Kurilenko V., Prosvirkina I., Sapozhnikov P. THE INVARIANT MODEL OF THE INFORMATION CULTURE FORMATION OF THE TEACHER OF RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE [№ 4 ' 2024] In connection with the digital transformation of the system and process of teaching Russian to foreign students, for a modern teacher of Russian as a foreign language (hereinafter RFL), information culture becomes an important integrative quality of the individual, the possession of which is necessary to ensure high-quality and effective professional and pedagogical activity and the effective solution of professional tasks in the information educational environment. The integrated model of formation of information culture of a RFL teacher is created on the basis of the principles of cultural conformity, axiologisation and acmeologisation, systemicity, flexibility and self-organisation, openness and continuity. The model includes the following components: target, content, procedural and control and assessment. The target block includes the goals of the process of forming the information culture of a RFL teacher: forming a value-based attitude towards the process of nurturing the language and information culture of a foreign student in a RFL teacher; forming a belief that various tools of the digital space, new technologies, and means should be used in professional activities; forming a system of views of RFL teachers on the role and place of digital education and information culture for their professional activities. The content component consists of the following modules: information and pedagogical worldview; information and pedagogical competence; information and pedagogical activity; pedagogical reflection. The procedural unit is represented by pedagogical conditions, principles, teaching technologies, methods and forms of work. The control and assessment unit is represented by four components, each of which is aimed at determining the level of formation of a certain component of the information culture of a RFL teacher. The potential of the modern system of additional professional education allows us to provide professional support for the formation of the information culture of a RFL teacher thanks to the created invariant model, on the basis of which it is possible to design and implement additional educational programs in different formats (offline, online, mixed), therefore it can become the basis for the design of programs implemented in the system of additional higher education.
Prosvirkina I.I., Kulikova E.Y., Frolova A.M., Yakhno M.D. MODEL OF LEARNING SYNTHETIC TYPES OF SPEECH ACTIVITY USING THE METHOD “MOBILE VIDEO” [№ 4 ' 2022] Currently, there are a lot of writing and talking about the optimization of the educational process using new technologies, models, methods, techniques, forms, the appearance of which is conditioned by the new reality, the modern educational environment. We offer a model of learning synthetic types of speech activity, in which the method of “mobile video” is applied, for use in teaching Russian to foreign students. The development of the model of learning synthetic types of speech activity is due to the fact that the modern educational space dictates a new approach to the choice of educational material, as which are increasingly used various texts of online discourse. Thus, the search for ways to work with texts of online discourse leads to the creation of new effective methods and techniques (for example, the “mobile video” method), which allow to create a flexible model, it is designed to provide one lesson with skills for different types of speech. “Mobile video” is defined by us as a method allowing the teacher to involve the student in “live”, real communication, erasing the boundaries between speaking, listening, reading and writing. Therefore, the basis of the model of learning synthetic types of speech activities, built on algorithms, including various methods of working with texts of the network discourse, aimed at simultaneous formation of oral and written language skills, is the method “mobile video”. This model promotes the formation of communicative competence in the teaching of Russian to foreigners with the help of traditional and new methods and teaching methods, such as: mobile video, voice, comments in social networks, post publication, video subtitling, hyperlinks and etc. The proposed model of learning synthetic types of speech activity has been tested, the results of experimental training show that the application of the proposed model contributes to the formation of skills necessary for communication in a natural language environment, it also enables effective delivery of training activities using the potential of information and communication space.
Prosvirkina I., Frolova A. EDUCATING OF FOREIGN STUDENTS TO PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION WITH THE USE OF MOBILE VIDEO [№ 5 ' 2020] In this article the theoretical base of the idea of creating and using the method of “Mobile video” during the process of teaching the foreign students to communicate in Russian language is proved. We give the review of different types of mobile video(video-review, video-speech, video-dialogue, video-polilogue), which we can use in educational process and also the way of the common work of teacher and students during creating of this educational product. We describe the way of work of the teacher and students during the creation of compositions with the use of different mobile devices for studing of different ways of speaking activities. We pay a great attention for it because of the obligation for the future doctors to the skill of oral and written practice and of course a good doctor must not only communicate, but also work with the documents such as medical card of ambulance and hospital patients. The methodology of creation of the professional mobile video consists of two parts: the first part is preparation for the lesson and the second part — is a creation of mobile video step by step with the analysis of the educational practice such as “Mobile video” and filling the form of ambulance card. There are before demonstration, demonstration and after demonstration steps in the structure of preparation lesson. We offer to the students different exercises which can improve the common and professional vocabulary and in the final all this could transform the doctor’s vocabulary. After that the students create the mobile video step by step. They use the instruction during the process: at first they create the script, after that they discuss it with the teacher and in the end the student work with the creation of his own study product. The method of the “Mobile video” helps to realize different educational tasks with a great effect, such as updating and development of the vocabulary and also teaching of the creation of professional monologue and dialogue in order to facilitate listening of the oral speech. By the way using of the professional mobile video within the educational process had already gone the process of testing on the base of Russian language’s department in the Orenburg’s State Medical University. The results of this practice have shown, that the method of the “Mobile video” helps to optimize the educational process of students in Medicine.
