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№ 12š21šdecemberš2016


Vinokhodova M.V., Moroz V.V. CREATIVE-VALUE INTERACTION IN THE “MUSEUMš— SCHOOLš— UNIVERSITY” SYSTEMThe cooperation of social partnersš— government and public organizationsš— in the sphere of a young generation education under the conditions of modern education development is becoming extremely important. Educational institutions should cooperate with other bodies of socialization taking into account national traditions and customs in their work. However the opportunities of creative-value interaction between museum, school and university haven't been thoroughly studied. When applying creative-value approach to the problem of schoolchildren' value orientation formation, the exchange of values, knowledge, and ideas takes place, a new creative product appears due to the meaning acquisition of museum artifacts. Educational process in a museum is of great importance due to the use of the museum environment potential that is the powerful means of education. The creative-value interaction of the museum, school and higher education institution is the effective instrument of familiarizing of students with universal values. There is an enrichment of a personal experience, education of spiritual and moral qualities of the personality by means of methodical saturation of the parties of process and creation of new joint creative programs and projects which are easily built in the curriculum. The personality is implemented outside school or higher education institution in museum city or virtual space in fixed and after hours.Key words: higher educational institution, school, museum, creative-value interaction, value orientations, holiday in s museum, historic reconstruction.
Vitvitskaya L.A., Studenikina O.V. IMPLEMENTATION OF DISTANCE LEARNING IN INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONCurrently, the national education system, there are significant changes related to political, socio-cultural changes in society. Particular importance acquired the issues that relate to the system of educational services, ensuring the development of children, regardless of their health status and social position. In the context of educational reforms especially acute question of the significance of the introduction of inclusive education. Teaching a child with disabilities is one of the important problems, the solution of which depends on the further formation in the life of such a person. Article twenty-fourth of the UN Convention “On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”, which Russia signed in 2008, states that in order to implement the right to education, States Parties shall ensure an inclusive education system at all levels and training throughout a person's life. Inclusive education provides an organization of the educational process, in which all children, regardless of their physical, mental, and other features are included in the mainstream education system. In the process of work with children need to establish such cooperation, in which the occurrence happens emotionally-semantic and positional contact. The most important for learning in the classroom is its interaction with the teacher. This interaction is specific educational space, is filled with a special psychological content for each student. Effective means of implementation of inclusive education is distance education.Key words: distance learning, inclusion, inclusive education, interaction.
Zubkova J.O., Khairullina E.R. ENSURING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PRACTICAL TRAINING OF THE FUTURE EXPERTS OF AN AVERAGE LINK IN TERMS OF THE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF HIGH SCHOOLDespite the positive changes in the system of vocational education aimed at improving the quality of training at all levels of education, is currently still possible to observe the level of mismatch of practical training mid-level requirements of the real sector of the economy. The effectiveness of the practical training may be provided by the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions, taking into account the objective features of modern vocational education system, the individual learning needs of students, and picked akmeologicheskoj level of formation of competences. Based on the understanding of the organizational and pedagogical conditions as the characteristics of the educational system, covering all its methodological levels, they identify us was based on the analysis of the model of vocational training on an example of training of future engineers-designers of clothing production, which is innovative because of the complexity of professional specialist functions and increasing demands, imposed by employers, and educational needs of the person associated with the further continuation of education at higher education level, practice-oriented view of the large proportion of practical training in a training program for future engineers, designers clothing industry, implemented in the university infrastructure. Identified us organizational and pedagogical conditions, implemented at the level of the educational institution, are common, implemented on public-methodological levelš— private. Our results of forming experiment in the experimental and control groups in the framework of academic and practical training of students, realizing we have identified the organizational and pedagogical conditions, show that the level of formation of competences, formed in the course of practical training, the students of the experimental group than in the control group. This fact leads to the conclusion that the implementation of the identified contact organizational and pedagogical conditions ensures the effectiveness of the practical training of future engineers-designers of clothing manufacture.Key words: educational environment of high school, organizational and pedagogical conditions, training program for mid-level efficiency.
Kargapoltseva N.A., Maslikova E.F. REALIZATION OF PERSONAL-DEVELOPING POTENTIAL OF PROJECTING INEDUCATION AS PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEMBecoming projecting paradigm of modern education in its practical implementation of priority based on the content-sense functionality phenomenon of design as an interdisciplinary humanitarian categories, reflecting the characteristic features, characteristics and properties of the personal formation of students, serving the basic foundation of positive educational quality transformations (quality of education) in its very wide and deep-essential understanding. The most significant aspects of the selected educational problems relate to the identification and specification of methods, forms and techniques of climbing proactive personality growing person from the existing (design defined) quality educational opportunities to the real (design-personal, subjective) reality, the existence of the quality of education. One of the productive implementation of task-targeted constants indicated the process may make an appeal to the substantial-semantic (resulting) specific diversity of projectsš— project-aim, project-state, project-image, project-model, project-plan, project-effect, collectively defining the basic vectors and teaching the dominant design in education as an important factor in enhancing the quality of the educational level of personality development of students.Key words: projecting, project, projecting in education, quality of education, personal development of students.
Maerkina E.V. INFLUENCE INFORMATION SPACE ON ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION OF MODERN TEENAGERSTo a large extent the productive activity of the person is associated with the motivation to achieve, which appears in the development of orientation on knowledge, in expecting the high results. Questions of efficiency in the development of achievement motivation are becoming increasingly important in connection with the implementation of the Federal state educational standard in the modern school, as well as increasing the level of requests to developing personality, which demands the society. Informatization of the environment of the modern teenager brings about changes in the formation and development of the personality. The article reveals the potential impact of the information on the achievement motivation. At the initial stage the diagnosis of motivation of educational activity of teenagers with a focus on the prevalence of success or avoidance of failure was conducted according to the test by Lukyanova. Then the results of the survey by choosing the direction of the interests and goals of teenagers visit social networking sites were revealed, which enabled us to make a preliminary classification of motives. The ratio of selection of using social networks by teenagers and their dominant learning motivation as a percentage led to the conclusion on the researched topic and define the conditions of formation of achievement motivation.The research revealed a direct correlation between achievement motivation and a choice of spending time in the Internet space by teenagers. Thus, the formation of achievement motivation of adolescents with a focus on knowledge as a value is possible if using systems approach, which combines traditional methods, forms, means of education and the modern technologies of informational and educational environment.Key words: potential of information space, the efficiency of the pedagogical process, the basic motivational education.
Panferova A.D. DIACHRONIC ANALYSIS OF THE AESTHETIC ORIENTATIONS OF YOUNG TEENThe problem of aesthetic orientations of schoolboys has always been relevant in the educational processes. This process involves the enrichment ratio for the beautiful in nature and art, in the surrounding reality, including in man. Since the aesthetic orientation are not innate, and assigned, the development of the aesthetic orientations should be given great attention. Although the study of foreign and domestic scientists, this area remains poorly studied pedagogy. In our study, we compared it diachronic data analysis and diagnosis of the adolescent aesthetic orientations. As a result of the comparative analysis, we identified was the fact that in every age the beauty comes in many spheres of human life: in the moral, cultural, natural, and it was detected most clearly in the form of a woman's face. And despite the significant differences beauty ideals in different erasš— this value is the object of enjoyment, awakens the aesthetic sense of people of all generations. Turning to the aesthetic preferences of today, we can say that will make one more turn to the originality of the understanding of beauty as a value. However, as the diagnostic data beauty as a value ranks last among the value preferences of modern teenagers and development of aesthetic orientation occurs at a low level. Thus, the development of aesthetic orientations of students today is one of the key challenges for the modern education. Social, political and cultural transformation of an impact on the development of attitudes towards beauty. Development of creative abilities, possibilities and conditions for the perception of works of art relevant to the ideals of beauty, teacher competence in the areas of aestheticsš— all this will develop the aesthetic orientation of students at a high level.Key words: value, beauty, aesthetic orientation, the development of the aesthetic orientations.
Shevchenko O.N. COMPONENTS OF TRAINING STRATEGY FOR FUTURE BACHELORS OF TECHNICAL SPECIALTIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIESFormation of professional competence of bachelors of technical areas of training is one of the main goals of the educational process in a technical university. The development of the future bachelors' professional competences is closely linked to the organization of general vocational training in the relevant departments of the university. Engineering graphics is a basic discipline for undergraduates of technical specialties and a basis of the general professional training as a key competence. Effective teaching engineering graphics allows willingness to act in specific production conditions competently and creatively, to be an effective and mobile whilebeing immersed in the related areas of activity. The paper identifies the component structure of a training strategy for future undergraduates in the department of descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics.The causes of low development efficiency of professional competencies of graduates in technical colleges are identified. The concepts of professional competence and professional standards are reviewed. It is shown that the strategy of general professional training of a bachelor should include the organization of vocational training process as an over-subject practice, during which dialogic interaction is exercised, the unity of subject and operational sides of teaching and learning activities, building teaching and learning activities in the context of future production operations, simulation of production and quasi-production situations, focused on the transforming them into a production task. The component structure training strategy should include a block of goal-setting and components such as substantive, procedural, personal and criterion-evaluation. Implementing the announced strategy will provide a sufficiently efficient training of the future bachelors of technical areas for the development of professional competencies.Key words: professional competence, general professional training, technical bachelor specialties.


Moroz V.V. FOREIGN THEORIES OF CREATIVITY REVIEWThe necessity of more profound understanding of creativity which is considered to be the vital characteristic for teaching, studying and work triggered the growth of multidisciplinary scientific research. Since 1960s more than ten thousand scientific papers on creativity appeared in various journals and periodicals, more than six hundred books were published since 1990s, these figures increase with every coming year. The statistic data analysis shows that multidisciplinary concept of creativity is of great interest to the scientists worldwide. The role of creativity in a society, business, science and education cannot be overestimated but still hasn't been revealed. The retrospective analysis of foreign theories of creativity demonstrates that since the beginning of the last century there were numerous attempts to understand the concept of creativity, its components, creative process stages, the functions of both hemispheres in creative process, types of thinking. Taking into account the ambiguity of creativity phenomenon, the range of creativity viewpoints is fairly wide. Foreign theories of creativity considered in this article prove creativity to be a many-faceted and ambiguous phenomenon. Each theory deals with a particular aspect of the problem reflecting the value orientations of the scientists and though each contains the significant amount of discovery, observation and justification one cannot prove them to be exhaustive and comprehensive. It is shown that scientists still haven't come to an agreement on a definition of creativity no matter how long their research was.Key words: creativity, theories of creativity, definition of creativity.


Mady A.Y., Shein E.V. MODELING SOIL THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY AS A FUNCTION OF SOIL MOISTURESoil thermal parameters are playing an important role in soil heat transfer. Mathematical models and Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) are considered the modern soil physics. Thermal diffusivity is an important parameter of the soil thermal properties, used to study the soil heat flow. Recently, PTFs are widely used to forecast thermal properties. The aim of the work is to ascertain the relation between thermal diffusivity and soil moisture by a model. The relationship between thermal diffusivity and soil moisture by is described by a quadratic equation, and then determined the parameters of this equation using PTFs. The determination coefficient (R2), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Willams-Kloot test exhibited that the proposed PTF of the quadratic equation is better than Arkhangelskaya (2004) model for predicting soil thermal diffusivity as a function of soil physical properties.Key words: soil physical properties, thermal parameters, Soil moisture, pedotransfer functions (PTFs), mathematical models.
Makunina O.A., Shibkova D.Z. PECULIARITIES OF HEART RHYTHM VARIABILITY OF STUDENTS –SPORTSMEN, HAVING DIFFERENT WILL ACTIVITY STYLESThe article is devoted to studying heart rhythm variability peculiarities of students-sportsmen, having different will activity styles within the conditions of combined studying, professional and sport activities. Professional activities success is determined by individual resources peculiarities, individual will activity styles are included into them. Will activity styles are dynamic, genetically determinated by psychological peculiarities; they define students-sportsmen's adaptive peculiarities and health under conditions of combined loading. Generally accepted evaluation methods for will qualities were used (N.V.šStambulova's form). Heart work data record was conducted by hardware and software complex “Auinomic Nervous System-Micro” (Limited liability company “Neurosoft”) at rest. Such data of heart rhythm spectroscopic analysis variability were studied: total spectrum power (TP,) very low frequency (VLF), low (LF), high (HF) frequency waves power, vagosympathetic balance coefficient (LF/HF). Research results were analysed by generally accepted statistical methods. According to the spectroscopic analysis data, maximal adaptive kind of neurovegetative reaction was shown by students-sportsmen, having flexible style of will activity. Such students have shown evident parasympathicotoniÓ reaction, it is characteristic for them. Students-sportsmen, having restrained will activity style, usually have autonomic nervous system parts balance with humoral-metabolic influences prevalence over heart rhythm. For students-sportsmen, having motivational will activity style, evident sympathycotonic reaction is characteristic. Studying peculiarities of heart rhythm spectriscopic analysis variability, defining vegetative regulation prevalent style of students-sportsmen, having different styles of will activity allows prediction of their functional and reserve organism's abilities, training process managing and also predict their sport results.Key words: spectroscopic analysis, heart rhythm variability, will activity style, students-sportsmen, combined loading, adaptation, heart rhythm regulation.
Notova S.V., Slobodskov A.A., Bokov D.A., Sizova E.A. SRC GENE EXPRESSION IN CHANGING PLACENTAL TISSUESAFTER EXPOSURE TO COPPER NANOPARTICLESThe SRC gene is a protooncogene with vague regulatory functions. Protein products of its expression are tyrosinkinases that modulate membrane receptors to cytokines involved in cell proliferation and differentiation. Placental insufficiency and placental immaturity are characterized by complicated pathogenesis, so morphogenetic and regulatory aspects of their development are not clearly defined. In addition, inevitable usage of nanostructured substances for the purpose of medical diagnosis and treatment is presently evident. There were shown toxigenic features of nanoparticles for placental tissues leading to intolerable decline in surface area of the chorion and fetal-placental metabolic rate. The aim of the research is to establish connections between c-src gene expression and structural processes of chorial remodeling after damage. The study shows the main mechanisms of placental adaptation after exposure to copper nanoparticles (dose 1.0šmg/kg) administered to pregnant Wistar rats throughout the gestation period. The first mechanism consists in the increase in the proportion of intermediate villi and their processes, the second one is the increase in volume of syncytial knots. As a result, new formation of structures is observed, including terminal villi. The src gene expression was detected in epithelial cells of syncytial knots, as well as on separate epithelial sites of intermediate and terminal villi (induced epithelium). SRC gene is also actively expressed in fibroblasts of fetal stroma. Decidua and peripheral portion of trophoblast in spongy zone do not contain signs of SRC gene activity. Thus, there was established that SRC gene plays a regulatory role increasing processes of chorionic villi growth in placenta after exposure to copper nanoparticles and consequent damage.Key words: SRC gene, chorion, placental insufficiency, remodeling, regulation of tissue dynamics, adaptation.
Rusanov A.M., Savin E.Z., Shebanova M.A. REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ROSACEAE JUSS FAMILY IN GARDENING OF THE CITY OF BUZULUK: BIOLOGICAL FEATURES AND ECOLOGYBuzuluk is a major city of the Western part of the Orenburg region, its industrial, cultural, business center. As for improving the urban environment in the greening of the landscape is actively used varieties and species of the Rosaceae. The plantations were initially set to the extreme growing conditions due to the contrast in climatic conditions. Additional anthropogenic pressure from the city in the form entering the soil significant quantities of heavy metals worsens their overall condition and, as a consequence, plantations are becoming environmentally unsafe for humans. Key words: heavy metals, a family of Rosaceae, stability, accumulation.
Savin å.Z., Isambetova Z.N., Isambetov N.Sh. THE RESPONSES OF THE APPLE TREE ON CLONAL ROOTSTOCKS 54-118, 64-143 IN A YOUNG GARDEN UNDER HOT CONDITIONS IN STEPPE ZONE OF THE SOUTHERN URALSModern intensive industrial gardening is based on the early appearance of fruit dwarf rootstocks and highly adapted varieties of apple, bred in the growth zone. In the past century in the scientific institutions of the Urals and Siberia large-fruited, high winter resistant sorts of different ripening time. Also winter resistant clonals of the Apple Tree were produced which enables to lay the extensive gardens in a favorable microenvironment zone. The experiment was done in the flood plain of the Sakmara River on medium loams in arable horizon with a humus content of 4.0š%. The cuttings were used pertaining to semi-dwarf forms 54-118 and medium height 64-143 forms (selected by the Department of Horticulture, Michurin State Agrarian University, V.I.šBudagovsky). The scheme of planting was 5šxš0.5šm, followed by grafting on the site. These annual plants obtained in the row were thinned leaving between plants of 2.5šmeters. In the sixth year after vaccination tree height reached up to 3šmeters, crown diameter, depending on the crown in the same range. The first fruiting was obtained at 3-4 year and commodity yield was achieved by 5-6 year. In the semi-dwarf rootstock 54-118 the yield by the sixth year was 1.5-2 times higher than on the medium height forms 64-143. The greatest yield over years of fruiting was obtained on the sorts Bashkir Emerald, Amateur, Siyanets Titovka, Beauty Altai in volumes of up to 200-260 centner/ha. Experience shows that in extreme conditions of forest-steppe zone of the Southern Urals in the gardens with the clonal rootstocks and the early appearance of fruit sorts adapted to the Urals and Siberia the industrial yield can be obtained at the 5-6th years after vaccination.Key words: scion, rootstock, clone, productivity, return on investment, adaptation.
Khrustalyov E.I., Kurapova T.M., Molchanova ë.á. AGE-RELATED CHANGES OF MORPHOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF PIKE PERCH THE FIRST GENERATION WHEN GROWN IN RASIn commercial breeding of fish pay special attention to its physiological state, which is estimated based on the account of morphological and physiological indicators. The aim was to assess the conditions of cultivation and to determine the value of the indices of internal organs walleye the first generation, for the first time introduced to the process of growing mode in the ultrasound. The material for the research was collected during the research work for three years from 2007 to 2009 served as objects of fingerlings, yearlings and two-year walleye. The first generation was obtained from wild walleye eggs and grown under regulated temperature. At the age of 76šdays the fry reach an average sample of 1 g and were transported to the ILC LLC “Aqua”, where they put in pools of pilot RAS. As a result of the research within three years could determine the indexes of internal organs from fingerlings, yearlings and two-year walleye. All of the fish examined, regardless of the age of the maximum values of the relative mass were observed in the index of the gills, and the minimum in the spleen index. In the study of the internal organs of juvenile walleye, marked a change of color and structure of the liver. It was noticeable increase in her and change the color to pale sand, which is obviously connected with the feed quality. As a result of analysis of the feed was carried out and recommendations for optimization of feeding walleye. Comparing the results, age dynamics of the relative mass of internal organs was found. In the analysis of the data was possible to establish certain regularities in the changes of the studied first domesticated in RAS walleye the first generation, which was the basis for further research in the direction of establishing the status of walleye morphophysiological under RAS.Key words: perch, RAS, a pool, generation, internal organs index.

Historical sciences

Polyakov A. N. FEATURES OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONThe article is dedicated to a very important, interesting and relevant topic. In domestic science she is one of the main and at the same time the most controversial. The solution to the problem of the General and special in the history of ancient societies are extremely important not only scientifically, but also, we can say, in the national plan. From the solution of this question depends on the understanding of the whole historical path of Russia's development. The article is written in the framework of the concept offered by the author, according to which the Ancient Rus is the first stage in the development of Russian civilization. The cradle of Russian civilizationš— Kiev. Here for the first time develop a new form of life characteristic of Ancient Russia, formed the elite of the old Russian culture. The princes of Kiev established a large state, comparable to the power of Charles the Great or the Empire of the Romans. The type of the Kievan Rus ' refers to the policy of civilization. This is evidenced by both written (letters Patent of Izyaslav mstislavovitch Panteleymonova monastery) and archaeological sources (especially material culture). Ancient civilization had a number of common features inherent in any policy of civilization is the Supreme property of the city land, the village as the basic economic cell, the presence of the Assembly of citizens, patriotism, freedom and mutual aid as the basic values. Feature of Kievan Rus ' was the combination of high horizontal and low vertical mobility, and a high proportion of joint land ownership, the combination of a monarchy with direct democracy, nation-building on the model of the tribe, the combination of Church organization with massive pagan consciousness and customs, broad sexual freedom.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

¿ üÌÅËÔÒÏÎÎÏÅ ÐÅÒÉÏÄÉÞÅÓËÏÅ ÉÚÄÁÎÉÅ: ÷åóôîéë ïçõ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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