№ 9š2008
Humanitarian sciences
Ilina Yu.A. UNIVERSALS PROBLEMS OF LVOV-WARSAW’S SCHOOL This article is devoted to the analysis of universals problems of Lvov-Warsaw’s schoolš– the trend of Polish scientific philosophy of XXšcenturies. The great attention is given to regarding of realistic and nominalistic views of some representatives of this philosophical union, such as K.šTvardovsky, K.šAidukevich, Ya.šLukasevich, S.šLesnevsky and T.šKotarbinsky.
Levchenko A.S. TO THE PROBLEM OF ONTO-GNOSEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF ARITHMETICAL BASES DURING INTUITIONISMOntological and theoretical-cognitive purposes of intuitionism program at interpretation of such source arithmetical concept as natural number, movement in the row of natural numbers, continuum are revealed in this article on the base of works of A.šGeiting, G.šVeil and A.šPuankar. In this work the author substantiates the affirmation that in intuitionism programs of mathematic substantiations preconditions of objectivistic and realistic interpretation of mathematical truths and objects nature are put inter alia.
Loktionova E.V. INFLUENCE OF VL.šSOLOVIEV ON WORLD OUTLOOK AND WORKS OF B.K.šZAITSEVThe influence of Vl.šSoloviev on world outlook and works of B.K.šZaitsev (1881-1972) is regarded in this article. General ideas of Vl.šSolovievs philosophy based the forming of life and work position of B.K.šZaitsev are presented in this work. Characteristic of creative world of the writer and firstly his perception of the world is made on the analysis of the earliest period of B.K.šZaitsev’s work.
Lyushenko V.A. DESIGN AS A SOCIAL-CULTURAL PHENOMENON Design originality in social-cultural sphere, the range of problems of design identification in the historical aspect, are regarded in this article. The author gives the analysis of design as an integral part of society life at the beginning of formation of man and thing’s relations. On the base of the analysis the following conclusions were made: design is multifaceted and many-aspect concept, the importance of design at the social-economic development is underlined and also the influence of design on different spheres of cultural and social life of mankind.
Ryltsev E.V. COGNITION THROUGH CONSENT Three ways of cognition: sensory, rational and intuitive are regarded in this article. The author describes special, fideistic wayš– cognition though consent. Its purpose is achievement of consent between studies and theories, between rational and intuitive cognition.
Astakhin L.V. ABOUT RIDDLES AND SECRETS NOT REVEALED IN THE NOVEL "MASTER AND MARGARITA" BY M.šBULGAKOV In this article the author tries to make the attempt to decipher veiled images of characters, double meaning of encoded texts, figures and numbers in the novel "Master and Margarita" by M.šBulgakov. Rereading of well-knowing texts and events put in the novel with double meaning inherent in Mikhail Bulgakov incites the author to understand many characters, episodes of mise-en-scène in a new way.
Shmelev V.D. RUSSO AND KANT ABOUT RELIGIOUS TRUTHS This article is the continuation 1 of the analysis of religious searches of Zh.-Zh.šRusso and I.šKant by the author. If in the first part the great attention was given to believes’ unity of the philosophers that existing church was not God creation, but in this part it is shown that moral foundation of religious belief discovered by Zh.-Zh.šRusso, leaded I.šKant to another wayš– way of description of all variety of human senses.
Popov A.V. CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF NATURAL-SCIENTIFIC CONCEPTIONS OF GOD’S EXISTING Modern natural-scientific conceptions connected with proving of God’s being are analyzed in this article. The author shows the specificity of "scientifically knowable God". Also he underlines absence of any prospect to prove God’s existence scientifically.
Sotnikova L.I., Sotnikov A.A. PECULIARITIES OF CULTURAL-ECOLOGICAL HISTORY This article is devoted to the regularities of origin and solution of cultural-ecological problems during evolution of nature management. Firstly historical types of ethnos are regarded, then cultural-ecological peculiarities of origin primitive nature management.
Misyutin A.N. PROJECT-ORIENTED SYSTEM OF MANAGEMENT IN RUSSIA: SOCIAL ASPECTSocial aspects of project-oriented systems of management (Project Management) in Russia are regarded in this article. Project Management is a new paradigm of organizational thinking encloses the great potential of social mobility. Hereby stipulate as importance of social consequences of Project Management introduction as effects of resistance to it from the side of personnel and managers of middle level.
