№ 6š2011
Humanitarian sciences
Polyanskaya E.B. THE CONCEPT OF SENSE DATA IN PHILOSOPHY OF J.E.šMOOREThe problem field of epistemological beliefs of J.E.šMoore is considered in this article. The notion of sense data and the possibility of their attainment are researched here. The model of understanding of consciousness in the philosophy of J.E.šMoore is suggested. Based on first-hand comparative analysis of the epistemological system of J.E.šMoore and the theory of intentional systems D.šDennett were made in this work. Key words: sense data, consciousness, proposition, comprehension, perception, concept.
Cherkoziyanova T.V. TO THE PROBLEM OF ONTOLOGICAL STATUS OF FATE IN CONCEPTION OF HEXAEMERONToday ontological structure of Hexaemeron conceptions can not be doubted. The author examines how the phenomenon of fate is ontologically expressed in the conceptions of Creation. In her view, the fate in its original status reflects the optimized bases of being appropriate arranged with absolute first principles.Key words: God, fate, being, Hexaemeron, Creation.
Shagako D.S. CONFLICT INTERACTION AS AN IMPORTANT SOURCE OF VIOLENCE ORIGIN IN SOCIETY Forms of aggression and violence are very diverse, they have existed and exist everywhere, in all historical epochs and at all levels of society. However, despite the prevalence of these phenomena, and till this day researchers could not definitively answer the question that underlies each of them. The article analyzes the philosophical category of "aggression" and "violence", methodological specifications of each term are given, original definitions of these phenomena of human existence are offered here. Moreover, here on the social and philosophical basis the essential connection of these categories with the origin of such common form of interaction between individuals is exposed with the analysis, as a conflict that has played a significant role in the overall development of society. Key words: aggression, violence, social action, social interaction, conflict.
Ivanov S.Yu. PICTURE OF THE WORLD IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SUBJECT PHILOSOPHICAL SELF-DETERMINATION The article considers the role and functional significance of the world picture in determining the scope and limits of philosophical knowledge. The article reveals the problems of the main objectives and tasks of philosophy in the XXIšcentury, the basic philosophical categories and principles, the boundaries of their "applicability". Also the article reveals the possible perspective visions of "objective body of philosophy", the basic metaphysical ways and passages of thought, conditional on the choice of different alternatives. The main elements of novelty consist in the introduction of philosophical worldview into categorical philosophical apparatus, revealing its structure and basic functional orientation.Key words: substantive self-determination of philosophy, a philosophical view of the world, being, subject explication of existence, the degrees of freedom being explicated.
Solovykh O.V. ABOUT THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF SELF-ACTUALIZATION OF A PERSONALITYThis article discusses the theoretical aspects of self-actualization of a personality, as they are represented by domestic and foreign scientists: A.šMaslow, C.šRogers, G.šAllport, K.šHorney, E.šFromm, F.šPerls, D.šByudzhental, R.šMay, L.A.šKorosteleva, E.E.šVahkromov, O.V.šNemirinsky, L.I.šAntropova, L.G.šBryleva, I.A.šVitin, N.L.šKulik, A.G.šAsmolov, V.I.šSlobodchikov, L.M.šFriedman and others.Key words: self-actualization, self-realization, need, motivation, metamotivation, development, psychological growth, selfhood.
Dmitrieva N.M. REGARDING THE ETHICAL AND RELIGIOUS IN THE VOCABULARY OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE The change of the ethical burden of words of religious themes: faith, holiness, sin, good and evil is researched in this article. The interpretation of data with tokens in Church Slavonic and Russian language of different centuries (XII–XX) are analyzed, as well as their understanding by contemporary native speakers. Conservation of ethic load in the words of religious themes in the internal structure of a word semantics, its change, narrow or distorted understanding at preservation of ethical significance for moral and spiritual spheres is established.Key words: ethical burden, language ethics, ethical, religious, spiritual and moral.
Porol O.A. ONTOLOGICAL SPACE IN POETRY OF MENDELSHTAMThe author of the article considered poetic conception of space and time in creativity of O.E.šMandelstam in the ontological aspect. The reader is invited to review the texts of different time periods. The lyric of the poet at 1908–1937 periods is analyzed. The semantic fullness of the concept "eternity" is discussed in detail.Key words: life, eternity, death, time, space.
