№ 2 2006
Humanitarian sciences
Kopieva E.A., Yankina N.V. EXTRALINGUISTIC RESTRICTIONS STUDYING IN THE THEORY OF WORD-COMBINATION AS A FORMING COMPONENT OF A STUDENT FOREIGN CULTURESome cases of extralinguistic restrictions of word-combinations are regarded in this article on the material of the English literature. Address to the theme is determined with necessity of word-combination peculiarities accounting in different situations, including and intercultural situations.
Kargashin I.A. EPIGRAPH AS A TYPE OF MARKING OF "ROLE" LYRICSIn expressed in verse "role" texts the epigraph using is subordinated to specific tasks, which are not usual for "pure" (author-psychological) lyrics. The epigraph in works of "role" lyrics marks represented expression as expression of "stranger" (some times alien to author) consciousness.
Besedina N.A. COGNITIVE BASIS OF MORPHOLOGICAL REPRESENTATION IN THE LANGUAGEThis article is devoted to the exposure of cognitive basis of morphological representation in the language, implied categoric method of conceptual content structuring by means of morphological categories and forms.
Dorofeev A.V. STUDYING TECHNOLOGY OF THE COURSE "HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS": FROM KNOWLEDGE TO PROFESSIONAL CULTURE OF A FUTURE TEACHERPedagogical potential of historical and mathematical knowledge for professional culture increase of a future teacher of mathematics is analyzed in this article. Studying technology of the course "History of mathematics" in Pedagogical Institute of Higher Education based on the idea of professional trend is suggested here too.
Efremenkova O.V., Chernyavsky A.F. PEDAGOGICAL OPPORTUNITIES OF HUMANITARIAN ORIENTED MATHEMATICAL TASKS IN THE PROCESS OF COGNITIVE CREATIVE ACTIVITY DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS OF TECHNICAL INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATIONThe problems of cognitive creative activity forming on the base of non-standard and humanitarian oriented mathematical tasks are regarded in this article; also the brief characteristics of tasks system and the model of creative activity forming of future engineers are suggested here. Psychological and pedagogical basis of management process of creation process at conditions of specialists preparation at Technical Institutions of Higher Education are wounded in the contest of given problems.
Samerkhanova E.K. THE SYSTEM OF INTERACTION OF A TEACHER AND A STUDENT AT THE STUDYING PROCESS AS A MAIN CONDITION OF FORMING OF UNITED COGNITIVE SPACEThe author offers innovative experience of united educational space forming. The author distinguishes the system of interaction of a teacher and a student at the studying process among pedagogical conditions, guaranteed organization of united developed space. This expirince was tested in Vilzhsk Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (N. Novgorod), Agricultural College (Arzamas), Mechanical and Technological College (Kirov).
Paputkova G.A. SOCIAL AND AXIOLOGICAL BASIS OF PROFESSIONAL AND ECOLOGICAL EDUCATIONThe author regards the process of ecology formation and development. She investigates general problems, principals and components of ecological science as an important condition of professional and ecological education. Also the author proves the necessity of ecological ideology forming.
Solovtsova I.A. THE SYSTEM OF INTELLECTUAL EDUCATION OF PUPILS: PROJECTING PROBLEMSThe projecting problems of intellectual education process of pupils taking into account the essential characteristics of intellectual education and peculiarities of intellectual education process are considered in this article. The author analyzes general characteristics of intellectual education and compares it with components of intellectual education teacher activity, regards logics of teacher activity of process projecting and situations construction of intellectual education.
Ezhova T.V. TO THE PROBLEM OF STUDYING OF PEDAGOGICAL DISCURSThe analysis of the concepts "discurs", "pedagogical discurs" is given in this article. Also conceptual important characteristics of pedagogical discurs are offered; functions, structure, specific of studying phenomenon are described here and studying of pedagogical discurs from the position of integrative and system approach is proved in this article. At the same time pedagogical discurs is considered here not as isolated phenomenon but as phenomenon, connected with pedagogical activity and communication directly.
Cozyrev F.N. RELIGION AS A SUBJECT OF STUDYING: THE EXPERIENCE OF PHENOMENO-LOGICAL MODEL CONSTRUCTIONThe problems, connected with entering of religious component into the school education program are regarded in this article. Methodological resources of phenomenological approach to the religion description and studying are discovered here. Structural model of religious phenomenon and methodic consequences of its using at educational purposes are suggested for consideration.
Solodova G.G. THE COURSE "GENERAL PEDAGOGICS" IN THE SYSTEM OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ PREPARATION TO THE PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY Theoretical training in the course "General Pedagogics" is considered in this article as a factor of students’ professional development. Educational and developed potential of pedagogical knowledge at the person preparation to the pedagogical activity is investigated here. Maturity of pedagogical position of a student is appreciated as criteria of his readiness to the pedagogical activity.
Epanchintseva G.A. PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTICS OF PERSONAL INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENTFormation of native diagnostics of thought activity at historical perspective is analyzed in this article. The author proves potential and limitations of diagnostic paradigms, determines features of new developed approach in native diagnostics.
Glazyrin V.A. LAW INTERPRETATION IN UNDERSTANDING SOCIOLOGY OF M. WEBERMethodological basis of law studying by M. Weber, in the context of its understanding sociology are considered in this article. Weber’s specificity of sociological approach to perception of law phenomena in contrast to law perception in jurisprudence is shown here and general positions of the German scientist’ law perception are discovered here too.
Morgunov K.A. PRACTICE OF WOMEN EMANCIPATION ON THE SOUTHERN URAL DURING REALIZATION OF SOVIET NATIONAL POLICY IN 1920 YEARSThe power bodies made a great leveling work of political-legal and social inequality of rights of women from the sphere of minority group. As a result this action leaded to the destruction of traditional morals and manners and involving of women of different nationalities into the social construction.
Sidorenko N.S. DEPUTIES FROM URAL IN DUMA OF THE FIRST RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONSpecificity of regional representation, content of ideological and tactical purposes of Ural deputies, their work in the first "Parliament" of Russia, attitude of local society to it and to work of elected deputies are analyzed in this article.
Economic sciences
Lapaeva M.G., Baitlyuv S.A. ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF INVESTMENT PROCESS MANAGEMENT IN THE REGIONThe algorithm of investment attraction formation of the region is regarded in this article and organizational-economic mechanism of investment process management in the region is suggested here.
Zinyukhina N.A. SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES TO JOINT RESEARCH OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT AND ASSISTANCE OF POPULATION EMPLOYMENT IN THE REGIONFundamental opportunity of joint research and forecasting of two processes – education development and assistance of population employment on the example of Orenburg region is considered in this article. Data characterized these processes on the territory of Orenburg region is given here and also main problems of disbalance between demands and suggestions of labor force on the labor market are discovered here too.
Ogorodnikov P.I., Usik V.V., Lizneva I.A. EFFECTIVENESS OF AGRICULTURAL AIRCRAFT-CHEMICAL WORKSAt the present time it is practically impossible to get good harvest of grain-crops without using of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. Bringing in of chemicalixation means with ground transport is problematic enough therefore aviation soil cultivation is the most important problem of modern agriculture. Condition and perspectives of aircraft-chemical works development in the Russian Federation and Orenbrug region is regarded in this article.
Lapaev A.P. ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT ON THE TERRITORY OF ORENBURG COSSACK ARMYPeculiarities of economic relations in rural economy and industry, being on the territory of Orenburg Cossack army are considered in this article. Also development of Cossack entrepreneurship is shown here.
Lugovoi O.Yu. ORIGIN OF STATE, MONEY AND TAXESThe content of this article represents brief statement of economic-theoretical model of origin of state, money and taxes. These phenomena are substantiated irrelative of uncertainty, institutions and transacts.
Cheberko E.F. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND ENTERPRISE. NATIONAL POTENTIAL OF ENTERPRISETheoretical problems of exposure of entrepreneurship and enterprise essences are considered in this article. Essential characteristics of these categories and effect of their interaction are considered here too. The concept of national potential of enterprise is offered and its role in social-economical development of society is shown in this article.
Speshilova N.V. INVESTIGATION OF FACTORS, DETERMINED MANAGEMENT INFLUENCE AT PREPARATION OF HIGHER QUALIFIED SPECIALISTSAt the present time the new technologies of education process organization and management with the aim of training and graduation of higher qualified specialists, claimed by society and state in the conditions of postindustrial stage of development become more necessary. Some factors influenced on studying successfulness in Institute of Higher Education which is necessary to take in to account for choice of management influences in frame of studying process organization with the aim of its effectiveness increase are researched in this article.
Morgoev B.T. STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL REGULATION OF THE RUSSIAN ECONOMIC AREAThe problem of state management modification from the position of public welfare theories, theories of private and public choice is considered in this article. It is shown here that state and market mechanism of economic area coordination can cause as decrease as increase of structural and functional asymmetric property of economic system, therefore "effectiveness" of management field depends on asymmetric property of development of disposable and unremovable "collapses" of state and market mechanism of economic area coordination with a view to form steady competitive-territory conditions of management.
Elagin V.V. RATING MODEL OF RF SUBJECTS ACTIVITY APPRAISALAccounting methodology of complex (rating) indexes of regional economical activity for tasks realization: analysis of economic development of regions, their ranking, forecast preparation is represented in this article. The construction algorithm of rating indexes forecasting model for following periods with using of Kholt’s method based on the exponential evening-out of existing data is given here.
Bravicheva O.S. METHODS AND INSTRUMENTAL MEANS OF RESEARCH OF FACTORS INFLUENCE ON DURATION OF WORK SEARCH Influence of sex, work experience presence, age, education, profession and specialty of unemployed on duration of work search is discovered with help of nonparametric methods of statistics, realized in the pocket Statistica 6.0. The influence of these factors on time of job placement is characterized in this work.
Demchenko L.V. COMPETITION AS MACROECONOMIC FACTOR OF BANK SYSTEM STEADINESSThe role of competition in steadiness of the Russian bank system is researched in this article, also general situations of risks, connected with forming of competitive sphere are distinguished here too.
Malyshev Yu.A. SPECIFIC ANALYSIS PRINCIPALS OF INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS Specific analysis principals of institutional relations are considered in this article. It is marked that it is necessary to study presence and character of social contact, made in this or another society, region for determination of institutional relations character. It is stressed that it is important at analysis to take into account irregularity of institutional relations development, connected with difference in the forming level of systems of state, owners, citizens and others interests expression.
Natural sciences
Bashirov V.D., Kizaeva M.A. APPRAISAL OF SILAGE WITH PRESERVATIVE USING EFFECTIVENESS FOR BULL-CALVES GROWING ON MEATThe influence of silages stored up with different preservatives on meat production and bull-calves meat quality is considered in this article. It is established, that preservatives using at siloing allows to increase carcass mass on 8,3 -13,0 kg, and going out for slaughter on 0,31-0,69%. At the same time biological and food value of meat are improved, and culinary-technological indexes are improved too.
Brytkova A.D. AGE CHANGES OF MICROELEMENTS CONTENT IN ORGANS AND TISSUES OF ANIMALSThe content and dynamics of age changes of some chemical elements in organs and tissues of animals, beginning from their pre-natal development is studied in this article. Microelements were determined with quantitative emissive spectral analysis on the device ISP-28. Given data certifies that content of iron, copper, zinc, nickel and manganese is increased in organs of fetuses. During the first period of life (milk period) calves have microelements content decrease and some periodicity in the growth process.
Nurushev M.Zh. REPRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOR OF ADAEV HORSES100% fertilization of brood-mares at herd conditions of Aralo-Kaspy zone is conditioned by not only organization of copulation company on the base of knowledge of their reproductive behavior but biological peculiarities of stallion-kosyachnik. Knowledge of sexual behavior peculiarities of stud-horses and mares in coupling season allows to increase not only going out of foals but to regulate the period foals’ delivery.
Safonov M.A. SPEED OF MYCOGENE DESTRUCTION OF WOOD IN THE FORESTS OF THE SOUTHERN PRIURALClub fungi are the general destructors of wood. The experimental data shows that the speed of wood decay by them modifies depending on generic belonging of substratum, concrete conditions of location. Maximal speed of decay was marked in examples of elm, minimal – oak. Middle calculated duration of ramal disruption destruction in the forest of the Southern Priural forms 9,9 years. The least periods are necessary for decay of elm, pine-tree and aspen.
Pilipenko V.N., Fedotova A.V., Perevalov S.N., Sagalaev V.A. ECOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE RIVER VOLGA CONTROLLED FLOW ON FLORA, VEGETATION AND TOP-SOIL OF VOLGA DELTAControlled flow caused dynamic changes in the structure and condition of soil-vegetation top of the river Volga flood-plain and delta. The changes degree of flora, vegetation and top-soil in connection with controlled river flow is appreciated in this article. It was marked processes strengthening of soil hydromorphism, structural and component changes of plant communities under the influence of antropogenic nature factors.
Strekalovskaya A.D. THE MODELS OF ECOLOGICAL FACTORS APPRAISAL AND FORECASTING, CAUSED ONCOMORBIDITY AND ONCOMORTALITY OF POPULATIONDeterminate approaches connected with spectral methods, and statistics approaches connected with correlation and factor analyses, and also with models of nonlinear regression are used in this work. Determination of researched objects parameters connects with periodical character of changes as ecological factors of environment, human organism, as indexes of human vital functions.
Sokolova O.Ya., Stryapkov A.V., Antimonov S.V., Solovykh S.Yu. INFLUENCE OF MAN-CAUSED IMPACT ON CONTENT OF GROSS AND ACTIVE FORMS OF HEAVY METALS IN SOILThe content of gross and active forms depending on the degree of man-caused impact is researched in this article.
Gamm Y.A., Kalieva A.Zh., Gamm A.A. WORKING OUT OF ECOGEOCHEMICAL METHOD OF WATER BODY DEFENSE AT SEWAGE DUMPINGIt is shown in this work that worked out ecogeochemical method of natural-technical system recovery allows optimizing the technology of sewage dumping and redistribution, water-physical and chemical features of soil and ground zones of airing, level of subterranean waters and keeping got parameters, which is the base of water body defense.
Sukhov E.E. PALEOECOLOGY OF SMALL FORAMINIFERA IN PECHORA PROVINCEAt the first time paleoecology of Perm Foraminifera of Boreal region is considered in this article. Regularities of small Foraminifera popularity and allocation in sediment are distinguished here. Interaction of Foraminifera inside of paleobiocenosis is established in this work too.
Belan L.N., Galyautdinova S.I. TO THE QUESTION OF GEOLOGICAL FACTORS INFLUENCE ON PECULIARITIES OF EMOTIONAL AND COGNITIVE PROCESS DURATIONThe problem of geological environment influence on psycho-behavioural peculiarities of a person is discovered in this article. The results of researches, carried out in Ufa city on examples of schools, located in different ecological-geological conditions are given here. Real differences between peculiarities of children and teenagers psyche, studied in different zones are shown. It is accented that geological factor must be accounted as a factor of higher ecological risk at the planning of settlement infrastructure.
Manakov N.A., Eremin A.M., Tolstobrov Yu.V. MODELING OF BACK DOMAINS FORMATION PROCESS ON HETEROGENEITY IN HIGH-AEOLOTROPIC MONOAXIAL MAGNETSThis article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the magnetic reversal process of high-aeolotropic monoaxial magnet with single coherent and incoherent low-aeolotropic magnetic isolations of different form and size in frame of micromagnetics theory.
Lysakov V.S. ABOUT DISPERSION OF FRENKEL’S EXCITONS ON ACOUSTICAL OSCILLATIONSInteraction of Frenkel’s excitons with acoustical phones was studied in piezoelectric artificial quartz, and also model representation of excitons dispersion was suggested in this article. Diffusion of free and localized excitons, and also its auto-localization were considered here.
Gimaltdinov I.K. ABOUT PULSE DISTURBANCE ATTENUATION IN THE TUBE WITH BUBBLE LIQUID WITH GRADED ALLOCATION OF BUBBLES AT SECTIONPressure waves’ evolution in the tube, filled with gas-liquid environment, at graded allocation of bubbles at the tube section is studied in this article. The results of calculation are compared with experimental data. It is shown that more intensive impact pressure in comparison with case of homogeneous distribution happens because of cross-flow appearance at uneven bubbles allocation.
Technical sciences
Mullabaev A.A., Fot A.P., Pavlov S.I. ABOUT USING OF MATHEMATICAL MODELING IN SOME TASKS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGUsing of mathematical models simplifies essentially the process of parameters optimization of complex technical objects (for example, gear-box and machine feed, grids and others). The solution of one more important task of mechanical engineering – parameters optimization of end measures admission is suggested in this article.
Savchenko E.A. PARAMETER OF DAMAGEABILITY AND CLUSTER MECHANISM OF STEEL HYDROGEN BRITTLENESSThe cluster mechanism peculiarities of brittle destruction of the system: steel – hydrogen in conditions of transient diffusion of chemical impurity are researched on the base of law of hydrogen damageability. It was distinguished that metal-hydrogen clusters are slim disks with diameter from five to forty Angstroem units. Pictures of clusters zones on steel breakings at abruption and pure shear were got. The analysis of existing conceptions of chemical impurity introduction clusterization was done here. The new results are basis of dynamic active conditions of metal-hydrogen clusters with hyperelastic features.
Fatykhov M.A., Enikeev T.I., Akimov I.A. MECHANICAL FEATURES OF COMPOSITION MATERIALS DEPENDING ON TEMPERATURE MODE OF ITS PREPARATIONThe results of experimental researches of composition materials on stretching, bend, shear and torsion are given in this article. Dependences of mechanical features from content of binding material, heating rate and cooldown are determined here. Activity of refusals and possibility of no-failure operation of composition materials are determined with methods of statistical analysis of researched results.
Pavlov A.S. RESEARCH AND CALCULATION OF LOSSES IN HYDRAULIC ACTUATOR OF BORING MACHINEThe main part of under-employed energy is used for heating of hydraulic fluid and hydraulic actuator of boring machine; therefore it is necessary to give the analysis of heat exchanging processes for projecting and calculation of these machines. Nomogram allowing determination of rational combination between parameters of heating process is made on the base of analytical data.
Vladov Yu.R. ANALITICAL IDENTIFICATION OF TECHNICAL CONDITION OF GAS CONDENSATE CONDUCTORS. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF SCIENTIFIC TRENDSTheoretical and practical aspects of the important problem of technical condition (TC) identification of energy industrial objects are considered in this article. Multilevel decomposition suggested discovering of scientifically proved aggregated, correlation, analytical and forecasting models of TC changes is suggested and incarnated here. The models of TC of all levels gas condensate conductors, got during automated identification according to data of two passed in order in-tube crack detection are given in this work.
Gusarov A.A., Kutuzov V.I., Shevelenko V.D. INCREASE OF DIAGNOSIS EFFECTIVENESS OF ROD OIL AGGREGATE Expressions for harmonic constituents of effort on pump piston through corresponding signals of effort and way, measured on surface were got on the base of considering of rods columns of pumping units as mechanical communication channel giving information in the form of deformation waves from pump piston to the point of rods hanger with spectral method. Form deflection of plunger dynamometer card from "sample", caused with classes of rod oil aggregate "ШНУ" condition, are determined with measuring of amplitude modulation depth of harmonics, having maximal susceptibility to measuring of diagnosticated class of ШНУ condition.
Petrushansky M.G. DETERMINATION METHODS OF SUMMARY FILTRATION OF X-RAY BEAM OF X-RAY DIAGNOSTIC APPARATUSES. CONDITION AND PROBLEMSSurvey and analysis of existing methods of summary filtration determination of X-ray beam of X-ray diagnostic apparatuses are given in this work. Advantages and disadvantages of described methods and their characteristics are considered here too.
Chepasov V.I., Kharchenko D.A., Cherkasova O.Yu. DETERMINATE AND STATISTIC METHODS IN CALCULATION OF POLYVALENT DIAGRAMSUsing of correlation, factorial, regressive analyses for polynomial models determination of electrical network parameters are shown in this article. Comparison of extreme value of power in case of determinate and statistic approaches are made here.
Gurieva V.A., Pоmazkin V.A., Redko L.T. ABOUT EXPEDIENCY OF PHYSICAL WATER ACTIVATION USING AT UNIT’S TECHNOLOGY OF CONSTRUCTED CERAMICSThis article is devoted to the problems of quality improvement of constructed ceramics units with using of non-traditional technologies. The authors consider theoretical suppositions of conception of physical water activation different types using with the aim to measure its properties and teleological influence on changes of structural-coagulation characteristics of ceramics.
Karpov T.N. MEMBRANES DEMAND ATTENTION, REPAIRS AND CAREDescription of influenced factors on membranes of apartment houses, public and industrial buildings, is given in this article. The great attention is given to new technologies of equipment and repairs of membranes, fulfillment of contiguity and bituminous-polymeric membrane materials assemblage.
Portnikov B.N. CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF AIRCRAFT ORGANIZATION AS AIRCRAFT SPECIAL SYSTEM The analysis in detail of new systematic approaches to business-processes improvement of typical aircraft organization on the base of structure optimization and aircraft fleet dimension and organizational structures of management are given in this article.
Tarasova T.F., Chapalda D.I. ECOLOGICAL MEANING AND SOLUTION OF THREADBARE TIRES REMAKING PROBLEM The problem of threadbare tires remaking is considered in this article. The survey of existing technologies is given here. Plant construction of threadbare tires remaking, which has no analogue, with getting of final product – rubber powder is worked out in this work.
Volosenkov V.O., Morozov A.V. METHOD OF MEANS FORMATION OF SOFTWARE SUPPORT COMPLEX DEBUGGING OF SPECIAL COMPUTERS FUNCTIONING IN THE MODE OF REAL TIMEThe problem of software support complex debugging of special computers functioning in the mode of real time is regarded in this article. The new method of complex debugging means formation which allows to story up information about events happened in the program before mistake appearance in data memory file form of program way is suggested here. Registration of program way is realized on hardware-based, not on program level in comparison with existing methods of real time program debugging.
Elagin V.V. CREATION OF INTERNAL INFORMATIONAL PORTAL OF STATE POWER BODIESGeneral principals of portal organization as more progressive form of organization of automated user working place and also typical architecture of management bodies portal are represented in this article. The services structure functioning at the net of Chelyabinsk regional Government and potential of server Domino for portal organization of this net users, is described here. Generalized experience of portal creation for executive power bodies allows offering typical methodology of portal forming in the subjects of the Russian Federation.
Maximov A.A. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF STIMULATION MECHANISM OF ENTERPRISE WORKING MENMathematical model of enterprise working men stimulation management system mechanism, oriented on qualitative appraisal of work effectiveness of employees and departments is given in this article. The most important parameters of effective system creation of working men stimulation are considered here. Resultant indexes of enterprise wage fund allocation according to payment types and some criteria of labor effectiveness are represented in this work too.
Mezhueva L.V., Ivanova A.P., Zinyukhin G.B., Gunko V.V. BIOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF WATER QUALITYSweet water deficit has become the world problem at the present day. Increased water needs of industry and agriculture make scientists of the whole world to look for different means for solution of this problem. One of courses is new methods creation of water purification allowing using this water for drink.
Rezvykh V.A., Chirkov Yu.A., Kushnarenko E.V. TESTING METHODIC OF TUBE REAL EXAMPLES CONTACTING WITH SULPHURETTED HYDRIC MEDIUMTesting methodic of tube real examples contacting with sulphuretted hydric medium which allows to specify the influence of solid defect form on resistance to inner tube pressure and to compare with calculated meanings, is represented in this article.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |