OF ILLUMINATIONThe article is devoted to the analysis of the influence of intensity of illumination and the qualitative and quantitative structure of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls a and b) of some hothouse plants used in interior gardening. Key words: greenhouse plants, photosynthetic pigments, phito design.
Kharitonova S.V. CURVATURE CONHARMONIC TENSOR OF NORMAL LOCALLY CONFORMAL ALMOST COSYMPLECTIC MANIFOLDSWe compute the components of the conharmonic curvature tensor of a normal locally conformally almost cosymplectic manifold (an lcACS-) structure. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a normal lcACS-manifold to coincide with the conharmonic plane are found. Allocated to the classes of almost contact structures on the properties of symmetry for tensor conharmonic curvature.Key words: almost contact structures, conformal transformations, curvature tensor conharmonic.
Kharkovskiy А.A., Mikheev V.A. SEASONAL DYNAMICS OF FISH HAULS IN THE CHEREMSHANGULF OF THE KUIBYSHEV RESERVOIRThe data on the seasonal changes in fish catches in are presentedCheremshan Gulf of Kuibyshev reservoir and depending on the abiotic factors of the environment. The seasonal dynamics of hauls for 2008–2010 is studied. It is most noticeably for bream, roach and perch due to their high abundance and seasonal changes in trophic base.Key words: Kuibyshev reservoir, ichthyofauna, hauls, dominant species, season dynamics.
Sheida E.V., Medvedev S.A. FOOD WASTE IN FEEDING BROILER CHICKENThis paper presents experimental data on the effect of feeding in the diets of broiler chickens kakovelly in native and modified form, zootechnical performance of poultry and exchange of toxic elements in the body of broiler chickens. Found that the partial substitution of wheat in diets for broiler chickens treated with alkali and extruded cocoa shell improves the quality of slaughter broilers and environmental safety of products (reduction in heavy metals).Key words: cocoa shell, chickens, body, toxic elements, slaughter quality ligninotsellyulozny complex
Shukman E.V. NON-DECIMAL FRACTIONS IN PAPERS BY G.W. LEIBNIZ AND L. EULERThe article provides a comparative analysis between Leibniz's and Euler's results associated with non-decimal fractions. The study of papers, letters and unpublished manuscripts shows that Leibniz first explored binary fractions and tried to apply them to study transcendental numbers. However he had no significant progress because he did not use an effective method for converting fractional numbers into binary system. Euler knew the method for converting fractional numbers similar to the modern, and successfully applied binary fraction representations to calculate sums of series and infinite products.Key words: history of mathematica, non-decimal fractions, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Leonhard Euler.
Yausheva E.V., Miroshnikov S.A., Kwan O.V. ESTIMATION OF INFLUENCE METAL NANOPARTICLES ON MORPHOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF PERIPHERAL BLOOD OF ANIMALSThe experiment studied the effect of nanoparticles of Cu, Fe and Fe-Co on morphological parameters of the peripheral blood after a single intramuscular injection. The incorporation liozoley nanoparticles leads to increased levels of leukocytes and increases the number of red blood cells.Key words: nanoparticles, erythrocytes, leukocytes.

Technical sciences

Bykovskaya L.V., Andriyanova J.I., Tseiter E.V. DIAGNOSTICS OF ELECTRIC CHAINSThe main methods which are used for electric chains' diagnostics are analyzed. The electric chains' diagnostics is the most important and intensively developed in parts of electrical engineering. The main advantages and disadvantages are analyzed and the most relevant are revealed. Key words: diagnostics, electric chain, the host resistance's method, rigid model, data inconsistency, passive and active chains, inaccuracy.
Korablev E.N. Vlatskaya I.V. APPLICATION OF THE DISPERSIVE ANALYSIS FOR OPTIMIZATION OF NUMBER OF SENSORS SECURITY ZONE OF THE PRODUCTS PIPELINE.For the purpose of plunder of the pumped-over agent (oil, gas and so forth) are applied to protection of the products pipeline against unauthorized inserts the automated systems of monitoring of unauthorized actions in a security zone of the products pipeline. As sensors of detection of malefactors geophones are used. By means of a method of the dispersive analysis the optimum quantity the sensor on different sites of products pipelines is offered. Key words: the dispersive analysis, unauthorized actions, inserts, the geophones, the automated system, the products pipeline.
Kazakov A.V., Kalimullin R.F. LOWERING STARTING WEARS THE CRANKSHAFT BEARINGS FOR CAR ENGINESIn the work theoretically and experimentally investigated the effectiveness of external heating oil filter lubricating system of the engine before starting the onboard electrical heating device. Heating of the filter is rational in the range of initial temperature of the engine from +5 up to -12 ?С, because it provides a decrease in the intensity of wear of the crankshaft bearings for single start on average 2,4 times.Key words: starting mode, crank shaft bearings, lubrication process, oil filter, wear.
Khozeniuk N.A. MODELING OF INTERCONNECTION PROCESS IN THE SYSTEM "ELASTIC CRANKSHAFT ROTATING ON THE HYDRODYNAMIC FRICTION BEARINGS"In this paper the mathematical model and numerical methods for modeling of the main bearing system of internal combustion engines are suggested. Novelty of approach offered in work consists in 1) modeling of simultaneous influence of nonlinear damping properties of lubricant layers depending from rheological properties of the modern lubricant layers, 2) elastic links of the journals and the supports, 3) skewness of the axis of movable and unmovable parts of bearings. These skewness are caused by external forces of the various nature (dynamic forces or/and displasements, thermal factors).Key words: main bearing, interconnected process, dynamic model, lubricant, non- Newtonian properties, elastic compliance coefficient, crankshaft, crankcase, internal combustion engine.
Husnetdinov Sh.S., Kulakov A.T., Kovalenko S.Yu. RESTORATION OF OPERABILITY OF COUPLINGS OF TRUCKS BY THE ADVANCED REPAIR KITIn work the problem of increase of reliability of couplings of trucks is solved with the cross-frictional coupling at the expense of an advanced repair kit. The way of centering of leading disks is offered and experimentally reasonable, the technology of restoration of couplings with application of an advanced repair kit is developed.Key words: coupling of trucks, cross-frictional coupling, leading disk, centering.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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