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№ 7 2010

Philosophical sciences

Gorokhov P.A. WORK OF JOHANN GOTTLIEB FICHTE "FACTS OF CONSCIOUSNESS": TWO HUNDRED YEARS IN PHILOSOPHIC TREASURY In his work "Facts of consciousness", joining to later editions of "The Science of Knowledge", eminent representative of German idealism J.G.Fichte shows transfer from subjective idealism to objective, from philosophy of liberty indifferent to any religion to philosophy of religion which replaces creative freedom of a man to worship of necessity understood by the philosopher as Divine predestination. Key words: J.G.Fichte, German idealism, Divine predestination, philosophy of liberty, philosophy of religion.
Lukyanov A.V., Taigunova I.D. IDEA OF SOCIAL DESIGN OF LEGAL REALITY IN PHILOSOPHY OF J.G. FICHTE According to Fichte spiritual and legal life begins not at the stage of "sensible knowledge", but when the world is perceived as some legal act. However, evolution of spiritual life does not stop at this stage; this life reaches the stage of true morality or idea in itself in all its completeness and reality. Forms of realization of such idea are science, art, social and legal creation. Key words: J.G. Fichte, law, reality, phenomenon and essence.
Goraeva S.V. SOCIAL AND PHILOSOPHIC AND HISTORIC PREREQUISITES FOR FORMATION OF MODELS OF STATE AND CHURCH RELATIONS IN RUSSIA (10–18TH CENT.)The article gives author’s view of a problem of formation of models of state and church relations in Russia from the moment of Christianization to the beginning of 19th century. Author gives main historically-formed models of state and church relations at the different stages of formation of the Russian state. Key words: models of state and church relations, religion, state, church, main tendencies of Russian philosophic Thought.
Ivanov S.Yu. ROLE OF CATEGORY OF UNIVERSAL IN "CAPITAL" BY K. MARXThe article studies the category of universal as "interconnected" and "interdependent" moment of initial unity of ontological essence of the investigated phenomenon with its matter, and at that subordination of relation between "essence" and "matter" serves only to deeply understand the perceived object in its integrity, totality of its existence. Understanding of this Universal, on the one hand, stipulates for true theoretical understanding of K. Marx’s "Capital", and on the other hand, to a certain extent derives from the logic of "Capital". Key words: universal, special, single, matter, phenomenon, dialectical method.
Pisarchik L.Yu. G. DELEUZE ON PHILOSOPHY OF G.W. LEIBNIZ AND BAROQUE TASTE Ideas of G.W. Leibniz arouse great interest of modern researches due to profusion and profundity of those ideas. Interest of G. Deleuze to phenomenon of fold as it is understood by Leibniz can be explained by the fact that having developed stoic ideas Leibniz develops logic not in the manner of Aristotle, that is a bundle subject/attribute, but upon the scheme subject/verb. Thus Leibniz revises Aristotle essentialism and presents the world floating and changeable, while conversions in the world are presented as imperceptible and gradual and pictured as infinite waves and folds. World according to Leibniz is an event included into each subject (monad). Key words: monad, Baroque, harmony, fold, flexure, world line (inflexion), singularity, event, body.
Pisarchik T.P. SOCIAL ROMANTICISM OF APOLLON GRIGORYEV The article covers social and philosophic and historiosophic views of Apollon Grigoryev. Basing on ideology of pochvennichestvo, famous Russian philosopher criticizes well-known in the middle of 19th century social theories and insists on understanding of the society as a spiritual community of people. Key words: society, socialism, historiosophy, personality, progress, social ideal, community, providentialism.
Gorinova E.V. "LIVING WORLD" OF A MIGRANT AS A SUBJECT OF SOCIAL AND SYNERGETIC APPROACH: PROBLEM ASPECT The article covers phenomenon of "living world of a migrant" in the context of crisis of courses of development of the system "personality" in other social and cultural environment. Social and synergetic approach has been used as method of investigation. Key words: population migration, living world, social synergy, system, entropy, bifurcation.
Gorokhov P.A., Batezhenko V.V. PERESTROIKA PHENOMENON A QUARTER OF A CENTURY LATER: EXPERIENCE OF SOCIAL AND PHILOSOPHIC COMPREHENSION Perestroika is studied as "revolution from above", becoming a part of Cold war carried out by the West versus the USSR in which our country has lost. Perestroika ended up with deep changes of political system, the social and economic structure, national relations, the whole way of life and culture of the peoples of the USSR. Perestroika led to changes in geopolitical reality and therefore belongs to the events of world-wide importance. Key words: perestroika, reforms, Cold war, geopolitical reality.
Kopaev E.N. THE RULING ELITE IN THE SYSTEM OF SOCIAL RELATIONS Topicality of studying elite today is promoted by new opportunities opened to native social science, as well as constant transformations taking place in the Russian society. From the philosophic point of view this problem requires for development of methodological base, as well as clarification of ontological status of such category as "the elite". Subject of inquiry is the ruling elite in the context of the system of social relations. Key words: elite, ruling elite, governing class, system of social relations, institutional setting.
Luneva M.E. TEMINISTIC STRATEGIES IN AUSTRALIA The article covers evolution of feminist movement in Australia. Author describes main trends and tendencies of feminism of the Green continent: radical, liberal and ecofeminism. Key words: feminism, gender problems, sexism, phallocentrism, patriarchy.
Mukhamedzhanova N.M. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS UNDER GLOBALIZATION CONDITIONS The article studies the problem of intercultural communications under globalization conditions, analyzes notions "globalization" and "globalism", and justifies cyclic character of globalization processes in the world history. Author analyzes main concepts of intercultural interaction into modern age and the specific features of their appearance in the Russian culture. Key words: globalization, glocalization, hybridization, McDonaldization.
Reshetnikova N.S. IDEA OF STATE ORGANIZATION IN THE SYSTEM OF VALUE CONCEPTION OF RUSSIAN CULTURE The article covers idea of state organization as a value ground of the Russian culture. Specificity, axiologic significance of state organization phenomenon and its influence upon the nature of culture of a society is traditionally one of the most pressing questions of the Russian philosophic Thought. The author attempts to examine the reasons for relentless interest to a range of questions related to the idea of state organization. Key words: culture, civilization, value, state organization, traditional nature, mentality, cultural originality, historical succession, monarchism.
Samkova V.A. GLOBALIZATION: THERETICAL AND SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ASPECTS Today globalization is an object of interdisciplinary research. Each disciplinary of scientific knowledge discovers specific characteristics, qualitative and quantitative survey of globalization. Globalization and globality are becoming a subject of philosophic, sociologic and culturological reflection. In the course of globalization, interpenetration of different world cultures and identities takes place. World society, according to the Thomas theorem, becomes world-wide horizon which is revealed only if displayed as real in the course of communication. The aim of the present work is to discover different aspects of globalization. Key words: globalization and globality, social factors.
Semenova U.A. CRISIS OF THE CIVIL IDENTITY UNDER CONDITIONS OF TRANSFORMATION OF THE MODERN SOCIETY The article attempts to designate origins and discover the essence of the crisis of the civil identity of a modern man, and to determine possible terms to overcome it. Crisis of the civil identity is determined in the article as a person’s loss of his features as a social being, when consumption and adaption as the life strategies replace active relation of a man to social reality. Key words: modern man, civil identity, social activity, consumption, conformism.
Khadzharov M.H. GLOBALIZATION OF SOCIAL SPHERE: CULTURAL PROBLEMS OF THE TRANSFORMING WORLD The article contains analysis of processes of globalization and formation of the single social reality. Globalization capture of new social and political and economic areas leads many national-ethnic countries into loss of fundamental principles of existence, culture ideals and rules, which play a role of regulatory mechanisms of social and culture life of people. Globalization of social reality leads into social and culture contradictions, analysis of which shows that this process is often carried out in the interest of certain technologically developed states. At this, there is a necessity for Russia, having integrated into world community, retained its international image as a center of spiritual and intellectual power able to solidate international community over the idea of building civilized and non-violent world. Key words: globalization, inegration, world community, contradictions, change of cultural values, national and ethnic cultures, crisis of ethnos culture, global problems of civilization, dialogue of cultures, non-violent world.
Scherbakov D.A. VALUES OF THE PAST AS A SORCE OF VALUE DETERMINATION OF HISTORIC VIEWS The article studies problem of value determination of historical knowledge. Author examines mechanisms of influence of value of investigated historical individuals and overpast cultures to knowledge about these objects. Author marks out difference between knowledge of value relations and understanding of value of something. Author presupposes that they are interdependent. Key words: historical epistemology, knowledge, values, science, philosopher, research, problem, past.
Vorobyev D.V., Syirov V.I. ROLE OF NOTHING AS A CONSTRUCT IN CONSCIOUSNESS, OR WHAT IS NOTHING The authors study the nature of formation of idea of Nothing. Connection of this idea with idea of discrete comprehension of reality. Its connection to virtual reality as reality of mind constructions. There are two points of view on the nature of nothing. According to one of them — Nothing exists in the form of a real thing. According to the second point (examined by the authors) — in the form of mind construction that appears in the mind of thinking subject and is a result of discrete comprehension of reality. Key words: nothing, mind construction, reality, substitution of reality.
Gabdullin I.R. PREJUDICE IN PHILOSOPHIC AND LINGUISTIC DISCOURSE The article studies process of formation of the notion "prejudice" as a result of historically determined syntax and semantic evolution. The author attempts to differentiate meanings of such notions as prejudice, misapprehension and stereotype which are analyzed within the framework of philosophic and hermeneutic context of usage in linguistic translation practice. Key words: prejudice, misapprehension, stereotype, categorisation.
Gerasimova O.U. WILL AS DEMONSTRATION OF ENERGY The present article contains psychological and philosophical analysis of volition with necessary outlet to one of the fundamental scientific notions — energy. Research points out different forms of energy, but special attention is concentrated on mental energy of a person and its demonstration as in life of a single man, so in the whole society. Key words: volition, energy, mental energy, passionarity.
Zaichenko M.A. ON THE PROBLEM OF EPISTEMOLOGICAL ESSENCE OF VOCAL SPEECH The article studies problem of understanding of the sense of speech. Understanding is based on procedure of sense expansion. Reality actualization mechanism is based on the process of interaction between two spheres of speech: aconventional (noise) and conventional (speech). Phonetic sphere (noise) stipulates for understanding of the sense which basis is formed by dialectics of different elements inside the language. Key words: sense, actualization of sense, conventional sphere of speech, aconventional sphere of speech, noise.
Kashin V.V., Musin D.Z. CHARLES PEIRCE ON REPRESENTING FUNCTION OF THE SIGN Pragmatism relies upon "prescription" and availability of its objects in primary source, as well as upon separation of knowledge object and subject. Transparency or unshadiness from the point of view of reference of relations between subject and object and serves as one of the grounds for possibility of undistorted presentation of reality. Knowledge results "truth test" is performed by means of returning to this "prescription" with the help of relevant methods. Pragmatism assumes that though cogitation is based on presentation, "nothing stands" between consciousness and object: constantly improved methods allow to correlate representation and presentation through relations "truth — false". Key words: pragmatism, sign, correlation representation and presentation, limitation of formal methods of knowledge, abduction, interpretant, picture, semiotics.
Pushkareva M.A. ON NATURE OF CATEGORIES AND POSSIBILITY OF CATEGORIC SYNTHESIS BY MEANS OF DEVELOPING AN IDEA OF LIBERTY The article studies possibility of categoric synthesis by the example of oeuvre of representatives of German classical philosophy. Actual relation of philosophic categories system and methods of its presentation makes a relation between form and substance. Taking into consideration activity of the form and its inverse effect on its own substance any attempt to describe the system of categories that is formed in the course of social and historic practice cannot be performed without leaving a trace on this system..Key words: categories, existence, liberty, categoric synthesis, J.G. Fichte, I. Kant, G.W.F. Hegel, K. Marx.
Chaschin E.V. TYPES OF THINKING IN CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC APPREHENSION The present article covers problem of changes in a person’s styles and types of thinking under society transformation conditions (by the example of contemporary Russia), as well as place and role of ideology in its new understanding in the said process.Key words: ideology, society, thinking, science, type, style, definite, indefinite, value, worldview.
Cherkozyanova T.V. ON THE PROBLEM OF CONCEPTUALISATION OF DESTINY IN TIBETAN CULTURE Tibetan culture creates bizarre symbiosis of cultural adoptions rooting on own original foundation. Traditions of Tibet are colorful spot in the history of philosophic and religious world outlook. The article studies specific aspects of conceptualization of destine relevant to this culture.Key words: Tibetan culture, Bardo Thodrol, destiny, karma, death, dzogchen, bonpo.
Yakovleva E.L. GAME — CULTURAL UNIQUE PHENOMENON The article studies game as one of the cultural unique phenomena. Existence of a game is ubiquitous and many-sided: it passes through all history of culture, penetrates into life of a man, attending him from birth till death. However, in attempt to investigate the sense of a game, give it a definition, one encounters certain difficulties because game cannot be rationalized, and during its description mutually exclusive notions are used. Key words: game, not-game, metaphor, antinomy, difficult-to-understand notion, game state.


Naumova T.V. MARXIST SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY AS THE BASE FOR RESEARCH OF HUMAN SOCIETY IN PRESENT AND IN FUTURE (REVIEW OF A BOOK BY U.K. PLETNIKOV "MATERIALISTIC COMPREHENSION OF HISTORY AND PROBLEMS OF SOCIALISM THEORY" MOSCOW: ALPHA-М, 2008. 368 P.)The review analyses main ideas of the book by U.K. Pletnikov "Materialistic comprehension of history and problems of socialism theory". Along with the author of the monography the article attempts to show topicality of philosophic ideas of K. Marx in contemporary world. Key words: philosophy of K. Marx, Marxism, dialectical materialism, historical materialism, socialism, capitalism, communism, global problems.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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