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December 2016, № 12

Shevchenko O.N. COMPONENTS OF TRAINING STRATEGY FOR FUTURE BACHELORS OF TECHNICAL SPECIALTIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIESFormation of professional competence of bachelors of technical areas of training is one of the main goals of the educational process in a technical university. The development of the future bachelors' professional competences is closely linked to the organization of general vocational training in the relevant departments of the university. Engineering graphics is a basic discipline for undergraduates of technical specialties and a basis of the general professional training as a key competence. Effective teaching engineering graphics allows willingness to act in specific production conditions competently and creatively, to be an effective and mobile whilebeing immersed in the related areas of activity. The paper identifies the component structure of a training strategy for future undergraduates in the department of descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics.The causes of low development efficiency of professional competencies of graduates in technical colleges are identified. The concepts of professional competence and professional standards are reviewed. It is shown that the strategy of general professional training of a bachelor should include the organization of vocational training process as an over-subject practice, during which dialogic interaction is exercised, the unity of subject and operational sides of teaching and learning activities, building teaching and learning activities in the context of future production operations, simulation of production and quasi-production situations, focused on the transforming them into a production task. The component structure training strategy should include a block of goal-setting and components such as substantive, procedural, personal and criterion-evaluation. Implementing the announced strategy will provide a sufficiently efficient training of the future bachelors of technical areas for the development of professional competencies.Key words: professional competence, general professional training, technical bachelor specialties.


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About this article

Author: Shevchenko O.N.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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