№ 12 2010
Dmitryukova M.Yu., Baimiev A.Kh., Rakhmankulova Z.F. INFLUENCE OF EXPRESSION OF GENE OF SOY LEGHEMOGLOBIN ON ANTIOXIDANT SYSTEM OF TRANSGENOSIS TOBACCO-PLANTFor studying of the influence of synthesis of soy leghemoglobin A on antioxidant system of a plant tissue we created of transgenosis tobacco-plant (Nicotiana tabacum, family Solanaceae) of brand Samsun. The content of mevalonic dialdehyde, the level of catalase and guaiacolperoxidase activity was measured for studying of antioxidant status of tissues. It was revealed that transgenosis tobacco-plants accumulated smaller dry biomass and were characterized with reduced level of lipid peroxidation and guaiacolperoxidase activity compared to control non-transgenosis plants.Key words: leghemoglobin, mevalonic dialdehyde, guaiacolperoxidase.
Titova M.S. CONTENT OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENTS IN NEEDLES OF PICEA ABIES AND PICEA KORAIENSISThe author presents the results of research of content of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, b and carotinoids) in two-year needles of introducent common spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Far-Eastern type — Korean spuce (Picea koraiensis Nakai), growing in arboretum of mountain-taiga station of DVO RAS.Key words: needles, pigments, introducent, chlorophyll, carotinoids.
Bikmetova E.R., Menshikova I.A., Ramazanova L.M., Ivanova G.V., Kamilov F.Kh. EFFECTIVENESS OF ACTIVITY OF ANTIOXIDANT VITAMINOUS PREPARATION ON METABOLISM OF BONE TISSUE AT CHRONIC INTOXICATION BY THE DICHLOROETHANE DURING THE EXPERIMENTChronic (during two months) dayly intoxication by the dichloroethane in the cumulative doze of 0,1 LD50 of mature white rats causes strengthening the processes of free-radical oxidation, reduction in the activity of the ferments of antioxidant protection and increase in the content of free hydroxiprolin in homogenates of the epiphyses of tubular bones. In the plasma of the blood of experimental animals the level S-bodypeptids of a collagen of the type I repeatedly increases with the constant activity of bone alkaline phosphatase. The treatment of animals by vitamin preparation "Triovit" during three weeks at the dose of 50 mg/kg in a 24 hour period against the background to intoxication by dichloroethane renders positive therapeutic effect on the exchange of the bone, reducing the intensity of chemiluminescence, the accumulation of the primary and secondary products of lipoperoxidation, strengthening the activity of fermentation antioxidants, suppressing resorptive processes.Key words: dichloroethane, intoxication, bone tissue, metabolism, antioxidants.
Alidzhanova I.E., Notova S.V., Kiyaeva E.V. THE INFLUENCE OF THE STRESS-FACTORS OF DIFFERENT NATURE ON THE ACCUMULATION OF CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN BODIES OF LABORATORY ANIMALSThe authors studied the special features of the accumulation of chemical elements in bodies of laboratory animals under the action of the stress-factors of different nature (physical load, the scarcity of nutrients). They revealed the unbalance of the chemical elements against the background of intensive physical load in laboratory animals. In this case reduction in the concentration of all of the macro- and overwhelming majority of the essential elements against the background of the accumulation of some toxic elements in bodies of animal experimental groups was observed.
Mukhamedyarova L.I., Bezryadin S.G., Chevela V.V., Grigoryeva N.A., Zalymov V.S., Ivanova V.Yu. COMPOSITION, STABILITY AND STRUCTURE СITRATES OF ZIRCONIUM (IV) IN THE AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS By the methods of pH-measuring system and mathematical simulation of equilibria composition, stability and the share of the accumulation of the citrate complexes of zirconium (IV) in the aqueous solution with molar ratio the metal: ligand 1:1, 1:3 over a wide range of pH are determined. The authors carried out the quantum-chemical calculation of the structure of monocitrate of zirconium (IV) taking into account the second hydrated sphere. Key words: complexing, citrates of zirconium (IV), pH-measuring system, the structure of monocitrate of zirconium (IV).
