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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Prosvirkina I.I., Yahno M.D. THE LEXICAL EXPLICATION OF THE CONCEPT "PATRIOTISM" IN THE LINGUISTIC CONSCIOUSNESS OF CONTEMPORARY YOUTHIn modern science, linguistic consciousness is actively being studied and this is a really changing category. The change in language consciousness of Russian speakers can be traced by analyzing changes in the semantic content of concepts, lexical units, etc. The article's authors explore the qualitative changes in the linguistic consciousness of young people as an example of diachronic analysis of the concept "patriotism." The association experiment had been chosen as a main research method, which was conducted by the authors and described in this article. In the description of the experiment the authors systematized reaction-eksplikatory and compared with results from "Russian associative dictionary", which was edited by J.N. Karaulov and published in 2002. Analysis of thematic groups of reactions-eksplikatorov was allowed the authors to conclude that in the linguistic consciousness of speakers for fifteen years have been significant changes in relation to understanding the concept "patriotism." In the early 2000s, understanding of patriotism as forming part of the social and public life was virtually destroyed in the linguistic consciousness. This is evidenced by the absence of words-eksplikatorov, which is related to thematic groups "small Motherland", "geographic realities." Also at the beginning of the century a large number of negative, critical assessments are traced in association relations, what is indicating of losing positive value of the concept patriotism, love country, respect for her and the desire to do everything for her benefit. In 2015, there is an increasing of words — responses, which explicate, first of all, a positive attitude towards the motherland. There is a tendency to increase the understanding of patriotism as personality characteristics. Exactly patriotism has become a "good quality" criterion for education rights in the family and in forming his sense of connection with the outside world. Thus, this research has allowed changing the understanding of the concept "patriotism" in the linguistic consciousness of today's youth.Key words: concept "patriotism", lexical explicators, linguistic consciousness.


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About this article

Authors: Prosvirkina I.I., Yahno M.D.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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