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№ 9 2011


Mikhailov S.M., Mikhailova A.S. DESIGN OF THE CITY IN THE HISTORICAL ASPECTThe article focuses on the urban design as a special kind of artistic design and synthesis of design with architecture, urban planning and monumental and decorative art. It addresses the description principles for the history of urban design.Key words: history of design, design of city, urban design, planning and artistic synthesis.
Kalinicheva M.M., Solodovichenko L.N., Chepurova O.B. CREATIVITY AND SUCCESSION IN THE DOMESTIC DESIGNThe article examines the relationship of creativity and succession in terms of understanding complex philosophical things, methods of analysis and evaluation of creative relationships and succession in national design as well as the limitations of their use, necessary for the designer in the field of material culture.Key words: innovation and cultural tradition, technical aesthetics, cultural dialogue, ethnic and cultural identity.
Barsukova N.I. AXIOLOGICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF THEORY AND METHODOLOGY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGNThe paper formulates the concept of shaping the environment at the present stage, which focuses on the identification of new semantic relations determining the nature of the relationships man-environment-culture, caused by changes in the value system of modern society. It formulates axiological approach to the theory of environmental design.Key words: environmental paradigm, axiological orientation of design practice, environmental design.
Grigoriev E.P., Yusova Z.S. DEVELOPING FUNCTION OF CHILDREN TOYS AS AN ESSENTIAL LINK IN ESTABLISHING TOLERANT COMMUNICATIONS IN THE WORLD CULTURE The emergence of toy museums as a phenomenon of careful attitude to the childhood history contributed to the development of tolerant communications in the area of national cultures. There is a necessity for organization of special interactive spaces equipped with modern means of media technology, dynamic visualization and virtual animation of images in the modern development of toy museums.Key words: toy museum, doll art, developing toy function.
Kondratiev E.A. THE ROLE OF IMITATION IN CONTEMPORARY VISUAL COMMUNICATIONSThe subject of this paper is the characteristics of modern visual communication and the role of the detailed image in the process of information transfer.Key words: imitation, simulacrum, communication, detail.
Kalinicheva M.M. HISTORY AND CREATIVE POSITION OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT CENTER "INDUSTRIAL ART"This paper provides a comparative retrospective analysis of the relationship of science, technology and art in Europe and in Russia in 17–21st centuries and gives justification of the scientific paradigm of modern design with focus on the development of regional cultures. It represents a vision for the preparation of a modern design artist on the basis of collective decision-making method.Key words: technical aesthetics, design, aesthetics, science, technology, art, national identity, the method of collective decision-making.
Garin N.P. DESIGN OF PERFECT THINGThis article discusses the trinity concepts of the creativity, science and art as the main components of creative activity. It demonstrates an attempt to predict the "perfect thing" as the goal of ethically pure, highly moral and highly professional design. Particular attention is paid to the phenomenon co-creation which is considered to be a basis of the spirituality of the creator, process and outcome. It is noted that the lack of spirituality in the creator leads to a lack of the spirituality outcome.Key words: creativity, science, art, design, new culture, a necessary and sufficient, the ideal thing, spirituality, "illusion" of harmony.
Eretin A.V. QUALITY OF HUMAN LIFE, ERGO-DESIGN AND PRINCIPLE OF SYMMETRYBased on the principle of symmetry and the generalized crystallography the paper investigates the problem of the correlation methods for artistic design with the experimental methods of ergonomic modeling the subject environment of a certain individual. It proposes a structural-geometric model of the coordination of events occurring in the engine space of wildlife objects, develops the mathematical basis of bionography — a new method of forming ergo-design.Key words: principle of symmetry, generalized crystallography, geometry of the engine space, ergo-design.
Zhelondievskaya L.V. HYPERTEXT OF GRAPHIC DESIGNThe paper analyzes the current formats of communication, in particular the principles of organization of information files. It identifies the concepts of "hypertext", "insight", "communication idea" with respect to interactive communication. It considers the problems of forming a visual code in non-linear communication and defines the role and place of design in new project conditions.Key words: hypertext, insight, communication idea, a visual medium, the graphics code.
Chepurova O.B. CROSS BORDER EFFECT IN DESIGNThe article analyzes the phenomenon of cross-border effect in design. A brief overview was made for the scientific disciplines that study the processes taking place in modern society in conditions of cross-border effect. It considers the certain terminological apparatus that accompanies the ongoing research in this area. The greatest attention is paid to cross-border cooperation of various forms of folk culture (cultural dialogue) and the actual direction in the research of project culture in modern times — cross-border design in culture.Key words: cross-border effect, cross-border area, cross-border cooperation, the project culture, cross-border design in culture.
Mazurina T.A. SEMIOTIC ORIGINS OF MODERN TRADEMARKSThe article identifies the most important predecessors of trademarks, presents their classification on the basis of comparative analysis. It considers the basic semiotic traditions of the trademark predecessors which have a key influence on contemporary design of graphic trademarks and thereby increase the level of their information and innovation in the context of preserving cultural traditions.Key words: trademark, design, protosign, ownership design, copyright sign, self-descriptiveness.
Solodovichenko L.N. METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF BOOK COMPUTER DESIGN The article presents a plan-map study of computer-aided design of the book in order to reveal the morphology of the computer book contents and design of computer-graphic activity.Key words: computer-aided design of the book, morphology of computer books, creative activities.
Upine A.M. THE METHOD OF FORMING TYPOLOGICAL STRUCTURES IN STUDIES OF PATTERN RELATIONSHIPS IN THE COSTUME DESIGNThe article presents some results of studies on the "suit" structure analyzed on the basis of the developed technique. The revealed patterns are presented in the form of classification models and typological structures showing the relationship of compositional and structural elements.Key words: costume, design, etnodesign, analysis, structure, patterns.
Vasilchenko A.A., Shleyuk S.G. THE INDIVIDUAL AUTHOR'S METHOD OF TRANSFORMING AN ORENBURG LACE SHAWL IN THE ART OBJECT — A DECORATIVE PANELThe article discusses the transformation of the artistic image of folk art and technology, the example of the traditional methods of down making in Orenburg region, into the individual author's method of open-work. It defines modifications of national product functions from utilitarian openwork scarf to an element that organizes the subject-spatial environment — the art-object. It is stated that the current attitude to the tradition should be built, above all, through understanding the specifics of artistic traditions and way of structural and technological foundations of arts and crafts.Key words: author's technique, homecraft, transformation, decorative panels.
Chepurov I.V. THE GENESIS OF COMIC FORM EXPRESSIONS IN THE RUSSIAN CHEAP POPULAR PRINT AND EXTRAPOLATION OF ITS STYLISTIC PECULIARITIES ON ELEMENTS OF THE GRAPHIC DESIGN IN THE 20–21ST CENTURIESThe article tells about how one of the first styles in the national visual culture — the Russian popular print — was conceived and developed. Particular emphasis is placed on the application forms of the comic in the popular prints as a major stylistic reception. It also traces the formation and extrapolation of its stylistic features into the elements of graphic design in the 20–21st centuries.Key words: the comic in prints, popular print, folk art, style, design.
Popova D.M. THE USE OF NEW MATERIALS IN ENGINEERING DESIGN OF CHILDREN'S BOOK-TOYSThe article describes the concept of "children's book", "children's book toy", "curly book". It reveals the impact of new materials on the constructive form of children's book toys. A classification is given for children's books and modern book toys.Key words: children's book, a children's book toy, curly book, book design.
Klochkova O.N., Lapshev E.I. THE PREREQUISITES FOR TRANSFORMATION OF RAIL ROAD AREAS IN MAJOR CITIES AND AGGLOMERATIONSThis article analyzes the modern urban situation in major cities and metropolitan areas in relation to the problems of transport-communication framework transformation. It considers prerequisites for modernization of railways in urbanized systems. The ways and directions of this modernization are proposed.Key words: transformation prerequisites, framework, city fabric, transformation of functional zoning, sustainable development.
Ikonopistseva O.G. MODERN STRUCTURE FORMATION FACTORS OF THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT (ORENBURG AS A CASE STUDY)The article addresses the influence of globalization processes contributing to the transformation of urban structures, and the influence of these modern trends of development on historical urban landscape. It analyzes the functional and planning transformation of the historical social center of Orenburg. It defines also the features of spatial development of the business center as a source of the total transformation of the urban environment.Key words: functional and spatial development, cultural heritage, historical center, business center.
Pipunyrov P.V. THE TERRAIN FACTOR IN ARCHITECTURE OF THE BIOCLIMATIC LOW-RISE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Based on the study of modern experience in erection of bioclimatic structures, the paper formulates the concept of bioclimatic low-rise residential building (BLRB), defines terrain bioclimatic factors, and finds the BLRB dependence from four groups of the defined factors. It identifies six climatic zones of the bioclimatic architecture formation. A theoretical description of the BLRB model was done for each zone. The BLRB classification was done depending on the morphology of the terrain and the nature of the topography.Key words: bioclimatic architecture, terrain factors, low-rise residential building, ecology, resource conservation, energy efficiency.
Rusakova T.G., Breusova T.A. THE AESTHETIC DEVELOPING ENVIRONMENT OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN MULTICULTURAL REGION: COMPONENTS, FUNCTIONS, EVALUATION CRITERIAAesthetic developing environment is a certain cultural and social phenomenon that has a high potential for development of aesthetic culture, creative motivation of subjects in the educational process, and introduction into general cultural values and national traditions. In this article we look at contemporary aesthetic requirements for the organization of developing environment of the kindergarten and elementary school in a multicultural region.Key words: aesthetic developing environment, structural components, functions of aesthetic environment of the educational institution; aesthetic environment of preschool institutions, the requirements for setting of primary school office.
Sokolnikova N.M., Sokolnikova E.V. SEMIOTIC APPROACH TO THE ANALYSIS OF PACKAGING DESIGN NATIONAL IDENTITY IN THE EDUCATION OF DESIGNERS AT THE UNIVERSITYThe article deals with the semiotic analysis of national identity of packaging design in terms of semantics, syntactics and pragmatics. Examples are given of the analysis performed by students-designers.Key words: national characteristics, packaging design, education of designers, semiotic analysis.
Savelieva O.P. THE COMICS AS A FORM OF CREATIVE ACTIVITIES WITH YOUNG PEOPLE IN CONTEMPORARY DESIGN EDUCATIONPaper shows the methodological approaches to design education of adolescents, provides a theoretical justification of the comics program activities in the system of additional education for children. The results of pedagogical experiment prove its effectiveness.Key words: design education, adolescent education, development of creativity, comics.
Konovalova A.V. ON THE METHOD OF DESIGNER PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE FORMATION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CULTURE AND ARTSThe formation of professional competence of designers reflects educational strategy of the university culture. The undoubted success factor for a spectator event is an entertainment costume. The article proposes author's approach to developing a method of formation of designer competences in the entertainment costume design.Key words: costume as the national symbol of the cultural territory, entertainment costume as an artifact of legacy, composite components of technique.
Kiriyenko I.P. SUCCESSION IN CONTINUOUS DESIGN EDUCATIONThe article examines aspects of creating an integrated system of successive design education, defines the principles of educational space development which are relevant to the humanization of the entire nation. It substantiates the evolutionary process of design education, which is synthesized in the new forms of creative activity, including the search for fundamental principles of personal growth, the basic principles of barrier-free education.Key words: design, learning environment, an experimental search, cultural continuity, the development of future generations and creative abilities.
Tarasova L.G. INFORMATION BASIS FOR THE ADOPTION OF LARGE CITY URBAN PLANNING The article deals with the problem of information necessary for urban development. It analyzes the types of information, proposes the structure of the information system. One of the structural blocks — the block of knowledge about the city as an object of control — is analyzed in more detail. We suggest a complex of inventory and evoluation research that provides the most generic and essential description of urban setting situation.Key words: city, information, management, assessment, management.
Kozharinova A.A. DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING COMPOSITIONSThe paper considers the concept of creative activity, development of creative activity of students in the process of learning compositions at the artistic and decorative work class. It presents an educational program of additional education of children, its characteristics (artistic and aesthetic focus, variability, polytechnological features), the results of testing, evaluation criteria for children works.Key words: activity, creativity, decorative composition, a program of additional education.
Vorontsova O.N. ABOUT DEPRESSIVE GRAVE-YARDS IN THE URBAN SPACE ENVIRONMENT The paper addresses the problem of depressed areas of municipal purposes in the modern city space. Design, but mainly the reconstruction of the cemeteries located within the city limits. It analyses the features and specifics of the Russian Orthodox cemeteries as the objects of the landscape and historic architecture. It defines new opportunities to introduce creative artistic approach to the problems associated with depressive perception of these characteristic places.Key words: graveyard, cemetery, landscape and historical architecture, the territory of municipal purpose, reorganization, memorial complex.
Proskurin G.A. MODERN PRINCIPLES OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONThe article provides basic trends in the development of space-planning characteristics of industrial buildings. These trends clarify understanding of the final model of reconstruction, rehabilitation and renovation of industrial facilities and were the basis for the nomination by the author the modern principles of construction of industrial buildings.Key words: architecture, industrial buildings, modern principles of construction of industrial buildings, innovative environment.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
Главный редактор: С.А. Мирошников
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