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December 2016, № 12

Panferova A.D. DIACHRONIC ANALYSIS OF THE AESTHETIC ORIENTATIONS OF YOUNG TEENThe problem of aesthetic orientations of schoolboys has always been relevant in the educational processes. This process involves the enrichment ratio for the beautiful in nature and art, in the surrounding reality, including in man. Since the aesthetic orientation are not innate, and assigned, the development of the aesthetic orientations should be given great attention. Although the study of foreign and domestic scientists, this area remains poorly studied pedagogy. In our study, we compared it diachronic data analysis and diagnosis of the adolescent aesthetic orientations. As a result of the comparative analysis, we identified was the fact that in every age the beauty comes in many spheres of human life: in the moral, cultural, natural, and it was detected most clearly in the form of a woman's face. And despite the significant differences beauty ideals in different eras — this value is the object of enjoyment, awakens the aesthetic sense of people of all generations. Turning to the aesthetic preferences of today, we can say that will make one more turn to the originality of the understanding of beauty as a value. However, as the diagnostic data beauty as a value ranks last among the value preferences of modern teenagers and development of aesthetic orientation occurs at a low level. Thus, the development of aesthetic orientations of students today is one of the key challenges for the modern education. Social, political and cultural transformation of an impact on the development of attitudes towards beauty. Development of creative abilities, possibilities and conditions for the perception of works of art relevant to the ideals of beauty, teacher competence in the areas of aesthetics — all this will develop the aesthetic orientation of students at a high level.Key words: value, beauty, aesthetic orientation, the development of the aesthetic orientations.


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About this article

Author: Panfyorova A.D.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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