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2011, № 9

Popova D.M. THE USE OF NEW MATERIALS IN ENGINEERING DESIGN OF CHILDREN'S BOOK-TOYSThe article describes the concept of "children's book", "children's book toy", "curly book". It reveals the impact of new materials on the constructive form of children's book toys. A classification is given for children's books and modern book toys.Key words: children's book, a children's book toy, curly book, book design.


1. Bim-Bad B.M. The Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary. — М, 2002. With. 64.

2. Polozova Т.Д, Ivanov G. A, Tujukina G. P, etc. the Management of reading of children and youth in library — М, 199. — 210 with.

3. Suhomlinsky V.A.Serdtse I give to children//Izbr. пед. соч.: In 3 т. — М, 1979. Т.1., With. 94

4. Zaporozhets А.В. The selected psychological works: In 2 т. — М: Pedagogics, 1986. — 320 with.

5. Rubinshtejn M.M.Vospitanie of reader's interests at schoolboys. — М, 1950.

6. Shanins N.F.fairy tale in creativity of Russian artists. — М: Publishing house "Art", 1969. — 240 with.

7. Vodchits S.S. Aesthetics's of proportions in design. System of book proportions: учеб.пособие for high schools. — М: the Technosphere, 2005. — 416 with., 16 with. Inserts, silt.

8. Kudryavtsevs of h.p. Artists of the children's book: the Grant for students of environments. And. Studies. Institutions. — М: Publishing center "Academy", 1998. — 208 with.

9. Yakimovich JU.K. World's of the press: the Popular illustrated dictionary-directory. — М: Dograf, 2001. — 295 with.

10. Materials of a site:

11. GOST 7.60-90. Editions. Principal views. Terms and definitions

12. Book: the Encyclopedia / Red.kol.: I.E.Barenbaum, A.A.Belovetsky, A.A.dialect, etc. — М: the Big Russian encyclopedia, 1998. — 800 with., p. 668-669

13. Materials of a site:

14. "the Children's literature", №12, 1989. С.67-73

15. Arzamastseva I.N., Nikolaev S.A. Nurser the literature: the Textbook for stud. vusch. And environments. ped. Studies. Institutions. — М: Publishing center "Academy"; the Higher school, 2000. — 472 with.

16. Artists of the children's book about itself and about the art. Articles, stories, notes, performances / the Composer and author V.I.Glotser. — М: "Book", 1987. — With. 135-136.

17. Djachkova Е.В. 1 a class//Elementary school. — 1992. — №2. With. 26-30.

18. Smirnova E.O., Salmina N.G., Abdulaeva E.A., Filippova I.V., Sheyin E.G. Psihologo of the basis of examination of toys//psychology Questions. Scientific magazine. — №1 (January-February 2008). — Chekhov. — 193 with.

19. Valery Gurinovich "the Children's book" / magazine "Change" №1248, May 1979.

20. Magazine "Format" №7 (48)-2009. — With. 17-20

21. Magazine "Format" і7 (39), October 2008, p. 7, 13

22. Galanov B E. A dress for Alisy: Dialogue of the writer and the artist. — М: the Book, 1990, 302 with.

23. Kolejchuk V.F. "Experimental modeling. Directions and problems", "Experiment in design", VNIITE, М, 1987, p. 6

24. Materials of a site:

About this article

Author: Popova D.M.

Year: 2011

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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