Sizova E.A., Rusakova E.A. MINERAL COMPOSITION AND THE STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL REORGANIZATION OF THE LIVER OF THE MAMMALS AGAINST THE BACKGROUND OF DIFFERENT FOOD RATION MINERAL PROVISIONComprehensive experimental studies of mineral composition and structural-functional changes in the liver with different mineral provision of food ration in the conditions of creating the model of the scarcity of microcells in the organism of experimental animal with the subsequent start in the food ration of complex essential microcells and toxic doses of Cd and Pb. Key words: the liver, chemical elements, the hepatocites, glycogen.
Tsikolenko S.P., Ishmuratova N.M. BIOLOGICALLY AND PHARMACOLOGICALLY ACTIVE PREPARATIONS ON THE BASIS OF THE SYNTHETICALLY OBTAINED METABOLITES OF HONEY BEE (APIS OF MELLIFERA L.) IN THE BEE-KEEPINGThe authors generalized the results of studies on the application of the synthetically obtained metabolites of the honey bee of Apis of mellifera L. breed (components "uterine substance", "uterine milk" and the odorous gland of Nasonov) in the bee-keeping. Key words: the metabolites of the honey bee that stimulate feedings, strengthening honey processes.
Ilina N.A., Kasatkina N.M. THE SENSITIVITY OF BLASTOCYSTIS OF HOMINIS TO THE ANTIPROTOZOAN PREPARATIONSThe authors carried out a study of sensitivity of blastocysts to the antiprotozoan preparations, isolated in gastroenterological patients with the different duration of diseases, and also depending on their stage — aggravation or remission. As the antiprotozoin preparations Metronidazole, Tinidazol and Ornidazol were studied. Key words: blastocistosis, blastocists, antiprotozoin preparations, Metronidazole, Tinidazol and Ornidazol.
Bachura O.P., Kosintsev P.A. THE FAUNA OF MAMMALS IN LATE PLEISTOCENE AND HOLOCENE IN THE SOUTH URALSThe authors examined a change in composition and structure of the fauna of small and large mammals in the mountain and plains part of the South Urals in the temporary section of 33000-200 years ago. The decrease of number and fractions of the forms of the open landscapes is shown that in the time occurred an increase in number and fractions of forms, connected with the tree-shrub and mesophitic vegetation and decrease in number and fractions of forms. Change in the fauna of large mammals occurred as a result extinction and change in the areas; and the fauna of the small mammals only as a result of a change in the areas. Key words: mammals, fauna, late Pleistocene, Holocene, the South Urals.
Klinskaya E.O. THE MEDICO-DEMOGRAPHIC INDICES OF THE POPULATION OF JEWISH AUTONOMOUS REGION AS THE REFLECTION OF THE COMPLEX OF NATURAL AND TECHNOGENIC FACTORSThe author showed the analysis of medico-demographic processes in the Jewish autonomous region (JAR) within the period 2000–2008. It also showed the general tendencies of fertility of dynamics and mortality, and also morbidity of the population of region by the eco-dependant classes of diseases. The author used the data of official statistics of JAR and the Russian Federation.Key words: mortality, birth rate, the eco-dependant diseases, environment.
Larionov M.T., Larionov N.V. THE ECOLOGICAL STATE OF THE AQUEOUS OBJECTS OF AVERAGE VOLGA REGIONThe authors gave the statistical analysis of the results of the analysiges of the undertaken tests of water from the surface and underground water sources, and also the drinking water based on the example to Saratov region. The steady growth of chemical contaminators in the tap drinking water in recent years is observed. The realization of effective measures for modernization and repair of water-engineering constructions is necessary. Key words: reservoir, drinking water, technogenic pollution, chemical contaminators, the sanitation of medium.
Teteryuk B.Yu. STRUCTURE OF FREE-FLOATING VEGETATION (LEMNETEA) OF THE VYCHEGDA RIVER BASINThe article contains the data on cenotic diversity of free-floating vegetation (class Lemnetea) from the Vychegda River basin. A synoptic table for this class is given. Plant communities have been divided into three orders, four unions and seven associations in terms of the ecologic-floristic classification. Key words: syntaxonomy, aquatic communities, Lemnetea, Vychegda River, European northeast of Russia.
