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№ 2 2002

Humanitarian sciences

T.M.Zhaplova "THROUGH" TOPICS' EXPERIENCE IN THE WORLD LITERATURE AND ART In the research Russian literature is studied by means of through topics, considering the "country" poetry as an example. This poetry is affirmed to be the linking part between the poets of the XIX th century different decades. Such poets as A.Fet, A.Tolstoi, N.Ogarev, I.Aksakov, I.Bunin work out new artistic methods of their "country" space thinning of, taking into account such Russian literature "golden" age wasters as A.S.Pushkin and others.
V.L.Temkina THESARIUS DICTIONARY IN FUTURE LINGUISTS' COMMUNICATIVE CULTURE FORMATION A man's speech behaviour depends upon his communicative skills, being considered as linguistic means practical mastering, which is able to organise a speech utterance so that it could optimally solve a communicative task. From this point of view this dictionary will expand the language behaviour realization abilities, the person's language consciousness formation and its coming into being.
A.V.Florja, L.V.Kosirenko ARTISTIC REDISTRIBUTION MANNER The article serutinizes the artistic redistribution manner unline the artistic retelling. It also analyses the "Golden Key" text by A.N.Tolstoi comparing it with "Pinokkio's Adventures" by K.Kollody.
A.P.Guskova PERSON'S RIGHTS PROTECTION MECHANISM IN CRIMINAL LEGAL PROCEDURE PROBLEM QUESTIONS Person's rights today are a priority direction in many scientific branches. In legal procedure they define the judicial rights essence and meaning, legal procedure structure while pleading a case and a person's judicial status. The definition "person" points at a man's social essence, that is why the reforms occurring in our country rise the legal form value in public relations and also tend to use effectively the rights potential in person's interests.
D.N.Danilov UNCOMMERCIAL AND UNSTATE ORGANIZATIONS FORMATION IN RUSSIA DURING 80-90 THE OF THE XX CENTURY The article reveals the common developing tendencies and formation problems, the Russian unstate organizations peculiarities and the importance to build this economic sector. It has some basic trends for the society and state interaction. It also takes into account the necessity of the adequate statesmen and specialists preparation, which collaborate with these "third sector" organizations.
A.N.Ivanov PHILOSOPHY THAT TEACHES MAN CULTURE The article analyses the basic sides of the process, that teaches man culture from cultured anthropology, psychology, genetics and educational philosophy. Teaching as a process and a result of individual experience, that is gained by the man, is closely connected with the processes of sexual deformism, primary socialization and with the contact's development in ontogenesis. In archaic associations there are the events of initiation, ordination and primordial tradition's learning, in modern society the is the re natural (transsituational) teaching.
Yu.M.Kulikova POLITICAL TERRORISM: CONCEPT AND CRIMINOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC One of the most acute modern problem is terrorism. In this article I try to hold authors' viewpoint - who are criminologists in the struggle against terrorism, and it is necessary to found the adequate, social-political measures in criminal situation and to found the antiterrorist state's legislation.
Yu. Sh.Strelets, A.A.Mishuchkov FROM INNOVATIONS TO TRADITIONS This article is based on the materials from the international, scientific and industrial forum "Innovations - 2002", in which the authors participated. The most important problem, being considered by the authors, is contained in dialectical interdependence of the innovational activity, and in the first place there are scientific and educational activities with the traditional inner valuables of society.
L.I.Futoryanski THE COSSACKS'S PROBLEMS: THE DISCOSSACKS The article points to the most acute problems from the Cossacks's history, throws light on the historical roots of this process, broaches a question about the Cossacks rebirth in modern conditions.
N.N.Sidorova FREEDOM OF CHOICE AS FACTOR OF DEVELOPING SENIOR SCHOOLCHILDREN'S COMPETITIVE ABILITIES Education aimed at developing human personality achieves its purposes to such a degree in which it creates the situation of the person being necessary, showing powers for self-development. It does not mean getting a person with pre-set qualities, but providing conditions for a full-value development and self-expression of a person able of taking independent decisions, competent, with a system of values, ready to join any new activities, adopting new and unknown roles. To do all this a person needs to be free to choose his actions and behaviour. Freedom is where one has what to choose from.. The choice range must correspond to the range of possibilities.
