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April 2022, № 2 (234), pages 26-33

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-234-26

Kruglova E.E. EXPERIENCE IN ORGANIZING SOCIAL AND PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIESIn the study of the organization of social and pedagogical support of families of a child with disabilities in the conditions of adaptive schools, we have identified features that consist in the organization of an accessible educational process, psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, family counseling, interaction with organizations for the provision of specialized assistance, providing leisure and solving intra-family problems. In the process of studying the materials, we found that less studied issues of supporting the families of a special child is the interaction of the school and the family raising the younger student with disabilities. They also identified and described the main types of families raising a child with disabilities: authoritarian, neurotic, somatic. Particular attention was paid to the analysis of the experience of organizing social and pedagogical support in foreign countries and in Russia, as a result of which, they identified the strengths of support, which consist in a systematic and individual-personal approach and the shortcomings of the organization of socio-pedagogical support associated with the lack of effective and modern technologies for supporting the family. Analyzing the experience of social and pedagogical assistance to families abroad, we revealed that the family occupies a priority place in relation to society and the state, is the main factor in the socialization, development and upbringing of children. The experience of Western countries has shown that special attention is paid to the personal interests of the family, to carry out effective and comprehensive work on social and pedagogical support. In Russia, the experience of supporting families is in the process of formation, there is no clear structure, complexity, accessibility. Particular attention was paid to non-traditional, modern technologies for working with the family of a special child, pointed out the need for their use. Having summarized the foreign and Russian experience of accompanying the families of a child with disabilities, we formulated conclusions reflecting an important component of social and pedagogical support in the responsibility of parents, involvement and active participation in correctional and developmental activities, in interaction with the child, with specialists, with the school staff and with society. It is important to systematically organize and clearly build social and pedagogical support for a family raising a child with disabilities, support should be aimed at the interests and needs of families.Key words: children with disabilities, social and pedagogical support, pedagogical competence, theater pedagogy, lecture library, mediation service, club work.


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About this article

Author: Kruglova E.E.

Year: 2022

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-234-26

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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