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№ 5 (217), 16 may 2018


Bizyuk A.P., Kacz E.E., Kolosova T.A., Sorokin V.M. FACTOR ANALYSIS IN THE NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS IN DYSORPHOGRAPHYThe number of children who have problems with mastering written language and the rules of the native language in Russian educational schools, according to various authors, is tens of percent. At the same time, the brain precondition of this phenomenon, worsening the social adaptation of children, remain underdeveloped.
In the present article, an attempt was made to identify discriminatory neuropsychological indicators that prevent the formation of spelling competence of schoolchildren. The study of writing disorders in younger schoolchildren was carried out using specially selected texts for dictation and cheating, after which a factor analysis was undertaken of the results of a study of two groups of children (with high spelling competence and dysorphography — 50 and 24 schoolchildren, respectively) in 20 functional tests. The subject of the analysis was the differences found when comparing the factor structures for the two groups. Neuropsychological assessment was performed only on those indicators, the expressed factor values of which were found only in one of the groups and were absent in the other. According to our assumption, they can be considered as variants of possible prerequisites for success or failure in mastering the rules of the Russian language.
As a result of the qualitative analysis, four types of deficiency were identified, characterizing the weak functional units in the implementation of spelling skills in children with dysorphography. Specific methods whose indicators turned out to be significant for solving the task include: arithmetic calculation, understanding of metaphors, test for reciprocal coordination, effective execution of a proof-reading test in Amatuni’s modification, lack of mirror phenomena in Henry Head test, visual memory and test “Fence” with its load on dynamic praxis as a programmatically organized action.
An end-to-end analysis of the totality of the obtained data allows us to conclude that there are at least four brain deficits in children with dysorphography: imperfect inter-hemispheric interaction, insufficient algorithmic component of thinking and activity, weakness of optical-spatial concepts and deficiency of motivational and energy potential.
Key words: dysorphography, writing disorders, younger students, cognitive processes, neuropsychology, factor analysis.
Borisova I.M., Kritinina E.A. SYSTEM-PERFORMANCE APPROACH IN TEACHING LITERATURE (ON THE MATERIAL OF A. USACHEV TALE “BOVA-KOROLEVICH”)The system-activity approach to learning is an integration of two corresponding psychological and pedagogical approaches. The organization of educational and cognitive activity of students in this case is built as cooperation with the teacher, when the students become active participants in the educational process. In particular, pupils' reading competence is formed in the literature lessons of students, they master the ways of working with literary text.
The implementation of a system-activity approach in a literature lesson is examined on the material of the Bova-Korolevich fairy tale by Andrey Usachev. At all stages of the lesson (the stage of goal-setting, the discovery of new knowledge, the primary assimilation of new knowledge, the creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation, reflection), active methods and techniques of teaching are used. For example, search, communication, problem, research and collective creative methods, as well as techniques of anticipation, lexical work, reading and commenting on the text, analyzing the ideological and thematic and artistic originality of the work, composing sinkvejn.
Thus, a system-activity approach in the process of teaching literature at school contributes to the development of the mental activity of students, the assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of reading competence, interest in the word and content of the artistic text, the organization of academic cooperation, the implementation of the ability to express one's opinion, the development of analysis skills and interpretations of the work.
Key words: fairy tale, author, work, lesson, system-activity approach.
Gladkih V.G., Ishteryakova T.I. THE REQUIREMENT OF GRADUATES ON THE REGIONAL LABOR MARKET AS THE INDEX OF THE QUALITY OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONIn the context of the transition of the modern economy to the knowledge economy, the problem of ensuring the quality of vocational education is topical. Various approaches to its maintenance by the educational organizations are considered. Indicator quality training specialist is his demand in the labor market.
The above examples of monitoring the relevance of graduates to educational institutions put before pedagogical science the tasks that need to be addressed. According to the authors, the relevance of graduates should be compared with the needs of the regional labor market. Given the relevance of professionals throughout their work, it is necessary to take into account the matrix of skills for professions in demand in the knowledge economy. The article contains data on graduates with secondary vocational education in the Orenburg region who are employed, who testify to the need to develop scientifically grounded conditions for increasing the demand for graduates. At the same time, the analysis of changes in the regional labor market for 15 years indicates a redistribution of the need for specialists in certain sectors of the economy.
Accordingly, at present, educational organizations implementing vocational education programs need to conduct an annual monitoring of the demand for graduates, comparing it with information about the needs of the region in the staff of the relevant qualifications.
Key words: quality of vocational education, demand for graduates, regional labor market, knowledge economy.
Zavadskaya A.V., Dmitrieva N.M. THE SPECIFICS OF THE CORRECTIVE COURSE OF RUSSIAN GRAMMAR FOR FOREIGN MEDICAL STUDENTSWhen teaching Russian as a foreign language at the second and next stages of education, it is often necessary to face the problem of unformed grammatical competence of foreign students. For example, for students from India, English as a second state language is the interfering language, in addition to the native language (Hindi, Malay, Urdu, etc.). In this case, there is an acute question of the development and conduct of corrective grammar course.
We have studied the main features of the corrective grammar course and the results of its implementation in the educational process with Indian students studying “General medicine”. In written work students are grammatical mistakes: violation of agreement, violation management and wrong education of the endings. To atypical include substitution of parts of speech (sense cold, sense good), the wrong choice of the verb tense (people to die), the wrong formation of the personal form of the verb (human am afraid of light). The main cause of grammatical errors in Indian students is interference, which is understood as a replacement of the system of rules of the language studied by another, built under the influence of the system of rules of the native or previously studied language. At the first, preparatory, stage of the course developed by us there was a presentation of the material to be corrected. On the second, main, stage was the actual correction with the use of visual AIDS and assignments of different type. The third, final, stage included productive types of exercises: conditional-communicative and actually communicative.
The effectiveness of the developed correction course is proved experimentally. Training of foreign medical students in the Russian language should include not only lexical and grammatical material, but also the correction of grammatical skills.
Key words: grammar, corrective course, general communication competence.
Kobseva N.I. PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES IN THE CONTEXT OF A COMPETENCE-BASED APPROACH IN EDUCATIONModern realities of socio-economic development give rise to new requirements for the quality of professional higher education, actualize competence guidelines in the preparation of a modern highly qualified specialist as a subject of scientific research, creative self-development, productive self-determination and successful self-realization, capable of learning new lifelong learning (continuing education) the goal of achieving a competitive, competence-based professional. Universities are directly confronted with the question “What to teach and how to teach?”, “What competences and with what help to form?”
Under the competencies I see a set of motivated activity of the individual, skillful use of scientific and practical methods taking into account a concrete situation, valuable orientations, personal qualities, abilities and a complex of knowledge. My numerous observations have allowed simulating situations as a result of which professional competences have appeared as unity of the professional and personal and business characteristics of the person necessary for the effective solution of certain tasks within a concrete position in the course of motivated achievement of qualitative result. At the same time the level of development of competences directly depends on self-development and self-improvement of the personality, and also, certainly, on the skillful, timely help from outside.
In my opinion, development of professional competences of a context of the competence-based focused approach assumes at least existence:
– a certain level of scientific and practical knowledge — a gnoseological indicator;
– valuable and motivational orientations of the personality, active subject — an axiological indicator;
– abilities to practical, productive activities — a praksiologichesky indicator.
Key words: professional competence, competence, competence, education, personality, competence-oriented approach, knowledge, value-motivational orientation, axiological potential, activity.
Li Xiaobai ABOUT METHODS OF TEACHING RUSSIAN LEXICA TO CHINESE STUDENTSThe vocabulary directly reflects the development of the language. The number of words of the Russian language, which students have learnt, as a rule, shows their level of language proficiency. Teaching of words is an important content for teaching the Russian language. As the need to teach the Russian language grows and theoretical studies deepen, the teaching of lexicon, which is given more and more weight, is already becoming a center for the study of linguistics and the teaching of the Russian language.
In order to attract the interest of students in the process of teaching vocabulary and help them retain words of Russian language in memory for a long time, they should be allowed to replenish the vocabulary and deeply understand the vocabulary. And the development of reading techniques among students is an important task of teaching the Russian language. In view of the fact that the teaching of vocabulary becomes of significant practical importance, we must take it as a very important part of the common system of teaching the Russian language. There is relation of this important part with other parts of the teaching of the Russian language, for example, with teaching grammar, phonetics, etc., since the word-stock is only a “building material” of the language. Thus, despite indisputable importance, the teaching of vocabulary should not exist in isolation. Undoubtedly, the study of vocabulary plays an important role in the study of the Russian language. While studying the language we first come into contact with phonetics, then with a word, with a sentence. And at the basement of mastering of language is the acquisition of vocabulary.
The article analyzes methods of teaching Russian lexica. The main methodological principles in connection with different fields of linguistics are considered. Special attention is paid to peculiarities of the Chinese language provoking difficulties in studying Russian.
Key words: methods of teaching Russian lexica, Russian as a foreign language, peculiarities of the Chinese language.
Litvinenko N.V., Gasilina M.A. THE PROBLEM OF MALADAPTATION FACTORS OF 6–7 YEARS OLD CHILDREN TO EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF PRESCHOOL ORGANIZATIONAs shown by the results of modern research and analysis of the pedagogical practice of educational organizations, the number of children with manifestations of maladaptation to the educational environment has now increased. Scientists note that the occurrence of manifestations of the maladjustment of children to the educational environment is influenced by certain factors-causes. According to numerous studies, the factors of students' maladaptation to the educational environment of the school have been studied quite well. The factors of maladaptation and its manifestations in children to the educational environment of a pre-school organization have been studied to a lesser degree. As a result of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature devoted to the problem of maladaptation, it was revealed that the main factors of maladaptation and its manifestations in children are: age of the child, health status and level of development of the preschooler, experience of his communication with peers and adults, gender of the child, parental relationship.
On the basis of theoretical analysis (analysis of scientific literature, generalization, synthesis) and the results of observations of teachers of preschool organizations in our study identified the main groups of factors that have a significant impact on the occurrence of manifestations of maladaptation of older preschool children to the educational environment of the preschool organization. The main factors contributing to maladaptation and its manifestations in 6–7 years old children include: age factor, organization of the educational process in the preparatory group, family.
We correlated the selected age factor with the age characteristics of children of preschool age, with the social situation of their development, the crisis of 7 years, neoplasms, the change of leading activities. The second factor related to the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in the preparatory group was correlated with the educational activities and style of pedagogical communication. The third factor is associated with the educational attitude of the parents and the style of education in the family.
Thus, the consideration of selected factors (age factor, organization of the educational process in the preparatory group, family) allows the teacher to think out a system of measures, activities and actions, including effective forms, methods, technologies and tools for working with older preschoolers with manifestations of disadaptation.
Key words: factors, educational environment, disadaptation, manifestations of disadaptation, preschool organization, senior preschool age, social development situation, crisis of 7 years.
Moiseeva A.N., Chelpachenko T.V. SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE CLASS TEACHERS ACTIVITIES TO UPDATE THE CONTENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN THE EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION IN THE COURSE OF PROJECT ACTIVITIESThe changed socio-cultural conditions in society led to the formulation of new tasks for the pedagogical community — updating the content and pedagogical support of teachers-class teachers who perform an important mission to form value orientations, the development of spiritual culture of the younger generation.
The educational process taking place in educational institutions should be redesigned in the light of the practical experience of schools implementing social and pedagogical projects. Today, the potential of projects in solving urgent educational problems becomes essential: supporting family education, creating a school of responsible parenthood, implementing the educational function of the educational process, the interaction of the school, the system of additional education and public associations. The authors propose scientific and methodological recommendations for class teachers to update the content of the educational process thematic projects. The results of the study allowed to determine the optimal conditions for the implementation of educational projects; to identify ways of interaction between various social structures and school methodical associations of class teachers; to create a system of pedagogical cooperation and support for families involved in project activities aimed at solving urgent educational problems.
Key words: class teacher, educational process, project activity, characteristics of educational process, strategy of education in the Russian Federation, family education, pedagogical support.
Mukhina S.A., Gavrilova M.N., Polozova OV, Zimina I.S. ETHNIC APPROACH IN THE SCHOOLCHILDREN NOTIONS FORMATION ON ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETYEnvironmental safety is a socio-natural and scientific reality, it is an object of study of various sciences: natural, social, legal, etc., as it covers a complex set of human relationships with the surrounding natural environment. The concept of environmental safety is a system of views, goals, principles and priorities, as well as political, economic, legal, administrative, scientific, technical, sanitary-epidemiological and educational actions based on them aimed at creating safe and favorable living conditions for the current and future generations of the population. Recently, the principle of familiarizing the younger generation with the origins of national culture from an early age with schools and families is not fully implemented: children do not know the national proverbs and sayings, riddles, tales, epics, traditions and customs. Current position ST. Shatsky that the forms, methods and means of the educational work of the modern school should be ethnopedagogically comprehended and instrumented. And it is natural that the teacher can acquaint students with the culture of all peoples living in the region to form various scientific concepts. In order to increase the level of knowledge on environmental safety among schoolchildren in the experimental group, we conducted lessons in the basics of life safety using ethnic material. We acquainted students with rituals, traditions, fairy tales, legends, songs of all peoples living in the region. In the experimental group, the positive dynamics of the knowledge on ecology and ecological safety was observed in comparison with the control group.Key words: ecological safety, ethnic approach, ecological knowledge, ethnic knowledge.
Protsenko A.I. ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONCEPT OF SUBJECTS INTERACTIONAt present, the Russian education system is largely subject to transformation, primarily due to the introduction of new educational standards, there is a tendency to reorient the system of secondary general education to the development of students in the process of cooperation with the teacher. In the process of personal-oriented learning, the formation of subjective positions, their implementation takes place.
An important aspect is the interaction of the subjects of the educational process, which leads to an active search for new methods and forms of interpersonal interaction between the teacher and students. Subject-subject interaction is the most important factor determining the quality of secondary general education.
The research presents the scientific foundations and experience of studying interaction as a philosophical and pedagogical category. To determine the essential characteristics of the concept of interaction of subjects, an analysis was made of foreign and domestic sources. The results of the research showed that the concept of “interaction” is meta-subjective in nature. The concept of “interaction” is regarded as a philosophical category and a pedagogical category. In the ongoing study “Identification of the essential characteristics of the interaction of subjects”, “interaction” is understood as a mutually directed process of communication and individual actions of subjects characterized by personal and role positions and performed functions, the result of which will be personal development and changes in the relations, communication and activities of subjects of interaction.
On the basis of the definition in question, the structure of interpersonal communication is also discussed. As a result of the comparative analysis of the terms “interaction” and “interpersonal communication,” the essential characteristics of the interaction of subjects were revealed, the component composition of interaction between subjects was determined, the positions and roles of subjects of interaction in the educational process were revealed, and the pedagogical positions of the person-centered approach were clarified.
Key words: interaction, subject-subject interaction, communication, interpersonal communication, relations, interrelation, personal development, forms of influence.
Sysoeva E.Yu., Korsun M.V. THE TEACHER AUTHORITY IN A TRANSFORMING RUSSIAN SOCIETYThe authority as a socio-psychological phenomenon is a mechanism of interpersonal influence in society. The role of authority is greatest in pedagogical activity, so far as the productivity of pedagogical communication and the effectiveness of the training and education process depend on its presence. At the present time, there is a decline in the authority of the teacher in Russian society, which affects the nature of the relationship between the subjects of the educational process.
Research tasks: to consider the peculiarities of the transformation of the authority of the teacher in modern Russian society and the genesis of ideas about the authority of the teacher in pedagogical and social-philosophical discourses, to determine the status of the teacher. The results of a theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical approaches have shown that the current state of the authority of a teacher as a sociocultural construct is represented as crisis. The crisis of the teacher’s authority is analyzed both from the point of view of radical changes in the structure of the channels of transmission of cultural experience, disruption of continuity of intergenerational ties, and in the context of global trends in the modernization of the education system, turning it into a service sector. The results of our empirical research aimed at studying the assessment of the dynamics of one’s own status by teachers with work experience of more than thirty years fix two main trends in the idea of a teacher’s authority. At the micro level (at the small group level), the authority of the teacher has undergone minimal changes. Informants said that students and their attitude towards the teacher over the past decades practically haven't changed. The interviewed teachers noted that the authority of the teacher at the macro level is influenced by: the integration of parents into the educational space, their consumer attitudes regarding the quality of education and pedagogical activity; pragmatism of education, orientation to the usefulness of knowledge gained in school. We also note that modern art culture and public opinion aren't view the teacher as a source of necessary experience and knowledge for the younger generation.
As a result of the study, we find that the authority of the teacher depends on both the personal qualities of the teacher himself and the socio-cultural context in which the implementation of educational activities takes place. In modern Russian society, there is a desacralization of the role of the teacher, which is caused by the transformation of education into the services sector, the liberalization of values, insufficient financing of the education system, and the lack of a targeted state policy on the construction of a positive teacher’s image in the media.
Key words: authority, teacher’s authority, connection in continuity of generations, globalization, modernization, consumerization of education.
Yakupov G.S., Gladysheva Yu.A. USING THE BIOPHYSICAL MATERIAL IN PHYSICS LEARNINGSIn the context of the development of profile education, an important task is to determine the appropriate content of education that would satisfy the cognitive needs of the individual, provide a high level of fundamental preparation for the students, and prepare them for training in a professional school.
Today the pedagogical community solves the problems of constructing pro-formal lines of the content of education, for various branches of scientific knowledge. Attempts are being made to provide a holistic representation of the profile content of education through the introduction of subject, interdisciplinary and integrative courses, the realization of cognitive activities characteristic of this or that branch of scientific knowledge and practical activity, the formation of creative types of cognitive activity, etc. is purposefully carried out.
We have developed a theory of methodology that allows to model the whole content of the natural-science profile in various types of general education institutions, taking into account the abilities and abilities of students. The consequences of this theory allow us to reveal the diversity of means and ways to achieve various levels of integrity of the content of natural science education.
One of such means of increasing the level of integrity of the content of natural science education is the adaptation of synthesized sciences to the educational process of the institution. Formed as independent systems of knowledge with its structure and content, synthesized objects have a great cognitive and heuristic potential, they connect different subject systems of natural science cognition. It is known that science has a certain structure of knowledge and the logic of considering the object of knowledge. In the structure of natural science cognition it is possible to distinguish factorial, conceptual, theoretical and worldview levels of cognition of nature, and in relation to these levels, to present the content of the synthesis of physical and biological knowledge.
It is becoming increasingly obvious that the solution of the cardinal problem of the correlation of the physical and biological forms of the motion of matter lies in the way of the synthesis of physical and biological ideas about living and non-living matter. This synthesis can be realized in the educational process at various levels, depending on the type and type of educational institution. The expediency of the introduction of biophysics into the educational process is actualized by meeting the need for profile education of students interested in natural science, having a certain style of thinking, and a clearly expressed objective orientation of behavior.
Key words: physics, biology, natural science picture of the world, professional orientation of students.


Gerasimova I.V. INTERRELATION OF THE LONELINESS PHENOMENON AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE INTERNET ACTIVE USERSWidespread in the modern world of Internet addiction actualizes the problem of violations of interpersonal interaction of active Internet users. Getting invaluable experience of interpersonal communication with new people, maintaining Internet communication with multiple recipients leads to superficial connections with communicators. The search for the meaning and essence of the identity of modern man, on the one hand, is enriched, on the other — complicated by the dynamic process of virtualization of the existential space. By providing a person with new bright opportunities for interaction with others and a variety of ways of self-expression, virtual reality creates all the conditions for the formation of countless virtual images, identities. Computer dependence is closely connected with subjective experiences of a person, in particular with the feeling of loneliness. And communication skills play an important role in the emergence of feelings of loneliness. When reducing them, most often there are difficulties in communication, isolation and avoiding real contacts. Interpersonal and social interactions become secondary interactions. There is a change and transformation of consciousness, rationalization of mental activity, violation of self-identity, emotional alienation, desocialization and destructive changes in the psyche. These facts have a negative impact on the formation of personal characteristics of a person and lead to the formation of accentuations, that is, to the sharpening of some character traits that subsequently affect the adaptation of a person to society.
The study involved 50 people, students in the 3rd year of study. The representative sample included 25 boys and 25 girls aged 19–20 years who are active users of the Internet. The method of cross-sections was carried out with this age group and the following methods were used:
personality questionnaire mini — mult F.B. Berezin and M.P. Miroshnikov, aimed at studying properties of the personality; the method of screening diagnostics of computer based on L.N. Yurieva, T.Y. Bolbot — samoobrony aimed at identifying computer addiction (including Internet addiction); assessment of the level of sociability V.F. Ryakhovskiy, a measure of the General level of sociability; scale subjective feelings of loneliness S.V. Dukhnovsky, aimed at determining the degree of experience of loneliness, which serves as an indicator of harmony-disharmony of interpersonal relations and an indicator of proximity-remoteness between the subjects of relations.
This study confirmed the positive relationship between Internet addiction and social loneliness.
With the development of Internet addiction, there is a regression in the information processes of the system organization of the individual at the levels of intelligent response and self-organization, which leads to the predominant localization of information processing at the level of automatism and reflexive reactions.
Key words: Internet, social networks, addiction, students, self-identity, communication, interaction, transformation of consciousness, emotional alienation, desocialization, destructive mental changes.
Epanchintseva G.A., Kozlovskaya T.N., Potokina A.M. THE SPECIFICITY OF THE MATERNAL ATTITUDES OF WOMEN WITH CHILDREN AGED 5 TO 7 YEARSThe primary importance in the development of the child's personality is played by parental attitudes to education. The need to study the maternal attitudes of women with children aged 5 to 7 years is the approval and evidence of empirical data on the direct relationship of the formation of individual characteristics of children and maternal attitudes. Identification of the features of maternal attitudes will allow to predict the mental and emotional development of children, as well as to provide timely psychological assistance to families having trouble in the educational process.
We conducted a study on a sample of 30 women aged 25 to 45 years and their children aged 5 years 2 months to 6 years 11 months. The sample was divided into strata by family composition, number and sex of children. Our results suggest that mothers raising children of preschool show demands, rigor, anxiety and control to the behavior of the child both in full and in an incomplete family. At the same time between parents and children built a relationship of cooperation and emotional and comfortable relationships, both in full and incomplete family. Indicators of parental education of children indicate the predominance of authoritarian style. As a result of the study, we have for the first time identified the following features of the influence of maternal attitudes on the development and manifestation of child negativity: the higher the rate of maternal attitudes “demands”, “severity”, “anxiety” and “control” the higher the formation of the child's anxiety, fears, aggression and negativity. If mothers seek to develop the independence of the child, but because of increased anxiety prefer to protect the child from difficulties in the situation of self-expression, the level of adverse emotional state and development of the child will increase. The interrelation between the mother's Directive and the manifestation of autonomy of the child's behavior or the predominance of loneliness in preschool children is revealed. It is established that children's negativism has different forms of manifestation, namely whims, stubbornness, refusal reactions, self-will, indiscipline, which are directed against the existing or perceived as such unfavorable attitude of adults or peers to it. It is established that the specificity of maternal attitudes does not depend on the sex of the child, the structure of the family and the number of children in the family.
Thus, the study of the specifics of maternal attitudes of women with children aged 5 to 7 years allowed to clarify the concept of maternal attitudes and to identify the features of the impact of maternal attitudes on the emotional development of preschool children. The statistically significant interrelation between Directive maternal attitudes and negative emotional development of children of the senior preschool age is established.
Key words: development, parental attitudes, maternal attitudes, parent-child relationship.
Karabushchenko N.B., Khvorova E.M. SOCIAL AND INTELLECTUAL FEATURES OF RECOGNITION OF THE FRONT EXPRESSION BY THE RUSSIAN AND ASIAN STUDENTSThe main contents of article are devoted to studying of social and intellectual features of recognition of a front expression by different etnofor. The sample consisted of 123 Russian students and 126 students from China, Vietnam and Mongolia. The average age was 24 years. Social mental abilities of the personality and ability to recognition of a front expression on the faces of different ethnocultural groups were estimated by means of the international base of emotions of MSFDE (Montreal Set of Facial Displays of Emotion) and the Social Intelligence test of J.P. Gilford. It is established that the high level of ability to predict end of a situation and to read out nonverbal emotions allows students from Russia more successfully to distinguish a front expression, and students from Vietnam, thanks to their tendency to search of the social support which is implemented by means of an anticipation and preguessing of actions are capable equally successfully, as well as students from the countries of Asia, to distinguish a front expression on faces of Asian origin.
There were analyzed Russian and foreign approaches to social intellect in connection with face perception and recognition of facial expression among representatives of different cultures. The novelty of the research: there were studied socio-intellectual abilities of facial expression recognition during cultural adaptation in the multicultural space of modern society through the recognition of facial expression during interaction with other ethnophores.
The authors identified the general socio-intellectual peculiarities of facial emotion recognition on example of representatives of different cultures. It was found out that Russian students recognize facial expression better thanks to the high level of ability to predict the situation ending and understanding of non-verbal emotions. Vietnam students are able to equally successfully as students from Asia to recognize facial expression on Asian faces, thanks to the tendency to seek for social support, implemented through action anticipation and prediction.
Key words: intra-group effect of recognition, facial expression of ethnophores, interethnic interaction, rules of emotion expression, recognition of facial expressions, social and intellectual abilities, social intellect, ethnophor.
Musaeva N.K. HOME VISITING IN THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL WORK WITH THE FAMILY IN DIFFICULT LIFE SITUATIONSInternational experience shows that home visiting programs play an important role in the prevention of disability among children and domestic violence. Special need for the help of specialists is experienced by low-income families with young children with underdevelopment. In essence, home visits should be carried out in conjunction with representatives of the transdisciplinary team authorized to represent and protect the legitimate interests of children and families in difficult life situations. However, the low level of interdepartmental interaction and the lack of specific work algorithms significantly reduce the effectiveness of social work.
Home visiting is considered by me as one of the forms of complex services. The current situation shows that integrated work with the use of visiting technology has a positive effect on removing families from difficult life situations. At the same time, much attention is paid to establishing primary contact with families, creating an atmosphere of confidential communication and providing psychological support. Using a functional analysis of the subjects' activities on the basis of regulatory documents, I found that the main subjects of the home visiting system are: commissions for children, local state administrations, commissions for social issues, territorial divisions of the authorized body for the protection of children, executive bodies of local self-government, district and management of social development.
The specificity of home visiting technology lies in the fact that children and families in difficult life situations are defined as the main target recipients of services. According to the results of the study of legal documents and interviews with specialists, I identified a number of contradictory organizational factors that reduce the effectiveness of visitors' activities: lack of awareness of families about home visits, problems with transport, lack of personnel, lack of competence to establish confidential contacts with families, vague understanding of functional responsibilities and uneven distribution of responsibilities, etc. To improve this service, I recommend developing an algorithm for interaction I have a multidisciplinary team of experts, organize seminars for experts to establish initial contact with their families and a comprehensive assessment of the family situation, schedule the goals and responsibilities of social workers. It seems to me that home visiting within the framework of case management in Kyrgyzstan is at the stage of development, is not systematic, and requires precise organization and development of an action mechanism.
Key words: home visiting, social work at home, difficult life situation, social patronage, establishing interpersonal contact.

Physical-mathematical sciences

Eremin A.M., Zakharov P.V., Starostenkov M.D., Manakov N.A. ON THE QUESTION ON THE STATISTICAL COMPARISON OF ACCURATE DISCRETE BREEZERS WITH QUASI-BREEZE MODEL SOLUTIONS OF A3B STEHOMETRY CRYSTALThe method of molecular dynamics is used to perform a statistical comparison of exact discrete breathers with quasi-breather model solutions of the A3B stoichiometry crystal, using the example of Pt3Al. A phonon spectrum of this model crystal is obtained, the dependences of the root-mean-square deviation, the coefficient of variation, and the mean frequency of the model quasi-breather on the time of its existence are obtained. Also within the framework of this model, the following statistical characteristics and dependencies were calculated: a grouped statistical series of absolute and relative frequencies, a polygon of absolute and relative frequencies, a histogram of relative frequencies, an empirical distribution function, an estimate of the mathematical expectation and variance of the original sample. Analysis of statistical data allows us to conclude that in the model under consideration using the interatomic interaction potential obtained by the immersed atom (EAM) method, the quasi-breather solution differs slightly from the exact breather solution.Moving discrete breather interactions with the point defect in crystal with A3B composition taken as an example Pt3Al are studied by the method of molecular dynamics.Key words: molecular dynamics, discrete breather, quasi-breather, root-mean-square deviation, coefficient of variation, phonon spectrum.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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