№ 7 2009
Philosophical sciences
Gorokhov P.A. EDMUND GUSSERL"S WISDOMThe importance of Edmund Gusserl"s idea for modern spiritual situation in which the humanity was found is regarded in this article. The great attention is given to the genetic connection of Gusserl"s idea as with thoughts of his predecessors R. Decart and I.V. Gete and with such thoughts on which the phenomenology influenced.
Goryunov A.V. DIALECTICS AND PROBLEM OF HISTORICAL DETERMINISMThe dialectic model of development in its using to history is analyzed in this article. The author shows what ideas and assumptions turned history dialectics of Hegel and Marx into one of forms of historical fatalism and how these theses were criticized in history philosophy in XX century. As a result the author made a conclusion that such models which can suppose variance of future can exist.
Grevtseva A.A. PLACE AND ROLE OF POSTMODERNISM VALUES IN "CULTURAL GLOBALIZATION"The determination of concepts postmodernism, postmodernism style of thinking, culture of postmodernism, globalization, cultural globalization, values are given in this article. The characteristics of postmodernism and its role in modern culture are regarded and also the process of postmodernism values forming in conditions of cultural globalization is regarded too in this work.
Zaviyalova G.I. SOCIAL ASPECT OF CHILDREN PHILOSOPHIZES Social aspect of children philosophizes is that paradigm of educational process, which come on the first place in a century of automation and information of modern society. Innovation approach in education leads to necessity of working out of creative thinking skills and identity. And here philosophers contribute. It is necessary to start this process from school. This article is devoted to these problems.
Kolbasova L.O. PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE AT MODERN SOCIAL SPACE This article is devoted to the modern questions of staff management. The phenomenon of professional competence is regarded, general categories of competence approach to the professionalism are determined; activity of social institutions involved into the process of personal professional competence formation is characterized in this work.
Koryakin V.V. TO THE QUESTION OF PECULIARITIES AND KEY TENDENCIES OF MODERN SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT (SOCIAL-PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS)This article is devoted to the research of general approaches to understanding of modern civilization, substantive explanation of modern stage of social development, to the revelation of its motive contradictions and direction, analysis of human essence and labor as the most important substantive characteristic of human being in modern conditions.
Kruzhkova T.I., Lazutina T.V., Mikhalev A.V. BUSINESS WORLD OF RUSSIA AS A SOCIAL-CULTURAL PHENOMENON: TO THE QUESTION OF CIVILIZATIONAL AND SPIRITUAL CODES OF NATIONAL ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT IN XXI CENTURYThe question of "spiritual codes" of social-economic development which is discussed actively today in philosophical and economic literature is regarded in this article. The authors of the article used culturological approach in contrast to technocratic, civilizational approach of many western researchers for analysis of "spiritual code" structure.
Maslyanka Yu.V. TO THE QUESTION OF "PURPORT". STRATEGIES OF ZIVILIZATIONAL AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENTIn this article the author researches the important for modern Russia problem of "Purport" of objective, social-economic tendencies of human development in conditions of growth of crises and even catastrophic phenomena of economic, social, demography and cultural character.
Mukhamedzhanova N.M. PROBLEM OF CULTURE PENETRABILITY INTO INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS This article is devoted to the problem of culture penetrability, which is getting special urgency in conditions of activity strengthening of intercultural communications in the modern world. Culture penetrability is treated by the author from one side as a source of social-cultural dynamics, from other side – as a factor of destabilization of society and personality in bringing up to date society.
Khrapov S.A. DYNAMICS OF INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN AGGRESSION PHENOMENOLOGYThe problems of aggressive trends of individual and social consciousness are regarded in this article. Forming of new person, culture, society – worlds in the whole is accompanied with changing of types of relations between person and person, person and society, aggression as one of destructive types of such relations admits universal scale today. Phenomenology of aggression in modern social-cultural context is regarded as a factor of formation and fixation of aggressive tendencies in individual and social consciousness. Just comprehension of aggression phenomenology allows finding ways of its leveling as on individual as on social level.
Akhmetov R.E. TREATMENT OF FAIRNESS AS HONESTY IN SOCIAL-POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY OF JOHN ROLZ Social-political ideas of well-known English-American thinker of contemporaneity John Rolz are analyzed in this article. The great attention is given to social-political and ethic problems of ideas stated by John Rolz in his fundamental work "Theory of Fairness". It is indicated that John Rolz opposes his theory to generally accepted utilitarian and intuitional approaches identifying the concepts fairness and honesty. The author gives the analysis and appraisal of some moral and ethic regulators and concepts (fairness and honesty), and also the principals used by John Rolz to bases structure of society.
Gorokhov P.A. TO THE QUESTION OF I.V. STALIN"S ROLE IN HISTORY OF RUSSIAN PHILOSOPHY In this article philosophical-theoretical heritage of I.V. Stalin is analyzed which the author divides into two stages. Stalin began as orthodox Marxist and acted in this quality as ideologist and politician during many years. Only in his latest works he planed ways to create Russian national ideology, synthesizing Marxism and to achieve Russian philosophical thought. Marxism philosophy in latest works of Stalin began to lose international features and turn to huge instrument of strengthening of Russian national immateriality and patriotism.
Istyufeev А.V. IDEA OF HISTORIZM IN NATURAL PHILOSOPHY OF F. SCHELLING AS AN IDEA OF PERCEPTION ACTIVITY The article considers the main philosophical and historical ideas developed by German philosopher-idealist F. Schelling. The idea of historizm is concluded by the thinker based on the cognition activity idea. Main content of the history is revealed through the revelation of the Absolute. According to the thinker, the guarantees of historical progress are laid in the God. Finally, Schelling"s philosophical system is a "philosophy of mythology and revelation".
Naumova T.V. CONCEPT OF GLOBAL PROBLEMS IN I.T. FROLOV"S PHILOSOPHY The article considers the concept of global problems in I.T. Frolov"s philosophy teaching. I.T. Frolov was on of the first in the USSR who started developing research known as philosophy of global problems. When revealing the concept of global problems, the philosopher used Marx"s teaching and argued that his ideas were relevant still today. Addressing the issues that were analyzed in Soviet history period is urgent for reconstruction of the history of the Russian philosophy development.
Pisarchik Т.P. THE PROBLEM OF RELIGION IN PHILOSOPHICAL PERCEPTION OF APOLLO GRIGORYEVThe article considers Apollo Grigoryev religion concept. In had significant influence on the entire Pochnichestvo School that was established by Grugoryev who was an interesting and original thinker of the 20th century. His ideas were reflected in the works of К.N. Leontyev, P.А. Florensky, Е.N. Trubetskoy and others. The problem of the religion is of great concern for Grugoryev and he addresses it from the position of being strong believer in Russia, its nation and history.
Pisarchik L.Yu. M. WEBER"S METHODOLOGY OF THE SOCIAL COGNITION The article considers an option for methodology of the social cognition developed by M. Weber in the early 20-th century. His ideas had strong influence on the methodology of social and humanitarian sciences which can be explained balanced and weighted approach to the development of main problem: objectiveness and general significance of humanitarian sciences, ideal type and purpose-and-rational action, summarizing specifics in social meaning, awareness issues in humanitarian sciences. Weber"s development of the social values and their cultural meaning issue deserves special consideration. All these issues are still relevant today.
Chashegorova N.А. FORMATION OF THE INTUITIVE KNOWLEDGE CONCEPT IN PHILOSOPHICAL ANTIQUE TEACHINGS (FROM BEFORE SOCRATES ERA UNTILL NEOPLATONISM)The article focuses on the efforts to study the origins of ideas about the intuition as a phenomenon of cognition which will enable, from the point of the history and logic unity, to reveal the trends in explanation of the intuition nature and mechanisms of its actions.
Yuzhaninova Е.R. ON THE ISSUE CONCERNING THE IMPORTANCE OF IDEAS DEVELOPED BY THE RUSSIAN COSMISTS FOR CONTEMPORARY SCIENCEThe article addresses several philosophical ideas developed by the representatives of the Russian Cosmism School with respect to the tasks that face contemporary scientific knowledge. The replacement of anthropocentric approach for the anthropocosmic approach will enable to meet the largest crisis centric in the human history.
Alyabiev D.I. ON ONTOLOGICAL AND GNOSEOLOGICAL ASPECTS IN THE INTERPRETATION OF THE LOGIC IN FORMALISM SCHOOLSThe article focuses on the research into ontological and gnoseological directions that are contained in evident and implicit forms in the interpretation of logical truths and objects, a logical constituent of mathematics basics in formalism concepts.
Belyaev I. А. THE HUMAN BEING AS A NATURAL-SOCIAL-SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SYSTEM ORGANIZATIONThe article addresses the study of the man as a natural-social-spiritual value. When considering the human being as a system, the author reveals the specifics of its natural, social and spiritual subsystems and shows that characteristics of the system organization of the human integrity are concreteness, materiality and immateriality, dynamic nature, self-organization and autoregulation, strong commitment, openness, strength, functionality, adaptability, incompleteness.
Vikulina V.V. CATEGORICAL STATUS OF THE CONCEPT "ECONOMIC MAN"The article considers philosophical basis for the concept "economic man". It was shown that, as initial category, this concept cannot be defined inside economic knowledge and needs in more general methodological foundation. The foundation for this concept is philosophical analysis of the concept "the man as such". "Economic man" is one of the ways to overcome anthropological borders of the existence as the ability to transform the world with accordance to interests and demands of the man himself. Categorical status, "economic man", economic substance, eccentric existence.
Gabdullin I. R. SUPERSTITION AND REMNANT AS FORMS OF PREJUDICE EXPRESSIONThe article considers the preconceived idea about superstitions, remnants and prejudice as both special forms of ignorance and the use of these words as scientific and philosophical terms. Etymological and theoretical and cognitive study of terms "superstition" and "prejudice" results in possibility to interpret them ontologically.
Degtyarev Е.V. SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT AND PROBLEM CONCERNING THE UNITY OF TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE AND COGNITIONThe article addresses gnoseological analysis of correlation between technical knowledge and the related type of cognitive activity. The author analyzes the problem using a wide spectrum of actual material.
Levchenko А.S. ONTOLOGICAL AND GNOSEOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES FOR INTERPRETATION OF MATHEMATICS LOGICAL CONSTITUENT IN INTUITIONISMBased on the works of A. Heyting, G. Weyl and others, this article identifies ontological and gnoseological statements of intuitionism program in the interpretation of mathematics logical constituent. The work supports the view according which the approach to foundation of mathematics by Brouwer school successors includes elements of objectivistic and realistic reading of the nature, fundamental mathematical axioms and objects.
Lyaschenko М.N. NATURAL SCIENCE IN XV-XVII CENTURIES. AND RATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL -INNOVATIONS IN PHYSICAL COGNITIONThe article addresses the issues concerning the formation of natural science in Europe in XV-XVII centuries. Based on the ideas of Galilei, Descartes and Newton, the article shows the specifics for formation of classical natural science and genesis of ideas claiming to basic rational and methodological statements of mechanics and physics that formed in total the foundation of classical way of thinking. Special attention was paid to the ideas and principles that are associated with formation of classical ideal of objective cognition.
Kalieva А.Т. ETHNIC VALUES AS AN OBJECT OF SOCIAL AND HUMANITARIAN COGNITIONThe article provides results on the research into the values as constituent parts of the social and humanitarian cognition. The values are elements in the sense culture of the human existence of any type as well as the main idea which unifies an ethnic community. Special attention is paid to ethnic values of the culture within consideration of social events and processes. The author focuses on the ethnic values as part of values common to all mankind that carry in themselves cultural identity and therefore have great gnoseological potential.
Kudryashova Е.V. THE ROLE OF PREMISE KNOWLEDGE OF THE SUBJECT IN COMMUNICATION PROCESS TAKEN PLACE IN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETYThe article proposes the analysis of one of the communication structure aspects — the subject of communication activity within professional learning unity, i.e. philosophical society. The analysis suggests consideration of the concept sociality, the structure of premise knowledge and their role in formation of the subject of communication.
Pesina S.А. COGNITIVE APPROACH TO INTERACTION OF LANGUAGE AND MINDThe article reviews most representative views on dichotomy "language and mind". Research into this problem in terms of cognitive aspect enables to conclude that when forming dialectic unity, language and mind are not identity; they intersect but do not coincide. The paper outlines main approaches to determination of central idea of cognitive linguistics "concept".
Kolomiets G.G. SOME ISSUES CONCERNING PHILOSOPHIC THOUGHT ABOUT MUSIC OF ANCIENT CHINA: STATUS AND PURPOSE IN ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL ASPECTThe material for this article was collected from some ancient Chinese texts (VIII - I centuries B.C.), relevance of which is evident because the music is considered, on the one hand, as having its own beginnings in the great origin and, on the other hand, as being the way of value interaction between the man and the world.
Rastegaeva L.S. AESTHETIC PRINCIPLES IN THE METHODS OF ART THERAPYThe article focuses on aesthetic research into the creative act as basis of therapy. The author considers the changes in the status of aesthetic principles in the context of art therapy and studies the concepts of artistic product and art work. The paper provides a description of psychophysiological aspects of creation. Through the analysis of the art therapy, the author comes to the realization of human creative self-expression.
Strelets Yu. Sh. MARXISM IN THE CONTEXT OF THE PROBLEM CONCERNING MEANING IN HUMAN"S LIFEThe article analyzes theoretical and methodological ideas of Marxism on humanistic meaning of human history as well as the reasons for actual discredit of this learning. The thing is that Marxism demonstrates scientific-rational and desacralized approach to the historic reality and does not consider irrational and spiritual foundations of human private existence including its absolute and religious meaning.
Cherkozyanova Т.V. ON THE PROBLEM CONCERNING FATAL-ORIENTED ATTITUDE TO RISK CONDITIONS The article considers metaphysical aspects that form fatal-oriented attitude to risk situations. It indicates that insufficient consideration from rescue and emergency forecasting services was given to human factor that often determinates risk conditions. The paper provides philosophical comprehension of general principles and behavioral stereotypes accountable for negligence both in industry and domestic environments.
Scherbakov D.А. KNOWLEDGE AND VALUES: PARALLEL WORLDS OR ORGANIC UNITY?The author reviews reductive directive lines of axiological cognitivizm that identifies all types of spiritual activity of the subject as "cognition" and adds values to the rank of knowledge. The paper reveals the reasons, mechanisms and consequences of this identification. It provides the substantiation for essential and functional differences of the knowledge and values.
Lyubutin K.N., Koryakovtsev А.А. IS SISYPHUS ABLE TO BECOME PROMETHEUS? REVIEW ON THE BOOK BY V.V. SKOROBOGATSKIY "ANTI- SISYPHUS OR A MAN IN THE MIRROR OF PHILOSOPHY" (YEKETERINBURG: URALIAN ACADEMY OF STATE SERVICE, 2008. 480 P.)This review analyzes a collection of philosophical essays by the first pro-rector for Uralian Academy of State Services, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences. Prof. Skorobogatskiy V.V. The main attention is paid to social and philosophical views of the author, his reading of Marxism and Soviet society.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |