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№ 5 2007

Humanitarian sciences

Ilyaeva I.A., Savenkova I.V. SOCIAL APPROACH TO HENDERN RELATIONS IN THE SYSTEM OF MANAGEMENTDiscussing social potential of women and men, the authors emphasize that the problem of hendern relations in modern society is important as weak treatment to female resource of management exists. The authors assert that the system of management will win only if it will attract women and promote to their organizational talent.
Larkova M.L. SPACE IN FINE ARTS AT GRAPHIC-COMPOSITION ASPECTS (FROM ANTIQUITY TILL HIGHER RENAISSANCE)The problem space development in fine arts at graphic-composition aspect at Antiquity (Old Greece and Rome) - the Middle Ages (Byzantium) – Italy (from Romanic epoch till Higher Renaissance) is regarded in the article. Specificity of art space of those periods is revealed here and also general features emphasized their connection and some continuity are considered in this work.
Mitasova S.A. THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX ART: TO THE PROBLEM OF CULTUROLOGICAL RESEARCH Spiritual Orthodox art is the most important part of cultural heritage of Russia. The research of Orthodox Art as a cultural form allows clarifying of value-semantic attitude of the Russian people to it with aim to form its adequate, polysemantic figure today which is important in a case of Orthodox monuments preservation.
Romanova K.A. ECOLOGICAL CONSCIOUSNESS OF A MAN – VALUE ORIENTATION OF TIME The author of the article suggests her own opinion on the most important ecological problem of contemporaneity: it is possible to solve ecological crisis situation at the main condition which is forming of ecological consciousness of a man based on humanistic approach to the nature. Responsibility of a man for the planet fate is a new value reference point for humanity, new world outlook paradigm.
Tishina E.Yu. MUSICAL EDUCATION AS A MEANS OF SOCIAL ADAPTATION OF PRIMARY PUPILS WITH PSYCHICAL DEVELOPMENT DELAYThe role of musical art at mental-moral development of pupil’s personality with psychical development delay becomes more important at the modern educational system of Russia. The great attention is given to studying of musical upbringing and education of primary pupils with psychical development delay (PDD) in general educational school and also increase of professional competence of music teacher. This is one of the important problems of correction pedagogics which is regular stage of development in the sphere of special education.
Dmitrieva L.G. UNDERSTANDING OF DIALOGUE AT INDIVIDUAL CONSCIOUSNESS OF STUDENTS WITH DIFFERENT STYLES OF COMMUNICATIONThe important problems of dialogic sphere of education organization are regarded in this article. Despite the fact that this themes is worked out in many psychological and pedagogical sources but the researchers have not revealed still empirical data of interpersonal dialogue structure. Suggested article is one of attempts to prove an ambiguity of real dialogue and cognitive complexity of its perception.
Galyuta Yu.V. HERMENEUTIC VERSION OF THE UNIVERSAL HISTORY END (GNOSEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE)The author of the article addresses to the analysis of “History end” phenomenon. The history is regarded as a text liable to reading in frames of hermeneutic trend. The works of H.G. Gadamer, V. Diltey, R.D. Kollingvud, M. Khaidegger, K. Yaspers are analyzed in this article.
Kazachkov G.V. TO THE QUESTION OF A REAL ROLE OF URAL UCHUG (FENCE) AT STURGEON MINES AT THE BORDER OF XIX AND XX CENTURIES The question of a real role of Ural Uchug (fence) at sturgeon mines at the border of XIX and XX centuries is regarded in this article. The sizeable decrease of Ural Uchug (fence) importance at sturgeon mines in comparison with the middle of XIX century is shown. Suppositions of reasons of Ural Uchug (fence) preservation right up to 1917 are stated in this work.
Andreev S.M. SOURCES OF THE SIBERIA LINE COSSACKS FORMING AT THE PRE-REFORM PERIODInsufficiently known problem of the Siberia line Cossacks History: mechanisms of “artificial” growth of its quantity at the pre-reform period, is regarded in this article. Special attention is given to governmental measures of mass enrolment at army estate of state peasants. Archival materials were used widely at this work preparation.
Abramovskikh E.V. TYPOLOGY OF CREATIVE RECEPTIONS OF INCOMPLETE TEXTS (ON THE MATERIAL OF A.S. PUSHKIN’S INCOMPLETE WORKS FINISH WRITING)This article is devoted to the phenomenon of creative receptions of incomplete texts. Mechanisms and types of “intrashop” receptions are regarded on the material of A.S. Pushkins’s incomplete works finishing writing. The specificity of creative potential functioning of incomplete text determined with partial or complete realization of strategies put in it: strengthening with new connotats, destruction, neutralization, aesthetic deviation, has become the base for typology construction.

