№ 6 (167), 2014
Astashenkov. A.Yu. ONTOMORPHOGENESIS AND SHOOTS-FORMATIONS OF NEPETA UCRAINICA (L.) (LAMIACEAE) IN THE EASTERN KAZAKHSTANDifferent phases of morphogenesis of Nepeta ucrainica individuals growing in the Eastern Kazakhstan. Have been studied morphological structure of shoot system, peculiarities of sprout formation and formation of hypogeogenous rhizome are described. It has been established that morphogenesis of N. ucrainica individuals has four stages of development: primary shoot >sympodial axis>primary bush>clone. Key words: Nepeta ucrainica, morphogenesis.
Berezina T.V., Savin E.Z. FEATURES OF GROWTH OF FRUIT CROPS IN THE FOOTHILL ZONE OF GARDENING OF ZAURALYEIn this article soil and climatic microconditions and the conditions of a microrelief promoting safety and high efficiency of fruit plantings in a foothill zone of gardening of Zauralye are considered. Optimum conditions develop on the sites protected from adverse climatic conditions by forest plantings, settling down on slopes, excepting the southern and southwest directions and with a close arrangement of water sources.Key words: microrelief, microclimate, apple-tree, currant.
Vasilyeva T.N. DEFINITION OF FITOREMEDIATOR OF PB, CD, ZN IN THE ORENBURG REGION OF THE ORENBURG REGIONThe processes of accumulation of heavy metals in phytocenoses analyzed the correlation between the parameters of heavy metal accumulation in soils and plants of urban agglomeration and the steppe zone. Registered significant elements relating to hazard class 2 (highly substance) Pb, Cd, Zn, in some species of plants and the soil surface layers.Key words: fitoremediation, heavy metals, ground, ecology, accumulation.
Dudoreva T.A., Melechin A.V., Lagunov A.V. MATERALS FOR THE LICHENS FLORA OF THE ILMEN RESERVE (SOUTERN URAL)The preliminary annotated list of lichens of Ilmen State Reserve (Chelyabinsk region, Southern Ural) is presented. It includes 116 species. 80 species are noted first time for Reserve, Arthonia cinnabarina — new for South Ural. Key words: lichens, flora, Ilmen State Reserve, Chelyabinsk region, Southern Ural.
Ibatullina E.Z., Isyanyulova R.R., Gabdrakhimov G.M. HE FORMATION OF SUSTAINABLE FOREST LANDSCAPES (ON THE EXAMPLE OF UFA)Summary. Ecological efficiency of plantings of parks is defined by improvement of a microclimate and creating favorable conditions for rest of citizens. One of the main actions for increase of ecological efficiency of park plantings are landscape logging — logging of leaving in the woods of the recreational appointment, directed on formation of forest-park landscapes and increase of their esthetic, improving value and stability.Key words: ecological productivity, a points-based assessment of plantations, landscape characteristics of the, landscape logging.
Islamgulov D.R. PERFORMANCE AND TECHNOLOGICAL QUALITIES OF ROOT CROPS SUGAR BEET AT VARIOUS DENSITY OF STOYANIYA OF PLANTSThe article represents results of the research of productivity and technology qualities of the sugar beat root crops. Regularities of change of efficiency and techno-logical qualities of root crops of sugar beet are revealed at various density of standing of plants. Optimum density of standing of plants is established.Key words: sugar beet; thickness of standing of plants; yield; technology quali-ties; molassigenic matters; sugar loss in molasses; gros yield of the cleaned up sugar; economic efficiency.
Lapina E.A., Shepeleva L.F. ECOLOGICAL AND BIOMORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF GALEGA ORIENTALIS (GALEGA ORIENTALIS LAM.) FIRST YEAR OF INTRODUCTION IN THE MIDDLE TAIGA WESTERN SIBERIAThe article describes growth and development peculiarities of galega in the first year of introduction in the conditions of the middle taiga of Western Siberia. It is shown that the use of Baikal-EM1 biological agent during seeds inoculation provides better growth and development. The tendency of reducing the acidity of sandy podzolic soils is observed when seeds are sowed under cover peas.Key words: galega, the introduction of inoculation, Baikal EM1, sandy podzolic, middle taiga of Western Siberia.