Prosvirkina I.I., Kulikova E.Yu., Kuleshova R.V. ETHNOMETHODOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL MODEL AS A WAY OF LABOR MIGRANTS LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL ADAPTATION [№ 1 ' 2020] Russia, as a modern economically developed state, is faced with the need for linguistic and cultural adaptation of migrants, which is impossible without knowledge of the Russian language and culture. Moreover, a migrant needs to pass state testing in a short time — a comprehensive exam, and one of the modules is the Russian language. An exam can not always be passed without prior preparation. The study found that the “portrait” of a modern migrant has changed significantly over the past decade. He was significantly “younger”, therefore, a young man coming to Russia for work does not already have an understanding of a “common country”. The educational system of Russia is unfamiliar to him. There is no motivation to study any “sciences”, since the main purpose of his arrival is to carry out labor activities. To provide professional linguistic and methodological assistance to labor migrants from the Republic of Tajikistan, we have constructed an ethnomethodic model. The model is based on factors that allow you to determine the approach, develop a strategy, select didactic material, choose methods and techniques. Such factors are the personality of the student, the level of his education, ethno-psychological characteristics, mentality. The main approach that formed the basis of the training model for labor migrants from the Republic of Tajikistan was ethnomethodic, the main principles of which are considered to be taking into account national mentality, cultural values and especially the language of students. When creating the training model, two linguistic-educational technologies were used: traditional and blended learning. Thanks to the technology of blended learning, the ELOK Internet resource, an ethnolinguistic online course, was created and introduced into the educational process. The resource potential allows a migrant to use training materials at a convenient time for him. The effectiveness of the ethnomethodic training model for labor migrants from the Republic of Tajikistan, its role for integration into modern Russian society is confirmed by the results of experimental training and the results of state testing. An effective result allows us to talk about the need to create nationally-oriented programs of linguistic and cultural adaptation of foreign citizens.
Prosvirkina I.I., Olshevskaya Yu.V., Omelchenko Yu.V. TEACHING TECHNOLOGIES COMBINATION WHEN LEARNING RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE [№ 4 ' 2019] As different foreign technologies are abundantly used in modern environment and there is a lot of debate on the given problem, we described the original lesson where we offer the active use of different traditional and new forms and methods within one lesson. When developing the lesson we used the experience of foreign and domestic scientists in the use of modern intensive technologies, their creative processing. The lesson “Tour about Orenburg” consists of two parts: the real tour and the tour lesson. During the tour about Orenburg the teacher tells about the main street of the city and several sights. Thus, listening precedes reading, writing and speaking. After the tour the teacher conducts a lesson the composition of which is traditional for classes of Russian as a foreign language. However, elements of modern technologies (mindmaps, pairwork, etc) are also introduced into the lesson. The linchpin of the lesson is interactive mindmap that makes it possible to organize learners’ work in specific sequence. The work begins with reading the text “Clock tower”, discussing the text content and doing the text comprehension activity. Then learners do listening activity based on text “Orenburg governor’s museum”, after that there is pairwork based on texts “Orenburg Gorky drama theatre” and “Belovka”. The result of the classwork is writing a post to Instagram about Orenburg sights. Thus, the lesson is based on traditions in methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, but present requirements are also taken into account. It is the combination of traditional and new methods in Russian as a foreign language class that makes it possible to form skills and abilities necessary for communication in Russian.
Prosvirkina I.I., Uryupina T.M. ENRICHMENT OF THE SPEECH OF FOREIGNERS LEXICON WITH CULTURAL SEMANTICS AS THE WAY OF FORMATION OF THE RUSSIAN CULTURAL PATTERNS [№ 2 ' 2019] One of the problems of modern methods of teaching Russian language, in particular Russian as foreign language, is the method of enriching the speech of students with vocabulary containing cultural semantics. The solution of this problem allows to create the Russian cultural patterns in language consciousness of the student. In this work the lexical units having cultural semantics which that foreign students encounter at certification levels I and II are analyzed and systematized, presenting certain difficulties for a foreign student to adequately understand them. The study analyzed the lexical minimum (elementary, basic, I and II certification levels), thematically systematized and described the lexical units with cultural semantics. The given analysis makes it possible to effectively organize the enrichment of students’ speech with culturally-marked lexical units. The analysis of the lexical minimum leads the authors to the idea of the need for: 1) systematization and description of lexical units with cultural semantics; 2) propaedeutic work, contributing to the enrichment of the speech of foreign students with lexical units that have cultural semantics already at the elementary and basic level; 3) the development of methods for introducing words filled with “cultural meanings” into the educational process and into speech practice. Thematically grouped lexical units make it possible to organize the enrichment of the speech of foreign students as follows: 1) first there is an acquaintance with the modern meaning of the word (if the word is polysemantic, the student is first introduced to the meaning that has an analogue in the learner’s language); 2) then — texts are proposed in which the word has “cultural overtones”. The practical value of this research is that enrichment of the dictionary of foreign students’ vocabulary with cultural semantics is important for adequate understanding of sense of the Russian utterance (oral or written). Teaching foreigners the Russian language, we introduce into their speech (oral or written) lexical units, which may have an additional meaning, which is not always reflected in the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language.
Prosvirkina I.I., Stulei O.V. CHINESE LANGUAGE LEARNING USING MIND MAPPING [№ 4 ' 2018] Nowadays it is necessary to use modern technologies and modern methods for systematization of sense Chinese written sign, for formation of Chinese patterns too. One of the effective method of learning Chinese language is mind mapping. Gradual introduction of mind mapping into the learning process allows to explain the meaning of Chinese lexical units, allows to enrich the pupils speech with them and to structure these concepts. Introduction of mind mapping into the education process of Chinese language permits «to open» the hidden culture sense of Chinese written sign, this method helps to analyze the relations system of Chinese written sign and to decode «cultural codes» of Chinese culture. The feature of this method is creating the central idea (a grapheme or a character); it will be the basis for a development of associative link and then for a development of case phenomena. Thus, basic patterns of Chinese culture can be form systematically. Learning the Chinese language using mind mapping can be more effectively at the beginner levels. There are four phases in process of forming system knowledge about Chinese lexical units: formation of the semantic kernel of grapheme or character; development of the semantic field of grapheme or character; development of associative link and case phenomena; control. Using mind mapping in the learning process allows pupils to understand a system communications of characters in the text. In process of making a mind map has the opportunity «get into» the Chinese culture. In this way, learning the Chinese language using mind mapping as a method of training contribute to development of «new» linguistic personality.
Prosvirkina I.I., Drovnenko Y.D. MENTAL MAPS AS A METHOD OF FORMING A SECONDARY LINGUISTIC PERSONALITY IN TEACHING RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE [№ 3 ' 2018] The article deals with the problem of formation of secondary language personality with the help of new technologies, in particular, the technology of mental maps, which in recent years has become popular in various fields of teaching. The authors suggest to use this technology in teaching Russian as a foreign language, because they believe that if the culture of the learner and the culture of the language studied is not identical to each other, the “acceptance” of other people’s values will contribute to the enrichment of the dictionary concepts that can be recorded with mental maps. The authors propose to start this work at the elementary level, forming the core of the semantic field, which is gradually expanding from stage to stage and, in fact, formed to the first certification level. The article provides a mental map, which shows the stepwise work on one of the lexical units. In the end, the authors conclude that mental maps not only form a secondary linguistic personality, but also make it possible to track changes in cognitive and linguistic consciousness and make adjustments, if necessary. Thus, the use of the technology of mental maps is promising for the formation of secondary Russian language personality in the classroom in Russian as a foreign language.
Prosvirkina I.I., Yakhno M.D. TECHNIQUE OF WORK WITH THE MODERN POLITICAL TEXTS ON LESSONS WITH FOREIGNERS [№ 8 ' 2016] In this article the authors dissertate about the importance of teaching materials, in particular text, in the classroom reading instruction with foreign students. It is important that the article attempts to determine the criteria of «usefulness» and the importance of a text that could serve as didactic material. On the basis of the criteria put forward by the authors conclude that in the classroom with foreigners must be entered as a didactic material modern political text (for example, the texts of the weekly newspaper «Arguments and Facts»). Based on the analysis of political texts the authors proposed a method of work in the classroom with reading foreign-language students, which is designed for students who have reached a basic level certification (TBU), the first certification level (TRKI-1) above. In this article is also proposed a methodology of work with political texts at training student to read. The idea of this method is concluded in phased analysis: firstly, in a system of questions that detect understanding of key positions in the text; ascertaining the meaning of paragraphs for a supply of students and to the definition of the main ideas of the text; secondly, in making reach students'' speech based on semantic links words in each particular context. The technique is designed for use among foreign language speaking students who have reached a basic level certification (TBU), the first certification level (TRKI-1) and above. The authors believe that the developed method predtekstovoy work for classroom reading will be able to expand students' knowledge, to increase the level of knowledge in Russian language.
Prosvirkina I.I., Yahno M.D. THE LEXICAL EXPLICATION OF THE CONCEPT "PATRIOTISM" IN THE LINGUISTIC CONSCIOUSNESS OF CONTEMPORARY YOUTH [№ 11 ' 2015] In modern science, linguistic consciousness is actively being studied and this is a really changing category. The change in language consciousness of Russian speakers can be traced by analyzing changes in the semantic content of concepts, lexical units, etc. The article's authors explore the qualitative changes in the linguistic consciousness of young people as an example of diachronic analysis of the concept "patriotism." The association experiment had been chosen as a main research method, which was conducted by the authors and described in this article. In the description of the experiment the authors systematized reaction-eksplikatory and compared with results from "Russian associative dictionary", which was edited by J.N. Karaulov and published in 2002. Analysis of thematic groups of reactions-eksplikatorov was allowed the authors to conclude that in the linguistic consciousness of speakers for fifteen years have been significant changes in relation to understanding the concept "patriotism." In the early 2000s, understanding of patriotism as forming part of the social and public life was virtually destroyed in the linguistic consciousness. This is evidenced by the absence of words-eksplikatorov, which is related to thematic groups "small Motherland", "geographic realities." Also at the beginning of the century a large number of negative, critical assessments are traced in association relations, what is indicating of losing positive value of the concept patriotism, love country, respect for her and the desire to do everything for her benefit. In 2015, there is an increasing of words — responses, which explicate, first of all, a positive attitude towards the motherland. There is a tendency to increase the understanding of patriotism as personality characteristics. Exactly patriotism has become a "good quality" criterion for education rights in the family and in forming his sense of connection with the outside world. Thus, this research has allowed changing the understanding of the concept "patriotism" in the linguistic consciousness of today's youth.
Porol O.A., Prosvirkina I.I., Dmitriyeva N.M. MOTIVES OF THE BEGINNING AND THE END IN THE BIBLE DISCOURSE OF M. VOLOSHIN [№ 11 ' 2014] In article specifics of space and time in a bible discourse of M. Voloshin are considered. The analysis of poetic texts is carried out in semantic aspect with application of a method of text parallels. In work research in works of the poet of functioning of the bible text in the analysis of existential motives of the beginning and end is new.
Prosvirkina I.I., Lutsenko E.A. LEXICAL UNITS EXPRESSING SPACE IN CHINESE LANGUAGE (BASED ON TAOIST PHILOSOPHIC BOOK "ZHUANGZI") [№ 11 ' 2013] This article is devoted to the analysis of lexical units, which make explicit the category of "space" in the Taoist philosophic book "Zhuangzi". The authors classify and describe the group of lexical units as a way of depicting spatial images by the Chinese linguistic consciousness. With the help of linguistic and cultural description one can reveal cultural semantics of lexical units with spatial semantics of the "Zhuangzi" book, as well as their cultural meaning.
Prosvirkina I.I. "HIDDEN SENSES" OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION [№ 11 ' 2012] The article deals with the problem of speech communication connected with sense misunderstanding because of "sense illiteracy" of the interlocutors, which leads to communicative failures. The author suggests the metaphorical term "hidden senses" implying that the sense of the utterance becomes "hidden" for the interlocutor, which is unaware of lexical meaning of the word or misunderstands its cultural semantics.
Prosvirkina I.I., Levina E.N. ORAL SPEECH ORENBURG IN AN ESTIMATION OF MIGRANTS [№ 11 ' 2011] Article is devoted the analysis of a condition of modern speech in an estimation of migrants. It is revealed: that migrants put in concept definition "qualitative speech"; the relation of group interrogated by us to quality of speech which they perceive in household life, in mass-media; a degree of quality of speech which is heard by migrants in communicative space of Orenburg; as the relation to the speaking is connected with quality of its speech.
Prosvirkina I.I. REGIONAL LANGUAGE CONSCIOUSNESS AS A MODEL BASE OF REGIONAL LANGUAGE PERSON [№ 11 ' 2005] In the article during the analysis of terms "language person", "language consciousness", "mentality", the attention is given that long ethnic contacts influence on the forming of special regional consciousness , which is necessary to take into account at analysis of language person structure. The contents "regional language consciousness" and "regional language person" are introduced in this article.
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Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |