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December 2016, № 12

Khrustalyov E.I., Kurapova T.M., Molchanova К.А. AGE-RELATED CHANGES OF MORPHOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF PIKE PERCH THE FIRST GENERATION WHEN GROWN IN RASIn commercial breeding of fish pay special attention to its physiological state, which is estimated based on the account of morphological and physiological indicators. The aim was to assess the conditions of cultivation and to determine the value of the indices of internal organs walleye the first generation, for the first time introduced to the process of growing mode in the ultrasound. The material for the research was collected during the research work for three years from 2007 to 2009 served as objects of fingerlings, yearlings and two-year walleye. The first generation was obtained from wild walleye eggs and grown under regulated temperature. At the age of 76 days the fry reach an average sample of 1 g and were transported to the ILC LLC “Aqua”, where they put in pools of pilot RAS. As a result of the research within three years could determine the indexes of internal organs from fingerlings, yearlings and two-year walleye. All of the fish examined, regardless of the age of the maximum values of the relative mass were observed in the index of the gills, and the minimum in the spleen index. In the study of the internal organs of juvenile walleye, marked a change of color and structure of the liver. It was noticeable increase in her and change the color to pale sand, which is obviously connected with the feed quality. As a result of analysis of the feed was carried out and recommendations for optimization of feeding walleye. Comparing the results, age dynamics of the relative mass of internal organs was found. In the analysis of the data was possible to establish certain regularities in the changes of the studied first domesticated in RAS walleye the first generation, which was the basis for further research in the direction of establishing the status of walleye morphophysiological under RAS.Key words: perch, RAS, a pool, generation, internal organs index.


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About this article

Authors: Hrustalev E.I., Molchanova K.A., Kurapova T.M.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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