Мuldashev А.А., Elizaryeva О.А., Маslova N.V., Galeeva А.Kh. VITALITY STRUCTURE OF POPULATIONS HEDYSARUM GRANDIFLORUM PALL. (FABACEAE) OF BASHKORTOSTAN REPUBLIC The results of study of vitality of 4 populations of rare species Hedysarum grandiflorum Pall. (Fabaceae) of Bashkortostan Republic in the period from 2011 to 2013 аre presents. Vitality was calculated in two ways. Arrangement populations relatively each other according to the index vitality IVC are invariable for years of study. Key words: Кey words: Hedysarum grandiflorum, rare species, population, vitality, protection.
Pikalova E.V. AMBROSIA TRIFIDA L. AT THE CONDITIONS OF THE TYULGANSKY DISTRICT OF THE ORENBURG REGIONIn this article considered a biological features of Ambrosia trifida L. The paper gives the results of studying morphometric parameters and reproductive performance of Ambrosia trifida L. at the example of one of the central districts of the Orenburg region. Differences in variation of signs are caused by climatic features of each particular area of research and ecological conditions of habitat of cenopopulations. The low variability index was marked in cenopopulations located along the roads, and the higher — in cenopopulations occupying shaded zones and lowlands with the dunged substratum. The general seed efficiency in three studied cenopopulations ranges from 303,3 to 472,8 pieces of seeds on the average on one plant.Key words: Ambrosia trifida L., morphometric parameters, coefficient of variation, seed production, cenopopulation, invasive species.
Valeyeva L.A., Kulagina I.G., Yafayeva E.G. THE EFFECT OF DIAZEPAM ON MOTION ACTIVITY OF RATS DEPENDING ON THE CIRCADIAN TIME AND DENSITY OF CEREBRAL GABA RECEPTORSThe effect of diazepam on motion activity in rats after morning and evening introduction has been studied. It has been found that maximal suppressing effect of the medecation on the motion coefficient in a test "open area" is observed after evening introduction at the highest density of cerebral GABA receptors. After morning injection the suppressing effect is observed twice, i.e. immediately after the injection and during evening hours against the background of receptor increase.Key words: motion coefficient, diazepam, chronobiological organization, GABA-receptors, brain
Galitsyn D.I., Vershinin V.L. A NUMBER OF MORPHOLOGICAL PARAMETERS SPECIFIC OF SAND LIZARD (LACERTA AGILIS LINNAEUS, 1758) POPULATIONS IN THE MIDDLE URALSThe materials about morphological features of sand lizard populations in Sverdlovsk region are considered. The sand lizards head pholidosis variations detailed analysis in the Urals populations is carried. A number of L. agilis morphological parameters with it in southern West Siberia affinity as well as character of Kamensk area L. agilis local population are noticed.Key words: Lacerta agilis, morphological variability, pholidosis.
Debelo P.V., Chibilуоv A.A. AMPHIBIANS OF THE URALO-KASPIYSKY REGIONOn the basis of synthesis of literary data and personal field materials data on fauna, distribution and number of amphibians of 26 landscape provinces of forest-steppe, steppe, semidesertic and desert zones of the Uralo-Kaspiysky region which ecosystems take priority positions in National strategy of preservation of a biodiversity are provided.Key words: Uralo-Kaspiysky region, biodiversity, amphibians, fragmentation of areas, krayearealny populations, number, spatial distribution, landscape and ecological framework, protection.
Kvan O.V., Sizentsov A.N., Kataev V.J., Rusakova E.A. INFLUENCE OFPROBIOTIC PREPARATIONSON CONTAINING TOXICELEMENT IN THE BODYLABORATORY ANIMALSThe influenceofprobioticson the contentof toxic elements inbone and muscle tissues of rats.Comparative analysis ofliquidprobiotic preparationon the basis ofBifidobacteriumlongumandsporobacterinpointed tothe advantageof the first, resulting in a more activereductionof toxic elementsinbone and muscletissues of rats. Key words: probiotics,toxic elements, muscle tissue, bone tissue, rat
Korneev G.I., Lizurchik L.V., Sipaylova O.Yu, Lebedev S.V., Sheyda E.V. MORPHOFUNCTIONAL CHANGES OF THE FETOPLACENTAL COMPLEX RATS ON THE BACKGROUND OF TOBACCO INTOXICATIONThe work presents the results of studying the influence of the tobacco intoxication on the feto-placental complex of white rats using experimental model of "passive Smoking". Revealed pathological signs of placental insufficiency (reduction of the weight and thickness of placentae; reducing the number of fruit capillaries and maternal sinuses while reducing their diameters; cir-culatory disorders in the form of a sharp hyperemia, edema, hemorrhage in the labyrinth layer placenta; foci of ischemia and thrombosis maternal gaps with the development of a major ischemic heart attacks; the formation of large pockets of destruction of trophoblast cells with the formation of various sizes cavities and other), which contributed to the delay in fetal develop-ment and the emergence of cases of fetal death.Key words: Smoking, fetoplacental complex, placental insufficiency, rats, prenatal development.
Lizurchik L.V., Sheyda E.V. EFFECTS OF TOBACCO SMOKE ON EXCHANGE TOXIC ELEMENTS IN THE RATThe results of particular exchange of toxic elements in the body of pregnant and non-pregnant white rats under the influence of tobacco smoke ("passive" smoking). The studies found that under the action of smoke in rats, there is an accumulation of toxic elements, and their concentration is higher in pregnant females.Key words: aluminum, cadmium, lead, tin, strontium, toxic elements, smoking, rats.
Medvedev S.A., Nesterov D.V., Sipaylova O.Yu., Sheyda E.V. USE LUZGI CACAO IN NURSING CHICKEN-BROILERThe Abstract. In article are brought experimental given on influence on productive quality chicken-broiler of the partial change in birdseed wheats on luzgi cacao. It Is Installed that change in birdseed wheats on 2,5 % luzgi cacao brings about increasing average day Increase up on 0,8 g/day, on 5 % does not influence on average day Increase up, on 7,5 % brings about reduction fair с average day of the increase on 5,8 %. Key words: Key words. luzga cacao, chicken -broilers, average day increase, productivity.
Nemkov V.A. CHANGES IN THE FAUNA AND HARMFULNESS OF GRAIN BEETLES IN ORENBURG REGIONThe fauna of the grain beetles of Orenburg region have been changed in the last 50-60 years. The main harmful pest of the wheat seed has become grain beetles Anisoplia ausriaca Hbst. Its extension to the east is due to the expansion of wheat sown areas. The number and harmfulness of grain beetles has declined in recent years, and the zone of harmfulness has shifted to the northern and central regions, which can be explained by unfavorable weather conditions, namely of the climate aridization.Key words: fauna, grain beetles, changes, distribution, harmfulness, wheat, aridization, climate.
Rusakova E.A., Kosyan D.B., Kwan O.V. EFFECT OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF NUTRITION ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERMEDIATE EXCHANGEThe paper presents data on the effect of phytase on the exchange of energy, nitrogen and productivity of broiler chickens at various NUTRIENT security. Found that in groups with fitazosoderzhaschim diet is a decrease of energy losses with the droppings on the background of increasing KPI OE and matching coefficient, which indicates the rational use of energy for the synthesis of tissues.Key words: phytase, broilers, transformation, protein, energy.
Khabibullin V.F. ON JUSTIFICATION OF PARASITISM TRAIT "CAUSING HOST DAM-AGE"We can justify the concept "causing host damage" as essential to parasitism in three ways. The inductive approach leaves uncertainty upon whether this characteris-tic is obligatory to all examined hosts. The traductive approach is useful as far as it enables discrimination between parasitism, mutualism, neutralism and commensal-ism. In the deductive approach the trait "causing host damage" can be obtained from the "result scheme": the placement of parasitism in the "+-" box means the benefit for one partner (parasite) and damage to another (host). This trait can also be derived from the system of direct trophic relationships, indirect partner relationships, but not from the system "organism-environment". The concept "damage threshold" is also discussed.Key words: parasitism traits, causing damage to host.
Chirkova E.N., Zavaleeva S.M. MORPHOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES OF LIGHT DOMESTIK RABBIT (ORUCTOLAGUS)Consider the impact of anthropogenic factors on the functional state of the organism of the animals and their reproduction. Questions of morphology of respiratory organs, especially the respiratory Department, to date, remain unexplored. This work is devoted to clarify the structure of the lungs rabbit (Oructolagus). Methods of preparation and morphometrics studied the structure of the lungs and defined their belonging to a certain comparative anatomical type. The study established the equity structure of the lungs rabbit home, determined their topography, shape, size, weight, coefficient of asymmetry in the mass.Key words: bunny home, morphology, light, morphometry, zacatecana share.
