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№ 2 2001

Humanitarian sciences

N. E. Erofeyeva CONCEPTION OF VIRTUE IN FRENCH LITERATURE OF THE XVIII CENTURY The author considers the conception of virtue in French literature of the XVIII century and analyses the attitude of such writers as Voltaire, Diderof, Beaumarchais to this problem. The article deals with the main principles and concepts of virtue as an ethic category-conscience, dignity, honesty, honour, obedience, freedom, etc, which determined the ideas in literature of the whole epoch "Era of Intellect".
A. N. Polyakov APPEARING OF THE PRICE`S THRONE IN NOVGOROD-SEVERSKY The article tased on a wide range of original sources is devoted to one of the controversial questions in ancient Rus history - the origin of the prince`s throne on Novgorod-Seversky. The author disagrees with the traditional attitude to this problem and offerhis own version.
Y. V. Ekimova PROPERTY RIGHT OF THE JURIDICAL PERSONS: PROBLEMS OF MODERN LEGAL REGULATION The article is an attempt to analyze the persons property rights in modern civil process as the possibility for property isolation and assignation from the founder to the owner directly. This problem is considered to be very urgent at the last stage of the subjects forming in the legal system.
N. A. Tuktarova LEGISLATION GAPS IN THE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE INSTITUTE The aim of the article is to analyse the personality of the accused in the criminal process and to consider providing quarantees in Russian legal procedure/ the accused appears from the moment of the pronouncement of judgement in the capacity of the accused person (art 144 Criminal code of R.F.). Iaw regulates the grounds and procedure of the bringing person as the accused to trial. The work has both theoretical and practical importance as it generalizes the judicial practice of Orenburg Leninsky district court. Much prominence is given the observance of the person rights granted by the Constitution of RF (art 4, p. 2, art 50, p. 1,2, art 48, art 51).
S. D. Yakusheva ELECTIVE COURSE "HISTORY OF WORLD MUSIC CULTURE" IN MULTILEVEL EDUCATION The article deals with problems of bringing up a person of culture. Art is defined as an effective factor for humanized education. The author reveals` the socio-cultural and pedagogical importance of musical education for young people`s inner world and offers an elective course programs "World Musical Culture History", for technical students, as well as some innovative forms and methods of its teaching.
V. V. Kuznetzov PEDAGOGICAL CULTURE AS ESSENCE PERSONALITY CHARACTERISTICS AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES OF INDUSTRIAL TRAINING MASTER In the article the author considers a personal-active approach to the organization of the pedagogical education of vocational training instructors. The system improves their psychology-pedagogical qualification in the process of their education in the field of methodic directly on the instructor`s place of work. It has to proceed by means of pedagogical self-training. The author also offers the research materials allowing him to affirm that the high level of pedagogical culture gives an instructor the possibility to tell his (her) pupils that the are in their constant evolution.
L. I. Paina INTER-ETHNIC INTEGRATION AS CONDITION OF ETHNIC TOLERANCE In the article the author considers the potential possibilities of ethnic tolerance as person`s qualities, able to solve a number of acute problems in internationals communications and to help a person adapt successfully to some integral ethos.
O. V. Soboleva VALUES OF MARKET ECONOMY AS DOMINANT OF STUDENTT EDUCATION OF ECONOMIC DEPARTMENTS The article deals with values of nowadays economics. Their integration is essential for the formation of world-outlook position of economic departments students.
Y. A. Melekesov AXIOLOGY OF HIGHER EDUCATION The article deals with axiological aspect of higher education modernization. It examines genesis and evolution of scientists` views on valuable basis of world cognition and personality formation. The article points out that scientists have undertaken an attempt of scientific substantiation of axiological approach to improve higher education.
Т. S. Bochkareva THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH CULTURE One of the most important factor of the spiritual formation of the personality in the modern world is the development of speech culture. The characteristic of the development of students` speech culture is given in the article. The students` speech development is the main task of all teachers in the university according to the peculiarities and demands of different subjects.
L. А. Pasechnaya SPEECH EDUCATIONAL SITUATION AS MEANS OF INDIVIDUALIZATION IN T RAINING PROCEES The article is devoted to the building of speech-educational situation in the training process. The way of the developing of the individual approach and its communication between different situations in the training student`s activity.
T. A. Klimova WORK TO IMPROVE TEACHERS` QUALIFICATION IN LENINGRAD IN THE 50-IES The article deals with speeding up secondary school teachers in some country regions and arising advanced pedagogical experience in the middle of the 50-ies.
V. P. Yerunov A SYSTEM-CRITERION ANALYSIS OF THE LEARNING PROCESS IN A HIGHER EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT The article describes a system of techniques for analysing the effectiveness of the learning process in a higher educational establishment. These techniques are based on multiplicative criteria of effectiveness which are defined through relative partial criteria of effectiveness. The article also contains an algorithm for a system analysis of the learning process in a higher educational establishment.

Economic sciences

V. V. Droshev PERSONIFIED MONITORING OF INSURED POPULATION IN CONDITIONS OF COMPULSORY MEDICAL INSURANCE The article is devoted to the necessity of personified monitoring of insured population within the system of compulsory medical insurance for its health evaluation.
S. Y. Rabichev, G. P. Gerasimenko ENTERPRISE SOLVENCY EVALUATION DYNAMICS WITHIN THE REGION Although administrative decisions concerning offering budget guarantees to enterprises can be effective from the economic and social points of view, they can also be extremely risky. The existing static scheme for evaluating such risks cannot be precise and objective enough to give a dynamic reflection of the financial state of the enterprise. That is why the authors suggest evaluating solvency of an enterprise. That is why the authors suggest evaluating solvency of an enterprise not according to a static analysis of balance data but according to the expected date when the credit ought to be paid back.

Natural sciences

L.I. Drobot, M.V. Galchina, P.S. Galchin, Yu.V. Katsnelson, T.M. Gololobova MORPHOTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS PHUSICAL DEVELOPMENT Growth and harmonic development are in dynamic unity, they are conformed to general laws depending on sex, they are stipulated by genetic and environmental factors. External man`s body dimensions serve as starting data for harmonic development study. The results of physical development rating of 732 first-year students of Orenburg State University are submitted. The a author`s investigation shows that physical development of only half of the students satisfies age standards and 38.94 % of students have enharmonic development. Under such conditions the instructive measures promote to accent the attention of young people to the personal health and to realise the importance of health safety.
M. G. Kucherenko FLUCTUATE KINETICS OF PHOTOREACTIONS IN PERCOLATE - BINDED NANOCELLS SYSTEM Fluctuative effects of reaction kinetics were studied in dispersion (porous) media with typical scale cavities of nanometrical dimension. Development of the model, suggested by the author`s previous investigation [1], was performed for the particle number dynamics in microreactors in case the particle transport between pores serves as the limitalive stage of migration. Diffusive conjugations of fields with euclid dimension, as well as with euclid and fractal ones, were examined. Analytic expression determining the smoothing kinetics of reagent density fluctuations in microcavity was revealed for three-dimensional problem. Its similarity to asymptotic variant of diffusion smoothing kinetics, investigated in [1], is noted. Approximate and numeral methods were used to analyse the problem in case of fractal dimension of transport canals between pores.
L. M. Nevostruev, G. A. Ivashkina WEIGHT PROBLEM DRAB FOR ONE EQUATION WITH PARAMETERS The investigations Performed help to determine fitness criterion of region boundary, traditionally used as regional condition carriers. The Form of regional conditions is determined depending upon the behaviour of coefficient carriers of this equation. This is either the meaning of an unknown answer of its normal or "oblique" derivative or their various combinations, given in local or non local form with some "weight" perhaps.
V. V. Lipilina STOCHASTIC INTEGRALS It is necessary to learn in detail some problems that are connected with stochastic integrals and integral equations describing diffusions processes white learning the theory of accidental processes. The best example of this problem is reflected in the K-Ito`s book, and in Henry Makkin`s book. The last one gave the base for this article. While working on such topic the author was guided by the following considerations: it was necessary to analyse in detail the ideas, taken in consideration by H.Makkin; to prove some facts, that are given in the book without demonstration.
G. A. Ivashkina ALTERED PROPLEM OF KOCHI AND PROBLEM WITH REMOVAL FOR EILER-PUASSON-DARBU`S EQUATION TOGETHER WITH PARAMETERS A < 0, B < 0. Generalized solution of Kochi`s problem for Eiler-Puasson-Darbu`s equation of the second kind was received only for parameters a, b (-1;0) while -1 < a+b < 0. The problem with removal was solved in the work for 1/2 < a=b < 0. In such work we have broader spectrum of parameters a and b, that is generalization of results, received earlier.

Technical sciences

A. S. Kilov ПОЛУЧЕНИЕ ОТВЕРСТИЙ С ФАСКАМИ Receipt of Opening with Facets Methods and devices that allow to get openings with facet without use of culling are described in the article. Appointed workings lead to receipt of any, including cut openings with facet on one position during one slideblock press motion.
A. N. Polijkov STATISTICAL THERMAL SOURCE IN RADIAL HYDRODYNAMICAL BEARING WITH SELF-ADJUSTING SEGMENTS The article represents a statistical model of thermalsource in radial hydrodynamical bearing with selfadjusting segments. The curves of distributions for main loss components of friction in bearing are received. The detailed analyses of fluctuation influence model parameters on laws distribution loss on friction in hydrodynamical bearing is carried out.
Y. N. Karpov THE CALCULATION OF THE REQUIRED SIRE OF ADHESION WHILE STICKING HYDROINSULATING LAYERS OF ROLL ROOFING The roll-roofing condition of the most industrial enterprises and dwelling houses are unsatisfied that is why atmospheric waters penetrate info buildings. Roll-roof leaking takes place because of unreliable work of hydro-isolation layers. It is necessary to define some definite parameters of physical-mechanical processors which take place in roll-roofing. The article gives a calculation of one of the most important parameters, value of adhesion while sticking hydro-isolated layers of roll-roofs.
E. M. Keeyanov THE OPTIMUM PARAMETERS OF GEOMETRY OF A TIED ARCH AND A TRUSSED BEAM, WHICH ARE STRESSED BY THE CONSTANT EFFORT In systems of building mechanics, the parameters of geometry are opened, which correspond to the maximum communications and the degree of stress. There is a deduction of formulas for the determination of such parameters in the constructions of: a rigid flexible tied arch, and a trust beam (patent of R.F. N 2012749).
V. L. Kasperovich, G. B. Zinyuhin, A. V. Bykov YEAST SEWAGE AND BAKERY ENTERPRISES AND ITS UTILIZATION Bread is a food stuff, baked of flour, water, yeast and another additional stuff. As the output of bakery goods is increased, one should pay attention to the ecological condition of the bakery factories of the Orenburg region. There are different methods of bakery sewage and yeast productions utilization. We carry out researches in two directions: the working out of mixed fodder and food addition far farming animals and the reception of organic fertilizere for agricultural crops.
A. P. Vasilyev THE CALCULATION OF THE LAMINAR, TWO-PHASE BOUNDARY LAYER ON THE PLATE. ON THE BASIS OF INTEGRAL CORRELATIONTS Approximate calculation method of bubbling boundary layer is offered on the basis of integral correlation`s of impulse and energy. The proper equations are deduced and the results of numerical study of heat exchange are given.
V. N. Bulatov THE IMPULSIVE CHARACTERISTIC OF FILTER SIN(MX)/SIN(X) The article gives the conclusion and the analysis of the impulsive characteristic deltafunction for quasi continuous periodic signals. The relations between the time of transient process and the frequency band of synthesis of analized temporal function independently of its form are derived.
Ej. L. Grekov, A. Aj. Mikitchenko, V. E. Sorokin THE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF ELECTRIC DRIVE`S CONTROL, WHICH IS DONE ACCORDING TO THE SYSTEM - THE DIRECT FREQUENCY CONVERTER — THE ASYNCHRONOUS ENGINE (DFC-AE). Different structural systems of control by means of the direct frequency converter are analyzed. The researches are carried out on the basis of the results of physical modeling. The regulators and the structural solutions are examined, which provide the stable work of the drive of the higher yielding frequencies.

Science events

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
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