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May 2018, № 5 (217), pages 106-112

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-217-106

Musaeva N.K. HOME VISITING IN THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL WORK WITH THE FAMILY IN DIFFICULT LIFE SITUATIONSInternational experience shows that home visiting programs play an important role in the prevention of disability among children and domestic violence. Special need for the help of specialists is experienced by low-income families with young children with underdevelopment. In essence, home visits should be carried out in conjunction with representatives of the transdisciplinary team authorized to represent and protect the legitimate interests of children and families in difficult life situations. However, the low level of interdepartmental interaction and the lack of specific work algorithms significantly reduce the effectiveness of social work.
Home visiting is considered by me as one of the forms of complex services. The current situation shows that integrated work with the use of visiting technology has a positive effect on removing families from difficult life situations. At the same time, much attention is paid to establishing primary contact with families, creating an atmosphere of confidential communication and providing psychological support. Using a functional analysis of the subjects' activities on the basis of regulatory documents, I found that the main subjects of the home visiting system are: commissions for children, local state administrations, commissions for social issues, territorial divisions of the authorized body for the protection of children, executive bodies of local self-government, district and management of social development.
The specificity of home visiting technology lies in the fact that children and families in difficult life situations are defined as the main target recipients of services. According to the results of the study of legal documents and interviews with specialists, I identified a number of contradictory organizational factors that reduce the effectiveness of visitors' activities: lack of awareness of families about home visits, problems with transport, lack of personnel, lack of competence to establish confidential contacts with families, vague understanding of functional responsibilities and uneven distribution of responsibilities, etc. To improve this service, I recommend developing an algorithm for interaction I have a multidisciplinary team of experts, organize seminars for experts to establish initial contact with their families and a comprehensive assessment of the family situation, schedule the goals and responsibilities of social workers. It seems to me that home visiting within the framework of case management in Kyrgyzstan is at the stage of development, is not systematic, and requires precise organization and development of an action mechanism.
Key words: home visiting, social work at home, difficult life situation, social patronage, establishing interpersonal contact.


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About this article

Author: Musaeva N.K.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-217-106

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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