Economic sciences

Shatalova T.N., Galushko M.V. INDUSTRIAL INTEGRATION AS A FACTOR OF ENTERPRISE COMPETITIVE POTENTIAL INCREASE General stages and characteristics of international industrial cooperation which is one of the most widespread forms of international collaboration and external economic activity of industrial enterprises now from the point of view of classic and modern schools of economic theory are regarded in this article.
Chebykina M.V., Miroshnikova R.R. INFLUENCE OF NATURAL-RESOURCE POTENTIAL ON PRODUCTION EFFECTIVENESS, TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION AND REGIONAL SPECIALIZATION IN CONDITIONS OF TRANSITION ON THE MODEL OF STEADY DEVELOPMENTNatural-resource potential is regarded in this article as totality of natural regional resources which are used or can be used potentially in national economy with accounting of science-technical progress tendencies. The necessity of inclusion of natural-resource potential of labor into the structure and the capital into the any its forms is proved in this work.
Aralbaev A.T., Aralbaeva G.G. RESEARCH OF LABOR FORCE MOVEMENT INFLUENCE ON ECONOMIC INDEXES IN THE REGION This article is devoted to the influence of labor force movement on macroeconomic indexes of the region. The models received as a result of regression analysis allow determining of intercommunications between macroeconomic indexes and producing of forecasting of economic growth indexes on their base depending on mobility of labor force in Orenburg region.
Karpova M.V., Nevzgodov V.V. REFORMING OF PROGRAM-PURPOSEFUL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM IN AGRARIAN COMPLEX OF RUSSIA AND SAMARA REGION The peculiarities of reforming and development of program-purposeful management in Russia and abroad and institutional bases of programming of social economic development of agrarian complex are regarded in this article. General lacks at the process of complex program realization of agrarian complex development on the territory of Samara region are revealed and also general reasons of programs low realization and inaccessibility of program aims are given in this work. The authors suggest measures of their effectiveness increase at the expense of program structure perfection and creation of United direction of agrarian complex programs at Samara region.
Kokhanovskaya I.I. ABOUT STATE POLICY OF SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGION (THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN) The problems of perfection of small enterprises state support mechanisms are regarded in this article. Forms, methods and instruments of legal, financial and organizational character using of which improves environment of small enterprises functioning are considered in this work.
Startseva O.A. TRANSFORMATION OF REGIONAL ECONOMYRussia, being large state with federative asymmetrical mechanism of the government, is a political area, where regional political and economic processes are autonomous more or less and at the same time exert influence on the way of All-Russian changes.
Batukova L.R. PECULIARITIES OF MIDDLE MULTIPLE-DISCIPLINE ENTERPRISES OF CORPORATIVE TYPE AT MODERN CONDITIONS OF THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY The problems of support means forming of enterprises development of small and middle business in Russia are regarded in this article. The conclusion of necessity of middle multiple-discipline enterprises of corporative type detachment at separate subgroup and researches of their peculiarities is made on the base of analysis and also it is suggested forming of support instruments of their development with accounting of revealed peculiarities. Key words: small multiple-discipline corporation (SMC), middle multiple-discipline enterprise of corporative type (MMECT), management system.
Kucherova N.V. MARKETING OF SERVICES: CONTENT, PRINCIPALS, PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPMENTThe principals of insurance marketing are regarded in this article, development trends are determined and also the content of the content of insurance marketing from the position of integrated marketing including all components of marketing activity: market analysis, forming of strategical and tactical plans, management of marketing activity, is revealed here.
Patrikeeva Yu.V. ROLE OF MARKETING POTENTIAL AT THE FORMING OF ENTERPRISE INVESTMENT ATTRACTION The author’s opinion on the problem of enterprise investment attraction enterprise investment attraction forming and investors’ choice is given in this article. The role of marketing potential is revealed and proved here and more important marketing resources, guaranteeing investments attracting on an enterprise are regarded in this work.
Serebrovskaya T.P. REALIZATION OF MARKETING POLICY AT E-LEARNING SYSTEM ADVANCE ON THE MARKET OF EDUCATION SERVICESThe author of the article regards the questions of electronic educational services on the regional market. The role of marketing policy advance in the sphere of education is analyzed in this article. The great attention is given to marketing information and relation with users as more important constituent of marketing communication.
Evdokimova N.V. ABOUT CHARACTERIZED FEATURES OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS ACCOUNTINGGeneral characterized features of record management, financial accounting and management accounting: costs grouping, freedom of choice and obligation of accounting conduction are regarded in this article. Interaction of records management and business accounting is shown here.
Tsyguleva M.I. INFLUENCE OF BUSINESS ACCOUNTING OBJECTS APPRAISAL ON FINANCIAL RESULTS OF AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS ACTIVITYThis article is devoted to the appraisal function research as a method of trustworthy determination of capital cost activity, gradual raising of which guaranteeing profits, received by an organization at the period. The review of reasons of priority using of Fair value and author’s vision of objectivity increase of the given type of appraisal are given in this work.
Tuyakova Z.S., Sviridova L.A. ORGANIZATIONAL-METHODIC ASPECTS OF EXPENSES ACCOUNTING ON ADVERTISING PRODUCT CREATIONThe problems of expenses capitalization on advertising reels creation and other audiovisual products and questions of original documents of these expenses accounting forming are regarded in this article. The authors prove their position of expenses capitalization of some advertising types on the base of comparative analysis of approaches to confession of fictitious assets objects in accordance with demands of the Russian and international standards of financial book-keeping.

Natural sciences

Kozminykh V.O., Goncharov V.I., KOZMINYKH E.N. CONDENSATION OF KLAIZEN’S METHYLKETONES WITH DIALDEHYDEKILOXALATES AT THE SYNTHESIS OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE CARBONYL COMPOUNDS (REVIEW, PART 3) Literary data is summarized and new information of ester condensation of Klaizen’s methylketones with dialdehydekiloxalates at the synthesis of biologically active 1,3,4,6-tetracarbonyl compounds, their derivatives, and also some polycarbonyl systems (polyketids), containing connivent 1,2- and 1,3-dicarbonyl links, is given in this article.
Mugotlev M.A. SOME PECULIARITIES OF HEART RATE OF YOUNG FOOTBALL-PLAYERSThe question of adaptive possibilities of cardiovascular system of young football-players is discussed in this article. It is marked that students-sportsmen have the character of response on studying and physical loading directs on strengthening of parasympathetic impacts with simultaneous weakening of sympathetic impacts on heart rate regulation which is more expressed at football-players of 16-17 years old.
Glebova N.S. CHANGES OF MICROBIOCENOSIS OF BOWELS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DESTABILIZING ACTION OF BLASTOCYST INVASIONThe results of bowels microbiocenosis research at chronic eczema (120 patients) are given inthis article. Received data certifies sizeable disbiotic shifts in microview of bowels and high degree of Blastocystis hominis (73,3%) invasiverness. Also some differences at blastocysts detection depending on age of patients and illness duration were discovered in this article.
Zolotnikova G.P., Rukavkova E.M. FUNCTIONAL CONDITION OF CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM OF 11-12 YEARS OLD PUPILS, STUDIED AT THE PROGRAM OF DEEP STUDY OF SOME SUBJECTS Indexes of cardiovascular system condition functioning of pupils studied at general education, humanitarian and mathematical classes were studied in this article. Children studied at mathematical classes had tension of regulatory mechanisms of blood circulation system at the end of studied year which dictated the necessity of higher attention from the side of medical-prophylactic services to the given contingent of students.
Klevtsova I.N., Umarova A.B., Anilova L.V., Teslya A.V. BIOCLIMATIC RECOURSES AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CHERNOZEMS AND LIVER-COLORED SOILS OF ORENBURG PREDURALSoil subtypes of Orenburg Predural confined to typical plant associations from pile-motley grass with chernozems leached till wormwood-feather grass-fescue with liver-colored soils are researched in this article. It is established, that soil density, its permeability and other water-physical characteristics are changed at zonal consecution in connection with change of humus content at comparative constancy of granulometric staff, sizes of specific surface area and solidity of soil hard phase.

Technical sciences

Portnikov B.A. CRITERIA OF TECHNICAL-ECONOMICAL EFFECTIVENESS OF AIRCRAFT SPECIALIZED SYSTEMDemands, structure and staff pf complex criteria for research of aircraft specialized system functioning effectiveness are formed on the base of factor-statistical analysis. Two-level criterion appraisal is worked out and tested in this article.
Polkunov Yu.G., Karakulina E.O. MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF UNSTABLE FISSURES DEVELOPMENT AT GRANULAR MATERIALSThis article is devoted to the mathematical modeling of discrete sphere destructions. Regularities of microfissures forming at the borders of seeds material are established and a criterion of unstable fissures growth with accounting of seed diameter is worked out in this article.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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