Vinogradova T.N. MEDICAL CARE FOR WOMEN OF THE BASHKIR ASSR IN 1945–1953In this paper a system of female population care in the Bashkir ASSR in 1945–1953 years is considered. The author analyzes the effectiveness of treatment and prevention of public health agencies in solution of one of the priority tasks of the Soviet public health at the postwar period, in connection with the analysis of the dynamics of the network of institutions, personnel and logistics, quality indicators of care for women.Key words: obstetric and gynecological beds, maternity hospitals and maternity wards of hospitals, counseling, abortions, maternal and infant mortality, obstetricians, pediatricians.
Smirnov A.V. SELF-EDUCATION IN THE DEVELOPING SYSTEMS OF CONTINUOUS EDUCATION The article deals with external and internal prerequisites and conditions for self-education as a part of the continuous education system. A creative activity, which involves the formation of the unity of education, practice and self-education, is considered in this work.Key words: developing system of continuous education, acmeological personal development, self-education.
Matveichuk E.F. INNOVATIONS AT EDUCATION REFORMING The problems of innovative development of the education system are regarded in this article and also the determination of criterion of innovation quality is given.Key words: continuous education, adult education, tradition, innovation, world-view paradigm.
Lyubichankovsky S.V. CENTER AND REGIONS OF POST-REFORM RUSSIA: NEW APPROACHES AT THE STUDY (REVIEW ON THE BOOK BY A.S.šMINAKOV "THE GOVERNORS AND THE CENTRAL POWER: RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS ..." EAGLE: "ORLIK, 2011. 487šP.)In a review the basic ideas of the monograph by A.S.šMinakov "The governors and the central power: Relationship problems ..." The estimation of their originality and scientific innovation is given. The place of this monograph in modern historiography is shown.Key words: governor, governor's report, effectiveness, historiography.
Economic sciences
Bobrova V.V. ABOUT KEY ISSUES OF PROGRAM-ORIENTED MANAGEMENT AT THE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMSThe article refers to the central issues of program-oriented management at the development of regional agricultural systems. The use of effective methods of project management for implementation of innovation and investment policies of the regional agrarian and food systems is suggested.Key words: program-oriented planning, regional agrarian and food systems, industrial and economic system, social and ecological system, project management.
Prokopenkov S.V. PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL INDUSTRY: ECOLOGIZATION AND ECOLOGICAL STRATEGYThe paper addresses the problem of industry ecologization, analyzes the impact of industry on the environment, the industry structure is determined by federal district. The author proposes a model of ecological strategy of regional industry, highlights the environmental component of the strategy of industrial development.Key words: industry, strategy of industry development, the ecologization of industry, ecological strategy.
Chebykina M.V., Gracheva E.S. ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS FORMATIONThe mechanism of formation of the regional competitiveness is described in the article in accordance with the theory of M.šPorter. Regional competitiveness is considered as a system in which structure is allocated two levels. Categories of regional competitiveness, macro- and micro competitiveness of regions are given the author's definitions. The authors present well-known and author's classifications of factors of regional competitiveness.Key words: regional competitiveness, micro competitiveness of the region, the factors of regional competitiveness.
Sokolov K.O. THE ROLE OF MARKETING AT THE FORMING OF THE CLIENT CAPITAL OF THE ENTERPRISE At the present time Russian companies give a lot of attention to market research, studying of the experience of implementation tools and techniques of marketing at the modern management processes. The article explores the process and stages of the client company's capital on the base of marketing relationships.Key words: economics of the enterprise, client capital, marketing of relationship, transactional marketing, client, joint activity.
Natural sciences
Fomina M.V., Zaritskaya L.A. TEACHERS' ADAPTATION TO THE CONDITIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT The problem of professional health and adaptation of the teacher on labor market is researched in this article. The lack of awareness of pedagogical skills entrants of the requirements for health in the context of their future profession is revealed here. Auditory assessment of voice quality is given, chronic pathology of the respiratory tract in first-year students who choose the teaching profession is revealed. Voice disorders and their causes of the teachers of college are determined, estimation of psycho-emotional condition and communicative qualities of voices of patients is given in this work.Key words: adaptation, voice, teacher, educational environment.
Pankov A.S. MICROFLORA OF UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT IN PATIENTS WITH INFLUENZA COMPLICATED WITH BRONCHITIS OR PNEUMONIAA comparative assessment of microsymbiocenosis of upper respiratory tract in patients with influenza complicated with pneumonia or bronchitis in given in this work. At influenza complicated with pneumonia, in 1,7 times more frequently than at influenza complicated with bronchitis S.špyogenes are distinguished, and 3,3 times more oftenš— S.šsaprophyticus; S.šaureus are distinguished in 1,5 times less. Association of microorganisms has conjugated bonds. The largest contingency is formed with pneumonia of S.š pyogenes and A.šviridans, and at bronchitisš— of S.šaureus and A.šviridans and S.šaureus and S.špyogenes.Key words: influenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, microsymbiocenosis, upper respiratory tract.
Pasechnaya N.A., Kuznetsov G.E., Galkina T.A., Brough T.S., Tenchurina L.R. PECULIARITIES OF CORRELATION OF VENTRICULAR LATE POTENTIALS WITH INDICATORS OF STRUCTURAL-GEOMETRIC MODEL OF THE HEART AT CHRONIC HEART FAILURE The correlation of the parameters of high-resolution electrocardiography with indicators of structural and geometric model of the heart in patients with chronic heart failure is regarded in this article. The influence of myocardial mass and myocardial stress on the origin of ventricular late potentials, is shown here.Key words: ventricular late potentials, chronic heart failure, heart remodeling.
Moskovtseva N.I., Mironchev O.V., Revtova V.A. RISKS OF ADVERSE OUTCOMES AFTER FIRST MYOCARDIAL INFARCTIONThe results of 3 year observation for 298 men at the age 30–65 years old who had undergone the infarction for the first time presented. There was realized the comparison of frequency of lethality and repeated infarction in 3 year period with the frequencies of signs in early period after the first infarction (well-known markers). We also have compared this frequencies in groups of patients who underwent different tactics of physical rehabilitation: physical training, periodical hypobaric training in altitude chamber or absence of any training. It was performed the computation and comparison of risks of the lethality and repeated infarction. The significant role of both methods of physical rehabilitation on negative outcomes after the first infarction was shown.Key words: ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, risk factors, physical rehabilitation.
Al Sabunchi A.A., Muzakhidul Islam, Baydar Hazim Ali, Al Sabunchi Az.A. DRINKING WATER QUALITY AND ENDEMIC DISEASES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES OF ASIAThe developing countries — Yemen, Iraq, Bangladesh and Syriaš— are the most typical at ecological-hygiene and demographic problems are studied in this paper. In these countries, about 60% of rural population has no access to safe drinking water, which is the cause of the spread of diseases among the local population. Consumption of drinking water containing chemicals in high concentrations, such as arsenic and fluoride, leads to endemic diseases.Key words: endemic disease, arsenic, fluoride, drinking water.
Kelin E.A., Spiridonov S.N. OOMORPHOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF JACKDAW ON THE TERRITORY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MORDOVIA IN CONDITIONS OF URBANIZATIONIn the article oomorphological indicators of jackdaws Corvus monedula on the territory the Republic of Mordovia in 2009–2010 are regarded. Comparative analysis of the size and color of eggs from different habitats of jackdaws is given in this paper.Key words: Jackdaw Corvus monedula, size and color of eggs, urbanization.
Seredyuk S.D. ELATERIDOFAUNA OF STEPPE BIOCOENOSIS OF URAL MOUNTAIN COUNTRY The faunal features of species complexes of click beetles of several steppe habitats of the Urals are analyzed in this article. The species composition and dominance structure of their communities are determined. It is shown that differences in wetting of the western and eastern slopes of the Ural mountain country lead to greater species richness and species diversity of elateridofauna of the western slope.Key words: click beetles, steppe landscapes, species diversity, the structure of domination.
Bykov A.V., Mezhueva L.V., Ivanova A.P., Bykova L.A., Getmanova N.V. MEANING OF REAGENTLESS WATER CLEANING AT THE REGULATION OF MACRO- AND MICROELEMENTS CHANGE IN ANIMALS' ORGANISMThe article presents the results of research aimed at developing and improving methods of water treatment, which can be used in the technologies of products with preset properties. For reagentless water treatment is proposed and justified the use of ultrasonic cavitation in conjunction with the freezing and thawing of water that allows you to adjust the content of organic and mineral impurities in it.Key words: drinking water, composition of water, water cleaning.
Bogatova O.V., Kuramshina N.G., Matveeva, A.Yu., Vinogradov G.D. MORPHOLOGICAL ESTIMATION OF CARP LIVER CONDITION AT THE USE OF MINERAL SUPPLEMENTSš— BAYMAKSHIN ZEOLITES The research of fisheries in regions of North-East of the Republic of Bashkortostan was conducted and the influence of natural mineral supplementsš— baymakskih zeolites was studied. It was established that the supplement reduces the development of histological disorders of the liver of carp and enhances the absorption of nutrients.Key words: fish, histology, liver, zeolites, analysis, toxicants.
Tyulebaev S.D., Kayumov F.G., Kadysheva M.D. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, NUTRITIONAL AND BIOLOGICAL VALUE OF HEIFER MEAT OF DIFFERENT GENOTYPES IN CONDITIONS OF THE SOUTHERN TECHNOGENIC ZONES OF CHELYABINSK REGION The authors give the results of the experiment to study the economic and biological qualities of symmental heifers of different genotypes in terms of studying the chemical composition of the longissimus dorsi with the definition of the contents of some heavy metals in conditions of the Southern technogenic zones of Chelyabinsk region.Key words: heavy metals, ecology, genotype, heifers, simmentals, chemical composition, meat.
Amirova Z.K., Shakhtamirov I.Ya. DIOXINS AND POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS IN CHICKEN MEAT OF DIFFERENT REGIONS IN RUSSIA The content of dioxins (PCDD / Fs) and dioxin-like toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB-WHO) in chicken meat produced in the poultry farms of the Chechen Republic and the Republic of Bashkortostan, using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of high resolution is researched in this article. It is established that in all samples there is the presence of trace amounts of PCDD / Fs and PCBs, the level and ratio of isomers which have regional differences. Preferential pathways of toxicants entrance into food chains are investigated. Excess of norms of Russia and the EU in the studied samples is not established, but it requires the monitoring of environmental safety products.Key words: chicken meat, dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, superecotoxicants.
Zenkova E.L. SIBERIAN SPRUCE POPULATIONS ON THE EAST LIMITS OF GENETIC INFLUENCE OF NORWAY SPRUCEThe author studied shaped structure and geographic differentiation of populations of Siberian spruce in the eastern limit of genetic influence of Norway spruce on the main diagnostic featureš— the form of seed scales using cluster and discriminant analysis. Also the author allocated three areas in which spruce differs significantly in performance of form seed scales and shaped the population structure.Key words: Siberian spruce, variability, shaped structure, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis.
Isabaev B.M., Ryabinina Z.N., Yudichev E.N. TO THE QUESTION OF THE PRESENT STATUS OF FLORA AND VEGETATION OF THE NORTHERN-EASTERN PRECASPIAN TERRITORY The results of studies of diversity and the current state of flora and vegetation in the Northern-Eastern Precaspian territory are given in this article. The authors provide a variety of factors of human impact and vegetation characteristics of formations. The necessity of applying the ecosystem approach to assessment and conservation of biodiversity in the region is proved in this work.Key words: flora, vegetation, ecosystem approach, phytocoenosis, ecosystem diversity, formation, geo-botanical description, assessment of biodiversity, rare plants, technological and human impact.
Getmanets I.A. ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF WILLOWS IN THE SOUTHERN URAL On the basis of ecological scales by D.N.šTsyganov the author identifies limiting factors of habitat of 18 willows species in the Southern Urals, calculates ecological tolerance, and appreciates the degree of the ecological potentialities use and efficiency of ecological space development. Ecological ranges of some willows species on the trophic scales and temperature conditions are expanded.Key words: tolerance, ecological equivalence, ecological scales.
Vasil'eva T.N., Brudastov Y.á. POTENTIAL FITOACCUMULATION METAL-POLYUTANTOV URBAN SOILS OF ORENBURGOn the basis of comparison of concentrations of metals in urban soils and vegetative parts of herbaceous plants, received on fixed points of Orenburg city, findings about planta as potential phytoremediators of soil had been collected. For about Pb and Cd the potential remediators were followed species: Arctium lappa, Taraxacum officinale, Artemisia vulgaris, Artemisia absinthium, Polygonum aviculare, Achillea millefolium. Regarding to another metals (Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn) the potential remediators were: Cichorium intybus, Plantago media, Achillea millefolium.Key words: soil, herbaceous plant, metal pollution.
Nazyrova F.I., Garipov T.T. ACID-BASED BUFFERING OF ZONAL SOIL TYPES IN THE IN THE SOUTHERN URALS AT AGRO TECHNOGENETICS CONDITIONS The acid-based buffering capacity of zonal soil types of the Southern Urals (virgin and arable counterparts) is studied in this work. General rule is the increase of buffering against acidification from north to south with the lowest values in light gray forest soils and the maximumš— in a typical calcareous and south chernozem. Change of the buffering capacity of soils is correlated with a humus content and acidity of soil. The features of buffering changes in the acid-based interval for agricultural use of soil and oil pollution of soil are revealed.Key words: buffering properties of soil.
Petrishchev V.P. THE CONCEPT OF "SALT DOME LANDSCAPE"The article provides the substantiation of introduction of a new conceptš— salt dome landscape. The change of the content of the concept of salt dome landscape at the process of salt-dome landscape genesis is regarded in this paper. The author revealed a gradient principle of formation of geosystems influenced with salt tectonics.Key words: landscape geosystem, salt dome landscape, gradient principle, landscape anomaly.
Petrishchev V.P. TECHNOGEOSYSTEMS CLASSIFICATION OF ROCK SALT DEPOSITS The article presents the results of technogeosystems classification of rock salt deposits associated with salt dome structures. The author developed criteria for assessing the degree of transformation geosystems, conducted the ranging of technogeosystems. The analysis of geosystems differentiation formed as a result of salt mining was conducted in this paper.Key words: technogeosystem, technomorphogenesis, numerical score, mine and quarry development of salt.
Rustanov A.R., Shchipkova N.N. CURVATURE IDENTITIES OF CLASS C11 MANIFOLDThe article deals with the AU-manifold of class C11, which generalize the class of skew-symplectic manifolds. The identities of the curvature of this class manifold are obtained. As a consequence, the expression of the tensor F-sectional curvature tensor by the Riemannš— Christoffel tensor was got.Key words: almost contact metric variety, cosymplectic manifold, the curvature tensor, the tensor F-sectional curvature.
Technical sciences
Zakirullin R.S. SELECTIVE REGULATION OF LIGHT TRANSMISSION GLASS AND GLAZING CONSTRUCTIONSThe modern methods of selective regulation of directional light transmission of glass and glazing constructions, depending on the angle of light rays are regarded in this work, sciences and technologies, where there are unresolved problems, are distinguished. The author carried out relevant researches on the interim results of which international application was filed on the invention.Key words: selective regulation depending on the angle of incidence of light rays, self-regulation, directed light transmission, pozonal distribution of regulation, smart glass.
Efremov I.V., Gamm A.A., Gamm T.A. TECHNOLOGY OF DRILL CUTTINGS UTILIZATIONThe authors investigated the separation of liquid and solid phases during the drilling with hot steam, also they propose methods: delayed fluorescence of oil determination contained in the drill cuttings and removal of oil and changes of the chemical properties of rocks at the two-phase heat treatment. The technological characteristics of the processes are identified. The technology of drilling sludge utilization on oil and gas fields is worked out in this paper.Key words: drill cuttings, drilling sludge utilization on oil and gas fields, the hot steam, two-phase heat treatment, delayed fluorescence.
Kolesnik A.N., Mustafina D.R. DEFINITION OF BASIC PARAMETERS ON HEAVY METALS IN ECOLOGICALLY DANGEROUS ZONESTo determine the basic parameters in multiparameter researches a matrix of research has been constructed. We find the matrix of factor loadings using the principal of components method. Varimax rotation in the space of factors was carried out, the maximum loading by absolute factor was found, and the association of the parameters of factors was identified. Polynomial models were constructed for all parameters of the study. Determination of contribution of the parameters-arguments was realized by constructing models for each option. A comparative analysis of quality of group conditioning with quantitative parameters of conditionality was conducted in this paper.Key words: load factor, polynomial model, the matrix of the study, the basic parameter.
Pishikov G.B., Shanchurov S.M. DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE POPULATION OF MICROORGANISMS IN THE PRODUCTION PROCESS FOODThe kinetic model of growth and reproduction of microorganisms takes into account not only various forms of cells, but also a way to their breeding grounds. Kinetic equations are formulated to allow adequately describe the evolutionary processes of growth, birth and death of microorganisms in bioreactors periodic and continuous action. Provides examples representing both scientific and practical interest.Key words: kinetics, micro-organisms, biotechnology, yeast cells, biochemistry, reproduction, growth and death of microorganisms.
Tarasenko S.S., Vladimirov N.P. RESEARCH OF RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF DURUM WHEAT MILLING PRODUCTSIn view of rational use of durum wheat grain, we studied the rheological properties of grain milling products with different sizes. The possibility of combining of large and small products in order to increase the yield of flour, without reducing the quality of pasta products was revealed.Key words: durum wheat, pasta flour, farinograph, water absorbent ability, time of dough, the test stability.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |