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2010, № 7

Reshetnikova N.S. IDEA OF STATE ORGANIZATION IN THE SYSTEM OF VALUE CONCEPTION OF RUSSIAN CULTURE The article covers idea of state organization as a value ground of the Russian culture. Specificity, axiologic significance of state organization phenomenon and its influence upon the nature of culture of a society is traditionally one of the most pressing questions of the Russian philosophic Thought. The author attempts to examine the reasons for relentless interest to a range of questions related to the idea of state organization. Key words: culture, civilization, value, state organization, traditional nature, mentality, cultural originality, historical succession, monarchism.


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18. Samarin U.F. The selected works. - М. : Russian political encyclopedia, 1996. 284 p.

19. Soloviev V.S. Russian idea // Russian idea. The collection of Russian thinkers’ works. - М. : Airis-Press, 2004. 512 p.

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21. Tonkih V.A., Yareckii U.L. Russia: civilization and culture. - М. : Souz, 1998. 232 p.

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24. Florenckii P.A. Near Homyakov // Florenckii P.A. The collection of works in 6 volumes. V.I.: 1903-1909. - М. : Мisl, 1994. 432p.

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26. Homyakov D.A. Orthodoxy, autocracy, national spirit. - М. : Dar, 2005. 464 p.

About this article

Author: Reshetnikova N.S.

Year: 2010

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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