Orlovskaya O.V. SOCIAL-TECHNOLOGICAL APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT OF PERSONNEL ACTIVITY EFFECTIVENESS IN A LARGE COMPANY Conception of management of personnel activity effectiveness is regarded in this article through the prism of social-technological approach. The author suggests technology of working out and introduction of management technology of personnel activity effectiveness into the system of management of a large company. The key stages of working out and introduction of technology are presented in the technology and measures on the each stage are revealed.
Economic sciences
Rubtsova O.A. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION IN THE SYSTEM OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION In this article the questions of professional orientation work with student audience in an institute of higher education are regarded as one of factors of successful job placement and realization of young specialist at profession and also methodological aspects of its organization are regarded here.
Struntsova N.O. SYSTEM FORMING OF TARGET INDEXES OF EFFECTIVENESS AND ACTIVITY AT REALIZATION OF REGIONAL TARGET PROGRAMS This article is devoted to the problem of target indexes use during financing and monitoring of budget target programs. The author suggests the method of forming of target program effectiveness indicators system on the base of balanced system of indexes (Balanced Scorecard).
Shatalova T.N., Usov D.S. OPTIMIZATION OF FOREIGN FARMING MACHINES IMPORT ON THE CONDITIONS OF LEASE OR FINANCIAL LEASING In this article the optimal custom regime of machineries import is determined, the analysis of current legislation and existing practice of this custom regime use is made, propositions allowing optimization of use of custom regime of farming machines temporary import with accounting of agricultural production specificity are made.
Sevodin M.A., Polner M.P. ABOUT STEADINESS OF PRICES LEVELLING ON PRODUCTION FACTORS CONCERNING VARIATION OF PRICES ON GOODS The influence on prices levelling on factors of variation of prices on goods is studied in this article. Some steadiness of prices levelling on factors concerning changes of prices on goods is established here.
Skvortsova N.A. MANAGEMENT OF INVESTMENT PROCESSES AT THE REGIONAL ECONOMYThis article is devoted to the problem of strategy of regional economy restructing. The analysis of the problem showed that one of general factors of stabilization and growth was "regional factor". The author suggests immediate measures of optimization of regional investment processes management.
Ivanova N.A. PECULIARITIES OF HOUSEHOLDS’ CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IN TRANSFORMATIONAL ECONOMY In this article peculiarities of households’ consumption in transformational economy are researched, and also models of their consumer behavior are analyzed. The author gives the appraisal of household as not enough developed subject on the market of consumer goods and services.
Sorokina N.G. MECHANISM OF OUTSOURCING REALIZATION ON AN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE Theoretical bases of outsourcing as modern instrument of business restructing on an industrial enterprise are regarded in this article. General elements of outsourcing realization mechanism: purposes, tasks and principals are presented here.
Zhemchuzhnikova Yu.A. MODELING OF DEPENDENCES BETWEEN INDEXES CHARACTERIZED INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS The approach to modeling of dependences between indexes, characterized investment attractiveness allowing accounting data heterogeneousness as at objects of observation as at the time periods, is suggested in this article. As a result of modeling the indexes of investment potential influenced on investment activity are revealed and at the same time the influence of indexes of investment potential and investment activity on indexes of investment risks is characterized here.
Parusimova N.I. BANK BUSINESS IN RUSSIA: CONDITION AND PERSPECTIVES The process of transformation of bank factorship into bank industry is regarded in this article. Analysis of as already existed as progressively revealed general tendencies of bank sector development in Russia is given and measures of bank business forming aimed to creation of new cost are proved here.
Zverkova T.N., Zverkov A.I. STATUS OF REGIONAL BANKS: QUESTIONS OF INSTITUTIONAL APPROACH USE Specificity of regional bank activity is shown in this article and also their relation with regional economy is indicated here. Preconditions which are necessary for institutional approach use to establishment of regional banks status are determined and also conditions necessary for its realization are formed in this work.
Mordvintseva N.V. DEVELOPMENT OF BANK ACTIVITY: HISTORICAL ESSAY Theoretical aspects of bank activity are regarded in this article. Preconditions of banks and bank operations appearance are determined here. The stages of bank institutions development in pre-Revolutionary Russia are analyzed.
