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2014, № 6 (167)

Dergacheva M.I, Ponomarev S.Y. MORPHOGENETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SOILS SINCE ANCIENT PEDOGENIC FEATURES LOCATED IN EASTERN TERRITORY OF OB PLATEAUData of morphological and physico-chemical soil features of eastern part of Ob plateau in order to understand the ways of forming of modern soils with ancient attributes of pedogenesis in profile are discussed. Properties of soils formed on loess-like loams and exhumed paleosols, vary in relation to the history of their formation. In whole, their characteristics are not beyond chernozem soils formed under conditions with varying degrees of humidifying. Key words: soils, paleosols, complex profiles, history of formation, Ob plateau.


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12. Dergacheva M.I. Humus Memory of soils // Memory soil: Soil as memory Geosphere-biosphere antroposphere interactions / Ed. V.O. Targulian, S.V. Goriachkin. — M.: Publishing LKI, 2008. — Pp. 530–560

About this article

Authors: Dergacheva M.I., Ponomarev S.Yu.

Year: 2014

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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