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2011, № 9

Mikhailov S.M., Mikhailova A.S. DESIGN OF THE CITY IN THE HISTORICAL ASPECTThe article focuses on the urban design as a special kind of artistic design and synthesis of design with architecture, urban planning and monumental and decorative art. It addresses the description principles for the history of urban design.Key words: history of design, design of city, urban design, planning and artistic synthesis.


1. Lang, Jon. Urban Design: A Typology of Procedures and Products. 2003

2. Mikhailov S.M. Design of a modern city: the complex organization of the in detail-spatial environment (the theoretical and methodological concept). Autoreferat Dr.of architecture. — М, 2011

3. Glazychev V. L. Urbanistics. — М: Publishing house "Europe", 2008

4. Mikhailova A.S.industrial design as a kind of design-art activity in the conditions of the developed industrial production of the XX-th century (1920-1980 гг). Autoreferat candidate of art criticism. — М, 2009

5. Bьrdek, Bernhard E. Design: Geschichte, Theorie und Praxis der Produktgestaltung. — Kцln: DuMont Buchverlag, 1991. — 392 s.: il.

6. Das Designbuch. 1 Jahrhundert — 400 Designer — 1000 Objekte / Uta Abendroth, Karin Beate Phillips, Christian Pixis, Bernd Polster, Volkard Steinbach. — Ausburg: Battenberg, 1999. — 431 s.: il.

7. Design of the 20 th Century/ Charlotte Fiell, Peter Fiell. — Kцln: Taschen, 1999. — 767 s.: il.

8. Design! Das 20. Jahrhundert. — Munchen-London-New York: Prestel Verlag, 2000. — 183 s.: il.

9. Designlexikon: GroЯbritannien / Penny Sparke. — Kцln: Dumont,. 2000. — 383 s.: il.

10. Designlexikon: Italien / Claudia Neumann. — Kцln: Dumont, 1999. — 383 s.: il.

11. Designlexikon: Deutschland / Marion Godau. Bernd Polster — Kцln: Dumont, 2000. — 383 s.: il.

12. Designlexikon: USA / Bernd Polster. Tim Elsner — Kцln: Dumont, 2002. — 383 s.: il.

13. Designlexikon: Skandinavien / Bernd Polster. — Kцln: Dumont, 1999. — 383 s.: il.

14. Fisher Volker. Design heute. — Prestel Verlag, 1988 — 317 s.: il.

15. Industrial Design A-Z. Charlotte, Peter Fiell. — Tashen, 2000. — 767 s.: il.

16. Landmarks of Twentieth-Century Design // Kathryn B.Hiesinger and George H.Marcus. — New York: Abbeville Press Publishers, 1993. — 431s.: il.

17. McDermott, Catherine. Design A-Z: Designmuseum London. — Mьnchen: Ars-Ed., 1999. — 400 s.: il.

18. Sievers, C. 50 Klassiker Design des 20. Jahrhunderts // Christine Sievers. Nicolaus Schrцder. — Hildesheim: Gerstenberg Verlag, 2001. — 287 s.: il.

19. Sparke, P. Design im 20. Jahrhundert. Die Eroberung des Alltags durch die Kunst/ Penny Sparke. — Stuttgart: Deutsche verlags-anstalt, 2001. — 271 s.: il.

20. Koveshnikova N.A.Dizajn: history and the theory. Publishing house: the OMEGA-L, the GROUP OF COMPANIES, 2007

21. Runge V. F. History of design, a science and technics. — Moscov: Architecture-vith, 2006

22. Lavrent'ev A. N. Design history. Studies. The grant for high schools. — M: GARDARIKA, 2007

23. Paul Clark "Design (Crash Course)

24. Thomas Hauffe. DuMont Schnellkurs Design

25. Fukai, Suoh, Ivagami: Fashion: From the 18th to the 20th Century. Tashen, 2009

26. Fridrih Gottenrot: General history of style and a fashion. M: Eksmo, 2009

27. History of a fashion vith XVIII on the XX-th century. A collection of Institute of a suit of Kyoto. M: Art-Rodnik, 2003

28. Vasil'ev A.A, Etudes about a fashion and style. M: Al'pina non-fiction the Verb, 2011

29. Palomo-Lovinski N.Moda and fashion designers. M: Art-Rodnik, 2011

About this article

Authors: Mihaylov S.M., Mihaylova A.S.

Year: 2011

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
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