Natural sciences
Novichkova E.A., Podkovkin V.G. ACTION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD HVL-110 ON CONCENTRATION OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENTS IN SUNFLOWER LEAVESQuestions connected with analysis of influence of high-voltage line (HVL) electromagnetic field on concentration of pigments in leaves of sunflower of Povolzhsky 8škind, growing in the zone of HVL placement, are regarded in this article. Some results of researches in the region of HVL-110 placement near v.šBogatoe Samara region are given here.
Suleimanova V.N., Egoshina T.L., Ishmuratova M.M. ECOLOGICAL-BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF CEONOPOPULATION MAIANTHEMUM BIFOLIUM (L.) F. W.šSCHMIDT IN CONDITIONS OF SOUTHERN TAIGA AND SUBAREA OF CONIFEROUS-BROAD-LEAVED FORESTS Ecological-biological characteristic of ceonopopultaion of M/ bifolium in conditions of Southern taiga and subarea of coniferous-broad-leaved forests (on the example of Kirov region and Republic of MariyšEl) is given in this article. Ecological-phytocoenotic confinedity of species is studied; ceonopopulation characteristics (number, density, age structure, peculiarities of fruiting, vitalistic structure of ceonopopulations) are researched in this work.
Savin E.Z., Chibilev A.A., Nigmatyanov M.M., Degtyarev N.A. PRELIMINARY APPRAISAL OF WILD FORMS OF APPLE TREE AND PEAR TREE IN LANDSCAPES COMPLEXES OF CENTRAL AND NORTHERN PART OF ORENBURG REGION The researched material of wild and become wild forms of apple tree and pear tree in different landscapes complexes of steppe zone of Euro-Asian steppe including urban conditions is given in this article. Observations were made at condition of plantings; harvests, size of fruits and seed production were determined to select forms for using as stock.
Shokhrin V.P. NEW INFORMATION IN BIOLOGY ABOUT CRESTED HONEY HAWK AND HAWK BUZZARD ON SOUTHERN SIKHOTE-ALINIn this article following new information about crested honey hawk and hawk buzzard is given: terms of flight, number at nest period, biotopical distribution, description of nests and nesting terms, number of nestlings and broods, feeding.
Drup V.D. SOPE PECULIARITIES OF BLACKCAP’S (SYLVIA ATRICAPILLA) HABITS AT REPRODUCTIVE PERIOD ON THE TERRITORY OF CENTRAL CISCAUCASIA This work is devoted to the ecology peculiarities of blackcap’s breeding. Some questions of phenology, nest ecology, daily activity, habits, feeding and infraspecific interaction are regarded in this work.
Suleimanov R.R., Nazyrova F.I., Gabbasova I.M. CHANGES OF PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL PECULIARITIES OF TYPICAL CHERNOZEM IN CONDITIONS OF POLLUTIONS WITH OIL DEVELOPMENT WASTE WATER AND RECULTIVATION The influence of pollutions with highly mineralized oil development water on physical-chemical structure of soil is studied in conditions of small-plot field experience on typical carbonate chernozem. It is shown that pollution leads to salinization and alkalinization accompanied with violation of some soil complex characteristics. Recultivated measures, included introduction of reclamation elements, promoted active resalting and re-alkalinization even in one year after pollution, and in three years general characteristics and regimes of soil bring nearer to such of clean typical chernozem.
Ivanova V.S., Rusanova A.M., Kaikova, Kuryakova T.A. ANALYSIS OF QUALITATIVE CONDITIONALITIES AT TIME CHANGE OF SOIL PARAMETERS Comparative analysis of qualitative conditionalities for unranked and ranked matrixes is given for small areas of soil parameters changes of normalized researched matrixes. Normalized matrixes are constructed for different time counts.
Kucherenko M.G., Chmereva T.M. PLACEMENT OF POLYMER CHAIN LINKS IN A FIELD OF SMOOTH HARD SURFACE AND IN NANOCAVE OF POROUS SORBENT The problem of density distribution of polymer chain links on the surface of adsorbents with big and small (including nanometre) radius of curving of cavities and caverns, including nanostructures with pores of different forms, is regarded in this article. The author shows expressions for effective potentials of surfaces field got on the base of pair atomic potentials of 6-12šLennard-Johns. It is shown that description of spatial placing of chain subunits with linear memory is sensible to form of nanocave in contrast to approximation of independent links leaded to Boltzmann distribution. Effectiveness of change of integral potentials of nanostructural sorbents with model potentials constructed from potentials of hard wall and delta-functional pit with deep factor matched with appropriate method is demonstrated in this work.
