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№ 10 2011

Technical sciences

Yakunin N.N., Kotov V.V. IMPROVED ORGANIZATION OF PASSENGER TAXI TRANSPORTATION The article presents the results of an analysis of federal legislation in the field of passenger car taxi transportation, on the basis of which a model of organization of passenger taxi transportation is made. The article also presents the results of the pilot assessment of the current model from the perspective of the passengers.Key words: legal framework, organization of transportations of passenger cars taxis, model of organization, safety, quality.
Yakunina N.V. IMPROVEMENT OF THE METHODOLOGY FOR DETERMINING THE STRUCTURE OF THE ROLLING STOCK OF URBAN PASSENGER ROAD TRANSPORTThe article provides a set of techniques to determine the structure of the rolling stock of urban passenger road transport, depending on the level of tasks: subject indicators for the transport of mobility of the population of municipalities; taking into account the capacity of urban road network; in view of the intervals on the routes of urban passenger transport. Key words: traffic flow, the structure of the rolling stock, passenger transport, transport mobility of the population.
Vuyeykova O.N., Larin O.N. THE PROBLEM OF ENHANCING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CAREER OF MOTOR TRANSPORTThis article presents technical and operational factors that affect the performance of autodumpers used for the removal of mines and quarries of the masses. The main performance parameter from dump trucks, having an influence on it. Proposed ways to improve the efficiency of the transportation process with minimal transportation.Key words: road transport, trucks, traffic volume, productivity, optimizing the transport process.
Larin O.N., Kazhaev A.A. OPTIMIZATION OF BLOCK NETWORKS OF CITIES GIVEN THE BANDWIDTH LIMITATIONS STOP POINTSThe article is devoted to optimizing the route networks of cities to reduce conflict situations on the stop points arising from the effects of synchronous traffic route public transport stations route network of cities. This article analyzes the known ways and directions of the problem, provides information about how to optimize routing networks.Key words: public transport, overlapping routes, destinations served.
Lubimov I.I., Sultanov N.Z., Kovrikov E.T. MODEL OF ROAD NETWORK IN THE REGION (FOR EXAMPLE, ORENBURG REGION)The article is devoted to the development of a functional model of regional road network, carried out by the example of Orenburg region. Studies were conducted on the principle of passive experiment using methods of systems analysis. Structurally-hierarchical system diagram and a model of its functioning were proposed.Key words: transport system, modeling, decomposition, the structure of the park, transportation.
Kolesov V.I., Gulyayev M.L., Sorokin D.A. ABC-XYZ-ANALYSIS OF ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS IN THE CITYThe authors proposed ABC-XYZ-analysis in the field of road safety town, taking into account the structure of road accidents.Key words: analysis, transport risk, dynamics, structure.
Kolesov V.I., Gulyayev M.L., Osipenko A.M. IDENTIFICATION OF THE REAL MODEL OF TRAFFIC FLOW IN THE CITY The authors proposed a model of traffic flow based on the model of Tanaka, but taking into account the speed limit in the city.Key words: traffic flow, speed, intensity, density
Bocharov I.A., Vlasov Yu.L., Rassokha V.I. MODEL OF DEFINITION THE OPTIMAL NUMBER OF ROUTE PASSENGER VEHICLESThe article analyses used earlier mathematical models and proposes a new model for determining the optimal number of route passenger vehicles, which is a function of four indicators the efficient functioning of urban passenger transport system depends on. Key words: urban passenger transport, rolling stock, route, the passenger, the stopping point.
Fattakhova A.F. OPTIMIZATION OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE PARK AND TIMETABLES OF BUSES ON SUBURBAN SEASONAL ROUTES IN ORENBURGThe article marked social significance and the reasons for the loss of suburban seasonal routes. Structure optimization methodology and timetable of buses on suburban seasonal routes is developed. The survey of passenger traffic on suburban seasonal routes in the city of Orenburg received data necessary for the implementation of the developed methodology.Key words: road transport, suburban seasonal routes, the structure of the park, the timetable of the bus traffic, traffic volume.
Iskhakov M.M. SITE SELECTION FOR ROUTE PASSENGER VEHICLE SERVICE ON A STOPPING POINTThe article provides typological model, allowing to explore common patterns of behavior of motorists at the choice of site for stopping a vehicle of urban passenger transport. Key words: urban passenger transport, route vehicle, bandwidth, driver, stopping point.
Puzakov A.V., Gorbachev S.V. ON REDUCTION OF DELAYS TO TRANSPORT IN THE AREA OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS (FOR EXAMPLE, ORENBURG) The article describes the results of the study on the nature of the traffic and transport delays in land area for pedestrian crossings in Orenburg. The authors identified characteristics indicating that the location of a pedestrian crossing on the highway-road network objects directly affects the amount of traffic delays. The authors concluded that the choice of organizational-technical actions, taking into account the location of the pedestrian crossings will help decongest the highway-road network of the city and to improve road safety. Key words: crosswalk, transport delay, organizational and technical methods
Khasanov P.Kh., Sidorin Ye.S. ON IMPROVING CAR FIRE SAFETY The article deals with fire safety of cars. The article also presents the results of the analysis of the distribution of number of fires on the types of vehicles and major causes of fires in vehicles. The author determined causes of accidental fire regimes of electrical equipment and noted the relevance of security post accidental fire vehicles. Key words: vehicles, fire safety, electrical equipment, combustion triangle.
Gayfullin V.M., Denisova O.O. ON THE PROBLEM OF VISIBILITY ON UNREGULATED PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS The authors describe a solution to the problem of visibility of a pedestrian on unregulated pedestrian crossings in a given movement by raising the visibility of road signs "pedestrian crossing" through their location above the carriageway on the wire-braced, as well as to increase the visibility of pedestrian through the use of elements with a reflective effect. Key words: hit of a pedestrian, unregulated crosswalk pedestrian safety, visibility, the traffic triangle likely items with a reflective effect.
Shchurin K.V., Zubakov V.A., Kemeneva Yu.V. RAISING THE LEVEL OF PASSIVE SAFETY OF A CAR The article considered the most dangerous situation arising in driving over the pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. Methods and means to minimize the consequences of ACCIDENTS by carrying out constructive activities to improve the passive safety of ATS are proposed.Key words: passive safety, external airbag, visibility, pedestrian, bicyclist, motorcyclist.
Gorbachev S.V., Glemba K.V. IMPACT ON TRAFFIC SAFETY LEVEL INFORMATION FLOW FORMALIZATION IN ERGATIC SYSTEMSThe article revealed the predominant influence on the number of errors of drivers of road accidents. It is shown that with the continued growth of the information flow is a problem in the functioning of ergatic management system where a person is the coordinating link. The effect ofstrengthening the formalization of circulating information on road safety. The necessity ofimproving the professional selection of drivers on the psychophysiological status.Key words: traffic safety, information flow, ergatic system, driver of the car, psychophysiological symptoms.
Pegin P.A. IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECT OF SOLAR GLARE ON THE MOTORWAY THROUGHPUT The article shows the results of the studies of the impact of short-term natural factor on the change characteristics of bandwidth motorway. The influence of the effect of sunlight glare (ESP) for traffic flow on the five federal highways far East District is studied. The author developed activities to reduce the negative impact of ESP and increase the bandwidth. Key words: transport stream, the short-lived natural factor, bandwidth, highway.
Khasanov R.I. ON-BOARD SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTING THE CONDITION OF THE ROADWAY AND VEHICLE SPEED SELECTIONThe author provided organization and architecture of the onboard control system and management of high-speed vehicle mode based on rapid assessment of the condition of the roadway, as well as its variant is the prototype of the system. Key words: on-board control system, speed mode, recognition of the roadway, computer support.
Dryuchin D.A. OPTIMIZATION OF THE STRUCTURE OF PRODUCTION AND TECHNICAL BASE OF INTEGRATED ROAD TRANSPORT ENTERPRISE The author worked out the methodology of designing road transport enterprises, taking into account technical and economic indices of production units. Feature of the technique is that the structure of the production base of road transport enterprises is based on the results of the comparison of costs of production units with the amount of costs for the services of service enterprise.Key words: techno-economic indicators, production-technical base of ATP, the cost structure of production costs, design of ATP.