Yanbaev Y.A., Boronnikova S.V., Akhmetov A.R., Nechaeva Y.S., Prishvinskaya Y.V. ISSR-MARKERS AS A TOOL FOR INVESTIGATIONS OF POPULATION GENETIC DIFERSITY: A CASE STUDY OF THE NORWAY MAPLE (ACER PLATANOIDES L.)Polymorphism of 9 populations of the Southern Ural's maple (Acer platanoides L.) was investigated by using ISSR-analysis. Proportion of polymorphic fragments DNKranged from 0,800 to 0,926 (depending on primers) and amounted to an average0.861. The analysis did not reveal any geographical patterns in genetic diversity of populations. Recommendations about protection and rational use of genetic resources of a look in the region are made.Key words: Norway maple, population, Southern Urals, ISSR-markers, polymorphism populations.
Burakaeva A.D. FUNGICOLOUS FUNGI IN BIOTECHNOLOGY FUNGICIDAL PREPARATIONSThe paper discusses the current state of the study — producers of metabolites possessing fungicidal spectrum of action. The prospects of using the phenomenon mikoparazitizma selskohozyaystveenoy in practice. Key words: fungicolous fungi, antifungal metabolites, antibiotics, lytic enzymes, natural antagonists of pathogenic fungi.Key words: fungicolous fungi, fungicid, antibiotics, lytic enzymes, natural antagonists of pathogenic fungi.
Drozdova E.A., Karimov I.F. RUMEN FLUID NORMAL COMPONENTS EFFECTS ON LUMINESCENCE LEVEL OF BIOSENSORThe effect of real (native) and rumen fluid mixture model on the emission level of luminescent strain E.coli was considered. Revealed similar toxic effects studied biological fluids, developing in the first minutes of contact. Analyzed the impact of individual components on rumen fluid bacteria glow, as well as the contribution of individual components of the trophic substrate.Key words: biosensor, biotoxicity, rumen fluid, a recombinant strain of E. coli K12 TG1, substrate.
Muslyumova D.M., Davydova S.Y. INFLUENCE ON CAVITATION TREATMENT MICROBIOLOGY SUNFLOWER FOOSEThe problem of application in feeding young cattle waste oil industry, in particular sunflower fuzz. Existing methods use fuzz in livestock are not efficient enough, due to technical difficulties in the introduction of his diet. In connection with this proposed method of treating samples of sunflower cavitation fuzz. Furthermore, the efficiency of application of cavitation in the samples for the presence of fuzz bacterial contamination depending on the storage time.Key words: microorganisms, cavitation, mushrooms, microbial obsemenennnost, fuzz sucks ultrasound.
Nikiyan H.N., Tatlybaeva E.B. ACHIEVEMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS OF ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY IN MICROBIOLOGYIn this review the possibilities of atomic force microscopy in solving of microbiological problems over the last decade are considered. The main attention is paid to the achievements and successes in the field of biodetection, virology and studying the factors of biogenic and abiogenic influence on bacterial cells. Presented results show the potential of atomic force microscopy in detection and identification of single cells and molecules, investigations of mechanical and morphological properties of bacterial cells in response to different influences, as well as the study of the intermolecular and intramolecular interactions.Key words: atomic force microscopy, bacterial cells, identification of molecules, detection of viral particles.
Natural sciences
Gerasimenko T.I., Zolnikova J.F. HISTORY OF DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION OF MINERAL SPRINGS IN THE REGION CAUCASIAN MINERAL WATERS IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF THE XIX CENTURYThis article analyzes one of the stages of the history of exploration of mineral springs resort in the region Caucasian Mineral Waters — first quarter of the XIX century. The features of the test phase, shows activity of scientists from different fields of knowledge in the study region.Key words: KMV, mineral springs, recreational area, construction of water sources therapeutic value.
Lyubichankovskaya N.A. AESTHETIC ASSESSMENT OF LANDSCAPES OF THE URBANIZED TERRITORY FOR TERRITORIAL PLANNING (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE CITY OF ORENBURG)The article contains the analysis of esthetic quality of city space of Orenburg. Favorable and adverse green zones and five types of residential zones are cartographical designated and characterized: favorable, rather favorable, rather adverse, adverse, very adverse.Key words: esthetic qualities, city space, Orenburg.
Lyubichankovskiy A.V. SCHEME OF THE ANALYSIS OF OFFICIAL REGISTERS OF OBJECTS OF THE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION'S REGIONSThe article contains the scheme of the analysis of the register of objects of a cultural heritage of regions in which basic elements are: identification of the valuable orientation which is cornerstone of the register; its completeness; classification of objects by historical eras and types.Key words: valuable orientation, completeness of the register of objects, classification of objects.
Miazina N.G., Ponomareva P.A. HYDROGEOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES ERGENINSKOGO ALLUVIAL AQUIFER (TSYMLYANS'KA ARTESIAN BASIN)The article describes the basic laws of formation and distribution of fresh and saline groundwater ergeninskogo alluvial aquifer Tsymlyansk artbasseyna. Investigated the qualitative composition of the groundwater horizon. The results of mineralization, ion– salt composition, total and carbonate hardness and permanent. Spotted vertical zoning changes ionnosolevogo composition with depth. The possibility of complex use of hydro resources ergeninskogo horizon.Key words: Tsimlyansky Artesian Basin, withdrawals, aquifer, fresh water, mineral water, salinity, total hardness, temporary hardness.
Rusanov A.M., Semenov E.A. STRUCTURAL AND ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION AGRICULTURE AS A FACTOR OF NATURAL RECOVER AGROLANDSCAPES ORENBURG REGIONThe processes of the scale and spatial-temporal and structural transformation of agriculture in the Orenburg region. According to statistical information, research and expertise, based on economic and geographical analysis of the transformation of the agrarian sector in the region, defined contours and natural recovery factors agrolandscapes Orenburg region.Key words: steppe zone, virgin lands, agricultural landscapes, structural economic transformation agrosphere.
Suyundukov Ya.T., Khasanova R.F., Salmanova E.F. PHYTOMELIORATIVE WAY OF REMEDIATION OF SOIL PROPERTIES OF STEPPE ECOSYSTEMSInfluence of sown perennial herbs and herbs from among of natural communities on agrophysical properties of Chernozems of Trans-Ural of the Republic of Bashkortostan (RB) is studied. Effective phytomeliorants for restoration of Chernozems in a North-South gradient are revealed. Restoration of the degraded soils' properties of agroecosystems of Trans-Ural of the RB under the agrosteppes created by the Dzybov method is investigated. Various options are considered and the most effective combinations of soil handling for agrosteppes are identified. Key words: phytomelioration, agrosteppes, soil fertility, Chernozem, soil handling, phytomass, agrophysical properties.
Turlibekova D.M. THE CONTENT OF HEAVY METALS AT ACER NEGUNDO GROWING IN PARKS OF THE CITY OF ORSK, IN THE CONDITIONS OF INDUSTRIAL POLLUTIONResults of researches of the content of heavy metals at Acer negundo of a park zone of the city of Orsk are presented. Ambiguity of the situation connected with accumulation of heavy metals by seeds of a studied plant is noted.Key words: soils, heavy metals, accumulation, parks.
Evstifeeva T.A., Gluhovskaya M.Y., Yanbulatov I.I. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS COMPLEX CRITERION OF PRIORITY (FOR EXAMPLE, SHOPS №4 AND №78 JSC "KUIBYSHEVAZOT" TOGLIATTI)For the first time in practice used a universal technique for the identification of significant environmental aspects using the Pareto chart that has allowed to increase the efficiency of the development of environmental management system for separate structural divisions of the enterprises of chemical industry, recommendations about their elimination are developed.Key words: environmental management, identification of environmental aspects of the enterprise, Pareto., significant environmental aspects environmental audit.
Salnikova E., Osipova E., Zabolotnaya N. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF ZINC IN DRINKING WATERS AND SOILS OF THE ORENBURG REGIONThe article considers the problem of monitoring of ecological condition of soil and water bodies on the territory of the Orenburg region. It is established that the pollution of natural environments zinc is dispersed. Excessive concentrations of zinc observed in soils and waters Kuvandykskij, Gai and Novoorskogo areas. Concentrations of zinc in natural environments typical of large variability, which sharply increases the vicinity of large industrial enterprises located in the studied areas.Key words: ecology, soil, drinking water, zinc, Orenburg region.
Shelomentsev A.G., Belyaev V.N., Ilinbaeva E.A. INTERRELATION ASSESSMENT OF ECONOMIC GROWTH AND ENVI-RONMENTAL PRESSURE IN THE URAL REGIONSThe article presents the results of an assessment of interrelation of indicators of economic growth and environmental pressure in the Urals. The results are based on generalization of ecological policy realizing in Russia. Authors formulated situation that reflection of ecological indicators in fundamental documents of regions devel-opment is a term of successful realization of ecological policy in Russia. It is neces-sary to increase reliability of data on impact of nature users on environment, taking into account main sources of pollution, types and social-and-ecological conse-quences. The results of the research can be used in the sphere of state governing of natural resource usage and ecological environment protection.Key words: Kew words: indicator, environmental pressure, region, economic growth, as-sessment, social and economic development, ecology, environmental protection.
Popova O.B., Shamkaeva A.I. THE PERSPECTIVES OF TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION OF AGROTOURISM IN ORENBURG REGIONThe article discusses the different approaches to the definition of agrotourism as a one of the main types of tourism. Perspective directions for the territorial organization of agritourism in the Orenburg region are presented.Key words: agrotourism, rural tourism, territorial organization, Orenburg region.
Popova O.V. THE ROLE OF LOCAL ETHNO-CULTURAL COMMUNITY IN CULTURAL LANDSCAPE SHAPING (OLD BELIEVERS OF ORENBURG REGION ARE TAKEN AS AN EXAMPLE)The notion "local community" is investigated from the social geography positions. Historical-geographical approach allowed to analyze the Old Believers communities settlement dynamics on the territory of Orenburg region. It significantly influenced the geo-cultural space formation. The suggested evolution process periodization of Old Believers ethno-cultural community, their life, culture and forms of householding on the background of specific landscape is based on very detailed and obscure factual material.Key words: local community, cultural landscape, the Old Believers, geo-cultural space, historical and geographical approach.
Sviatokha N.U., Filimonova I.U. ETHNIC TOURISM: ESSENCE, APPROACHES TO CLASSIFICATION, WORLD EXPERIENCEThe article presents different points of view of Russian and foreign scientists on the essence and structure of ethnic tourism. Author's version of the classification of ethnic tourism is presented, its main kinds are dedicated. Global centers of ethnotours are noted in this article. Key words: ethnic tourism, classification оf ethnotours, nostalgic tourism, ethnographic tourism, jailoo tourism.
Cherkasova Y.V., Petrishchev V.P. LANDSCAPE FEATURES MORPHOSTRUCTURE SETTLEMENTS ORENBURG REGION Researches conducted morphostructure settlements Orenburg region, the main types of rural settlements and given the appropriate description of the data types and subtypes identified landscape features in the rural resettlement and placement of various morphologic types of settlements.Key words: morphostructure rural settlements, zoning, classification of the forms of settlements, types of terrain.
Bazhina N.L., Ondar E.E., Deryabina Y.M. SPECIFICITY LIGHT ABSORPTION IN VISIBLE AND ULTRAVIOLET REGIONS OF HUMIC ACIDS OF SOILS WESTERN PART OF THE TERRITORY TUVASpecificity of the light absorption in the visible and ultraviolet region of soil humic acid spectrum of different landscape conditions of western Tuva is shown. Key words: soils, humic acids, electronic absorption spectra, optical density, the western areas of Tuva, environment.
Verkhoshentseva Y.P., Galaktionova L.V. PHYTOTOXICITY SOIL PARKS ORENBURGThis article discusses the current problem to date monitoring and bio-indication of the urban environment. Based on the study of soil phytotoxicity parkland Orenburg and analysis of the results, the authors recommend the use of Avena sativa L. as a test object in the study of the environmental situation in urban ecosystems.Key words: phytotoxicity, soil pollution, chemical and biological properties, urbanozem.
Vojvodina T.S., Gabbasova I.M., Suleimanov R.R., Komissarov M.A., Suleimanov A.R. SOIL RECLAMATION ASSESSMENT CHERNOSEM ORDINARY (ORENBURG REGION)Abstract. The paper presents the results of soil– reclamation survey ordinary chernozem (Orenburg region). The detailed characterization of chemical, physico-chemical and agro-physical properties. It is shown that soils have relatively high potential fertility and natural, environmentally friendly, resistant to anthropogenic influences. In general, the array displays water and wind erosion are minor and are local in nature. Ordinary black suitable for cultivation as cereal and fodder crops under irrigation.Key words: chernozem ordinary, chemical and agro properties reclamation assessment.
Dergacheva M.I, Ponomarev S.Y. MORPHOGENETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SOILS SINCE ANCIENT PEDOGENIC FEATURES LOCATED IN EASTERN TERRITORY OF OB PLATEAUData of morphological and physico-chemical soil features of eastern part of Ob plateau in order to understand the ways of forming of modern soils with ancient attributes of pedogenesis in profile are discussed. Properties of soils formed on loess-like loams and exhumed paleosols, vary in relation to the history of their formation. In whole, their characteristics are not beyond chernozem soils formed under conditions with varying degrees of humidifying. Key words: soils, paleosols, complex profiles, history of formation, Ob plateau.
Dostova T.M. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF VIRGIN AND ARABLE SOILS ORENBURG PREDURALJA AS A FUNCTION OF THE AMPHIPHILIC COMPONENTS OF HUMUSThe dependence between the physical properties of soils and amphiphilic components of soil humus major subtypes Orenburg Preduralja investigated their dynamics under the influence of long-term agricultural development.Key words: physical properties of soils, soil zoning amphiphilic components of humus.
Shein E.V., Torbik E.A. THE RESEARCH OF SOIL CONSTRUCTIONS HYDROLOGY IN THE LABORATORY PHYSICAL AND FORECAST MATHEMATICAL MODELSMethods of laboratory of physical and mathematical models were conducted complex research of the water movement in the soil structures. The effect of the soil construction structure and the initial water conditions on transfer of moisture at low-debit filtering was discovered. The forecast of the moisture dynamics of soil construction after filtration was implemented by the method of mathematical modeling using pedotransferny functions in the program Hydrus. Static analysis was determined the significance of difference between the results obtained using physical and mathematical modeling, but the magnitude was preserved.Key words: geotechnology, soil hydrology, soil constructions, mathematical models, the coefficient of filtration, pedotransferny function.
Chemical sciences
Makarov A.G., Razdobreev D.A., Sagida M.O. SENSORS PH ON THE BASIS CHALCOGENIDES OF IRONThe behavior the electrodes on the basis chalcogenides of iron of structure of FeS2, FeSe2 and FeTe2 at change of concentration of H3O+-ion in solution have been investigated. Shows the advantages and disadvantages of the electrodes in compari-son with commonly used glass electrode.Tilt of electrode functions in the range рН from 3 to 11 are defined. Describes practical application of the investigated elec-trodes for example titration hydrochloric, sulfuric and phosphoric acids.Key words: pH-sensors, electrometric titration, indicator electrodes, chalcogenides of iron.
Sivozhelezova O.K., Ivanov K.M. THE QUALITY OF THE LIFE OF PATIENTS WITH THE CHRONIC HEART INSUFFICIENCY AND THE DESTRUCTIVE FORMS OF THE SYNDROME OF THE DIABETIC FOOTIndicators of quality of life of patients with chronic heart failure and the diabetes 2 types complicated by a syndrome of diabetic foot with application of a questionnaire of SF-36 are studied. Quality of life of patients with chronic heart failure is reduced more at the expense of a psychological component, whereas patients with a syndrome of diabetic foot owing to restriction of physical activity.Key words: chronic heart failure, syndrome of diabetic foot, quality of life.
Technical sciences
Popov V.P., Sidorenko G.A., Biktimirova G.I, Zinyukhin G.B., Krahmaleva T.M. ELECTROCONTACT BISCUIT PASTRIES WITH PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF FLOUR STARCHStudies the influence replacement of flour, a member of the recipe of the cake, starch in the process of electrocontact baking and quality of finished products. The proposed system of quality assessment biscuit Ek-baking-based, integrated indicators organoleptic and physical-chemical properties of the finished products.Key words: Electrocontact pastries, biscuit, comprehensive quality score.
Economic sciences
Ushakova O.A. DEVELOPMENT OF STRATEGIC PLANNING IN THE WORLD AND RUSSIAN PRACTICEThe article presents the historical aspect of the development of strategic planning in the world and Russian practice. Summarizes the results of numerous researches in the sphere of strategic planning, preconditions for its appearance, assessed the main provisions existing schools of strategic thought and identifies the key periods in the history of formation and development. Special attention is paid to research of specifics of the emergence and development of strategic planning in Russia in the 20-ies of the last century and till the present time. Key words: strategy, strategic planning, business plan, long-term planning, strategic planning system, school strategies.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |