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December 2016, № 12

Notova S.V., Slobodskov A.A., Bokov D.A., Sizova E.A. SRC GENE EXPRESSION IN CHANGING PLACENTAL TISSUESAFTER EXPOSURE TO COPPER NANOPARTICLESThe SRC gene is a protooncogene with vague regulatory functions. Protein products of its expression are tyrosinkinases that modulate membrane receptors to cytokines involved in cell proliferation and differentiation. Placental insufficiency and placental immaturity are characterized by complicated pathogenesis, so morphogenetic and regulatory aspects of their development are not clearly defined. In addition, inevitable usage of nanostructured substances for the purpose of medical diagnosis and treatment is presently evident. There were shown toxigenic features of nanoparticles for placental tissues leading to intolerable decline in surface area of the chorion and fetal-placental metabolic rate. The aim of the research is to establish connections between c-src gene expression and structural processes of chorial remodeling after damage. The study shows the main mechanisms of placental adaptation after exposure to copper nanoparticles (dose 1.0 mg/kg) administered to pregnant Wistar rats throughout the gestation period. The first mechanism consists in the increase in the proportion of intermediate villi and their processes, the second one is the increase in volume of syncytial knots. As a result, new formation of structures is observed, including terminal villi. The src gene expression was detected in epithelial cells of syncytial knots, as well as on separate epithelial sites of intermediate and terminal villi (induced epithelium). SRC gene is also actively expressed in fibroblasts of fetal stroma. Decidua and peripheral portion of trophoblast in spongy zone do not contain signs of SRC gene activity. Thus, there was established that SRC gene plays a regulatory role increasing processes of chorionic villi growth in placenta after exposure to copper nanoparticles and consequent damage.Key words: SRC gene, chorion, placental insufficiency, remodeling, regulation of tissue dynamics, adaptation.


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About this article

Authors: Notova S.V., Slobodskov A.A., Bokov D.A., Sizova E.A.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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