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№ 3 (164), 2014

Humanitarian sciences

Voronina I.A., Osinochkina E.V. LEGAL REGULATION OF BIOETHICS — INSTITUTE OF THE MEDICAL RIGHTArticle is devoted to questions of legal regulation of bioethics, as institute of the medical right. In article are considered a subject of branch of the medical right; the regulations regulating health care; aspects of modern bioethics, bioethical relations.Key words: bioethics, the medical right, health care.
Erokhina E.V. LEGAL REGULATION OF MEDIATION PROCEDURES IN THE RESOLUTION OF CIVIL DISPUTESThe article describes the main sources of legislative regulation of conciliation procedures used to resolve disputes and conflicts arising in the legal sphere . The author concludes that the adoption of national legislation, taking into account the international legal requirements and aimed at the transparency of these procedures, increased warranty of decisions taken as a result of conciliation procedures will help increase the use of conciliation procedures segment at a resolution of civil disputes in Russia.Key words: legislation, legal regulation, conciliation, alternative solution.
Kamardina A.A. ABOUT CONCEPT AND ESSENCE OF JUSTICE IN CRIMINAL LEGAL PROCEEDINGSIn article the question of concept and essence of justice in criminal legal proceedings, limits of action and a circle of the subjects, carrying out justice is considered. The ratio of the concepts "justice" with other close categories, such as "judicial control" and "criminal legal proceedings" is analysed. Key words: criminal trial, justice, criminal legal proceedings, court, court session, consideration of criminal case.
Kovaleva О.А. PROSPECTS AND DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE HOUSING POLICY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION: IMPROVEMENT OF LEGISLATION AT THE FEDERAL AND REGIONAL LEVELSThe paper determines The prospects and main directions of development of state housing policy in the Russian Federation. Announced the most promising changes housing legislation necessary for the development of housing policy at the Federal and regional levels.As a result, a number of proposed legislative developments aimed at the development of housing policy and the housing problems of citizens, both at the federal level and at the regional level by the example of the law of the Orenburg region.Key words: housing policy, prospects of development of housing policy, bill directions of development of housing policy, changes in legislation at the regional level.
Kovalevskaya N.V. RULES ABINDANCE IN JURISDICTION OF CRIMINAL CASESIn the article are examined issues on legal precedents of rules abindance and jurisdiction conditions on criminal cases investigation. The author offers solvation of disputable legal situations and gives the analysis of legal precedents.Key words: legal personality, jurisdiction, criminal procedure law.
Letuta T.V., Mineev E.V. Shipilova O.V. DAMAGE CAUSED BY ANIMALS: PROBLEMS OF THE CIVIL DEFENSE OF A VICTIMSBased on the analysis of a civil legislation and judicial practice, this work explore deficiency of law regulation and problems of law enforcement connected with defense victims from damage caused by the animals. Author defines own's way to determine item 1079 Civil Code, bases wisdom of complex law regulation of relationship link with animals ownership on a federal rate.Key words: source of high danger, animals are object of civil rights, civil defense of victims.
Marinа E.A. VALUE OF INTERNAL BELIEF OF THE JUDGE AT APPLICATION OF THE JUDICIAL DISCRETIONIn article the author considers judicial (judicial) a discretion in judicial stages criminal process as integral making criminal procedure activity of the judge, and also value of internal belief of the judge at application of a judicial discretion.Key words: internally belief, judge, judicial discretion, proofs, assessment of proofs.
Mishchenko E.N. LEGAL REGULATION OF CRIMINAL CASES RELATING TO JUVENILES AND PERSONS SUFFERING FROM MENTAL DISORDERS IN FOREIGN CRIMINAL SCIENCEThis paper discusses the legal doctrine of criminal justice in relation to minors and persons exempt from criminal liability or punishment by virtue of derangement in the criminal law of modern foreign countries (USA, France, Germany, Netherlands, and England).Key words: criminal procedure of foreign states, criminal justice in respect to juvenile delinquents, the concept of educability, free will concept, responsibility, diminished responsibility, insanity, theory of "new social protection", resocialization.
Nosenko L.I. RATIO AND AN ALTERNATIVE NON-JUDICIAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURE: THEORETICAL ASPECTThe article deals with the theoretical background of the terms "non-judicial and alternative dispute settlement procedure". The author makes an attempt to analyze and jurisdictional bodies neyurisdiktsionnyh disputes.Key words: alternative forms, non-judicial, pre-trial order, disputes.
Chesnokova O.A. EXEMPTION FROM CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR CRIMES IN THE SPHERE OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES EXEMPTION FROM CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY IN CASES OF CRIMES IN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY SPHEREThe article concerns innovations of the legislator in the sphere of criminal responsibility for economic crimes; analyses conditions of liberation from criminal responsibility provided for by part 2 of Article 76.1 of the Criminal Code of the RF, gives a critical evaluation thereof. The special attention is drawn to the procedural mechanism of realization of the relevant norms of a criminal law, the imperfections thereof are noted. The type of the given exemption of the criminal responsibility is defined.Key words: exemption from criminal responsibility; exemption from punishment; crimes in the sphere of economic activities; criminal legislation; law enforcement.
Shagivaleeva I.Z. NOTARIAT IN A NEW LIGHT: PROS ET CONTRAS OF REFORMATIONIn this article a theoretic analysis of formation of a notariat institute in a light of a new legislation is advanced.Key words: notariat, notary, Legislative act, project.
Yagofarov S.M. TO QUESTION INTERRELATIONS OF CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS AND THE ACCUSATORIAL ACTIVITY PUBLIC PROSECUTORThe article deals with theoretical aspects of the relation of criminal prosecution and the prosecution as part of the functional activities of the prosecutor in the criminal proceedings.Key words: prosecutor, criminal proceedings, the prosecution, criminal prosecution.
Gabdullin I.R. FORMATION OF THE PREMISE CONTEXT KNOWLEDGE IN ANTIQITY THEORETICAL DISCOURSEThis article discusses the process of understanding of premise cognitive context in various philosophical discourses of antiquity, in the concepts of Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus and some other thinkers of antiquity. Conducted theoretical analysis is directly linked with the concept premise knowledge that allows you to associate the considered subject of the article with actual problems of modern epistemology.Key words: premise knowledge, background, anticipation, prolepsis, antique philosophical discourse, epistemology.
Hadzharov M.H. RATE AS PREMISED-REGULATORY MECHANISMS SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGEThe problem of normativity of scientific activity. Different approaches to understanding the nature of scientific knowledge. Critically overcoming subjective relativistic position relative to understanding research, substantiated the idea of normative "Heat — intensity " of scientific knowledge. Identified functional methodological features standards in scientific knowledge.Key words: science, scientific knowledge, activities, methodology, the norm, the scientific method, scientific normativity strength thinking, scientific research, scientific truth.
Solovieva L.V. TO THE QUESTION OF THE HISTORY OF STUDY OF MEDIEVAL TRANSPARENT ENAMEL FROM ITALY BY EUROPEAN ART HISTORIANS IN XIX–XX CENTURIESThe article is devoted to the history of study of medieval Italian pieces of decorative art with transparent enamel by European art historians in XIX–XX centuries.Key words: transparent enamel, medieval, art historian, Italy, Gothic, decorative art, jeweler, technique.
Vitun E.V., Vitun V.G. THE USE OF CRITICAL THINKING TECHNOLOGY IN THE PROCESS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATIONThe article devotes to the problem of increaseof the efficiency of professional training process at the University. The peculiarities of the process of physical education as an integral part of the professional training of students are discussed in the article. It is considered the necessity of introduction in educational process of educational technologies on the example of the critical thinking technology. Key words: educational technology, training, critical thinking, physical culture.
Gabidullin I.F., Yamaletdinova K.Sh., Yamaletdinova G.F., Yangurazova Z.A. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN MULTI-LEVEL HIGHER EDUCATIONAL PROCESSImplementing a quality management system in educational institutions should be a strategic decision to form the foundations of modern systems for the recognition of qualifications, which will launch the educational system under the real needs of employers. The need for implementing a QMS is associated with the main task of education at this stage — the improvement of educational programs and improving the quality of educational services to meet the needs of society and training that meet the requirements of the present stage of development of the economy.Key words: quality management system, education, skill, knowledge, competence, qualification.
Melekesov G.A., Erofeeva N.E. THE EDUCATIONAL CLUSTER AND THE PREPARATION OF THE PROBLEMS OF THE PEDAGOGICAL STAFFIn the article the questions of the formation of the pedagogical educational cluster are considered as the necessary condition of the training for the educational institutions of east Orenburzhye in the conditions of the reform of the pedagogical education as a whole.Key words: cluster, formation, pedagogical staff, vocational training.
Mikheeva T.M., Kholodova G.B. FORMATION OF MOTIVATION OF STUDENTS TO INDEPENDENT OCCUPATIONS BY PHYSICAL CULTURE (ON THE EXAMPLE OF JOGGING)This article discusses the formation of students' motivation to self-employment by physical culture. Revealed the importance of jogging in improving the functional state of the body of the student. A method of formation of motivation to sports activity the example jogging sessions.Key words: motivation, self-study, jogging.
Suleimanov M.S. THE SOCIALIZATION PROBLEMS OF DAGESTAN'S UPPERCLASSMENThe article describes the socialization problems of Dagestan's upperclassmen from the positions of globalization in education, multicultural educational space and the environment of Dagestan's school. The results of ascertaining stage of this problem research are adduced. Peculiarities of socialization process stages in multicultural educational space are exposed.Key words: socialization of upperclassmen, valuable relations, schoolboy self-determination, multicultural educational space, multicultural educational school environment.
Fedyunina T.V. PHENOMENON OF LEGAL CONSULTING AND ITS ACTUAL AND VALUABLE BASESIn article the consulting phenomenon as specific type of the legal practice aimed at formation of actually necessary legal culture of society and the individual is considered. The author analyzes various approaches to this phenomenon (procedurally — functional, activity, professional, knowledge and axiological), placing emphasis on the valuable party of consulting activity in the right sphere. Key words: consulting, legal consulting, valuable orientations, axiological potential.
Sholokhova G.P., Chikov I.V. АDAPTATION OF THE FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS TO THE CONDITIONS OF STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY AND ITS PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL FEATURESSolution of the problem of adaptation of students to the conditions of study at the University is of theoretical and practical interest for psychology and pedagogy. The article examines the psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of the adaptation process on a sample of first-year students, reveals the differences in quality, and proves the determination. The article reveals the essence of the problem, value and are the results of the psycho-pedagogical research.Key words: adaptation, forms of adaptation, the difficulties of the first year of study, motives, determinants.
Yuzhaninova E.R. ABOUT METHODS, FORMS AND MEANS OF TEACHING PHILOSOPHY IN HIGH SCHOOLTo involve students to the culture values is difficult by the domination of highly specialized technical education in the university. The article discusses how the combination of methods, forms and means of teaching philosophy can solve this problem. The together using of philosophical texts analysis, e-learning environment and workbooks contributes a valuable students' self-determination in the philosophy space and may entry into the world of culture.Key words: philosophy, analysis of philosophical texts, e-learning environment, workbook, culture, values, student.
Nazarenko E.V., Kirienko A.A. THE PROBLEM PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE FAMILY AS PREVENTION OF CHILD ORPHANAGEIn the article the types of families , "delivering" of children in orphanages and social features are psycho-pedagogical support of families depending on their type.Key words: family, dysfunctional family, family conflict, asocial family, replacing the family.
Gruzan I.E., Petishcheva V.A. I. GONCHAROV AND N. GOGOL: STRANGENESSES OF APPROACHINGThe main accent in the article is made on national peculiarities of both word painters. Gogol's traditions and realistic method in Goncharov's literary creative work concerning Gogol's creative work.Key words: strange approaches convergences, gogol's tradition, fantastic motives, realistic approach, wanderer, domestic man.
Mironova E.N. ANDREI DEMENTYEV'S NOVELS IN THE CONTEXT OF GENRE TRADITIONThis article discusses A.D. Dementiev's narrative poem different years, which are analyzed in terms of genre content. Analysis by composition of characters, plot, time, form of subjective data organization qualifies as a poem poetic novella. Fits originality Dementiev's novels in the context of genre tradition.Key words: A.D. Dementyev, lyrics, genre, novel, novel in verse, composition, plot, characters.
Samotaeva N.A. VERSE ENJAMBEMENTS IN KUCHELBECKER'S TRAGEDY "IJORSKII"The article presents the results of analysis of verse enjambements in mystery "Izhorsk" by Vilgelm Kuhelbeker in terms of frequency and structure. The resulting statistics are considered in the context of early tragedy "Argives" by Kuhelbeker and dramatic works by Puskin. Key words: Vilgelm Kuhelbeker, Alexander Puskin, tragedy, mystery, poetry, enjambement.
Spivak-Lavrova I.I. THE FEATURES OF THE MODERN AESTHETICS BETWEEN THE TWO WORLDS:REFLECTIONS AND MIRRORS IN THE SMALL PROSE OF V. WOOLF AND Y. OLESHAThis article describes the features of two worlds in the modern literature of the third part of XX centuryin the materials of English author Virginiya Wolf and Russian author Yuriy Olesha in the comparative aspect of the small prose.Key words: Romantism, impressionism, postimpressionism, reflection, mirror.

Economic sciences

Limonova N.G. THE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF UNEVENNESS OF DISTRIBUTION OF NATIONAL WEALTH ON THE TERRITORY OF RUSSIAIn article the analysis of unevenness of distribution of national wealth on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out. The solution of this task is passed on the basis of the cluster analysis of subjects of federation, thus as elements of national wealth the indicators provided by official state statistics characterizing the reproduced natural and human capital are used. On the basis of discharged conclusions about differentiation of national wealth on the territory of the country are formulated.Key words: national wealth, structure, variation, group, differentiation, cluster analysis, rating.
Yarullin R.R. THE INFLUENCE OF JET LAG AND TIME CHANGE ON THE RUSSIAN ECONOMYThe effect of jet lag and seasonal time change on the economy are discussed. Key words: economy, research, biological clock, time zone, health , energy, environment, consumption, costs, expenses, savings, energy efficiency, economic benefits, losses, economist.

Natural sciences

Artemyevа E.A., Kalininа D.A., Makarov D.К. MONITORING OF THE AVIFAUNA FOREST-STEPPE OF CENOSES VOLGA-URALS REGION ON THE EXAMPLE SPNA "SANDY LAKE"During the field seasons of spring and summer of 2011–2013 conducted monitoring studies of the avifauna in PA "Sandy Lake" (Cherdaklinsky district of Ulyanovsk region). Faunal list was compiled, identified nesting and migrating species. For the first time in this area were found sharing a group settlement of three types of "yellow" wagtails — Motacilla flava, M. lutea, M. citreola). At present this is still the only known find of a joint settlement of the "yellow" wagtails in the Ulyanovsk region.Key words: ornitofauna, SPA (Specially Preserved Area), monitoring, birds.
Bulyarskyi S.V., Zhukov A.V., Igoshina A.A. EFFECT OF ELECTRON-PHONON INTERACTION ON THE REVERSE CURRENT-VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS P-N-JUNCTIONThe paper shows the important role of electron-phonon interaction in the formation of the magnitude of the reverse current. Excessive reverse currents caused by the acceleration of thermal emission in strong electric fields. This acceleration is enhanced under the influence of electron-phonon interaction. In this paper we developed an algorithm for calculating the amount of reverse currents on the basis of data obtained from the analysis of current-voltage characteristics.Key words: deep levels, recombination, electron-phonon interaction, the transition probability, strong electric fields, current-voltage characteristics.
Kanyukov V.N., Bannikov V.K., Malgina E.K. MODERNAPPROACHESTOTHECOMPLEXTREATMENTOFBLEPHARITIS BY DEMODICOSIS ETIOLOGY Granulated lids of demodicosis etiology is one of most common eyelid diseases. This disease needs long, specific and complex treatment. There were observed 200 patients with diagnosis "Demodex blepharitis". There have been carried out a comparative analysis of 2 treatment regimens: traditional of 45-days with calendula alcohol ate, gel "Glikodem" and eye drops "Vitabact" application and modern regiment of 4-days with ointment "Benzyl benzoate 10%", cream "Uniderm" and "Emolium". It was proved that treatment regimen including ointment "Benzyl benzoate 10%" is more effective in comparison with traditional one and reduces treatment period of demodexblepharitis.Key words: demodicosis, mite Demodex, granulated lids, benzyl benzoate.
Kanyukov V.N., Kagan I.I., Trubina O.M., Myasnikova E.A. PECULIARITIES OF MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE AND OPPORTUNITIES OF SURGICAL CORRECTION OF THE EYE FISSURE SHAPE AND PARAMETERS (LITERATURE VIEW) Canthus plastic is still understudied direction. Normal topography of the eye fissure with anatomical marking of the upper and lower eyelid is the basis for determination of eyelids pathology and points out the indicates the technique of surgical intervention. The proposed method of eye fissure size increasing — partial, measured constant canthotomy with local plasty — keeps uninjured conjunctive, providing optimum wound adaptation and reducing the risk of postoperative complications.Key words: eyelid anatomy, canthoplasty, canthotomy, morphology.

Technical sciences

Kupriyanov A.V. SYSTEM OF ENSURING QUALITY AND SAFETY OF FOOD PRODUCTSToughening of the requirement to producers of food products, to its quality and safety, the entry of Russia in the Customs union and the WTO, demands introduction at the food enterprises, effective systems of quality management and safety, as for the person, and environment on the basis of requirements of the international standards. The version of the decision on development and deployment of the quality system and safety of foodstuff on the basis of the international standards is offered.Key words: quality management , food safety , HACCP system , international standards.
Polezhaev P.N. SIMULATION RESEARCH OF JOB SCHEDULING ALGORITHMS AND DATAFLOW CONTROL METHODS FOR CLOUD BASED GRIDSThis paper presents research results of job scheduling algorithms and dataflow control methods for cloud based grids. Research was carried out by grid simulator. Paper describes proposed job scheduling algorithms Backfill SDM and Backfill MDM which were compared to classical Backfill FF. Study has showed the efficiency of Backfill SDM by performance and balancing criteria. Additionally, combinations of this algorithm with conventional and developed reactive and proactive SDN dataflow control methods were estimated by simulator which showed the efficiency of Backfill SDM and proactive control method combination. This combination can be recommended for practical usage in real computing systems — clusters and grids.Key words: job scheduling, cloud computing, software defined networks, dataflow control methods.
Sulikova V.A. DEVELOPMENT OF ALGORITHMS OF FUZZY CONTROL THE BREWING PROCESS GLASSIn this paper, an algorithm of fuzzy process control glass melting, a mathematical model of a glass melting furnace, the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of control systems with PID controllers, clear and fuzzy controllers.Key words: fuzzy control, glass furnace, off the process of cooking glass, logic controllers, software implementation.
Fedorov S.V., Bondarev A.V. OVERVIEW OF HOW THE FORMATION OF LAWS PULSE WIDTH MODULATION ON THE BASIS OF COMPARISON SYNCHRONIZING SIGNALS WITH SIGNAL MODULATION FREQUENCY CONVERTERS OF MATRIXThis article shows how to generate an output voltage frequency converters of matrix based on a cyclic connecting the load alternately to each phase of the source. The dependences for modeling and synchronization functions. Presents a functional diagram of the multichannel system of key management matrix converter.Key words: matrix converter frequency signal synchronization, modulating signal.
Yavkina D.I., Sidorenko G.A., Popov V.P., Zinukhin G.B., Krasnova M.S. RESEARCH OF TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS INFLUENCE ON THE QUALITY OF GRAIN BREAD BAKED BY ELECTROCONTACT METHODThe researches of technological parameters influence on the quality of grain bread baked by electrocontact (EC) method were carried out. The authors established that peeling, duration of grain soaking, crushing extent and fermentation duration of grain semi-finished products influence on grain bread quality of EC baking. Key words: grain bread, electrocontact method of baking, complex index of quality, glycemic index.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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