Arkhireyskiy A.A. ON INFORMATION SUPPORT FOR INNOVATION IN TRANSPORTThe article presents the results of the study of derived of criteria of compliance service providing for maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, the requirements of the certification system of services for road transport. Novelty is the use of modern methods for the analysis of expert estimates for diagnostic status and definition of directions of the development of road transport infrastructure. Key words: expert assessments, certification, innovation, transportation company, logistic regression, cluster analysis, the method of "decision trees", derived importance.
Garelskiy V.A. IMPROVEMENT OF METHODOLOGIES FOR QUANTIFYING THE RISK OF PASSENGER AIR TRANSPORT The author provided the relevance of management and risk assessment in the management of safety in air companies, as well as basic normative documents regulating risk management in aviation. The author also examined techniques for quantitative risk assessment used at aviation enterprises. Technique of quantitative risk assessment using FTA and ETA-analysis was offered.Key words: airline fares, security, risk management, analysis, quantification, FTA and ETA-analysis.
Yanuchkov M.P., Kalimullin R.F. DIAGNOSTICS OF BEARINGS OF CRANKED SHAFT OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINES ON THE CONDITION OF LUBRICATING LAYERThe article presents the results of the study of regularities of liquid lubrication in bearings of cranked shaft of automobile engines when changing their technical condition in operation. The author justified diagnostic parameter and its regulations, accorded the rate diagnosis, diagnostic and predictive models are obtained. Key words: crankshaft bearings , diagnosis, lubrication rate.
Kulakov A.T., Denisov A.S., Makushin A.A., Barylnikova E.P. RESEARCHING OF ENGINE CRANKSHAFT BEARINGS WORKING CONDITIONSThe paper presents results of experimental investigations of working conditions crankshaft bearings of internal combustion engine. A technique for measuring the actual flow of oil from the third cervical to crank the engine running. It is established that the actual consumption in the pressure of 0,3 MPa below the attainable (demand). The effect of "pulsations" of oil flow from the third crank neck. These factors may be reasons for turning the crank journals.Key words: internal combustion engine, crankshaft, bearing, liner, pressure, lubrication consumption.
Khasanov I.Kh. METHODS OF CONTROL OF TECHNICAL CONDITION OF THE BODY OF THE CAR ON THE BASIS OF THE MEASUREMENT OF STEERED WHEELS The author presents the results of the study to improve the monitoring of technical condition of the body of the car. Novelty is the use of the analytical dependencies relationship values of steered wheels and coordinates monitoring base points — places of fastening of front suspension for evaluation of technical condition of the body.Key words: corners of the steered wheels, the control base point, the body, the front suspension.
Fedotov A.I., Fedorov A.L. DEFINITION OF THE STARTING POSITION OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE SHAFT OF THE ENGINE TO CHANGE PRESSURE IN INLET MANIFOLDControl starting position drive shafts-distributing mechanism can be implemented using a diagnostic parameters characteristics of fluctuating pressure air inlet of the engine. The authors suggested parameters and the equation by which such monitoring is possible.Key words: diagnosis, the engine camshaft, shaft drive inlet valves, pressure fluctuations, the inlet pipe.
Filatov M.I., Slavnenko V.P. THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATION OF CAR PARTS RECOVERY METHOD BASED ON INFORMATION AND ENERGY ASSESSMENTThe authors solved the task of choosing how to restore parts based on the mathematical description and systematic analysis of information and energy processes occurring on the surface of the subject of recovery both in the technological impact and exploitation. Key words: restore method, the criteria for evaluation, information, energy, plastic deformation.
Tjunjaev I.V., Sologub V.A. INFLUENCE OF THE HIGH-SPEED MODE OF MOVEMENT OF VEHICLES ON WEAR RESISTANCE OF BEARINGS OF CRANKED SHAFT OF ENGINESIn article laws of wear resistance of bearings of cranked shaft of engines depending on a high-speed mode of movement of vehicles (on an example of the car VAZ-2107 and bus PAZ-3205) are established. Techniques and results of trial runs of vehicles for reception of high-speed characteristics by new criterion of wear resistance of bearings of cranked shaft by means of an original express technique are resulted. High-speed modes of movement of the vehicles, providing the maximum wear resistance of bearings are defined.Key words: wear resistance, bearings of a cranked shaft, a high-speed mode, small breakups mode, the vehicle.
Bondarenko E.V., Goncharov A.A., Gorlatov S.E. THE METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH TO CREATION OF MULTILEVEL ADAPTIVE TECHNOLOGY OF DIAGNOSING OF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS OF CARSIn article the methodological approach to creation of multilevel adaptive technology of diagnosing of electronic systems of cars for the purpose of maintenance of their efficient condition is presented. The given approach in a complex reflects the basic directions of development of diagnostics of electronic systems of the vehicles, connected as with distinction of a design of elements of electronic systems, and various укомплектованностью vehicles electronic systems. Key words: electronic systems, the information theory, the theory of recognition of an image, multilevel adaptive technology of diagnosing.
Poslavskiy A.P., Sorokin V.V., Melnikov A.N., Klishchenko V.P. STRATEGY OF FORMATION OF ENERGY-EFFITIENT TECHNOLOGY OF RECYCLING OF AUTOMOBILE TYRES The present article enlightens the problem of utilizing worn out automotive tires, which are known as high-wear part of the car. It states that currently in Russia does not exist any common method of rational use of recycled materials. Current utilization methods aimed at re-use of components that retain market value, on the aftermarket. With that sufficient part of materials does not find their customer and gets either burned or buried. The author suggests strategy of complex recycling of automotive cars and reinforced rubber components by specialized methods. These methods are defined based on energy efficiency of every method separately and all complex in total. Key words: car, automotive, tire, recycling, energy saving.
Ispenkov S.A., Rakitskiy A.A. MODELING OF DYNAMIC FILLING OF RING BRIDGES OF DUMPSThe authors researched frequency composition of voltage on the ring bridges of a dump truck and its relationship with the force in the sling and discovered resonant nature of variable voltage on the frame. Based on modal analysis of finite-elemental model car identified modal forms fluctuations in dump trucks and related forms of deformation of the frame were defined. The authors suggest ways to modernize the design to increase the resource. Methodology evaluation of durability of ring bridges based on modeling the dynamic filling at the stage of the project. Key words: modal analysis, dynamic filling, ring bridge of a dump truck.
Butorin V.F., Anisimov I.A. ON FUEL ECONOMY IN ROAD TRANSPORT IN LOW TEMPERATURE CONDITIONSThe authors present the results of research to improve the internal combustion engine warm-up and offer a way to reduce the cost of fuel and time during engine warm-up. They introduced a new concept — structural adjustment of the car. Key words: warming up the engine, the pressure from consumers of electrical energy, constructive fitness vehicle fuel economy.
Kovalenko S.Yu. Kazakov A.B. ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY OF FITNESS OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINES TO LAUNCH The problem of cold launch vehicle engine by improving conditions of lubricant in bearings of the crankshaft is decided. A pilot fitness assessment methodology of the engine to start is developed. The authors work out the fitness improvement method for engine start mode based on prestatr heater oil filter. Key words: launch mode, fitness, pre-start heating conditions, lubrication, bearings, crankshaft.
Yarkin A.V., Pustovalov I.A. THERMAL BATTERY OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE OF CONSTRUCTION MACHINERYThe authors describe the construction of thermal battery by sodium acetate solution. Design of thermal battery represents the case set forth on the outside of the engine and through the absorption of emitted heat engine. Thermal battery can support temperatures during parking spaces to ensure reliable engine of construction machinery. The use of thermal battery can reduce wear of engine parts and reduce operating costs for the use of technology.Key words: maintenance of construction machinery, winter conditions, pre-starting preparation, thermal battery, internal combustion engine.
Shchurin K.V., Tsvetkova Ye.V. CHANGE THE PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF LIQUID ENVIRONMENTS BY MAGNETIC PROCESSING After theoretical and experimental studies the authors confirmed the hypothesis about the positive effects of magnetic treatment on physico-chemical properties of technological liquids and fuels. It was discovered that the application of magnetic treatment causes a marked improvement in properties of liquids, including those affecting human health, energy and environmental performance of internal combustion engines. Key words: magnetic processing, magnetic field, electromagnetic field, magnetic activator.
Nazarov V.V., Kushnarenko V.M. PURIFICATION AND SEPARATION OF OIL BY REOCENTRIFUGINGThe authors present the results of research to improve the process of separation of oil on centrifugal reoseparators of low volume. They proposed classification of regulators of reoseparators of new type. Reocentrifuge is recommended for use in car engines lubricating systems. Key words: separation, regulators, technology, reocentrifuge, petroleum products.
Faskiyev R.S. CALCULATION OF VENTILATION SYSTEM OF PAINT-DRYING CHAMBERS FOR REPAIR CAR PAINTING The article presents the results of the study on the development of methods for calculating of ventilation of paint-drying chambers used in the repair of car painting. Novelty is the approach to justification and use of rate of harmonization of fans of paint-drying in double-engine performance. Key words: car, painting, paint-drying, ventilation, fan filter.
Trunov V.V. TEMPERATURE FIELDS OF UNDERCOWLING SPACE OF MOTOR CAR The article is informed about analysis of research results of temperature fields of undercowling space of VAZ-2112 motor car produced domestically. The research was performed by two stages: on a stationary car and when driving it. To fix temperatures modern equipment was used that can give more accurate results. Key words: temperature fields, motor car, transducer, temperature conditions, car resource.
Bogoduhov S.I., Garipov V.S, Shein E.A., Jasakov A.S. HIMIKO-THERMAL PROCESSING OF FIRM ALLOYS OF GROUP VKIn work processes of hardening of products of firm alloys by methods of himiko-thermal processing with application of induction heating, heating in salinas, and also with without oxidising heating are considered. Results of tests of the processed products from firm alloys on durability, hardness, and also on wear resistance and tests by cutting are resulted. Key words: firm alloys, heat treatment, tests.
Proskurin A.D., Kozik E.S., Schikochihina L.N. INCREASE OF PHYSICOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF IS LOW-CARBONACEOUS STEELS BY MEANS OF WELDING WEARPROOF COVERINGSResearch on increase of physico-mechanical properties low-carbonaceous steels with the help welding wearproof coverings, by addition in itself a gumboil firm alloy PG-10Н-01 of various additives (carbide of a pine forest, carbide of the titan) is conducted. The optimum structure of additives and their property is received. Key words: gumboilself a firm alloy, pine forest carbide, carbide of the titan.
Perchatkin Y.V. EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION MODES BENCH TESTS AXLE TRAILERSThe experimental evaluation of the stress-strain state of heavy axes running tractor trailers, taking into account the results of the study of their reliability. Determine the statistical characteristics of the components of the dynamic loading and their frequency content. The design of the stand, which implements a two-component loading beam axis.Key words: Tractor trailer axle, bench tests, the dynamic loading.
Gaffarov A.G., Kulakov A.T., Denisov А.S., Makushin A.A. THE AUTOTRACTOR ENGINE TURBOCHARGER BEARING MOUNT ASSEMBLY PERFECTIONResults of analytical and of the experimental study of termal stress conditions are given for turbocomressor parts of the diesel engine. The design of an advanced bearing mount assembly and thermal protection of elements turbo-supercharger is resulted. Possible solutions of thermal turbocomressor problems are considered at the given level of charging.Key words: diesel engine, turbocharger, oil temperature, oil flow, bearing.

Economic sciences

Andreyeva T.V., Yermakova Zh.A. VALUE ADDED IN THE SYSTEM OF ANALYSIS OF THE PRODUCTION CHAIN (FOR EXAMPLE, THE FOOD INDUSTRY OF THE ORENBURG REGION) The authors carried out the analysis of the production chain of bakery, pastaand flour confectionery products based on value added and return on sales. The authors identified the proportions of the distribution of added value and profits between the principal actors in the chain. The main factors affecting the amount of value added of each participant in the chain are defined as well as far-reaching activities for producers of bread products with a view to increasing the value added and improving its structure. Key words: value chain of production, value added, the structure of value added, food industry.
Buresh O.V., Kondratkov I.V. TENDENCIES AND THE BASIC DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURES OF THE ORENBURG REGIONArticle is devoted working out of the basic directions of development of a transport infrastructure of the Orenburg region. The analysis of a condition of a transport infrastructure of the Orenburg region is carried out. Rassmotreny the basic problems existing in given sphere. Key words: a transport infrastructure, economic potential, requirements of the population. transport strategy.
Kovalevsky V.P., Ramenskaya A.V. MODELLING OF THE ALTERNATIVE MOTOR FUELS HAULAGE COMPANY ALTERATION STRATEGYThe central problem of the article is the optimization of the alternative motor fuels haulage company alteration process. Mathematical model, interactive algorithm for integer multicriteria problem and author software are proposed. As a result optimal strategy for one of the largest haulage companies of Orenburg region is developed. Key words: alternative motor fuels, optimal strategy, haulage company.
Porvatkin A.B. THE RANKING OF METHODS OF STRATEGIC ANALYSIS WITH A VIEW TO ESTABLISHING A COMPLEX OF ASSESSMENT OF THE SITUATION OF THE ORGANIZATIONThe author analyses the traditionally used methods to assess the strategic situation of the organization through strategic analysis; developed evaluation criteria, in particular, the continuity of research, selection of the most reliable and objective. Key words: strategic assessment of the problem; easy to use; the breadth of the application; explicit nature; the objectivity of the results; the extent of internal factors; the degree of risk; the cost; specific nature of conclusions.
Renner A.G., Shayakhmetova R.M., Sedova Ye.N. BUSINESS VALUATION METHODS FOR DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONAL-LEGAL FORMS OF OWNERSHIPThe authors present the results of empirical studies assessing the market value of the Russian enterprises (oil companies) to take into account in addition to various measures of internal and external environment, organizational-legal form of ownership of enterprises. Key words: capitalization, market value of enterprises, individual effects model with random coefficients, panel data.


Pudovkin A.N. TASK STRUCTURE HIERARCHICAL CONTROL PRODUCTION OF ASPHALT MIXESThe tasks of production management systems blacktop. The distribution of common tasks automation production process of asphalt mixture by level of the hierarchy of an integrated management system.Key words: automation, asphalt mix, bitumen, an integrated managment system.
Rassokha E.N. HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF THE MATHEMATICAL KNOWLEDGE THEORIZATION OF INSTITUTIONAL TEXTBOOKS ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSISThe author conducted a historical analysis of the reform of the mathematical school and higher education. Relationship between the introduction of "high theoretical level" of mathematical knowledge at mathematics teaching and the quality of its learning by pupils and students is disclosed in this article. The modern problems of mathematical education in schools and universities are shown here. Key words: mathematics, the textbook of mathematics, mathematics education reform, education quality, student, pupil, the principle of VTU.
Kostrukov A.V. SOME ASPECTS OF DEVELOPING GRAPHIC CULTURE AMONG STUDENTS MAJORING IN TECHNICAL SCIENCESThe article describes teaching methodologies for graphical disciplines. The technologies aim at forming students' readiness for self-instruction when having continuous studies of graphical disciplines.
Ivanova A.P., Mezhueva L.V., Piskareva T.I., Gunko V.V., Bykov A.V. DECOMPOSITION THE APPROACH TO RELIABILITY TECHNICAL SYSTEMIn article it is offered декомпозиционный the approach to research of reliability of technical systems in which basis elements of the system analysis lie. It allows to make a choice of priority directions by working out of reliable systems of mixing.Key words: reliability, refusals, deterioration, damages, the distribution law, the forecast.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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