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№ 11 2008

Humanitarian sciences

Matyash S.A. FROM THE HISTORY OF STROPHICAL HYPHENATION IN THE RUSSIAN POETRYThe first period in the history of strophical hyphenation which was represented by the experience of the Russian poets of XVIII – beginning of XIX centuries – V.K. Trediakovsky, A.Kh. Vostokov, A.F. Merzlyakov, V.A. Zhukovsky was regarded in this article. Also in this work the role of antique tradition in enrichment of the Russian poetic culture is shown.
Kolkova N.A. THE CONCEPT "DEATH" IN PROVERBS’ TEXTS In this work the peculiarities of the concept "death" are revealed and its elements: going away script, soul’s model, "attributes" of death, sense associations with dream and others are described on the material of paremyological units. The concept "death" is revealed through the category of color – white and black, and also through the concepts of "space" and "time". The attitude to death consolidated the consciousness of people is revealed in this article on the base of analysis of the Russian proverbs.
Zelianskaya N.L. WORKS OF F.M. DOSTOEVSKY AT 40-50 YEARS OF XIX CENTURY IN THE ASPECT OF THE PROBLEM OF THE AUTHOR’S GENRE NOMINATION In this article the events of individual-author genre nomination of works are revealed on the material of prose by F.M. Dostoevsky at 1840-1850 years. The problem of author’s rethinking of genre determinations is researched from the point of view of individual-creative and epochal interpretation of the question about borders between the world of art work and reality, about types of "art frame" creation of work, about verbal, composition, figurative-graphic markers of the art texts beginning.
Rumyantseva V.N. POETICS OF MESSAGE IN THE STRUCTURE OF WRITTEN IN VERSE FEUILLETON AT THE MIDDLE OF XIX CENTURY (TO THE PROBLEM OF WRITTEN IN VERSE FEUILLETON GENRE SPECIFICITY AT THE XIX CENTURY)In this article the model of written in verse feuilleton created by author on the material of works of N.A. Nekrasov, V.S. Kurochkin, D.D. Minaev, is compared with the model of friendship message, composed at the results of philologians’ researches; the concrete texts of two genres are analyzed here and the character of message poetics using by feuilleton in its structure is shown.
Korobeinikova A.A. WOMEN LITERATURE AS A PHENOMENON OF THE NATIVE CULTURE The problem connected with the appraisal of women literary creation is regarded in this article. The author makes the attempt to determine the place of women literature in the modern native culture. Different opinions, views, appraisals of native and foreign researchers connected with determination of peculiarities of women participation in modern literary process are analyzed in this work.
Belousov K.I. PHYSICAL AND SYNTACTICAL TEXT STRUCTURES IN THE ASPECTS OF SPATIAL MODEL OF THE TEXT In this work spatial model of the text is proved from the position of systemic-activity approach and in frames of this model the absence of isomorphism between organization of different subjects text spaces is proved.
Ziva V.F. CULTURE-PROTECTIVE MISSION OF ART EDUCATIONThe article covers the role of institutes of higher professional art education as establishments where training, devolution of skills and art reproduction are closely interrelated. The mission of artistic culture, which is unique at ability of accumulation of the social and cultural experience of generations and convert it to the personal experience of an individual, is aimed at development of spirituality of a person and society. Educational institutions with artistic specialization have a significant influence upon the role and functions of culture in the existence of a state and its citizens, and staff education as a whole is oriented at preservation and development of cultural and historic and national traditions.
Kuchub N.A. THE FAMILY AS A VALUE OF THE DEVELOPING SOCIETY AND INDIVIDUALIn present conditions there appeared a necessity of planned and task-oriented study of family related problems, actualization of issues concerning domestic education, family relationships, formation of value relation to a family in the changing social-cultural area.

Economic sciences

Minakova I.V., Dolzhikova M.I., Schegolev A.V. ON THE PROBLEM OF EFFICIENCY AND MODERNIZATION OF STATE ECONOMIC POLICY OF RUSSIAThe state of today Russian economy from the position of stable development in long-range outlook is an evidence of necessity to modernize economic policy. Its major direction must become activation of investment policy carried out at the expense of state sources of money assets. The article defines such sources and evaluates consequences of monetary accretion.
Bulyarsky S.V., Savelyeva O. PRECONDITIONS AND PRINCIPLES OF PROGRESS OF INNOVATION ACTIVITY IN SCIENTIFIC SERVICES AREAThe article covers issues of evolution of innovation activity in Russia, analyzes preconditions and formulates principles of successful innovation activity in scientific and technical services area. It is shown that scientific and technical potential of Russia is developed and prepared for innovation activity. At the same time in order to efficiently develop this sector it is necessary to observe the following principles: well-timed investment of prime innovations; efficient staff training; horizontal and vertical integration of big business with small-scale venture business; development and imperfection of scientific services market.
Alimbaev A.A., Ismailova R.A. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POTENTIAL OF INDUSTRY OF KAZAKHSTANThe article evaluates the present condition of scientific and technological potential of Kazakhstan. During last years here gave been taken measures on creating new forms of managements and financing of science, though the level of scientific and technological potential still does not fully corresponds to the demands of a real sector of economy and needs of a society.
Yarovenko L.L. COMBINED FORECAST METHOD FOR PROFITABILITY OF INNOVATION ACTIVITY OF ENTERPRISESThe author examines the possibility of forecasting profitability of product innovations using combined method which is a combination of extrapolation method, expert judgments and statistical method in conjunction with interpolation. The author has forecast profitability of a milk product – "Phytomol" 2,5%, produced by ZAO "Meleuzovsky milk-and-canning works".
Miheev M.S. ON EVALUATION OF COMPANY’S VALUE TAKING INTO ACCOUNT ITS CORPORATE REPUTATIONAt present, influence of corporate reputation upon value of a company is an important aspect during evaluation of the company’s worth. So, this should be considered in the course of company’s management. The author of this article presents a model showing the influence of corporate reputation upon every stage of formation of company’s value and analyzes these effects.
Svechnikova V.V. EFFECT OF INTEGRATION PROCESSES IN FERROUS METALLURGY ON THE LEVEL OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF A BRANCHThe article gives characteristics of integration processes in ferrous metallurgy, examines dynamics of branch concentration level. The author justifies hypothesis of integration processes effect upon innovation development of metallurgy business entities.
Arbatskaya L.A. METHODICAL PRINCIPLES OF FORMATION OF CLASSIFICATION OF INDICES OF ACCESSIBILITY OF ROAD PASSENGER TRANSPORT SERVICESThe article presents general methods of formation of classification of indices of accessibility of road passenger transport services, developed on the base of analysis of foreign and national documents covering provision of quality of transport services.
Shmunk M.M. EVALUATION OF EFFICIENCY OF METAL UTILIZATION IN THE RUSSIAN MACHINE INDUSTRYThe article covers issues of evaluation of technical and economic and institutional factors determining dynamics of metal use in national machine industry and efficiency of metal utilization according data received for 30 last years. The author compares the Russian and US metal utilization levels.
Nosachevskaya E.A. STAGE OF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF SCIENTIFIC PROVISION OF AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF KALININGRAD REGION (EXCLAVE REGION OF RUSSIA)The role of scientific provision in efficient functioning of sector of the national economy has been determined. The author examines conceptual approach to design and carries out network simulation of scientific provision of the exclave region’s sector by the example of the agricultural sector of Kaliningrad region.
Kuzmina O.A. SYSTEM OF FACTORS EFFECTING ON BRAND MAKING BY THE RUSSIAN ENTERPRISES The article shows factors effecting branding development in Russia. Systematization of factors that have effect upon brand use in food industry allows to find new approaches to differentiation of products with the use of all existing marketing means of influence upon consumers.
Melnikova E.N. REASONS OF LOW EFFICIENCY OF BAKING ENTERPRISES IN RUSSIAThe article covers indices of the Russian baking enterprises operation characteristics and determines main reasons making for low efficiency of the sector in whole.
Prokudina O.A. STATE AND PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPMENT OF DAIRY SECTOR IN THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTANThis article studies the present state and problems of existence of dairy subsector of agricultural sector of the Republic of Bashkortostan from the point of view of economic efficiency. The author gives proves for expediency of intensification of dairy cattle-breeding by means of task-oriented work with bloodstock, imperfection of technological basis, alteration of livestock structure according farm categories, thus allowing to increase potential and the level of development of agricultural sector in the whole region.
Samsonova M.V. PECULIARITIES OF FORMATION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PRODUCT MARKET IN THE PRESENT ECONOMIC CONDITIONSThe author declares the necessity of formation of scientific and technical product market, determines factors hampering the development of this market, presents distinctive features of a market.
Korezkaya T.V. SHORT-TERM FORECASTING OF COMPLEX VARIABLES USING THE BROWN METHODThe author studies the notion of adaptive prediction technique. She briefly examines application of complex variables in economic processes as well as their possible forecasting using the Brown method. The work has been executed with the financial support of RFFI grant № 07-06-00151-a "Development of main principles of economic and mathematic modeling using complex variables".

Natural sciences

Polkunov Yu.G., Spiridonova E.V. CALCULUS OF APPROXIMATIONS OF CRITERIA OF CRACK GROWTH IN MIXED PROBLEMS OF ELASSTICITY THEORY The article covers development of calculus of approximations to solve mixed tasks of elasticity theory to determine stress intensity factors for cracks on the edges of which displacement and intensity factors are set.
Sharipov M.I., Abdeev R.G. POWER EFFICIENT INCREASE OF AIR COOLING APPARATUSES IN OIL-GAS BRANCH WITH PERFECTION OF PROJECTING AND PRODUCTION METHODS Technological solutions of power efficient increase of air cooling apparatuses (ACA) on the stage of projecting and production are given in this article. The examples of effective using of systemic approach at ACA’s modernization with change of ribbed pipes section of foreign production by native with maximal guarantee of ecological safety are given in this work.
Kuryakova T.A., Nepsha A.A., Teterin A.P. SPECTRAL FORECAST OF SOIL PARAMETERSThe authors study methods of spectral forecast of soil parameters using unranked and ranked normalized investigation matrices built for different time counts.
Klemina I.E. CHANGE OF STRUCTURAL VARIETY OF HEMIPTERCOMPLEX (HEMIPTERA, HETEROPTERA) IN AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS UPON ARABLE DIGRESSION The work shows that under man\s impact, namely upon arable digression, variety of life forms, in particular diversity of hemipterofauna species, sharply decreases. The most depleted are life forms of hemipterous fauna on the last stages of arable digression. The most vulnerable to different types of impact are phytophages geobionts, herpetobionts and epigeobionts. On the whole, the strongest alterations upon arable digression might be observed with systematic groups of insects which live or reproduce themselves in soil. These changes affect not only faunistic composition of insects, but the number of certain species that in turn can make some species of insects the plant pests.
Revin V.V., Atyikyan N.A., Kostina E.G., Gogotov I.N. CALCIUM INFLUENCE UPON CHANGE OF CELL LIPIDS COMPOSITION OF RHODOCOCCUS ERYTHROPOLIS АС-858 Т IN THE COURSE OF BATCH AND SEMICONTINUOUS FERMENTATION IN ENVIRONMENTS WITH DIFFERENT HEXADECANE CONCENTRATIONThe authors investigate accumulation of total lipids and changes of phospholipid composition of cells of Rhodococcus erythropolis ВКМ Ас-858 Т depending on ion Ca2+ and hexadecane concentration in nutrient medium. It is shown that for growth and lipids accumulation of this bacterium in modified medium of Towson the optimum Ca2+ content is 4 mg/l, and hexadecane – 1%. In the course of fermentation the qualitative composition of phospholipids does not change, though their quantitative correlation alters. They used optimized medium for semicontinuous fermentation of bacteria by hemicontinuous method to get maximum biomass and lipids output, and that was done under 60% oxygenation of medium.
Ashibokov U.M. THE PRESENT CONDITION OF PARIDAE BIRDS IN CISCAUCASIA This article covers the current condition of tits in Ciscaucasia, the number of species inhabiting this area, the character of their stay, the terms of nesting, subject to ambient conditions. The author describes first discovered in Ciscaucasia nest of coalmouse (Parus ater), and the repeated encounters with crested tits (Parus cristatus) in Ciscaucasia.
Korchin V.I., Niphontova O.L. AMPLITUDE AND TEMPORARY FIGURES OF ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY OF NORTH NATIVE CHILDREN (KHANTY)The authors have conducted electrocardiographic examination of 413 children belonging to Khanty aboriginal group. Between the ages of 7 and 17 years electrical activity of myocardium has been irregularly changing. Duration of atrioventricular conductance has been vigorously rising at the age of 15 – 17 years. Intraventricular conductance of boys has been changing wavelike, as for girls – it has been rising at the age of 15 – 17 years.
Pinchuk Yu.V., Vodunon A.S., Abramova Z.I., Desire D.M.M., Mustafin I.G., Ponomareva A.A. BIOCHEMICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES OF LYMPHOCYTES UNDER APOPTOSIS OF PATIENTS WITH ATOPIC BRONCHIAL ASTHMA The authors have determined morphological factors and biochemical disturbances of lymphocytes apoptosis with the patients with atopic bronchial asthma that correlate with the heaviness of sickness. Received data may serve as new integrative criteria to determine the heaviness of asthma.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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