V.A.Guryeva, L.T.Redko SOME ASPECTS OF PRE-COLLEGE TRAINING The article is devoted to some problems of schoolchildren's pre-college training. It analyses problems appearing as a result of passing from secondary to higher education, caused by lack of knowledge in basic subjects, non-coordination between school and college curricula, as well by college or university entrant s' adaptation. The authors give some possible ways to solve these problems.
N.Kargapoltseva SOCIALIZATION AND EDUCATION OF COLLEGE STUDENTS The article considers processes of socialization and education in their interdependence. It reveals mechanisms and defines criteria for students' successful socialization. The article also analyses foreign and Russian High School experience in this field. The author gives some recommendations concerning possible ways to improve the process of education.
A.V.Kostryukov, G.A.Sikorskaya ON PRINCIPLES OF UNINTERRUPTED EDUCATION AND THEIR REALIZATION AT SCHOOL-COLLEGE STAGE The article defines the role of education at the present stage of the country's development, on the one hand, through tasks and goals of Russia's becoming a legal state with market economy and, on the other hand, as the basic society-forming factor.
A.I.Voronkov, O.N.Shevchenko COGNITIVE INTEREST DEVELOPMENT AS METHOD OF BRINGING EDUCATIONAL PROCESS TO OPTIMAL LEVEL Industrial drawing is the basis for training engineers. Educational standards do not let lower requirements to teaching industrial drawing. Developing cognitive interest to industrial drawingis the way to overcome the difficulties of the subject, those of achieving optimal education and training competent specialists.
T.N.Kazarina PROBLEMS OF TRAINING FUTURE ENGINEERS IN PRESENT-DAY CONDITIONS The article considers problems and trends of present-day higher education development, requirements to future specialists. It reveals origins and formation of engineering activities, their types. The author regards problems of training future engineers.
G.S.Malkina, E.A.Sadovskaya, A.A.Ivanova, A.S.Alhov POST-UNIVERSITY SOCIALY-PROFESSIONAL ADAPTATION OF SPECIALISTS MONITORING EXPERIENCE Article describes the sociological monitoring of educational process, which includes the students and graduates questioning, keeping within the bounds of two research programmes of educational process in OSU. The investigational data are the basis for scientific management of educational quality in OSU and for the repeated analysis of present-day university educational process situation. This work is for research assistants, teachers and students investigating this very problem.
V.A.Krasilnikova CREATIVE METHODOLOGY OF UNITED INFORMATION-EDUCATIONAL MEDIUM IN UNIVERSITY DISTRICT Article deals with the conceptional approaches for forming and development of united information-educational medium in an university district. Forming and further development of united educational medium basis is educational portal creation on the base of net informational technologies.
A.V.Salkov VOLUME SELFDETERMINATION AND ACHIEVMENT MOTIVATION INTERRELATIONSHIP WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Article deals with the problem of achievment motivation development within the different courses and faculties university students. The main points, characterizing the notions correlation, such as "professional selfdetermination" and "personal selfdetermination" are distinguished.
N.V. Raysanova, Т.А. Кrivchenko, G.М. Fathullina, N.А. Bezzubenkova, Т.V. Pushkareva, L.N. Latesheva POST-UNIVERSITY SOCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL ADAPTATION OF SPECIALISTS. TUTORIAL. SCIENTIFIC PREMISES The article represents the result of "immersion" into multiplex logic of scientific research of educational system and nature of social norms. The main idea is founded cogently. The research is receiving its adequate interpretation only within the framework of an interdisciplinary approach, combining philosophical, pedagogical, cultural, system-genetic and other aspects of the analysis. The work is intended for all interested in complex problems of education development, to professors, scientists, postgraduate and undergraduate students.

Economic sciences

D.N.Zaitzev TO THE QUESTION OF IMPORTCHANGING PRODUCTION ORGANIZATION Since 1998 in Russian industry the investment activity attributes have appeared. The investments are routed on fixed capital upgrading in fuel and energy complex branches. A distinctive feature of Russian oil and gaseous companies investment activity became fissile progressing by them in natural marketing network regions. In result the demand for refueling machinery was augmented, which began to be fited at the expense of import. The cluster analysis method allows to reveal regions by particular attributes, in which importchanging commodity production (refueling machinery) organization is more expedient.
S.V.Pankova SUBSTANCE OF AUDIT AND APPROACHES TO QUALITY DEFINITION In the article the questions tangent verbiages of audit definition and information users classification, contained in the auditor concluding are esteemed actual for a modern stage of auditor activity in Russia progressing. The concept of auditor services quality from a stand of requests to the information is defined, and also the system approach to audit quality supply on the basis of international standards of serial ISO 9000 is applied.
O.V.Buhtoyarova ENTERPRISE MARKET CONTROL FEATURES IN THE APPEAL SPHERE The operations in appeal sphere trasmit to a new, market phase of its development. Trade enterprises managers daily interfere with a lot of organizational problems of economical and financial nature and the solution many from these problems concerns, first of all, analysis and adequate reaction on consumers concerns and requests.
O.B.Chernenko NEW CONCEPTION FORMING PRINCIPLES OF SHUCTURE INVESTMENT POLICY OF GOVERNMENT The most important strategic task faced by Russian Economy is a restoring of entire productively-economic complex of the country which could get sufficiently new level of effectiveness and according this new potential balanced and steady development.
V.L.Sidnina FORMS OF STAGNANCY APPEARANCE IN A SOCIALLY-ECONOMIC SYSTEM Stagnancy is a universal characteristic of not only economy but also movement. Clarification of economic stagnancy nature is important for learning and forecasting of various socially-economical processes. Investigation of economic stagnancy advances learning in economical dynamics field, allows us to learn the regularities of economy existence.
E. Nezhivenko A PROBLEM OF PROVIDING A MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERPRISE COMPETITIVENESS ON THE BASIS OF ITS EDUCATIONAL POTENTIAL FORMATION AND SCIENTIFIC BASICS OF THE RESEARCH Theoretical points and methodological approaches to the development of the problem of providing an enterprise competitiveness on the basis of its educational potential are presented. Directions of the economic science development, connected with the complex approach to providing an enterprise competitiveness on the basis of its educational potential are pointed out. Principles, methods and means of getting scientific knowledge in the sphere of competitiveness based on the educational potential are discussed. Methodology of the given problem research is formed.

Natural sciences

N.F.Nikityuk THE PROBLEM OF THE YOUNG PEOPLE HEALTH STRENGTHENING IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM ASPECT At present the population health and demography situation in Russia are defined by the low birth-rate, high death-rate, extremely short period of life, high indices of common morbidity and disability, unsatisfactory indices of physical development. The Russian Association of Public Health estimates that 48 % youths and 12,5 % girls who are now 16 years old will not reach their old age pensions if this tendency doesn't change. The stability of the negative tendencies in the demography situation in the country is on a large extent caused by the increased dead number, these people departed being rather young. Children's, teenagers' and young people's health state cause the urgent anxiety. According to the Commission on the women, family and demography problems under RF President, recently children's and teenagers' morbidity in practically all kinds of diseases almost doubled, more than 60 % teenagers suffering from chronic diseases. Teenagers' death-rate in Russia is twice as high as in the European countries. According to known model of the Denver death-rate determinant among main reasons of the population health state worsening are modes of life (50 %)/ Consequently, the functional organism abilities reduction, appearance of many diseases depends on a large extent on the irregular behaviour from the point of view of the healthy mode of life. With that end in view the young people should be involved into the process of the individual health strengthening. That is why the educational establishments should contribute to obtaining indispensible, scientifically grounded knowledge and skills by the young people in order to improve their own health.
O.A.Naumenko, S.N.Charina, S.V.Notova, N.F.Nikityuk UP-TO-DATE APPROACHES TO THE PROBLEM OF THE DRUG ADDICTION PHOPHILAXIS ANONG STUDENTS To solve the problem of the drug addiction prophilaxis among students it is necessary to introduce up-to-date technologies into the teaching process in educational institutions. Up-to-date technologies should be based on the scientific approach to the program elaboration of drug addiction phophilaxis. At present the most effective programs are those that are aimed at the person's social development. The department of the prophilaxis medicine asked 300 students to fill anonymous questionnaires on the problem, the results having shown the necessity to create such programs. It was revealed that 45 % youths and 19.8 % girls smoked, 19.2 students had tried to take drugs, 5.8 % students had taken drugs and 3.1 % students took them at present. Among first-year students 44.6 % take alcohol on high days and holidays, 14 % take it once or twice a month, 5 % - once a week and more often. The high prevalence of toxic-dependent states has become the base for the draft program aimed at the drug addiction prophilaxis in students' surroundings.
A.L.Zhurakovskaya INFLUENCE OF COMPUTER-AIDED TECHNOLOGIES ON USER'S HEALTH Influence of a computer as one of the source of modern information processing technology is recently heard to be harmful for user's health. The safety level of computer usage is regulated by a lot of international standards which are becoming stricter and stricter year after year. Recent scientific researches show that not the computer is the result of negative influence on a human being but it is the result of the incorrect computer placing in a room, inobservance of ordinary sanity norms dealing with work and rest. The situation is usual for all Russian higher education establishments. As a result of the fact that OSU has strong modern material resources, the correction of the situation is exactly possible here.
M.V.Kuznetsova FEATURES OF PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION HEALTH OF THE YOUTH-STUDENTS OF OSU The sphear of sex and the ability of reproduction is the important element of human health. The difficulty of sex education task has been redoubled by acceleration which increased the gap between sexual and social puberty of a person. If economics is not be able to do any positive influence on youth health, the consequences for future reproduction and industry potential of the country will be grave. It is more important because the displacements in youth health cause alarm. The strength index of 17-19 years old OSU students is lower than the reseach made by the other scientists. 21,6 % of youth have had any venereal disease. Thus we can make a conclusion that being interested in sex modern youth do not care of their health and the possibility of their health preservation and increase.
M.G.Kucherenko LUMINESCENCE QUANTUM YIELD OF MOLECULAR SYSTEMS: QUENCHING BY IMPURITIES AND MUTUAL DEACTIVATION OF EXCITATIONS The problem of microparameters determination for the electron energy transfer in condensed systems is considered from results of measurements of a luminescence relative quantum yield. Two events are analysed: when a pulsed source is used and when there is a stationary source of the optical radiation. Expressions for luminescence quantum yield are received, which taken into account nonlinear processes an excitation annihilation. Numeric estimates of distinctive parameters for inductive-resonance and exchange reactions are made.
V.V.Lipilina SEARCHES OF BEAUTY AND APPLIED TASKS OF MATHEMATICS IN ART A given article is a part of the problem of humanization of mathematical education of the students in the University. It reveals some general aspects of the researched problem. Particularly it gives analysis of one of the most important tasks of mathematics teaching-philosophical understanding of science, development of the real mathematical and culture common to all mankind is solved with the help of world's art elements using, aesthetic stimulus.
A.J.Gaev, G.N.Karpov GEOECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF GAISKY REGION DEVELOPMENT The article reveals the process of reorganization of geological and ecological medium in the process of Gaisky copper-sulfur deposit development. It also given a typification chime of ecologo-geological conditions of development on the territory of Gaisky Region.
V.N.Tarasov, N.F.Bakchareva CONTINUED DIFFUSED MODELS OF MASS SERVICES AND THE PROCEDURE OF CALCULATION OF THEIR FEATURES The article offers the procedure of computations of stochastic nets features on the basis of new diffused models of mass services with infinite line, with finite line and losses, with variable parameters of receipt and maintenance of applications.
T.P.Petuhova INFORMATION CULTURE AS A FACTOR OF RISING GRADUATE COMPETITIVENESS It this article the information culture is considered as one of the important factors to rise the graduate's competitiveness under the conditions of the postindustrial society as a way to improve his professional qualities. Such problem is raised because of today's intensive forming of the information sector in economics, so the information and communication technologies are turning from a technological factor into a unit of modern society.

Technical sciences

T.M.Zubkova THE WORKING-OUT OF METHOLOGY FOR MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF TECHNOLOGICAL OBJECTS This article contains the material, which reflects work experience of building the mathematical models of technological objects, their identification and verification, and also realization of mathematical models with the help of programme devices.
R.N.Abdrafikov DETERMINATION OF EXTRUSION PROCESS PARAMETERES BY USING THE ANALOGUE-DIGITAL TRANSFORMER To choose the best parameteres of screw presses and the technological process of extrusion is impossible without knowing reological characteristics of the processed feed. They depend on temperature, humidity and the rate of a displacement. To determine these qualities of raw material during the process of extrusion is necessary to control the temperature around the forming head and to measure the pressure in some sections along the filiere. This method allows to make measurement by using the thermometer of resistance, the tense-resistor, which is glued on the external surface of the filiere, and the analogue-digital transformer.
G.F.Drutchatyi, A.Y.Zavarikchin, V.A.Krasilnikova, A.V.Shalkin PROBLEMS OF VIDEOCONFERENCES ORGANIZATION TECHNOLOGY The words "video - conference" and "video - conference communication" affect the more increasing attention and not only large companies have already an opportunity to use up-to-date communication devices. This article deals with the analysis of organising multipoint videoconferences in the Orenburg State University.


Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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