Chernaya L.V., Kovalchuk L.A. THE CONTENT OF HEAVY METALS IN THE TISSUES OF THE LEECHES, THAT DWELL IN THE SOUTH URAL LAKESThe article carried out the comparative analysis of the accumulation of heavy metals by the predatory and blood-sucking leeches, that dwell in the reservoirs of Ilmen national park and in the adjacent to it territories. Studies showed species specificity in the accumulation of heavy metals by the tissues of leeches.Key words: leech, heavy metals, bioaccumulation.
Kolesnikov V.V., Svininykh A.I. ON THE PROBLEM OF INTRAFAMILY INTERRELATIONS OF MARMOTSIn 2008 in Mongolia 25 marmots were marked with long-term marks. The results of observations of these marmots during summer seasons of 2008 and 2009 suggest that turning out of mature young marmots from a family group takes place due to an aggressive behaviour of dominant individuals of the group. It was also revealed that lower parts of valley slopes of mountain rivers of the Altai are more preferable for marmots than the upper ones.Key words: Mongolian Altai, marmots, long-term marks, observations, family groups.
Ospanova Zh.Kh., Khanturin M.R. PHITOREMEDIATION OF THE OIL-POLLUTED EFFLUENT WATERThe results of their studies show that the application of a method of phitoremediation — reduction in the petroleum pollution of effluent with the aid of the oil-tollerant hydrobiont plants — in many respects is based on the stimulation of natural hydrobiont association. It was as a result established that the composition of the analyzed water was 24 forms of the hydrobionts, from which 12 forms of algoflora, 12 forms of protozoal and invertebrate organisms, and were isolated 25 active cultures of microorganisms. As a result summed influence of the highest aqueous plants and microorganisms on the refining of the petroleum-containing effluent waters are cleaned from the petroleum products to 94%.Key words: the highest aqueous plants, effluents, petroleum pollution, phitoremediation, moross-weed, pond weed curly.
Sharipov A.Ya. THE INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE VARIATIONS TO THE STATE OF BURZYANSK BEESThe author represented the results of studies of the influence of climate variations, in particular its warming up, to the state of the bees of the local population of Apis Mellifera Mellifera L. Burzyansk bee, adapted to the cold and prolonged winter. Key words: Apis Mellifera Mellifera, Burzyansk bee, climate variation, seasonal phenomena in the life of bees.
Tyshchenko V.M, Bykov A.V. WORKING OUT OF NON-POLLUTING TECHNOLOGY OF PROCESSING OF VEGETATIVE RAW MATERIALS ON THE BASIS OF THE ULTRASONIC CAVITATION In article the production technology of pectin with application of a kislotno-cavitational way extraction is presented. Schedules of dependences of intensity of cavitational influence from level рН a solution and duration of hydrolysis are presented. Key words: Pectin, pectinaceous substances, a cavitation, acidity, vegetative raw materials.
Yalaletdinova D.I., Sidorenko G.A., Popov V.P. OPTIMIZATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS AND EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLINESS OF CORN BREAD PRODUCTION BAKED BY ELECTROCONTACT METHOD The study presents optimization of technological parameters of corn bread production baked by electrocontact method. Based on the results of two-factor experiment, regressional relationships were obtained showing dependency of complex factor of organoleptical properties, complex factor of physicochemical properties, complex factor of biological value of corn bread baked by electrocontact method from grain mass size modulus and duration of grain semiproduct fermentation. The study covers evaluation of environmental friendliness of corn bread production baked by electrocontact method in comparison with corn bread of traditionally radiative-convective baked goods. Key words: corn bread, electrocontact baked goods, complex factor, optimization, environmental friendliness criterion.
Umarova A.B., Shein E.V., Medko N.N., Panina S.V. THE MOVEMENT OF MOISTURE IN THE GRAY FOREST SOIL IN THE CONDITIONS OF PRESSURE AND NOT PRESSURE ABSORPTION The authors carried out field experiments on the study of the vertical movement of moisture in the gray forest soil of Vladimir opole under the conditions of pressure and not pressure absorption. It is shown that with the presence of pressure on the surface of soil expressed shaping of the preferred flows of waters, which accomplish significant mass transfer, occurs. During the fine dispersed irrigation is observed the gradual moistening of soil profile, which subsequently contributes to the best retention of moisture in the root-inhabited layer. Key words: the transfer of water in the soil, the soil moisture, field filtration experiment, pressure and not pressure filtration, the preferred flows of moisture, soil monoliths.
Khokhlova O.S., Goleva A.A. THE PALEO-SOILS OF THE BORROW TOMB OF THE EARLY IRON AGE OF AKOB II IN THE AKBULAK DISTRICT OF ORENBURG REGIONThe authors carried out paleo-soil and micro-biomorph study of two large barrows in the tomb complex of Akob II. They established on the basis of the analysis of the properties of the soils buried under the barrows that both barrows are built in the early Iron age synchronously with the barrows in v. Filippovka, with what barrow 1 in the tomb complex of Akob II is built earlier than the barrow 2; paleo-climatic reconstructions are carried out. Climate was characterized by the increased continentality during, that precedes the construction of barrow 1, in VI — first half V v. BC. In the second-half of the V — IV v. BC. — the time of the functioning of the tomb complex of Akob II — climate changed in the direction of strengthening moistening and softening of the degree of continentality. Plant cover, according to the data of micro-biomorph analysis, on the surface of soil under barrow 1 can be characterized as the meadow- steppe with widely spread dry-steppe grasses, whereas vegetation on the surface of soil during the construction of barrow 2 was absent, probably, as the result of human activity with the building of barrows. Key words: paleo-soil, barrows, the early Iron age, paleo-climatic reconstructions, micro-biomorph analysis, the second-half of Holocene.
Radysh I.V., Koroteeva T.V. THE DYNAMICS OF THE INDICES OF CARDIORESPIRATORY SYSTEM IN WOMEN IN DIFFERENT SEASONS OF YEARThe authors studied seasonal changes of state of cardiorespiratory system in the women of different ethnic groups. It is established that in all those investigated the parameters of cardiorespiratory system are subjected to the influence of seasonal rhythms, the majority of maximums are fallen to winter and summer period of year. It is revealed, that the longer delay time of respiration (test to rod) is characteristic for the Russian women independent of of the season of year, which indicate their higher stability to hypoxia and hypercapnia. In this case the delay time of respiration is reliably higher during the lutein phase of menstrual cycle, than follikuline. Key words: seasons, menstrual cycle, test to rod.
Cheremushnikova I.I., Vitun E.V., Petrosienko E.S., Notova S.V. THE POSSIBILITIES OF THE LUSHER TEST (8- COLOR VERSION) IN DIAGNOSTICS OF THE CHARACTEROLOGICAL AND BEHAVIORAL SPECIAL FEATURES OF STUDENTS WITH DIFFERENT LEVEL OF PHYSICAL TRAININGThe authors revealed diagnostic signs of emotional disturbances with the inspection of students with the aid of the color procedure give the possibility of the thinner and more timely recognition of the specific criteria of emotional disorders. The color Lusher test can be used as the means of the estimation of emotional dynamics in students by the force of the small effect of habituation. Possessing the ability of penetration into the peace of experiences, color procedure can be used for the adjusting of personal- emotional contact between the student, the instructor, the psychologist in the conditions of higher school. Key words: emotional disturbances, psychophysiological status, physical preparedness, psychoemotional stress, adaptation, the color Lusher test.
Moskovtseva N.I., Mironchev O.V. INFLUENCE OF ADAPTATION TO PERIODICAL PRESSURE CHAMBER HYPOXIA ON CLINICAL DISEASE PICTURE OF PATIENTS AFTER MYOCARDIAL INFARCTIONThe influence of adaptation to periodical pressure chamber hypoxia (APPChH) on clinical manifestation of coronary heart disease (CHD) of patients after myocardial infarction was influenced. The authors gave comparison in groups of patients subjected with APPChH (98 persons) and with rehabilitation course of exercise therapy (RCETh, 100 persons) and also patients who weren't subjected with rehabilitation measures (100 persons). It is shown that APPChH and RCETh promote decreasing the number of retrosternal pain arrivals, feelings of stoppages, dyspnea and palpitation. At the same time rehabilitation with APPChH using has more favorable influence than RCETh, but this effect kept during the first half year of the course of rehabilitation therapy.Key words: coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, rehabilitation, adaptation, hypoxia, exercise therapy.
Aprelev A.U. THE RESULTS OF APPLYING PHARMACOPUNCTURE OF THE BIOLOGICAL PREPARATION OF ALLOPLANT IN THE COMPLEX REDUCING TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH MYOPIAThe author examined the direct results of the complex treatment of patients with myopia. He noted the high efficiency of the treatment of myopia in the complex with the pharmacopuncture introduction of the biological preparation of alloplant to the clinico-functional and hemodynamic parameters of eye independently of the degree of myopia and age of patients. Key words: myopia, reflexotherapy, pharmacopuncture, alloplant.
Konyukhov V.A., Makarov T.M., Nasteka N.L., Konyukhov A.V., Mukhamedzhanova Yu.Kh., Shcherbakov S.Yu., Avdeeva I.A. SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO THE COMPLEX ECOLOGOHYGIENIC ESTIMATION OF IODINE DEFICIT IN POPULATION AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL The authors examined the methodological aspects of development and introduction of systematic approach to the estimation of iodine deficit in the agroindustrial region, acceptable both for the current evaluations, including for purposes of the verification of the results of prenosological hygienic diagnostics and for predicting the distant consequences of iodine deficit . They represented the experience of its practical application in Orenburg region for the mortality study of population from the malignant new formations of the thyroid gland. Key words: the estimation of iodine deficit, systematic approach.
Borisov M.A., Davydov N.O., Ekimov A.K. SOME SPECIAL FEATURES OF EPIDEMIOLOGY OF THE DISEASES OF CHILDREN, WHICH ARE LOCATED IN THE CONDITIONS OF ORPHANAGEThe authors investigated 386 clinic children cards (30) for 2009, located in the stationary establishments child-orphans and children, who remained themselves without the care of parents. Their morbidity and disablement is analyzed. The authors revealed the correlations between the classes of diseases, and are also isolated "satisfactory" and "unhappy" groups of children with the similar collection of diseases and the level of disablement. They determined the unfavorable (critical) period for the children dependent on age, who are located in the conditions of orphanage.Key words: child-orphan, the classes of diseases, disablement, critical period.
Golikov V.E., Slepykh N.I. ANESTHETIC COMPLICATIONS IN RURAL PATIENT CARE INSTITUTIONS: PREVALENCE, STRUCTURE AND CONSEQUENCESResearches of number of anesthetic complications in rural patient care institutions are presented in this article by complex expert appraisal of primary medical documents, clinical, clinical-laboratory and instrumental researches. It is established that human element presents in 73% cases of complications origin. Absence of anesthetic equipment and its refusal at the process of exploitation were the reason of 27% critical incidents at general anesthesia. Researches were conducted during last 13 years. Key words: anesthetic complication, rural patient care institutions, prevalence, structure, reasons, consequences.
Kuzmin S.A. THE ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF THE WORK OF THE THERAPEUTIC AND PROPHYLACTIC ESTABLISHMENTS OF ORENBURG REGION ON THE MEDICAL SUPPORT OF TRAINING YOUTHS FOR THE MILITARY SERVICE The author represented the results of physical examination by the youth of the sub- and of the call-up age, that live in Orenburg region. Period of observations appeared 2005–2009. Statistical and analytical methods are used. It is noted, that in Orenburg region during the last five-year period the index of fitness for the military service had a tendency toward the improvement, so in 2009 during the initial setting to the military calculation it reached values of 66,09%, and with the call to the military service — 67,66%.Key words: health, youth, military service, Orenburg region.
Humanitarian sciences
Suslova T.N. THE OBJECT ORIENTATION OF THINKING AS THE FACTOR OF THE EFFECTIVE PROFESSIONAL FUNCTIONING OF TEACHER The article reflects the influence of the object orientation of thinking teacher on the process of his professional development. It is noted that the object orientation of thinking realizes by means of the mechanisms of the selective functioning of the system of the professionally significant concepts. It indicated the dynamic potential of concept as the units of the analysis of professional thinking. Key words: formation and the functioning of professional activity, the deformation of personality, the professional thinking of teacher, the object orientation of thinking, the object of thought, the professionally significant concepts.
Chaykovskaya I.A. ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE CHANGING INTERNAL AND ENVIRONMENTThe problem of the formation of organizational culture is urgent under the conditions of the constantly changing internal and environment. The goal-directed study of organizational culture can help in the solution of the problem of stabilization and increase in the effectiveness in the organization. The organizational culture of educational establishment becomes the object of experiment in the course of solution of the task of the development of the enlisted potential of society. Key words: organizational culture, the mission of organization, enlisted potential, value, the image of organization, the administrative solution.
Ryumina I. M. VALUE OF TRAINING ACTIVITY AND ITS FORMATION AT THE JUNIOR SCHOOL AGEThe author determined concept and the structure "of value of training activity", is proposed the structural-functional model of molding of value of the training activity of junior schoolboy. Key words: value, value of training activity, value relation, the structural-functional model.
Rakhmankulova S.A. ON THE INTERRELATION OF EMOTIONAL INTELLECT AND ADMINISTRATIVE POTENTION OF LEADERThe author examined a question about the interrelation of emotional intellect and [liderskogo] potential of leader. The basic idea of article consists in the fact that the administrative potential of leader forms not only his intellectual resource, but also emotional leadership-skill to establish contacts with the people: to inspire, to inspire, to wake up ardor, to support high motivation and devotion to the matter. Key words: administrative potential, leadership, emotional intellect, emotional information, control of emotions, self-motivation, empathy.
Donskikh T.P. THE SOCIOPSYCHOLOGICAL ADAPTATION OF STUDENT- MIGRANT UNDER THE NEW SOCIOCULTURAL CONDITIONS Under the conditions of social, economic, political, cultural changes special significance acquires the sociopsychological adaptation of migrants. One of the urgent tasks of psychological science at present — a study of phenomenon "migrant" from the point of view of general and social psychology for the purpose of rendering social psychological aid of this category of people, in particular young people, for their successful adaptation under the new conditions for vital activity and decrease in the process of interethnic tension in the places of the stay of the forced migrants. Key words: migrant, migration, sociopsychological adaptation, sociocultural conditions, personal self-determination, identity.
Betekhtina E.A. THE CONTENT AND THE STRUCTURE OF THE PROFESSIONAL AUTO-STEREOTYPES OF TEACHERS — PSYCHOLOGISTS IN DIFFERENT STAGES OF INSTRUCTION IN VUZ (INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION)The work presents an empirical study of the dynamics of the professional auto-stereotypes (cognitive and affective components) of students — psychologists, who are trained in pedagogical VUZ. The constructive role of professional auto-stereotypes in the process of the professional making of a psychologist is emphasized. Key words: the professional making of a psychologist, professional activity, professional auto-stereotype, the means of psychologist.
Antokhin E.Yu., Zhorova T.I., Androsova M.A., Bomov P.O., Kharina E.A., Chemezov A.S. THE SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE DEEP-PERSONAL STRUCTURES OF THE PATIENTS WITH DYSTHYMIA The authors inspected 50 patients with dysthymia even 50 healthy persons. They established: in the patients with dysthymia unconscious central I-functions acquire the expressed destructive or deficit nature. Of them are characteristic low aggressiveness and relatively high level of hostility. In this case expressed feeling of guilt at basis of which lie the increased anxiety, uncertainty, tendency toward the doubts, difficulty of decision making, sensitiveness. Key words: deep-personal structures, dysthymia.
Postnov V.V. THE SYNDROME OF EMOTIONAL BURNING OUT IN THE PSYCHIATRIST-NARCOLOGISTS Doctors psychiatrist-narcologists have the special working conditions, which facilitate the development of the professional personal deformation in the form of the syndrome of emotional burning out. The study of stressogenic factors, individual-psychological special features of specialist-narcologists, manifestations of emotional burning out is necessary for effective planning and taking of correction and preventive measures. Key words: the syndrome of emotional burning out, professional personal deformation, stressogenic factors, narcology, codependence.
Natural sciences
Artamonova S.V., Petrishchev V.P., Kaliev A.Zh. THE GEO-ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF CLASSIFICATION OF TECHNOGEOSISTEMS OF THE CHALCOPYRITE LAYERS OF ORENBURG REGIONThe authors examined the criterion of geo-ecological classification of technogeosistems of the chalcopyrite layers of Orenburg region. They presented the principles of classification on the basis of the study of geochemical halos, processes of technogeomorphogenesis, technogenic metamorphization of surface and underground waters, action on the adjacent geo-system. Key words: technogeosystem, technomorpholitogenesis, geo-field, chalcopyrite layers.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |