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№ 8 2008

Economic sciences

Grentikova I.G. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF GLOBALIZATION Analytical researches conducted by the author allow making conclusion that the great attention is stressed on economic globalization in scientific works researched globalization. General approaches in globalization determination are distinguished in this article and the author gives adjusted determination of globalization.
Barkova E.A. ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION AS A PROCESS OF NATIONAL CAPITAL FORMING AND DEVELOPMENT The role of capital at foundation of market economy development is analyzed in this article. It is noted that the process of economic transformation is necessary to regard not as a process of competitive market forming but as a process of market economy forming on the base of national capital movement. The specificity of capitalism formation in Russia is researched in this work.
Ivanova E.V. PECULIARITIES OF HOLDING STRUCTURES FUNCTIONING IN TRANSFORMATIONAL ECONOMY OF RUSSIA The phenomenon of holding structures is regarded in this article and also the problem of transfer prices using within holding is considered here. Positive and negative sides of holding functioning for Russian economy are researched in this work.
Lapaeva M.G., Abramova O.A. SOURCES AND METHODS OF INVESTMENT PROJECT FINANCING Theoretical peculiarities of investment processes in Russia are revealed in this work, also more widespread methods of investment projects financing are described and general aspects of investment projects analysis are regarded in this article.
Lapaeva O.F., Ovcharenko E.V. PECULIARITIES OF GAS INDUSTRY IN RUSSIA AND PERSPECTIVES OF ITS DEVELOPMENT Peculiarities of development and perspectives of gas industry in Russia are regarded in this article; the most important priorities of RAO "Gazprom" are shown here. It is marked that natural gas will supply the greatest investment into energy balance of the country.
Askanova O.V., Aytskovskaya G.S. APPRAISAL OF POSSIBILITY AND REASONABILITY OF RUBTSOVSK TOWN BORDER ADVANTAGES BY WAY OF BORDER TRADE CENTER FOUNDATION It is shown in this article that the problem character of many cities and whole regions is connected with objective regularities of economy development. But on the base of analysis of foreign trade turnover of Altay krai (and particularly Rubtsovsk town), the authors make a conclusion that the whole region and Rubtsovsk town particularly have advantages in geographic position at the same time with negative factors. Therefore the possibility of solution of Rubtsovsk town many problems on the base of border trade center foundation is appraised in this article with using of method of hierarchy analysis.
Evstropov M.V. TO THE QUESTION OF POSSIBILITIES APPRAISAL OF ENTERPRISES BANKRUPTCY FORECASTING IN RUSSIA The analysis suggested by us of logit-models of bankruptcy forecasting of large and middle enterprises of processing industry revealed some their disadvantages. New logit-models for such forecasting were suggested, their appraisal was conducted and new methods of their practical using were worked out in this article.
Talalushkina Yu.N. LIFE QUALITY OF POPULATION ON THE TERRITORY OF RADIOACTIVE POLLUTION The results of researches of life quality of special population group living on radioactive dangerous territories are given in this article. Subjective social opinion is compared with objective statistic data of polluted and "clear" territories with aim to reveal peculiarities of this life quality. Such approach shows the importance of psychological element of population prosperity living on the territory of radioactive pollution to the prejudice of material element.
Tatarskikh B.Ya., Shmunk M.M. QUESTIONS OF RESEARCH OF METAL ECONOMY FACTORS IN NATIVE ENGINEERING INDUSTRY The questions of organizational-economic reserves search for metalpreservation in Russian engineering industry are regarded in this article. The authors mark the tendencies of steel intensity of engineering products allowing forecasting variants of steel intensity management in engineering complex. Also the effectiveness of NTP introduction in the sphere of metal consumption is shown, and the ways of further decrease of metal costs at production of engineering products are indicated in this work.
Abramova O.A. INVESTMENTS INTO INDUSTRY AS A CONDITION OF ITS ECONOMIC GROWTH The questions regarded direct role of a state in investment processes which are one of elements of economic growth of a country are considered in this article. The conception of "investment process" and its continuation in real sector of economy is described in this work. The theses of famous scientists-economists concerning conditions of economic growth are distinguished here. The composition and structure of sources of investment financing in different branches of industry are regarded in this article.
Aralbaeva F.Z., Kharkova O.M. MARKET ANALYSIS OF PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION SERVICES IN ORENBURG REGION The appraisal of market activity of passenger transportation services in Orenburg region at the period 2001-2006 at the following indexes: passenger traffic, degree of transport satiation of serviced territory and density of transport net, is given in this article. Factors influenced on the results of passenger transportation work are determined here. The subjects of transportation activity: organizer of transport services, carrier and organizer of rout are regarded. The perspectives of market development of passenger transportation services in Orenburg region are denoted.
Buresh O.V., Safonov N.S. MONITORING AS AN INSTRUMENT OF COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT PERFECTION ON THE MARKET OF HOUSING AND COMMUNAL SERVICESThe problems of competitive environment forming on the market of housing and communal services at the period of HCS sphere reforming are regarded in this article. The conception of monitoring of housing and communal services market, where the system of indexes described the structure of demand on this market and determined the perspectives of its development, is suggested in this work.
Gontarenko E.V. TO THE QUESTION OF STRATEGIC PLANNING ESSENCE OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES IN RUSSIA AND ABROAD Following conceptions as "strategy", "strategic planning" are analyzed in this article, also different approaches to their determination are regarded. The author gives attention on strategic planning as one of general ways of forecasting of future problems and possibilities of their solution in Russian and foreign companies.
Denisova E.I. MECHANISM OF RESTRUCTING AS A METHOD OF ENTERPRISE ADAPTATION TO CHANGES OF ENVIRONMENT The factors of environment, changes of which cause necessity of enterprise adaptation and activate the mechanism of restructing are described in this article. The contest of regarded mechanism is revealed and its general elements are distinguished. The model of enterprise restructing mechanism is presented in this work.
Kiseleva O.V. INTEGRATED APPROACH TO FORMING OF RESOURCE-SAVING MECHANISM IN REGIONAL ENERGY COMPLEX In this article it is provided the position that for forming of effective economic mechanism of resource-saving it is necessary to reveal the potential of resources economy regarding the processes happened in the complex from two sides: down technological cycle and down administrative interaction.
Pivovarova N.V. DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS OF ECONOMIC SUBJECTS FINANCING In this article budget subsidies and tax preferences are regarded as methods of state support of economic subjects; their comparison was conducted at some bases; the measures of effectiveness increase of their assignment are suggested here.
Tanasheva O.G., Khakimova E.A. PROCEDURAL APPROACH IN MANAGEMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNAL SERVICES ORGANIZATIONS General aspects of organizational support of business development stage at introduction of procedural approach in management of housing and communal services organizations are regarded in this article.
Zinyukhina N.A. ANALYSIS OF ORENBURG REGION ECONOMY CONDITION AND BRANCH DEMAND IN SKILLED HELPS The condition of Orenburg region economy is regarded in this article, also the possibility of researching and forecasting of labor market and educational market, data characterized these processes on the territory of Orenburg region are given, and general problems of disbalance between method and offer of labor force on labor market are revealed here.
Korabeinikov I.N., Gamova O.N., Inevatova O.A., Chernova E.V. MODERN ASPECTS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES DEVELOPMENT This article is devoted to the studying of modern aspects of effective development of information technologies. Existing interpretations of such conceptions as "net economy", "information economy", "information society" and some others are analyzed in this work. The analysis of worldwide and native approaches determined perspectives of information technologies development is given here. Also the problems of effective introduction of information technologies into economy are analyzed and classified in this article.
Shatalova T.N., Serova A. NATURAL-RESOURCE POTENTIAL IN ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF A REGION The essence of natural-resource potential with accounting of natural system drawing into regional reproduction process is specified in this article. The great attention is given to the method of systemic analysis using of which allows distinguishing and describing natural-resource system of a region, regarding its structure and more essential components.
Zalilova Z.A., Mannapova A.G. ECONOMIC FACTORS AND ORGANIZATIONAL QUESTIONS OF STABLE DEVELOPMENT OF BEE-FARMING BRANCH Economic factors of bee-farming branch development and effective trends of farms activity with using of own land sources for foundation of nectariferous conveyors at production of bee-farming products are revealed in this article. It is recommended the introduction of new for this branch indexes for appraisal of effectiveness of nectarous and pollen resources production.
Vardiashvily N.N. PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL ECONOMY In this article the great attention is given to that factor that there is no clear understanding of cluster (national economy) and economics in scientific literature. This leads in many cases to unsystematic realization of cluster approach in national economy of Kazakhstan and Russia. The author of the article suggests worked out conception of national economy development on the base of systemic approach.
Korobeinikova E.V. INSURANCE COMPANIES IN THE SYSTEM OF FINANCIAL AGENTS OF RUSSIA Factors promoted the development of insurance institution and its role as a financial agent are revealed in this article. Peculiarities and specificity of insurance companies functioning in the system of financial agency are researched in this work.
Sadykova L.M. PLACE OF INSURANCE IN ORGANIZATION OF CAPITAL MOVEMENT The author gives attention that there is no single meaning concerning the conception "insurance", functions of insurance among scientists. In this article insurance is regarded as necessary element of finance relations and also as financial potential of insurance companies.
Trifonov D.A. NEW PHENOMENON IN BANKS CONCENTRATION AND DIVERSIFICATION AND BANK ACTIVITYQuestions connected with diversification of bank activity and its influence on structure of bank system in modern economy of Russia and foreign countries are regarded in this article. The great attention is given to the studying of reasons make banks to diversificate its activity.
Mikheeva N.N. TO THE QUESTION OF ECONOMIC ESSENCE OF BANK CAPITAL In this article general approaches to determination of bank capital essence are regarded, opinions of different native and foreign economists concerning the conception of capital of a commercial bank are analyzed and also determinations of bank capital used in legislative and normative acts are analyzed here.
Pavlova Yu.V. PECULIARITIES OF REGIONAL TRADEMARKS APPRAISAL WITH PROFITABLE APPROACHPeculiarities of cost appraisal of regional trademarks with profitable approach are regarded in this article. General lacks of methods of profit determination from using of trademarks at forming of cash flow are shown here. The author suggests the method of cost bonus determination for calculation of cash flow generated with trademark on the base of demand elasticity on marked goods at cost.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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