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2011, № 10

Khasanov I.Kh. METHODS OF CONTROL OF TECHNICAL CONDITION OF THE BODY OF THE CAR ON THE BASIS OF THE MEASUREMENT OF STEERED WHEELS The author presents the results of the study to improve the monitoring of technical condition of the body of the car. Novelty is the use of the analytical dependencies relationship values of steered wheels and coordinates monitoring base points — places of fastening of front suspension for evaluation of technical condition of the body.Key words: corners of the steered wheels, the control base point, the body, the front suspension.


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5. Bondarenko, Е.В. To a question of influence of a technical condition of a forward part of a body of the car on corners of installation of operated wheels in operation / E.V. Bondarenko, V.P. Apsin, I.H. Hasanov // Тhe Bulletin of the Orenburg state university. — 2006. — №12 (62). — p. 438-444.

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7. Hasanov, I.H. Theoretical a substantiation of a technique of definition of corners of installation of operated wheels from change of a technical condition of a forward part of a body of the car / I.H. Hasanov, R.H. Hasanov // The Collection of reports of the eighth Russian scientific and technical conference "Progressive technologies in transport systems". — Orenburg: IPK ОГУ, 2007. — p. 316-321.

About this article

Author: Hasanov I.H.

Year: 2011

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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