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№ 6 2004

Humanitarian sciences

Mukhamedzhanova N.M. RUSSIAN CIVILIZATION AS A SPECIAL TYPE OF CIVILIZATION SYSTEMS The specificity of Russia as the civilization of a special type is analysed in the article. The author defines the specificity of the Russian civilization and its historical development through the categories "border civilization", "non-classical case", "symbiotic civilization". The most characteristic features of the Russian culture caused by its border character are analysed. The formation factors of Russia's civilization specifics are revealed.
Sineokova T.N. SOME LINES OF INVESTIGATION OF THE EMOTIONAL SPEECH SYNTAX Some promising lines in the emotional speech syntax by means of the classification based on the concept of emotional constructions as the deformation of "kernel sentences" correlated with the principal types of emotional states are analysed in the article. The following aspects of the investigation are considered: differentiation between emotional speech and strained speech forms; typological comparison between the means of emotion realization in different languages; prognostication of a person's behavior according to his or her speech's peculiarities; investigation of syntactical correlates of such extralinguistic features of a speaker in the state of emotional strain as sex, age, social status, etc.; appropriate perception of emotional speech in the language which is not a native one, etc.
Scherbak A.S. PRINCIPALS OF THE ANALYSIS OF TOPONYMY CHANGES IN RUSSIA: REFLECTION OF THE WORLD'S LANGUAGE PICTURE (ON THE MATERIAL OF TAMBOV GEOGRAPHICAL OBJECTS) The article is devoted to the description of toponymy changes, to the principals of the analysis of renamed settlements in one of the central regions of Russia - the Tambov region. The historical motivation of a proper name is specifically interpreted in the rationalistic thinking of the Soviet period in the beginning of the 20th century. Tendencies of the public treatment change towards toponyms is illustrated on the example of the vivid Tambov toponym PuPKI.
Polyakov A.N. COMMUNITY AS A FORM OF SOCIAL ORGANISATION The article is devoted to the defining of the community as a form of social organization which appeared at the dawn of the human history and has existed up to the present time. In this instance the community is opposed to the state which may be considered as one more social form. A new typology of the community is offered within the confines of the methodological approach that the author works out.
Bogomolov S.A. ARTISTIC BACKGROUND OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE IN J. CONRAD'S CREATIVE WORK The article is devoted to the imperial values system formation and development problems adventure and political novels by J. Conrad. The novels "Lord Jim", "Nostromo" and other became one of the main supporting structures of social orientation and identification in Great Britain at the end of the 19th century.
Akhan B. COMMON AND SPECIFIC POINTS IN DECLAMATORY ART OF THE KAZAKH BIYS, SHESHENS AND ZHYRAU Common and specific points in the creative work of the Kazakh biys, sheshens and zhyrau are shown in the article. Their word creation, thoughts namely biys's and sheshens's arguments, finding of truth, logic of conclusions are defined through dialectic analysis of their argumentation. Characteristics of biys's, sheshens's and zhyrau's personality, social orientation of their creative work are given.
Mikhaschenko A.L. EDUCAITON DEVELOPMENT IN THE VILLAGES OF THE ORENBURG COSSACK FORCES The questions of the Cossack schools' origin and its development in the southern Zauralje are considered in the article. They are chronology, educational and pedagogical work state, the description of teaches' professional and personal features. In the article one can find information about the first and the only village gymnasia in the Cossack village of the province in the southern Urals.
Kostryukov A.V. EXPERIMENTAL MODEL OF ENGINEERING GRAPHICS TEACHING IN THE FORMATION OF GRAPHICAL CULTURE IN THE FUTURE SPECIALISTS DURING THEIR STUDY AT THE INSTITUTE OF HIGHER TECHNICAL EDUCATION Different aspects of graphical disciplines teaching for purposeful formation of a student's readiness to study on his or her own are considered in the article.
Kozlovskaya T.N. VALUE ASPECT OF THE TIME CATEGORY IN PEDAGOGICS The article is devoted to the time category as value, to the problems of aim setting, to a person's working-out of his or her life's strategy, to the problems of students' life outlook.
Gusev V.A. WORK COORDINATION THE UNIVERSITY TEACHRES AND RAISING THE LEVEL OF THEIR SKILL In the Russian education modernization concept currently in force up to 2010 they say: "Structural and institutional reorganization of the professional education, its establishment system optimization, realization of different integration models of primary and secondary, secondary and higher professional education, providing with the real multilevel higher education, creation of university complexes will be made to obtain new quality of professional education."
Savin M.V. ESSENTIAL IMPORTANCE OF THE TRADITION AS PEDAGOGICAL REALITY The article is devoted to the showing up of the essence of the tradition as the pedagogical reality phenomenon, it is a topical question under the conditions of swiftly increasing processes of national cultural environment globalization and pedagogical reality. The author considers various ways of understanding the essence of the tradition and tries to unite them into one classification. On the basis of this he offers his own definition of the pedagogical tradition. A brief characteristic of traditional nature as value guiding line of the native pedagogics development is given in the work.
Pankova T.A. SOCIAL AND ECONOMICAL PECULIARITIES OF THE SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT In the article the following peculiarities of the sectoral economic mechanism in the school education are revealed: its incongruity with modern forms of management caused by the social economic structure change, the switch from state to multistructural market economy, its democratization and decentralization. The questions of multi-channel financing of educational institutions, its financial and economical independence and activity under the conditions of current legislation's imperfection and antipathy are considered in details.

Economic sciences

Lapaeva M.G., Burdygin V.A. PECULIARITIES OF STATE OWNERSHIP TRANSFORMATION IN THE ORENBURG REGION The peculiarities of state ownership transformation in the region are revealed on the basis of the carried out analysis of the cheque and money privatization stages in the Orenburg region.
Tkachyev A.N., Bezrodnij O.K. EFFECTIVE SERVICE OF THE REGION'S AUTOMOBILE NETWORK The principles and the model of automobile network service charge cut-back are proposed. On the basis of these principles and logical conception the approach and the model of structural transformation effectiveness estimate in road management logistic system is eleborated.
Krolivezkaya L.P. NEW APPROACHES TO THE CREATION OF BANK RESOURCES IN THE CASE OF POSSIBLE LOSSES ON THE CREDIT REQUIREMENTS Since 1995 the Russian banks have created the resources in the case of possible losses on the credit requirements on a regular basis. The use of the created resources on the bank credit assets in the case of compensation paid contributes to preserving of bank liquidity, safety and bank system stability.

Natural sciences

Bogatova O.V., Miroshnikova E.P., Zharkov A.N. THE CARP'S BEHAVIOR IN RIVER CHANGING FLOW VELOCITY Complex etymological researches on the model of carp yearlings in different flow velocity were carried out. They stated the following: when the rheotaxis reflex appears the fish's behavior in the flow changes and the fish acquires the organized gregarious behavior elements.
Kosarev A.V. BIODYNAMICS, MECHANISM AND CONDITIONS OF COOPERATIVE ENERGY FLOW ENGINEERING IN BIOLOGICAL STRUCTURES Mechanisms and conditions of cooperative power flows origin which provide functional opportunities for bio structures are considered in the article. It is shown that the origin, existing and development of a life is possible only after the dissipative bound when production power of cooperative flows surpasses their dissipation. Biodynamics and dynamics of dissipative structures Prigozhyni are indivisible.
Karpov D.N., Lysenko T.M., Yuritsyna N.A. HALOPHYTE VEGETATION OF DEPRESSION ON TENIZ LAKE(TURGAYSKOE PLATEAU) Halophyte superorganisms discovered and described by means of J. Brown-Blanke's method on Teniz lake (western Turgayskoe plateau) in 2000 are considered in the article. Their characteristic and ecotope description are cited. Two of the associations are cited for the first time - Artemisio pauciflorae-Kalidietum foliati ass. nov. and Artemisio abrotanae-Glycyrrhizetum glabrae ass. nov.
Rychko O.K., Meshkov M.V. INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT OF THE ATMOSPHERE ECOLOGICAL STATE IN THE REGION WHERE THE MODEL RAILWAY TRANSPORT ENTERPRISE AS THE BASIS OF AIR POLLUTION MONITORING SYSTEM FORMATION IS SITUATED The structure of atmospheric emissions by pollutants, the principal railway units, is revealed in the article, the rail transport typical enterprise ranking questions in the emission safety category are considered, boundary conditions for the division of railway enterprise in the safety category are stated, the structure functional scheme of atmosphere ecological state monitoring in the region where railway fixed units are situated is given.
Tarasova T.F., Gonchar L.G. ESTIMATE OF THE ORENBURG INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE EMISSIONS INFLUENCE ON THE ATMOSPHERIC PRECIPITATIONS STRUCTURE AND THE QUALITY OF THE TERRITORIES ADJOINING THE ENTERPRISES The article is devoted to the problems of air pollution of the city's industrial part. The territory of emissions content was estimated , it gave the possibility to forecast the ecological situation in the zones adjoining to the industrial enterprises.
Ershov V.I., Degtyar I.I., Medvedev A.V. MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF THE ISCHEMIC STROKE CRUTIAL PERIOD The article is devoted to the questions of the ischemic stroke forecasting. Original balling methods of clinical, paraclinical and anamnestic signs revealing the ischemic stroke were worked out. Following the carried out regressive analysis the phenomenon of the lethality threat increase with relatively little stroke change was revealed. In this case the stroke becomes a serious illness.
Ivanov K.M., Chemezov S.V. PECULIARITIES OF HEMODYNAMIC CHANGES UNDER THE PERICARDIUM PUNCTURE While investigating the central hemodynamics indices before and after pericardium puncture conduction it was stated that the possibility of heart's systolic dysfunction may appear. The patients who suffer from the myocardial insufficiency and slowly appearing pericardium effusion are more prone to it. The reason is the decrease of the pericardium support function. The dynamic echocardiographical observation is carried out for timely diagnostic of the complication.
Gatskov V.G. ABOUT THE AUTOMATIZED TECHNOLOGIES OF THE TRANSPARENT GEOECOLOGICAL MONITORING The characteristic of geological-geophysical informational resources of the transparent geoecological monitoring (TGM) and informational technologies in the functioning of oil and gas complex enterprises in the Orenburg region is given in the article. Peculiarities of the geological models creation, informational technologies used for geological state estimate in the Orenburg region, schemes of automatized technologies TGM are considered. It is stated that the earth remote sensing (ERS) along with direct investigations and metering, statistics, poll data, census, referendums, cadastral information are used for operative mapping regarded as the part of geoinformational mapping that is a new trend in mapping. The essence of it is automatized information and cartographic modeling of geosystems and noosystems on the basis of geoinformation system technologies and knowledgebase.
Mursalimova M.L., Salnikova E.V. PECULIARITIES OF THE YTTRIUM SORPTION ON THE CARBOXYL AND SULFONIC CATION RESINS The authors stated the conditions of the yttrium sorption depending on the acidity of the environment, the form and the type of ionite, kinetic characteristics yttrium sorption on cation resins. The yttrium sorption mechanism in the environments with different acidity is proposed. To account for the behavior of ionites in the process of sorption the structures of fragments and simulated hydrated yttrium ions are figured by means of semiempirical methods.
Kharrasov M.Kh., Iskhakov F.A., Kyzyrgulov I.R. SPIN-WAVE DYNAMICS OF PHASE TRANFORMATION VTSP IN MAGNETOCERAMIC SYSTEMS The electron-phonon interaction exchange amplification effect in complicated connections of rare-earth metals and ceramic metal-oxide systems with the perofskite structure was examined by means of Puasson brackets. A dispersion equation was obtained and an effective parameter of the spin-phonon connection was found. The conditions of the electron-phonon interaction amplification and the rise of the critical temperature of superconductive transition were defined.
Naumov A.A. THE INITIAL STRATEGIES CHOICE OF THE EXPERIMENT AND THE INVARIANCE PROBLEM SEQUENTIAL CONTROL The investigation of classical optimum plans of experiments from the position of their probable usage in sequential experimentation with the frames of the so-called scheme of the experiment effective control is given in the article. The main distinctions of optimal planning and effective control questions are analysed. The conditions of classical plans invariance concerning the lineal transformations of the experimentation sphere are clarified.
Chepasov V.I., Sazykin V.L. MATHEMATICAL JUSTIFICATION OF THE COMPUTER PROGRAMME "RANG" BY SAZYKIN The mathematical analysis of lawful usage of the algorithm proposed by Sazykin V.L. for the purposes of complex comparative characteristic of different subjects was carried out. The algorithm was implemented in Sazykin's computer programme "Rang". The factor analysis and the step progression method showed the accuracy of the method proposed by Sazykin. It is also sufficiently reliable and relatively simple. These features make the algorithm instinctively understandable for practical personnel.

Technical sciences

Mironov S.V., Pischukhin A.M., Skamjin A.M. ASSORTMENT AND PRODUCTION VOLUME MANAGEMENT AT A BUILDING FIRM A building firm working on orders represents the system of mass service. On the basis of this model the productivity of every model may be optimized. The expediency of mastering this or that new construction technology may be estimated as well.
Vladov Y.R. THE IDENTIFICATION PROBLEM SOLVEMENT ON THE BASIS OF THE INDUSTRIAL UNITS TECHNICAL STATE AGGREGATED MODELS Theoretical and practical solutions of the problems connected with automatized identification on the basis of the THE INDUSTRIAL UNITS TECHNICAL STATE proposed aggregated models of industrial units technical state are expounded in the article. Obtained results for heat-and-power engineering equipment on the example of the model steam-boiler are cited.
Pivovarov Y.N. DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTIC ESTIMATION OF ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS ON THE ARSS-MODEL SIGNAL The author proposes approaches of dynamic characteristics estimation of electromechanical systems using autoregressive signal model with the sliding average (ARSS-model). The practical results of investigations are shown.


Science events

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
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