Kozminykh V.O., Kirillova E.A., Shcherbakov Yu.V., Mukovoz P.P., Vinogradov A.N., Karmanova O.G., Kozminykh E.N. METAL DERIVATIVES OF P-π-ELECTRON-SURPLUS POLYCARBONYL SYSTEMS WITH COUPLED α- AND β-DIOXOFRAGMENTS Well-known literary information about production, structure, characteristics and biological activity of metal-derived anions with 1,3-dicarbonylic compound, functionalized with acceptor substitutes,š– p-π-electron-surplus of polycarbonylic systems with coupled α- and β-dioxo links has been summarized.
Ramazanova L.M., Menshikova I.A., Kamilov F.H. BONE MINERAL DENSITY DISTURBANCE IN MEN WORKING IN CHEMICAL MANUFACTUTEUltrasound densitometry of certain parts of skeleton (proximal phalanx of III finger, shin bone, spoke bone) of childbearing age men, working at chemical enterprises and having permanent contact with organic chlorine compounds (dichloroethane, 3-chlorine propene, 3-chlorine- 1,2-dihydropropane, trichloropropane, epichlorhydrin, etc.) revealed more frequent than in population spread of osteopenia and osteoporosis. It is shown, that early disturbance of bone metabolism is connected with activation of free-radical oxidation and change of hormonal status in the form of decrease of testosterones and increase of estradiol.
Litovchenko O.G., Soloviev V.S. VEGETATIVE REGULATION OF HEART RATE OF NATIVES OF MIDDLE PRE-OB, 7š–š20šYEARS OLD, ACCORDING TO DATA OF VARIATIONAL PULSOMETRYThe state of vegetative regulation of heart rate of people born in Surgut and aged 7š–š20 gas been studied. It is shown that chronotropic function of the examined hearts is clearly influenced by sympathetic link of regulation, which witnesses tension of adaptation mechanisms of relatively healthy schoolboys and schoolgirls and students, who were born and are living within climatic-and-geographic conditions of Middle Pre-Ob.
Kucherenko M.G., Palem A.A. ANNIHILATION DEPOLARIZATION OF FLUORESCENCE OF CENTRAL-FORMED MOLECULAR PROBES IN MICROPORES AND NANOPORES WITH LIQUID-CRYSTALLINE FILLERKinetics of depolarization of fluorescence of molecular centers in spherical pores filled with nematic fraction which molecules orient phosphor dipoles along the normal line to this area of surface have been examined. Fluorescence anisotropy disintegration owing to multiple annihilation of stimulation which is carried out distantly, but taking into account stimulation migration within the system of accidentally distributed centers has been studied. It is shown that temporary dependence of anisotropy relates to the radius of pores and considerably differs for micro- and nanostructures.
Manakov N.A., Tolstobrov Yu.V. REGARDING FORMATION OF DOMAIN STRUCTURES IN THIN FERROMAGNETIC PLATESThe results of numerical simulation of distribution of magnetization in ferromagnetic nanoplates have been shown. The results of calculation give an opportunity to gain detailed insight upon distribution of magnetization in these objects and extend our idea of formation of domain structures in ferromagnetic of limited size.
Aldibekov T.M. REGARDING OVERALL INDICES OF LYAPUNOVThe work covers the Lyapunov’s indices of linear system of differential equation with unlimited coefficients in more common scale. It establishes analogue for the Perron theorem for the system of differential equations with unlimited coefficients and applies it to study solution stability of the system of differential equations.
Technical sciences
Medvedev V.M., Pahomov E.I. ONE OF THE WAYS TO JUSTIFY OPERATION STRATEGY FOR ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUIDED MISSILES UPON THE LEVEL OF AVAILABILITY The article defines operation strategy basing the practice of rocket-technical provision. As a criterion for efficiency of control over the operation process they propose readiness index and value index of operation, as well as control rule of this processš– the search for optimum correlation. In order to find practical solution of determining the maximum value of readiness index under cost limitations or the minimum cost value under limited readiness index, they propose the complex method of military and economic justification.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |