№ 2 (234), 25 april 2022
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457
Лев Семёнович ВЫГОТСКИЙ (1896–1934). Cоветский психолог. Основатель марксистской исследовательской традиции изучения высших психологических функций и построения авангардной футуристической науки о «новом человеке» коммунистического будущего и новой психологической теории сознания. Автор литературоведческих публикаций, работ по педологии и когнитивному развитию ребёнка.
Aptikieva L.R., Bursakova M.S. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH OF ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR OF GENERATION Z ADOLESCENTS IN THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENTThe relevance of the study lies in the steady growth of antisocial behavior of adolescents in the digital environment. Recently, there has been a tendency to transfer antisocial behavior from real reality to virtual reality. Modern teenagers belong to generation Z (they were born during the times of globalization, postmodernism, characterized by the systematic use of all kinds of gadgets, Internet space, 3-D reality, VR reality). The research is necessary in order to develop effective preventive measures against antisocial manifestations among adolescents in the digital environment. In our study, the concept of “digital environment” was clarified, the types, components, elements, opportunities and risks of the digital environment were considered; the concept of “generation Z” applied to modern adolescents was considered, the distinctive features of the generation were identified; the concept of “antisocial behavior of adolescents in the digital environment” was revealed, external and internal factors of antisocial behavior were considered; a study of the activity of adolescents in the digital environment was conducted (more than 600 older adolescents of Orenburg were interviewed online using a specially developed set of questionnaires). Conclusions: “digital environment” is an integral and unified digital cyberspace, including information technologies; representing an integrated communication environment. The digital environment for generation Z teenagers is a continuation of the physical world, through which priority development tasks are implemented: socialization, communication, self-realization. The behavior of adolescents in the digital environment is divided into prosocial and antisocial, which are based on the degree of acceptance or rejection by the user of certain norms and rules. The conditions for successful prevention of antisocial behavior of adolescents in the digital environment are: monitoring of social networks (conducting surveys among users, studying consumed content, etc.); inclusion of adolescents in socially useful activities; creation of prosocial groups and prosocial sites; dissemination of positive content; formation of a policy of responsibility in the digital environment.Key words: teenagers, digital environment, antisocial behavior, generation Z.
Inozemtseva N.V., Yovkova N.N. MODERN INTERNET RESOURCES AND MOBILE APPLICATIONS AS A MEANS OF MOTIVATING STUDENTS TO LEARN CHINESEDigitalization affects all sectors of human activity, and education is not left aside. Internet technologies influence the educational process, offering more efficient and modern methods of teaching than traditional ones. The traditional model of language learning needs to be updated in the context of digitalization. It is necessary to clearly understand how to use Internet resources in language learning to achieve high results. The purpose of our study was to consider the Internet resources and mobile applications for learning Chinese, which help to increase the motivation of students, offering them a variety of modern tasks, as well as immersion in the atmosphere of foreign language communication. Among the reviewed resources we have identified the most effective one’s: applications, cards, reference books, online dictionaries. Also, all the resources are systematized according to the type of speech activity. We have conducted a survey among the students of the Faculty of Philology, studying the language as a second foreign language. The students of the 2-4th year of education have selected the most effective, in their opinion, mobile applications that they use while studying Chinese: “Pleco”, “ChineseSkill”, “Quizlet”. We note that the students’ use of Internet resources contributes to its better assimilation and facilitates the process of memorization. Thus, the study shows that the positive effect of using the currently existing modern Internet resources and mobile applications for the study of the Chinese language is manifested in the high level of motivation of students to learn the language, as well as in the successful mastery of the language material. Key words: Internet, Internet resources, mobile applications, a motivation, the motivation means, a foreign language, Chinese, the language learning.
Kruglova E.E. EXPERIENCE IN ORGANIZING SOCIAL AND PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIESIn the study of the organization of social and pedagogical support of families of a child with disabilities in the conditions of adaptive schools, we have identified features that consist in the organization of an accessible educational process, psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, family counseling, interaction with organizations for the provision of specialized assistance, providing leisure and solving intra-family problems. In the process of studying the materials, we found that less studied issues of supporting the families of a special child is the interaction of the school and the family raising the younger student with disabilities. They also identified and described the main types of families raising a child with disabilities: authoritarian, neurotic, somatic. Particular attention was paid to the analysis of the experience of organizing social and pedagogical support in foreign countries and in Russia, as a result of which, they identified the strengths of support, which consist in a systematic and individual-personal approach and the shortcomings of the organization of socio-pedagogical support associated with the lack of effective and modern technologies for supporting the family. Analyzing the experience of social and pedagogical assistance to families abroad, we revealed that the family occupies a priority place in relation to society and the state, is the main factor in the socialization, development and upbringing of children. The experience of Western countries has shown that special attention is paid to the personal interests of the family, to carry out effective and comprehensive work on social and pedagogical support. In Russia, the experience of supporting families is in the process of formation, there is no clear structure, complexity, accessibility. Particular attention was paid to non-traditional, modern technologies for working with the family of a special child, pointed out the need for their use. Having summarized the foreign and Russian experience of accompanying the families of a child with disabilities, we formulated conclusions reflecting an important component of social and pedagogical support in the responsibility of parents, involvement and active participation in correctional and developmental activities, in interaction with the child, with specialists, with the school staff and with society. It is important to systematically organize and clearly build social and pedagogical support for a family raising a child with disabilities, support should be aimed at the interests and needs of families.Key words: children with disabilities, social and pedagogical support, pedagogical competence, theater pedagogy, lecture library, mediation service, club work.
Panov A.A., Frolov O.V. ANTHROPOLOGICAL CONNOTATIONS OF EDUCATING A PROSECUTOR’S COMMUNICATIVE CULTUREThe research presents a critical analysis of the prosecutor’s practice of communicative interaction in the space of professional culture. The sociocultural nature of prosecutorial communications is explained. The “anthropological errors” are comprehended (J. Milbank) as a result of an unformed educational system that does not ensure the effectiveness of communicative culture in reality, characterized by a “performative failure of subjectivity” (Y. Ananka, H. Kirschbaum). The meaningful connection of the key concepts is revealed: culture, communicative culture, education, etc. It is established that the educated communicative culture is a conceptual tool for developing behavioral strategies that ensure constellation in the “empire of law and order”. The purpose of the article is to consider the anthropological aspect of the problem of educating the communicative culture of a prosecutor’s employee. The axiological analysis of the traditional communicative culture of the prosecutor’s employee was carried out; the following methods were used: the method of scientific observation, the analysis of communicative behavior in the light of the theory of axiological communication; an interview determining the degree of compliance of the interaction of prosecutor’s employees with the norms of institutional communication. It is established that the communicative processes accompanying the prosecutor’s activity are the axiogenic and anthropological basis for the formation and development of the educational system.Key words: interaction, education, communication, culture, communicative culture, prosecutor’s employee.
Platova E.D. DIGITALIZATION IN LINGUISTIC EDUCATION: POBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVESDigitalization in society and education, happening in the last decades and getting fast-track development due to the world pandemic, has controversial character and arouses scientists’ deep interest. This research is aimed at identifying the current problems in the process of linguistic education digitalization in Russia and searching for the ways to solve them. Summarizing the best pedagogical practices in this context allowed to conclude that digitalization of educational process, understood as informative-educational environment development, which includes technical, educational and digital forms of managing educational process, gives wide opportunities for globalization in education and its quality improvement in general, and also great didactic potential of digital technologies in linguistic education in particular. At the same time the problems caused by widespread use of digital technologies in high schools were singled out and analyzed in the research. The changes at the labour market result in new social demands to learning outcome and specialist’s personality, explaining the necessity of prioritized development of their “extraprofessional” competences and soft skills. Herewith, the specifics of digital education are connected with increasing student’s independence and autonomy, at the same time, educational process individualization in digitalization questions about the trajectory of changes in personal and cultural identity, which can exist and develop only in society. Finally, due to the mentioned difficulties and controversies, digitalization in linguistic education is connected with the growth of the teacher’s role in educational process and demands to the level of his / her informational and professional culture, media competence. Content and methodical challenges presented to pedagogics in relation to digitalization of educational process are fixed in this regard.Key words: digitalization, linguistic education, personal identity, media competence, interdisciplinarity, soft skills.
Radoshnova I.L. DESIGNING SOCIO-EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT FOR FOREIGN UNIVERSITY STUDENTSThe intensive development of the vector of teaching foreign students at domestic universities indicates the need for a theoretical and scientific-methodological justification for its successful implementation in pedagogical practice. As a leading methodological basis for improving educational activities with students, I considered design. My theoretical study of the experience of domestic universities in the field of international educational cooperation in the field of higher education. The focus on developing academic mobility and increasing the export potential of the Russian education system contributes to the successful achievement of a number of significant goals. Among them: the formation of the competitiveness of Russian universities, increasing the attractiveness of Russian education in the world market, increasing the total income from the payment of foreign citizens studying in the Russian Federation, providing the Russian economy with qualified foreign specialists, strengthening the “soft power” of our country by participating in the formation of elites of foreign states. To implement these key areas, more efficient use of social and educational support resources is required, including relevant, relevant to the modern social period, scientifically based approaches and technologies. The experience of the teaching staff of the Orenburg State University with foreign students at the Faculty of Training of Foreign Citizens showed that design is a basic condition for the success of their social and educational support. Targeted interaction with students in educational, social, communicative, leisure project activities contributed to the orientation towards the personalization of relations, considering their individual characteristics of development, level of upbringing and training. Thus, a set of design possibilities, using technologies and models for the implementation of targeted assistance in the adaptation, personal and professional socialization of foreign students arriving at the university, will be useful in the pedagogical practice of teachers, lecturers, curators from institutions of higher and secondary vocational education.Key words: education, university, training of foreign students, vocational education, social and educational support, pedagogical technologies.
Saitbaeva E.R., Muratova A.A. ORGANIZATION OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-EDUCATION OF A TEACHERSelf-education of a person predetermines the motivational sphere, based on the values, directions and needs of a person. In the teaching profession, the motivational sphere is determined by the aspirations for continuous development and updating of knowledge. In this regard, self-education is the core trend of the teacher’s professional activity. The federal project “Teacher of the Future” (dated December 7, 2018) aims the pedagogical community at the continuous development of professional skills, strengthening the professional readiness of the teacher in solving non-standard tasks in the field of education, and enhancing the cognitive activity of the teacher, taking into account his educational deficits. Thus, professional self-education of a teacher becomes a vector of his career growth and development. The success of the implementation of these processes depends on the conditions created in the practice of education for the teacher. The organization of professional self-development implies, firstly, the actualization of the teacher’s motivational potential for self-educational activity by activating incentives for professional self-development. Secondly, the implementation of competent assistance and support to the teacher requires the enrichment of the content of his professional activity with value orientations and attitudes towards self-education. Thirdly, professional self-education of a teacher can be organized in various forms, taking into account the possibilities of additional (formal and non-formal) education. However, the most effective ways of organizing professional self-education of a teacher today are information technologies. Modern means of communication, computer technologies, software and various information resources make it possible to work with information in a new way, activating the professional resources of teachers in building a self-educational trajectory. The potential of information technologies in the process of self-education provides variability, individualization, flexibility, continuity in mastering new or improving existing knowledge.Key words: self-education, professional development, professional self-education, teacher development, pedagogical skills.
Dmitrieva N.M., Makarov S., Malahova O.M. STUDY OF THE AESTHETIC AND ETHICAL CONTENT OF A LITERARY TEXT IN RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSESIn the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language when using works of fiction as teaching material, foreign students encounter difficulties in perceiving the text due to its imagery and full of aesthetic and ethical information reflecting the life of the Russian people. The purpose of this study is to consider the ethical and aesthetic load of texts that can be used in Russian as a foreign language lessons, and to offer linguistic and cultural comments to Russian as a foreign language teachers. When working with texts, a suggestive method of mastering artistic images is used, the essence of which is to provide the student with background information that allows removing linguistic and extralinguistic difficulties when reading the text. In the course of working with the text, the attention of foreign students is drawn to linguistic and cultural objects as a reflection of the national and cultural characteristics of the Russian people, a linguistic and cultural commentary is given and the role of these objects in revealing the content of a literary text is determined. The article suggests possible linguistic and cultural objects and comments to them for working with the text. A system of questions and tasks for several program texts is presented, which allows to reveal the ethical and aesthetic information of linguistic and cultural objects and contributing to the formation of linguistic and cultural competence among students, which is the novelty of the work.Key words: linguocompetence, aesthetic and ethical content, method of mastering artistic images, fiction text, linguocompatriotism commentary, linguocompatriotism object.
Tyutyunova Yu.M. ON THE ISSUE OF HYBRID TEACHING THE ART OF GRAPHICS IN THE OPEN-AIR: CURRENT TRENDSTeaching fine arts, based from century to century on the unshakable traditions of transferring professional experience from teacher to student “live”, is currently experiencing the introduction of innovations. Until recently, it was impossible to imagine that a leisurely and thorough study of artistic technologies under the careful supervision of a teacher could be replaced by virtual analogues of the appropriate equipment and a huge number of hours for self-study. Nevertheless, the current situation is such that changes are rapidly and dynamically being made to established traditions, often difficult to realize not only by the older generation of artists and teachers, but also by young teachers of fine arts. The modern learning process is characterized by the hybrid use of academic forms of classes and distance learning technologies. Fine art in general, and plein air in particular — with all the specifics of technological processes — does not stand aside from general trends. Scientific and technological progress inevitably brings changes to life. The requirements for the training of a modern specialist are steadily increasing. It is not enough to own graphic technologies of the past to be in demand in the labor market now. The process of transformation of communication and acquisition of knowledge has affected both teachers and students equally. In this situation, it seems optimal to teach graphic art in an open-air environment based on the best achievements of the academic school, introducing innovative technologies into the educational process — this will allow training a highly qualified and competitive specialist with a broad professional outlook and flexible skills that contribute to maximum professional self-realization.Key words: hybrid learning, fine art, plein air, graphic art, teaching methods, traditional and innovative learning models, modern trends.
Akhmetov L.G., Ledeneva A.V. THE ESSENCE OF THE DIGITAL IMAGE OF AN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONInterest in studying the development of the digital image of an educational organization as a psychological and pedagogical problem is growing in the context of the digital transformation of education in Russia. In its understanding, the image plays a very important role in attracting the attention of an audience focused on the consumption of services to a particular object. Education is also one of the most important human activities in which educational services are consumed at various levels. The attractiveness and need for a particular educational service depends directly on the positive image of an educational organization, including in the digital environment. In modern science and in practical image-making, there are a lot of works related to the issue of image, which allows us to explore the phenomenon of a digital image from the standpoint of its content and structure (species, functional, component, level characteristics. Also, as part of the study of the phenomenon of the digital image, the following definition of the content of the image should be singled out, which means that the image is holistic and consistent, the conditions for implementation are also taken into account here, and those individual features that are present do not contradict each other. The systemic nature of the image allows one visible feature to evoke accompanying characteristics in the mass consciousness. image is the positioning of an organization or a person, created using certain digital technologies, implemented on various media online or offline. At the same time, far from any image, text, etc. is a digital image, it is a whole set of techniques that are aimed at fulfilling a specific goal — to broadcast to others in digital form a certain message, a message. Understanding the effectiveness factors of the influence of the digital image on the behavior and consciousness of the target audience expands the understanding of the managerial resources of this phenomenon. The results of the study can be useful for drawing attention to the problem of using a digital image to manipulate the behavior and consciousness of the target audience, which will allow its members to become less controllable and programmable and help resist mass manipulations carried out by the basic subjects of image communication in the era of new media.Key words: digitalization, digital image, image in education, digital environment.
Kostenko O.Yu., Belonovskaya I.D. PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE FUTURE LAWYER CORPORATE CULTURE FORMATIONModern trends of social development determine the need for pedagogical support of professional self-development of a modern student for the formation of his corporate culture. The professional and personal result of the formation of the corporate culture of the future lawyer is updated, which is evaluated by indicators of achieving integrative competence of professional self-development, reflecting the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the professional standard. At the same time, the problem of pedagogical support for the professional formation of a student’s corporate culture has not been conceptually sufficiently investigated. Corporate lawyers today integrate legal strategy into the company’s business strategy, turning legal experience into a competitive advantage; devote a significant part of their time to recruitment, retention and staff development, as well as succession issues; ensure the achievement of business results, use legal talent as a contribution to the final result. Corporate lawyers have turned from competent lawyers into full-fledged businessmen with extensive experience in law, these are real leaders, not talented administrators who ensure legal superiority. The results of the study substantiate the importance of solving the problem of pedagogical support for the professional formation of the corporate culture of a future lawyer in the theory and methodology of professional education and open up prospects for studying the potential of higher education in the logic of professional and personal growth of a future specialist.Key words: corporate culture, corporation, lawyer, lawyer.
Uimanova N.A. PEDAGOGICAL SELF-DEVELOPMENT — SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHER: ANALYSIS OF ANALOGUES IN TERMINOLOGYThe processes of modernization of educational programs of secondary vocational education have determined the relevance of the problem of pedagogical self-development of a college teacher. The study of this process involves a terminological analysis of its content. At the same time, in pedagogical theory and practice, there have been some discrepancies in the characterization of the concepts: “professional self-development of a teacher”, “self-development of a teacher”, “pedagogical self-development of a teacher”, etc. identical definitions and the possibility of their synonyms in the context of the research carried out by the author is substantiated. The conceptual and terminological analysis of Russian and foreign works on the stated problem made it possible to reveal a substantial similarity in the definition of the process under study. Professional self-development is characterized as a continuous process of qualitative transformation of the personality, the realization of personal and professional opportunities. An analysis of the concept of “self-development of a teacher” revealed a similar content essence. In the works of a number of researchers, the self-development of a teacher is considered through his multi-directionality in the spheres of life (professional, family, cultural and leisure, creative). In the vast majority of studies, this problem is considered as the improvement of the professional qualities of a teacher in his activity, which is appropriately interpreted as pedagogical. In this regard, the sphere of professional life of a college teacher has been clarified as a pedagogical one and, accordingly, the concept of “pedagogical self-development of a teacher” has been fixed. The analysis proved that in the context of the professional activities of teachers, the concepts of “pedagogical self-development of a teacher”, “professional self-development of a teacher”, “self-development of a teacher” belong to the same synonymous series.Key words: professional self-development, pedagogical self-development, pedagogical activity, self-development of a teacher, professional and personal self-development of a teacher.
Flyantsraih A.P. THE “BEST ASSET” PROGRAM AS A MECHANISM FOR IMPROVING THE ORGANIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL AND PREVENTIVE ENVIRONMENT ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITYIn the context of rapidly changing trends in the development of Russian society, the information war for the “minds” of young people, the problem of education plays an important role at the state level. Modern socio-cultural, economic development of the country, informatization of society deepen the importance of educating young people. In modern reality the state plays an initiating role in attracting social forces and social institutions to solve many problems of education. Recently regulatory documents have been prepared and adopted, laying the legal and cultural foundations for building the educational policy of the institutions of society and the state in relation to education. Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the National Project “Education” and all related subprojects of the federal and regional levels emphasize the importance of education in ensuring readiness and ability for spiritual development, moral self-improvement, self-esteem, to realize creative potential, understanding the meaning of their lives, individually responsible behavior of students, building personality - a patriot of his country. I have developed the “Best Asset” program that can influence the development of the educational and preventive environment of the university. When implementing the “Best Asset” program, it influences the development of the educational and preventive environment, improves the quality of its organization, as it reflects the real picture of the interaction of students with the administration of the university, so that in the future it will be a single mechanism for the implementation of a particular activity.Key words: educational and preventive environment, the “Best asset” program, the mechanism for improving the educational and preventive environment.
Fomina M.V., Mikhailova E.A., Zherebyateva O.A., Sokolova O.Ya., Fateeva T.A., Borisov S.D., Aznabaeva L.M., Bibartseva E.V., Liskova E.V., Lyashenko I.E. FEATURES OF COMMUNICATION IN THE ELECTRONIC INFORMATION AND EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF DISTANCE LEARNINGThe field of higher education can be called one of those that the COVID-19 pandemic has had the most impact on a global scale. The changes affected, first of all, the format of communication. The aim of the study was to study the preferences of students in the use of social networks, instant messengers for communication, platforms for posting content, video conferencing services for online lectures and consultations during the periods of May-June and November-December 2020. The study showed that in the period May-June 2020, respondents preferred WhatsApp in 50% of cases, email 42.8%, video conferencing services Zoom Meetings 3.6%, Google Meet web application 3.6%. That testified to the role of mobile means of communication in the educational process. The second survey, which took place in November-December 2020, showed a trend of using Zoom Meetings at 50%, email at 28.6%, WhatsApp at 7.2% of cases. According to the respondents, Zoom Meetings proved to be the most convenient tool (72.4%), which, according to users, has a functional interface (75.8%), the ability to share a screen (89.6%), an audio recording and video recording service of a conference ( 96.5%. In turn, Skype was considered convenient for video conferencing by only 13.8% of respondents, along with this, a big minus was noted — there was no possibility of screen sharing. Thus, it is difficult to overestimate the impact of the pandemic on the transition of higher educational institutions to a remote form of work, which radically changed communication in the electronic information and educational environment of universities and posed the problem for the teaching staff in an extremely short time to master digital tools for implementing the educational process using distance learning technologies.Key words: higher education, communication in the electronic educational environment.
Tsoy V.V., Tarasova O.P. GESTALT PRINCIPLES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE DESIGNERS CREATIVITYThe creativity of a graphic designer as a professionally significant quality implies the ability to effectively visualize information. The effectiveness of visualization (along with other indicators) is manifested in reducing the time of perception of information by the target audience and obtaining the desired response. This is achieved in the professional training of future designers by studying the characteristics of the target audience at the stage of pre-project analysis and using gestalt principles when choosing visualization tools. Gestalt principles are the tools that ensure the ability of a future designer to generate a greater number of ideas corresponding to the assigned project tasks and to have a desired response from the target audience, which ultimately determines the effectiveness of design activities. In this regard, the development of the future graphic designer’s creativity in educational practice will be effective if practice-oriented learning tasks based on gestalt principles are embedded and applied. Among them are the principle of figure and background (form and counterform), the principles of simplicity, closeness, similarity, and others. Having mastered these principles, the student will be able to solve tasks quickly and variably, form the necessary emotional background when visualizing information, and due to the competent placement of accents, control the attention of the target audience and enhance the impact of information on the viewer. A set of such educational tasks has been developed and applied at the Department of Design of Orenburg State University. Some of them are presented in this article. As a result, several tasks are solved — the task of developing the creativity of future graphic designers, the general educational task of professional training of a competitive graduate, as well as the task of prompt perception of information by the target audience.Key words: visualization, gestalt principles, graphic design, creativity.
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