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2011, № 10

Shchurin K.V., Tsvetkova Ye.V. CHANGE THE PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF LIQUID ENVIRONMENTS BY MAGNETIC PROCESSING After theoretical and experimental studies the authors confirmed the hypothesis about the positive effects of magnetic treatment on physico-chemical properties of technological liquids and fuels. It was discovered that the application of magnetic treatment causes a marked improvement in properties of liquids, including those affecting human health, energy and environmental performance of internal combustion engines. Key words: magnetic processing, magnetic field, electromagnetic field, magnetic activator.


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5. Patent RU №2096759 С1, MPK G 01 N 15/04, С 02 F 1/48. Express-analysis of liquids physical activation. / V.A. Pomazkin (RF). — №1994028491/25. — Announced on 28.08.1994 — The decision about patent issuing from 11.09.1996. — Publ. 20.11.1997, Bull. №32. — 3 p.: illustr.

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8. Patent RU №2411190 C1, MPK C 02 F 1/48. Magnetic activator of liquid surroundings. / V.A. Pomazkin, K.V. Schurin, E.V. Tsvetkova (RF). — №2009124037/05. — Announced on 23.06.2009 — The decision about patent issuing from 01.09.2010. — Publ. 10.02.2011, Bull. №4. — 2 p.: illustr.

About this article

Authors: Tsvetkova E.V., Shchurin K.V.

Year: 2011

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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