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May 2018, № 5 (217), pages 47-51

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-217-47

Litvinenko N.V., Gasilina M.A. THE PROBLEM OF MALADAPTATION FACTORS OF 6–7 YEARS OLD CHILDREN TO EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF PRESCHOOL ORGANIZATIONAs shown by the results of modern research and analysis of the pedagogical practice of educational organizations, the number of children with manifestations of maladaptation to the educational environment has now increased. Scientists note that the occurrence of manifestations of the maladjustment of children to the educational environment is influenced by certain factors-causes. According to numerous studies, the factors of students' maladaptation to the educational environment of the school have been studied quite well. The factors of maladaptation and its manifestations in children to the educational environment of a pre-school organization have been studied to a lesser degree. As a result of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature devoted to the problem of maladaptation, it was revealed that the main factors of maladaptation and its manifestations in children are: age of the child, health status and level of development of the preschooler, experience of his communication with peers and adults, gender of the child, parental relationship.
On the basis of theoretical analysis (analysis of scientific literature, generalization, synthesis) and the results of observations of teachers of preschool organizations in our study identified the main groups of factors that have a significant impact on the occurrence of manifestations of maladaptation of older preschool children to the educational environment of the preschool organization. The main factors contributing to maladaptation and its manifestations in 6–7 years old children include: age factor, organization of the educational process in the preparatory group, family.
We correlated the selected age factor with the age characteristics of children of preschool age, with the social situation of their development, the crisis of 7 years, neoplasms, the change of leading activities. The second factor related to the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in the preparatory group was correlated with the educational activities and style of pedagogical communication. The third factor is associated with the educational attitude of the parents and the style of education in the family.
Thus, the consideration of selected factors (age factor, organization of the educational process in the preparatory group, family) allows the teacher to think out a system of measures, activities and actions, including effective forms, methods, technologies and tools for working with older preschoolers with manifestations of disadaptation.
Key words: factors, educational environment, disadaptation, manifestations of disadaptation, preschool organization, senior preschool age, social development situation, crisis of 7 years.


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About this article

Authors: Litvinenko N.V., Gasilina M.A.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-217-47

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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